
Handicapped Halo Reach has a fatal flaw.

Sarcastic Gamer bring up a rather valid issue with Halo Reach Multiplayer. Why does Bungie insist on living in the Past?

Excerpt- "I, like many others, have been playing Halo Reach since it came out. I’m not sure if it’s the daily challenges, or the accumulation of credits to buy that next piece of useless armor that keeps me playing. However, none of that helps when faced with the franchise’s biggest and most ridiculous flaw. This flaw has plagued the franchise since the first game was released on the Xbox. Why Bungie would decide to use this outdated system is beyond me. Every other game has changed to adapt to the growing industry. It’s an insult and pretty much a deal breaker in any long term appeal Halo Reach has to offer.

What could be so crippling? Find out after the jump."

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LGFreedom4958d ago

very annoying to get stuck on a team in slayer and two people quit out and you get destroyed...

RedDead4958d ago (Edited 4958d ago )

Just finished a match of team objective(flag collecting one), it was 4 versus 1 and the score ended 10-0 to my team, that sucked greatly.
For the most part this doesn't happen so I don't care much and when the game works lik eit should, it is in my top 10 list(Surprised me)

-Alpha4958d ago (Edited 4958d ago )

It doesn't happen much, you are right, but it's annoying when it does.

I don't get why Bungie hasn't done what Naughty Dog has done though. When someone quits, readjust the objective for the handicapped team. So if the goal is to get 50 kills, and someone on the red team quits, the red team should only have to get, say, 45 kills.

It's much better than the time-out session because the time-outs don't compensate the teammates of a quitter. The ban system is much more complicated doesn't always punish players. I feel that adjusting the objective is a much better way to solve the problem.

RedDead4958d ago

ND did that? Wow, I shoulda played U2 online a bit more.

Your right, that is the best way for the players who are actually affected by losing a member of their team. PM bungie? I might go on the forum and suggest it

-Alpha4958d ago (Edited 4958d ago )

Yup, ND did that. They implemented it in a patch some time ago.

UC2 MP is real fun, and despite the game suffering from ND's inexperience with doing online they were able to implement a system that Bungie with their experience should have had already.

I suggested it in the forums already:


Reply/vote if you guys don't mind. I don't want it to get buried by another person threatening to sell their game because they wrongly had their rank reset.

Shepherd 2144958d ago

This isnt fatal. Its been like this since Halo 2.

Trust me, there is still plenty, and i do mean plenty of fun to be had in Bungie's Matchmaking system. It does suck when your teammates quit, but it doesnt happen that often. Normally if it does happen, only one or two guys quit at a time and if your a good player it wont make too much difference unless you are left alone.

dragon824958d ago

Since Bungie helped Naughty Dog create the MP in Uncarted 2 you would think they would know a little about what ND had in mind for match making. Maybe it never came up while they were helping I guess??

pimpmaster4958d ago

well i get really pissed off when people n my team suck or quit. but at the end i remind myself that its all about the kills/ killstreaks which give you xp, not so much about winning.

Eamon4958d ago

yeah it is annoying. But when it happens to my team and I win, then I know I played well.

When it happens to other team... well, I make sure they're in for a genocide =P

pustulio4958d ago


That wouldn't work on Halo if one team is doing Team Work and you are alone no matter how good you are you're gonna get raped but still Bungie can try and maybe it comes out being quite effective.

BTW have people noticed we always get "GT5 Fails" and "Halo: Reach Fails" at least once a week?

SonyPS3604958d ago (Edited 4958d ago )

It could also be argued though that, in modes like slayer, the bigger team has less people to kill if someone leaves the other.

Regardless, that doesn't count for other game modes, so yeah this is a big problem that I've found annoying.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 4958d ago
BeOneWithTheGun4958d ago

I am playing the crap out of the game for another week (have to send back to gamefly to get Fallout) and totally agree. It has happened to me a few times now; being in a match where half my team leaves and I am left with some no-mic kid from Utah and a homophobe to hold off 6-8 other players in CTF. It really sucks.

The game itself is pretty fun. I enjoyed the SP and for the most part the MP is fun. Matchmaking could have been better.

StanLee4958d ago

Halo is one of those games that really penalizes you for playing alone and that's unfortunate. Matchmaking works well in that it matches you with other players of similar skill but it can't and wont get you better teammates. The best solution is to find a core group of players on your friends list who play the same time as you do and are good at teamwork and you'll see how your experience changes.

Spydiggity4958d ago

there are 3 types of games. ranked games, games that reward points, and custom games. you can come and go in custom games as much as you want with no penalty. the other two, however, you get a penalty which makes perfect sense. it's a way of protecting against ppl who wanna bail because they are out-manned, and it's a way of protecting against the thousands of pricks out there that get off on just being an annoyance. you know that type of person i'm talking about. one example is the douche that just plays music really loud til the match starts, then leaves intentionally once the round starts just to piss off ppl he doesn't know.

if you actually agree with this article, you obviously just didn't put any thought into the system that is in place. i am glad bungie does it the way that they do. it's one of the systems i wish more games would employ.

GamerSigma4958d ago

Rage quitters aren't the problem. A lot of people quit out during the process before the game starts. then, because no new players are allowed to be added, you get stuck in a 15 to 20 minute Team slayer match and you can't quit to go find another game without getting penalized.

Bad system. You're short sighted spydiggity.

Spydiggity4958d ago

team slayer rarely takes 10 minutes (15 or 20 is just a gross exaggeration). i agree quitting sucks, but to give someone the option to leave with no penalty is far worse. then ppl will leave a LOT more often. and since the matches don't last long...what will this resolve? someone quits...3 minutes later another person joins, then the game ends and he/she had time to shoot at one person.

as i said, there is a mode for drop in and drop out play. just not in the matchmaking...and i'm glad for that. you want the COD system, go play COD.

Imperator4958d ago

I really enjoy Reach, but I completely agree with this. I don't know if it's just me, but this happens to me a lot. Normally it's 3 vs. 4 or 2 vs. 4. That's is just full of fail. Yet still I keep playing it, lol. Hopefully Bungie can fix this issue.

Elvfam5114958d ago

Hated that in gears 1... But you should setup traps in halo like when somebody goes for a top gun wait and frag him with a sticky and so on...

4958d ago Replies(1)
frostypants4958d ago

To me the biggest flaw is the ridiculously overpowered pistol when playing Infection or SWAT.

Also, while the inability to jump into a game mid-match is indeed exceedingly stupid, the search preference and map voting system is far better than anything in those other games.

frostyhat1234958d ago

But I HATE!!!! When i get put in a game with 2 minutes left down by 20 kills. So I like starting in a new game every time.

EVILDEAD3604958d ago

Who cares if people quit and get penalized and your stuck with a lopsided team..it's still a million times better than trying to get into a game and ending up being inserted into a game that is lost only seconds before the game ends.

Bungie's matchmaking is still easily the best out there at pitting you against similiarly skilled players..and that is what matters..


+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 4958d ago
P1NKY4958d ago

I haven't played Reach, but I played Halo 3. Every game is different. I personally think its down to Halo being quite competative and the fact that winning/losing a match directly affects your level. How annoying would it be if you were placed on the losing team in a match with only seconds left and the result is that you go down a level?

Whereas this doesn't happen in games like COD where you are basically playing for yourself, the more kills you get the more XP you get whether you win or lose the match.

RedDead4958d ago

I think that goes for reach aswell? Reach has a differant ranking system than 3, it's more like cod I think...

kaveti66164958d ago

But there's no fun in COD for that same reason. A mediocre player can prestige in COD just by playing it long enough. It takes no skill, and the medals mean nothing. In REACH, there are definitely the negatives, but the positives are in this matter that anyone who quits the match is punished severely for quitting, and players with skill are rewarded and recognized.

RedDead4958d ago

I agree with this, I liked the ranking in H3

if you're on your own in Halo nd it's 4 on 1 in TS, hide and sneak attack, if you hget a kill or two and then die, it's worth it,you'll win.

BeOneWithTheGun4958d ago (Edited 4958d ago )

Being put of probation then banned for 15 minutes is not really a punishment. All you have to do is go make a sandwich and you are back at it. Now, if they banned them for 15 DAYS, then yes, it might be incentive enough to curb the early quitting.

Double Toasted4958d ago (Edited 4958d ago )

I disagreed kaveit, because the longer you play a game the more skills you develop. That was the reasoning lacking in your statement.

On topic: Bots! I often wonder why most console shooters don't have them. Gears 2 has them and I thank Epic for making it happen.

kaveti66164958d ago

@double toasted

You're wrong. Everyone has a plateau. With Halo 3 I reached my plateau at the rank of Major. My friend became Brigadier General and he's been playing the game since day 1, same as me. You're not going to acquire all the skills and be the best player possible just by continuing to play. Everyone has their limits, but Modern Warfare 2 doesn't represent that because all you have to do to get credit is to continue playing. Even if you suck and lose every game, you can still prestige.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4958d ago
frostypants4958d ago

Simple fix, P1NKY: just don't count any match where a player enters mid-round against his win-loss record.

And don't forget, Reach does punish people for quitting games. If you quit too many times within a match, you get temporarily banned. Pretty cool. Combine that with the above and I think they'd have a perfect system.

P1NKY4958d ago

There's a slight problem with your "simple fix". After every match on Halo 3 you are matched up with different people. So if the game was to keep putting you mid-way through a game then you would never level up or down. Im not sure if Reach is the exact same as Halo 3, but it's similar.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4958d ago
Garrus_Vakarian4958d ago

"No one likes to be in a game where it’s 2v4. To make matters worse, you get penalized for leaving if you don’t want to play in that match anymore. I have no idea what the threshold is to put you on probation as I have not passed it yet, but it’s rather idiotic to punish you for leaving a lopsided game like that."

This. 100x this. The quit ban is a band-aid fix. And it's short-sighted.

frostypants4958d ago

No, the quit ban is perfect. It just needs to be combined with some means of allowing replacement players in.

pixelsword4958d ago

Sounds like someone got their rank reset.

Just kidding.

4958d ago
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Kaii42d ago

Layoffs should be hitting the incompetent management at this point.

Profchaos42d ago

Talk about mismanaged Bungie is a studio of tremendous potential and have made some of the greatest shooters to date. Sony pushed them to just make another Destiny style game and consult on other studios live service games and are now getting thrown under a bus as the pivot away from predominantly gaas games is unfolding.

I'd love to see a world where Bungie can focus on telling great sci fi stories again away from a live service dungeon but we all know that's a pipe dream

Rynxie42d ago (Edited 42d ago )

Are you serious? Do you just talk out of your arse naturally, or did it take years of being a POS?

Profchaos42d ago

You normally get so offended by internet comments or did it take years of being soft

purple10142d ago (Edited 42d ago )

Yes I see your point mate, someone clearly didn’t read the article.

Specifically the bit:

“Notably, multiple sources at the time and since have shared that Sony has largely left the studio to sort out its own troubles and was not responsible for the layoffs, with CEO Pete Parsons taking responsibility.“

He’s just spouting nonsense

Huey_My_D_Long42d ago

lol what so fucking hilarious is that you called him out so bad he projected him being offended onto you.

Its been well documented that Bungie's management has been more responsible for their shortfalls, even mentioned in said article that we are commenting on.

Its ok, just admit you didn't read the article.


Arrowhead Studios will be Sony’s GaaS consult now.

Gameseeker_Frampt42d ago

I like how for some, it is never Bungie's fault. Microsoft, Activision, and now Sony - it is everyone else who is pushing Bungie to make all these bad decisions.

-Foxtrot41d ago

Thrown under the bus?

Are you joking? This is all Bungie, we all thought it was 100% Activision but it's clear the higher ups at Bungie don't have a clue how to run the studio and are more bothered about saving their own skin and the money that they rake in.

Sony gave them an extra $1.2 Billion to make sure that employees didn't leave and they didn't have to cut anyones jobs. Where did that money go because Bungie still cut peoples jobs and I bet you the higher management still kept a hold of their big fact paychecks and bonuses.

Sony invested poorly in this and the best thing they can do now is throw the old Bungie management out and take hold of the studio fully.


Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water. Somebody at Bungie is the golden goose making great shooting mechanics, and the rest need to justify their paychecks.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 41d ago
Fearmonkey42d ago

This studio has had three owners and its never worked well with any of them....Management has issues

ChasterMies41d ago (Edited 41d ago )

Worked very well for Microsoft. Microsoft’s mistake was letting Bungie go.

Fearmonkey41d ago

it worked so well with MS that they so wanted to be away from them they bought the company back. Only to do it again with activision-blizzard, and then sold to Sony...Sony shouldn't have bought them...Bungie hasnt been the same for a long time..