
PS3 CHART: Castlevania slays Enslaved

In a reversal of fortunes from the 360 chart, Konami's Castlevania: Lords of Shadow has proven more popular than Namco Bandai's Enslaved in the UK's official PS3 sales rankings.

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360RRODFIX4950d ago

stupid title. how can nr6 slay nr7? More or less same c..p, it could be 10 more copies.

4950d ago
Chucky20034950d ago (Edited 4950d ago )

really... this is stupid,damn what people do for some attention

AntoineDcoolette4950d ago

Lets see... a new installment in a series that's been around for and building a fan base for 24 years, is published by a Japanese powerhouse, and was in associated production by one of the most revered game development teams vs a new IP from a far lesser known developer. Yeah, these results aren't surprising.

ndibu4950d ago

Other people enjoy gameplay over story. Not saying that Enslaved has no gameplay, I'm just saying the narration is its strongest point. Same goes for Castlevania, gameplay is pretty awesome and it still has a good story.
Then there are some that enjoy impromptu housekeeping and would like their Castle(vania)s wiped clean.
It only deletes. . .

dead_eye4950d ago

some people enjoy trolling over playing games.. sounds silly but it's true

metalanime4950d ago

and some turn their consoles off while saving...

Vegeta90004950d ago

Enslaved is a crappy game made by crappy devs. No need to play that garbage. The demo proved that it had more than enough hand holding with its crappy platforming and bland combat. Castlevania is easily the better game. Besides, why would you want to give money to Ninja Theory? They would just use it to make the new Dante look even more emo than he already is. Then again, they may see how well Castlevania did and they'll add a bunch of werewolves in DMC to make it as much as a Twilight game as possible.

multipayer4950d ago

I thought enslaved had a better demo with more varied gameplay and story improvisations(sorry patrick steward)... Castlevania could probably dominate from just having kojima logo on the box.

metalanime4950d ago

the castlevania demo kinda sucked, but as soon as you pass that, everything in the game overshadows that demo. really bad choice for a demo.

gaffyh4950d ago

@metalanime - Totally 100% agree, the Castlevania demo is actually the first part of the game, and is actually the worst part of the game because it is an intro to the controls really. After that the game is AMAZING, and I'm not over-exaggerating.

Kurisu4950d ago

Enslaved is a great game! Sure, it does hold your hand a little bit with the platforming (shiny things you can hold on to / climb) but I wouldn't say anything was bland. Personally I enjoyed every moment, and I really hope that there will be an Enslaved 2.

MysticStrummer4950d ago

I enjoyed Enslaved, and don't care what they do with Dante.

DigitalAnalog4950d ago (Edited 4950d ago )

Seeing as they did a horrible port. Yes, the fact that they put an INFERIOR audio system on the PS3 was just the final straw. That's not a porting issue, that was a poorly made decision.

-End statement

jc485734950d ago

the audio part still ticks me off, but I still bought the game.

CernaML4950d ago

Although it's a great game, I agree. Enslaved is the only PS3 game that made me think something was wrong with my surround sound. And I have it hooked up via HDMI!

JohnSimpleTon4950d ago (Edited 4950d ago )

Both titles are great but it shouldn't even be that close. Enslaved is an entirely new title while Castlevania: Lords of Shadow is a reboot from a well established franchise (with Kojima's blessings). It looks like Enslaved performed as expected and Lords of Shadow under performed a tad.

xXxSeTTriPxXx4950d ago

castlevania was never a big saler.but this game deserves atleast 4million sold it's amazing.

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Looking Back to 2010 and the Gothic Castlevania: Lords of Shadow

Edgar writes: "To celebrate the game's 10th anniversary, let's take a look at the gothic world of Castlevania: Lords of Shadow."

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NecrumOddBoy1303d ago

Although being linear, which I wish it wasn't, the first game was absolutely incredible. A mix of old school God of War meets Date's Inferno; I was highly impressed by this title. I heard the sequel was trash so I ever played it but I think LoS was a good example of how a 3D CV game could be.

rgraf771303d ago (Edited 1303d ago )

I was very happy the game was Linear as I hate exploring. The first game was one of my all time favorites and the 2nd game was a total letdown with the lame hub system and stealth sections. Playing in current times sucked too. I wish they would make a remaster of part 1.

magdiellima1303d ago

Good as a game but terrible as a Castlevania. The sequence was even worse.

Terry_B1303d ago

It is a great game, but just like DMC is not a Devil May Cry..this one was not a Castlevania :-)

FreeckyCake1302d ago

Give Castlevania to Igarashi team, and they will nail it as they did with Lament of Innocence and Curse of Darkness.


Terrifyingly Bad: A Look Back At the 3D Castlevania Games

If you decide to play a Castlevania game, make sure it's in 2D. Unfortunately, the series has never been able to make the jump from 2D to 3D successfully. Publisher Konami has tried. Six times in fact, but whether trying to build it in-house or with a third party developer, they never captured the essence of the series or make a good game for that matter. So just to be sure you know what to look out for, here are the six 3D Castlevania games that have been made.

isarai1660d ago

I loved the hell out of lords of shadow, lords if shadow 2 had its moments but just didnt leave as much of an impact on me as the first did, still loved it though. They are both great games IMO, maybe not the best "Castlevania" games but great games in their own right.

RememberThe3571659d ago

Yeah that first game was legit good. Really wish they hadn't taken a step back for the second, this series really looked great in 3D.

AK911658d ago (Edited 1658d ago )

According to one of the former devs of Mercury Steam the higher ups kept interfering with the sequel to the point where the game was nothing like what the dev team had envisioned for the sequel so we got the mess that was Lords of Shadows 2.

PhoenixUp1660d ago

I enjoyed Lament of Innocence and Lords of Shadow. They were entertaining titles and I wouldn’t mind trying Lords of Shadow 2 on PS Now.

Just because a game isn’t GOTY worthy does not mean it’s not worth playing. You could do a lot worse than those exceptional titles.

Abcdefeg1659d ago

Curse of darkness was ahead of its time

Hedstrom1659d ago

I really liked lament of innocence and Lords of shadow! Havent tried the other 3d games. But ive played most of the 2d games!

gangsta_red1659d ago (Edited 1659d ago )

I don't know why Castlevania: Lament of Innocence gets a bad rap. It was one of the best in the series at that time and really was a compliment to the Devil May Cry 3rd person style of action that was getting popular at that time.

I rented it on a fluke and was seriously surprised on how good it was. So much so I went out and bought a used copy of Curse of Darkness and instantly returned that trash.

The problem with Nintendo 64 games is they all tried to mimic the Mario/Zelda 64 style of gameplay and how could they not with that whacky ass N64 controller. Almost every game outside of Nintendo's own felt horrible and incomplete.

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