zootang4962d ago (Edited 4962d ago )

I have just lost interest in this game. What ever happened to creative freedom. Censorship FTL!

Winter47th4962d ago

So we'll play against "ze Germanz" again.

deafwing4962d ago

Caliban ... and we'll all know who they mean.

nycredude4962d ago (Edited 4962d ago )

This is what is wrong with this world. All it was is a freaking name, and everyone is up in arms and criticizing the game. All they did was change the name and now everything is cool. Goes to show how much of a non issue it was in the first place. The only thing people care about is getting their voice heard, fvcking media whores.

This wasn't about the Taliban or anything but free publicity for those complaining.

Longrod_Von_Hugendon4962d ago (Edited 4962d ago )

All they did was change the name from Taliban to opposing force. And because of that you decided that this game no longer has any value whatsoever? GTFO troll.

This changes nothing. EA should have stood their ground but at the same time it's just a game. The people who lost sons/daughters are going through a traumatic time right now so I understand.

We still have our game and it's still coming out on the 12th so I don't really care about anything else.


Oh my god you've been denied your rights and freedoms...REVOLT! HUR DURR

This is a non-issue.

zootang4962d ago


Sorry I don't support censorship. I like freedoms. You bend over and let the man stick it to you!

Side note: I've gone nuts.

UnwanteDreamz4962d ago (Edited 4962d ago )

I love how people who don't play games get to dictate what is in them. I will start a Taliban Clan. (in game) No women allowed!!!!!

Sarcasm4962d ago Show
jakethesnake4962d ago

Sorry, but this isn't censorship, it's just caving to market pressure. Censorship is when someone is prevented or forbidden from releasing something. No one forced them to do anything, they were just afraid of losing a lot of money and so made a business decision to make a simple name change.

I think the whole controversy is lame, but don't call it censorship when it is a free choice by EA. I hate censorship, and frankly, this ain't it.

RedDead4962d ago

Too bad, I would have bought the game just to support their iron(now copper) balls....too bad

DarkTower8054962d ago (Edited 4962d ago )

You say this changes nothing? I think this changes everything. Having Taliban is whan seperated MOH from all other FPS games. Calling them OpFor is totally different, any enemy force is OpFor, Taliban was a specific faction. Now its basically a COD clone, with nothing to distinguish it from other COD or BFBC games. I expect a lot of sales to be lost as I'm sure the word will spread quickly.

evrfighter4962d ago (Edited 4962d ago )

that's too bad. Just too bad. I would cancel my pre-order if I paid full price. I paid $29.99 so I'll stick with it.

As stupid as it sounds. Gamers will lose a lot of respect for you if you start bowing down to "The Man".

The Killer4962d ago

they say its not censorship, yet they put big pressure on them to remove their freedom.

the mosque in Manhattan legally allowed yet they are pressuring them to not build it for pathetic reasons that yet no proof that any Muslim was involved in it.

i tell u something guys, pressure can be more powerful than laws in many cases!!

pressure made Pakistan give up their allies the Taliban!! pressure made many countries bend over for American instruction!

finbars754962d ago (Edited 4962d ago )

WTF they got balls.The taliban isnt totally taken out of the game.You guy in this room are hypricates.One minute you see the awsome gameplay from the game and say I cant wait to buy this game then they remove some of the taliban from the game and oh they have no balls.Love to see you do a better job at creating a game that has consequnces around it and see how you manage.Bunch of PU%%ies on this site.The game is still going to be great regardless.Just go and play your Black ops ans see how many plagued things will go on in this game and then you will say the same thing about tryearch(NO BALLS EITHER)fake ass gammers on n4g now a days.This isnt about freedom of speech but freedom to make choices in life.Do I play this game now that they took some of the taliban out or should I just pass on this because they supposdley buckled.PLzzzzzz.

AndrewRyan4962d ago

Americans vs. Taliban are bad? How about the fucking Nazis who would fucking put jews in god damn gas chamber or even fucking torture them to death and steal from them and fucking set them on fire? Is that okay? Oh of course it is because we allow that but not some fucking desert terrorists who bombed a couple places around the world which is fucking horrible yes, but the Nazis killed around 6 million jews and yet we get to play games where the Nazis win in multiplayer! Great! This makes perfect sense!

paintsville4962d ago

Hmmm. I understand the discontent from the families and such, but videogames are a medium much like newspapers, magazines, art, tv, and therefore should be protected under "freedom" of speech. I am disappointed in the move by EA.

SilentNegotiator4962d ago

"I have just lost interest in this game"

Frankly, I have no intention to support a product of creative media that buckles under the pressure from people who aren't their intended audience.

Zydake4962d ago

Wow not even the creators of south park pussied out and they were threatened to be killed

Defective Bot4962d ago (Edited 4962d ago )

See this is what I don't fucking get, they whined because you had the option of playing as the Taliban but they didn't fucking realize that you also play against the Taliban. If anything Fighting against the Taliban should have been a huge selling point as it's being patriotic since you're fighting against America's real life enemy and not some generic doppelganger like many games have. Fucking conservative pussies. I was going to buy the game day one, even though I knew it wasn't going to be that great, just because of EA's bravery to swim against the tide but now I'm just going to wait until It's $20. Still buying NFSHP though.

RememberThe3574962d ago (Edited 4962d ago )

You call them pussies? For what? When the mother of a dead soldier gives you a call and asks you to remove something that she feels is in sensitive, your going to listen. Like Goodrich says, they earned their right to be heard. This isn't about censorship, this is about respect and honor. It seems however, that many of you don't understand these concepts and therefore I'm wasting my time...

And bubbles to Longrod for telling it like it is and not and not succumbing to ignorance.

@below: I get your point, but this not about logic. This is about people from our culture who have lost family members to preserve that culture. My point is not the get into whether what we do over seas is right or not. The point is that this game is made for Americans not the Taliban. If it was made for the Taliban, we'd see the same thing but in reverse.

"People die. Get over it." Sorry I can't do that, I have a heart. And frankly the fact that you would write that shows that you are a heartless person for you haven't had much death in your life.

I think it's pretty sad that you could see the tears of a mother who has lost her son and basically tell her to shove it.I was raised differently, I respect peoples opinions and emotions even if I don't agree with them.

Not all of these people are the bible thumping Fox News types. Many are regular people who, like you and me, expressed their opinion on the matter.

I don't agree with this at all, but I respect their reasoning. And the fact that you cannot show the same respect shows your past the point of providing any positive input into any kind of community.

kancerkid4962d ago


I would not remove content in a game just because someone asked me to. They is no difference between playing as the Taliban or playing as US soldiers. Both sides kill people. Both sides have and will kill innocent people. What is someone lobbied for them to take out the US soldiers because it dishonored them supporting the Taliban. The argument would have the same logic, and thus, in your case, the argument would still hold.

People die. Get over it. if these people can't discern pixels from reality, they are well passed the point of providing positive input into the gaming community.

DeadIIIRed4962d ago

This situation is how you would define irony. A few soldiers fight and die to defend our freedoms and consequently their families use their deaths to pressure a publisher to omit certain aspects of a game. I personally don't like hearing news like this only because it can open a floodgate of similar incidences and spill into other markets.

Defective Bot4962d ago (Edited 4962d ago )

"'People die. Get over it.' Sorry I can't do that, I have a heart. And frankly the fact that you would write that shows that you are a heartless person for you haven't had much death in your life. "

No that's call being a mature adult, people do die every day, that's a part of life so accept it and move on. Only a kid would cry for every single person that dies in the world. For every person that leaves this world, another one is born in their place and those that left go on to a better place.

RememberThe3574962d ago

I don't disagree. But you also cannot expect a mother or father to just shrug off the death of their child either. When my friends or family die I don't shrug it off, it bothers me. I believe in life after death, I believe that when you die your gone. So when someone I love is gone and no longer experiencing life, it bothers me.

You want to talk about being mature adult? Respect and honor are corner stones to that. EA has show both and yet we have a bunch of people on their case about it. It's immature and pathetic.

Dee_914962d ago

i just wanna shoot people
no reason to "cancel preorders" or not buy the game
thats dumb

UnwanteDreamz4962d ago (Edited 4962d ago )

With all do respect, I think you are wrong. People are offended for all types of reasons. We as a society must do our best to protect art and free expression. Like a nude portrait of a woman, if you don't want to see then dont look. No one would be forcing her to play this game. What about TV shows and movies that depict Americans dying in war? What about books? Is she upset and calling for that to stop? I had a child die in my arms and It had a huge impact on me but I wouldn't try to keep something like that from being refferenced or dramatised even if I wouldn't want to see it or hear about it.



"All it was is a freaking name"

And one 90% os the people in the world don't fully understand what mean/is.

SkyGamer4961d ago

I like how everyone preaches freedom and other bs but you still vote for democratics government that abuses their power and takes OH SO much freedom away from us. If you think this is bad, this is nothing compared to what goes on in Congress. Intead of worrying about a "Video Game" why don't you worry about your ACTUAL civil liberties about to become vaporware.

+ Show (26) more repliesLast reply 4961d ago
comp_ali4962d ago

free speech ...my ass
Not buying this game.

rezzah4962d ago

Free speech was always controlled by the government. Sure you can say whatever you want, but when you start to say things that they personally dont like you get a gun to your head.

Ares84PS34962d ago

There is two ways they do it. One (communism, fascism and other dictator ships) they tell you if you say this or that you will be arrested and/or killed. The other (democratic, republic and other "free" nations) they tell you to say whatever you like because you are free, but what they don't tell you and it's in the small letter section is if you do you will get arrested and/or killed.

So they are both the same really but one tells you straight up and the other doesn't.

You can say whatever you wan anywhere on this planet because you do have that freedom but you must face the consiquences of said words no matter where you are.

RedDead4962d ago

Yeah but atleast there is some rebels who are willing to use free speech like it should be used, I thought this game would be the first to do it. Too bad Ea buckled under the pressure and yet again gaming get's as* fu**ed by the media. But it's ok if films use the taliban???

Kleptic4962d ago (Edited 4962d ago )

you guys are making a big deal out of nothing...You had to see this coming...

its not 'free speech' or anything like that...its people directly involved with what the taliban represents...that DON'T want them glorified...thats why simply changing the name makes it ok...

If you play in multiplayer as a 'taliban soldier'...you WILL 'kill' allied forces...unless you absolutely suck at the game...and thats the message these people don't want coming across...and as retarded as our youth seems to be right now, I can't really come up with an argument to 'they can handle it'...the taliban are not fictional sci-fi characters...they are 100% real bad guys...that are really killing people right now...I am actually surprised they left it alone for this long...

I guess its different with 'historical' WWII titles...but even most of those would never put the players as 'nazis'...they would just title it off like 'germans' or 'axis'...but the big difference is that the 'good guys' won that war...We've done shit to the taliban more or less, because they don't really have a goal in the first place...just kill American forces, and rape their own woman and children...which they are doing just fine...

I say fuck 'em...the less headlines the taliban gets the better...too bad this whole mess gave them more attention than if they would have just left the game alone in the first place...But to say that EA are pussies because they gave in to the wishes of fallen soldiers' families is simply ignorant...as the press release points out...they are the only voices that matter in this...if they don't want it, then don't do it...like they said, it doesn't change the game at all...

most of the people on this site have never even fired a real gun...and I'm not soap boxing saying i'm so much more enlightened about war and its ramifications...only that our opinions on a matter such as this are irrelevant...we are just a bunch of people wanting to play a video game, we don't matter...

Iraq Resistance ROM4962d ago

you are stupid and full of stupidity!

Taliban the bad guys? maybe for you but not many nations in the world including Afghanistan!

Taliban don't have goals? maybe u were watching Disney land when they were reporting what the leader of Taliban wanted!

who is the leader of Taliban and whats his goals?

watch this: http://www.youtube.com/watc...

ZombieNinjaPanda4962d ago


Video game. If you cannot play as the Taliban in a video game, then I believe it's all fair that every single War Movie that's going to come out in the future have the Taliban removed.

Cuz ya know, that's all fair.

Panthers4962d ago

Its not like they couldnt do it, they just think it will hurt sales. Its not like they dont have the free speech to do this, but when you exercise free speech, you have a chance to offend people. They are not being forced to change, they are doing it because they are worried from a business standpoint.

Panthers4962d ago

And you act like you speak for all of Afghanistan. Many people there are against the Taliban. And YES they are the bad guys. They use civilians as shields and are no different than Terrorists. They just want power and control over the people.

RedDead4962d ago

@ iraq resistance

It's the way they go about it that makes them the "bad" guys but I also agree the US are twats for their current standpoint and the media making them the "good" guy's, they're not the good guys. They
Fu** up to much to be considered the "good" guys by people who actually think instead of believing the media.

And Panther, that's the point. You shoot US/british soldiers in other games. They worry for their sales? Who's fault is that, the US army banned it from barracks etc didn't they. They lose sales for something they shouldn't lose sales for.

RememberThe3574962d ago

"you are stupid and full of stupidity!"

That sentence right there makes you a complete hypocrite.

Zombie: That doesn't make any sense. The problem was not that the Taliban are depicted in the game, it's that they may have had a platform to be glorified. Did anyone actually read the article?

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 4962d ago
theonlylolking4962d ago

Games should have censor like on tv so these crazzy peeps dont go crying.

Shackdaddy8364962d ago

The annoying thing is that those people who complained are still not going to buy the game and will still try to ban it. Therefore no one wins.

Ares84PS34962d ago

It is disgusting to me that these people complain about something they have no idea about and will never in a million years buy the product but still want it to be destroyed.

Well, I don't care abot bikes. Let's ban bikes because thousnads die every year do to bike accidesnts. What about their families??

Supid argument is stupid and stupidity won in this one. It's sad.

Ocelot5254962d ago (Edited 4962d ago )

conservative america wins this round...

Jack-Pyro4962d ago

But we shall yet win the war!

krisq4962d ago

"we have decided to rename the opposing team in Medal of Honor multiplayer from Taliban to Opposing Force."

They've just changed the name. Sucks though.

nickjkl4962d ago (Edited 4962d ago )

wait a minute so changing the name makes everything better WHAT THE FUCK im gong to go yell into my pillow for a min

Qui-Gon Jim4962d ago

I think that might offend my pillow. Maybe you should yell into your "sleep headrest" instead.

SSKILLZ4962d ago

Lmao, yeah I guess it does.

mugoldeneagle034962d ago

I was probably going to rent this anyway, as my Fall "must buy" list is already pushing 6+ games, but I kind of feel bad for EA. I have a feeling this game gets tore apart in reviews, and for all the wrong reasons.


Airport execution scene in MW2 didn't change those 9.5 scores from huge sites, I'm hoping MoH doesn't get the shaft for including realistic elements like this. I mean, it's basically the same thing, no?

And I loved the MoH games back in the day. Only other online shooter I played for PS2 other than SOCOM I-CA. Really hoping this first release jump started the series, and I still do.

Sadly, I think it will be overlooked this year

talltony4962d ago

They are not changing the way the taliban looks. they are just changing what the game calls them which is "opposing force"

FFXI1014962d ago

Sure it feels like a letdown but if you like the game like I do(I'm still getting the game) then it really won't matter that much what they called.

Cause you know the enemy ARE the "Taliban" I mean would anyone stop playing Halo:Reach if they were name the enemy something else? or does it matter what the enemy is called in SOCOM or in CoD?

I think most company under the same circumstance would make the same decision like EA did. We know it we may not like it but that doesn't stop me from playing/enjoy the game.

Alcohog4962d ago

They won't change anything, they will probably just be 'terrorists' instead of 'Taliban'.

chilled2m4962d ago

Orrr, you could read the article and find out what they really called them.

gman_moose4962d ago

People complain about everything in the US. Someone would complain if you chewed the same brand of gum that their kid choked on.

I don't see how putting Taliban into a video game dishonours the memory of fallen soldiers at all. People are just way too sensitive.

I'm surprised they didn't change the emergency phone number to "912" after the 9/11 attacks.

Christopher4962d ago

I can see why they did it, they're a business that relies on making money and therefore making people happy to buy their products.

Personally, this is BS. What about those people who have been killed by American soldiers? I didn't see these people standing up and complaining about a game that depicts soldiers killing people that look like them or are from their country.

This is the ridiculousness of American media, honestly.

Kleptic4962d ago

more than anything EA wants medal of honor to stand toe to toe with call of duty like it used to...but they seemingly don't want to do it by becoming the 'controversial ip' alternative to cod...

brand image is tricky right now...and EA is probably fully aware of their rise in consumer minds due to Kotick basically running Activision straight into the gutter (not financially...yet...just in the minds of the public)...

So now more than ever is where EA wants to make as many people 'like' them as possible...its unlikely that the people complaining about this are even interested in buying the game in the first place...so the issue goes a whole lot deeper than if this will all effect sales of the title...if anything it will actually help it i bet...as more and more people are hearing about the game for free now...

pangitkqb4962d ago

I'm sad to see EA crumble and I'm sad that the world is so over sensitive. The politically correct can kiss my ass.

ThatsGaming4962d ago

This is plain stupid. In GTA you can kill cops and innocent people (and are encouraged to), but you can't play the Taliban in a war game based on modern events? WTF?

It's morally alright to make movies like Scarface, Godfather, Saw, Seven, Natural Born Killers, etc. that give glorify criminal doings, and give people ideas on the best ways to commit crimes, but it is considered morally wrong to shoot up coalition forces in a game of which they will never want to particpate in? WTF?

danielle0074962d ago

People didn't want any of the GTAs around either. R* just never gave in. That's literally the only difference.

Plus, the difference between movies and video games is that conservative America still thinks that video games are for kids, and sure, some are, but games like this are not. They don't bother to learn the industry, they just want to condemn it all.

Plus, it's also completely different, because people have lost family members due to this war recently.. So, I don't know. I'm completely on the fence about this. I don't like that EA had to fold, but I also am not sure that having the Taliban as playable characters when - you know - people are still recovering from the recent loss of their loved ones because of this nonsense was the best idea ever.. And, if a simple name change makes it all better for all of those people who are in pain and are grieving, then why not do it?

I kind of think that this was the right way to go. It's not like it's just conservative America being like OHMYGOD THE CHILDREN. PROTECT THE CHILDREN. even though the game was never marketed to children. These are grieving people who lost their family member or friend because of this. There are worse things in the world than making a tiny change to make someone feel an ounce better in those situations.

Ravenor4962d ago

It's not EA's job to make anyone feel better and it's not really my problem if someone is having a tough time with something. If you don't like it, don't buy it, don't pay attention to it and don't suggest it. That simple.

Kleptic4962d ago (Edited 4962d ago )

^^while pretty much anyone would agree with that...you're ignorant to think it really is 'that simple'...it just doesn't work like that...

The political side of this is whats the most interesting...as its the overall liberal movement of america that caused us to 'care about others feelings' so much in the first place...Don't call homosexuals names, don't call black people the n-word even if they do it to themselves repeatedly, don't punish people if they don't speak English, Don't push religion anywhere but in a church, etc. etc. etc (I'm speaking of America's changes since the 50's, not that I feel these things should have stayed the same, just overall whats changed since our grandparents were kids)....yet its 'conservative America' thats condemning a video game like this because you can play as real bad guys?...I'm as lost as anyone...and i'm not taking sides...

the double sided nature of politics in general are to blame...as an overall liberal nation we are supposed to be able to do what we want...but 'anything we want' has to fall into a category that doesn't negitively effect other people obviously...and when it happens, the only thing people care about is which political side to blame it on...

and America will piss around with this kind of thing for as long as we are all alive, and then some...So don't try to understand it...just be aware of its fundamental flaws...and understand what causes reactions, and what will come of them...you won't be surprised nearly as often...

visualb4962d ago

this was EA trying not to step on anyone's toes.

I have to say though, its a same. they should be allowed to call them what ever they want.
then again, its just the name, its not a big deal
+ everyone KNOWS its the taliban (if they play the game, and see the enemy models (which are talibans) then when playing multiplayer they will make the association

its just not CALLED that, not a big deal

Qui-Gon Jim4962d ago

EA has the right to keep it the way they had it, but have decided to change it. They have that right, too. In a free society people can say anything they want, and societal norms and the right to express the opposing view keep things in check. The outcome isn't always what you want it to be, nor should it be, because everyone has a say. I disagree with the people who complained about the game, but those people have spoken and EA has chosen to honor their wishes. At the end of the day EA, as a publisher, are out to make money, and to do that they need to sell as many copies as they can.

cyborg69714962d ago

This is bullshit. A lot of bad press was brought on by that mother of a fallen soldier. And guess what if he didn't know what he was getting himself into when he signed up he shouldn't have done that. The bleeding hearts, conservatives Christians can go fuck themselves. They are stagnant non progressive dreamers that hold the human race back.

Megaton4962d ago

Pathetic. Utterly pathetic. Thanks for buckling to those who wish to dictate the things you create, and set the industry back. Great job, EA.

AKS4962d ago

I'm not supporting this. MoH is now off my radar. I love DICE and wanted to buy their game, but EA's bitch move cancelled this sale for me. They were supposedly working closely with current special operation forces to ensure that it was more accurate. I am disgusted that EA caved, especially so close to release. BTW, I'm a former US Marine and think the whining about a lack of sensitivity is horse$h!t. Where were these guys with the "Remember 9/11" stickers on the back of their pickup trucks when everyone was clamoring to send me into Kosovo or Bosnia? "Ah, they knew the risks...send in the ground troops!" No one gave a damn in the mid to late 90's about me and my friends who were willing to risk our lives if need be.

You want to "support and honor the troops?" Try making sure all of the massive defense budget doesn't go to greedy war profiteer executives like the crooks at Halliburton. Protest and write letters to politicians who cut VA benefits. Don't send them into wars that have no basis. Pay attention to the news so friends of mine in active duty don't have to spend their meager pay buying armor for Hummers so their friends won't get shot to hell.

Do these clownshoe idiots really think censoring a video game is the most important issue that will help veterans? So many vital issues impacting the military are completely ignored by the general public.

Panzerkanzler4962d ago

The (AMERICAN) families who lost their kids go through a hard time right now? REALLY? And the families of all those thousands of civilians the American army has slaughtered, what about them? If anything the US forces should be called "The invaders" because after all, we can't have the true name a savage military force who condone torture and widespread killings of civilians, can we?! You fucking one eyed American nationalist.

TradingWarStories4962d ago

This is the biggest load of BALLS! As a Muslim myself I believe this is just BULL. What about the Iraqi's and Afghani's that have had their family shot, blown and tortured in what the American's call COLLATERAL DAMAGE. F'in Bull.

Either way hopefully it will be a good game.

frostypants4962d ago (Edited 4962d ago )

Censorship is only a problem when it's involuntary.

They did this VOLUNTARILY. The masses complained, they determined that the bad PR wasn't worth it, so they removed it.

It's called capitalism. You need to complain louder if you want them to put it back.

BeOneWithTheGun4962d ago

This is not censorship. They are not being "forced" to remove them. This is called a business decision to make more money. No one is saying they CAN'T leave them in the game. They are CHOOSING to remove them.

Scary694962d ago

Well even though the change the name to opposing forces we know what they mean *eg* I will still refer the "opposing forces" as TALIBAN b*tch*s. Still buying this game don't give a hoot about the whiners.

RustInPeace4962d ago (Edited 4962d ago )

What the hell kind of decision was that? It's one thing to just come under fire because of something "controversial", but it's another to compromise your creative integrity. Blame this on all sensationalist media outlets that attacked a game because of "slow" or "no news" days. I understand some would argue " It's too soon to put the Taliban in a game as playable characters" (if you were informed, it was ONLY a multiplayer SKIN, NOT ANYTHING ELSE!), but what else were they going to do? This was a "modern" scenario for the game, so what are they going to put in instead, Russians again? I'm not Russian personally, but if you think about it, shouldn't Russians be in an uproar about most FPS games where they're ALWAYS the antagonists? LAME MOVE, EA! (game would have sold anyway because of the GAMERS, NOT Fox News or any other media that attacked this)
*EDIT* I just read the story.... Opposing Forces? Sooooo.... the "fix" was just changing the name of the known enemy into an unknown "Opposing Force"? Why even waste development time? My heart goes out to the families of the fallen, but you think a simple name change will fix everything? I actually see this as an insult to fallen soldiers, making the enemy that they gave their lives to fight against an unidentified force. Weak.

Pika-pie4962d ago

Its called respect- They spoke to the families of fallen soldiers and they didnt want them in the game.

In my opinion theres nothing wrong with having the Taliban in the game, we would all like to shoot the face off some of the scum of the earth.. The problem comes from allowing you to play as them!! It was a stupid move by EA in the first place.

People whining and moaning about freedom of speech need to get off their pedestal and understand that EA are a business, they are trying to make money off real events that affecting peoples lives today.

Imagine your friend or loved one being murdered, now how would you feel if they released a video game a few months later where you can have fun playing as that murderer because a big corporation can make money from it. Does it seem right now?

I have a friend in Afghanistan right now and I know for a fact he would have totally disapproved.

hennessey864962d ago

it might upset the cock bregade they do my head in. there the same wankers who tell counsils not to put christmas trees up incase it offends people. it them who cause racial tension not racists

pixelsword4962d ago (Edited 4962d ago )

So how is Fox news complaining about this okay and Reporters complaining about Resident Evil 5 not okay?

If they changed the locale from Africa and called it "Island Country" a lot of people would be complaining about it, but changing the word "Taliban" to "opposing force" is peachy-king...


xAlmostPro4962d ago

agreed, i have just lost alot of respect for EA..

mobijoker4962d ago

It has just lost the factor that was making it distinct from other fps.Sorry EA!I see no point in buying your game coz this is just another fps.

MidnytRain4962d ago

How far will we go to accommodate our games for people who don't even play them?

MidnytRain4962d ago

How far will we go to accommodate our games for people who don't even play them?

dragunrising4962d ago

Once you give the enemy a real name, the conflict becomes more real. In that sense, immersion may take a small hit. However, I find it morally suspect to play as the Taliban in multiplayer. Why would anyone? They are evil and will never rest until they take Afganistan back into the Dark Ages. Regardless, giving the Taliban a generic/non-offending name makes killing allied forces less morally troubling. In Modern Warfare, the enemy for the most part are the Russians, whom are not inherantly bad but enemies regardless. Its easier to disassociate killing either "side" on account neither is truely evil. People have went to war for centuries and it truely is horrible, however, the Taliban are polarizing. The Taliban are universally seen as an evil force and playing as them is unconcionable for many people.

Organization XII4961d ago

falling soldiers my ass, F&*^ you EA, im not interested in your game anymore..a bunch of sissies

The_Claw4961d ago

isnt it funny how these "friends and families of fallen soliders" succeeded in stripping away the very rights and freedoms their sons and daughters gave their lives for? kinda ironic dont ya think?

RageAgainstTheMShine4961d ago

OTOH just slap the word "Terrorists" there problem solved!
That will make those politicians happy.

+ Show (33) more repliesLast reply 4961d ago
jay24962d ago

Oh my god, seriously, So it's ok for everyone else's countries sodiers to be killedr in a game. But these nasty people can't do it, I mean come on the US conplained about it, and people think that's fair enough, but what about the Taliban families who've lost their dads, sons, brothers and husbands. Mayb we should just stop making these game (which I detest and won't even play a free demo of for at a friends home.)

Taggart4514962d ago

It's only just a name change. During the multiplayer portion of the game, players will be able to play as the "Opposing Force," not the Taliban. Everything else in the game will remain.

r0gueZA4962d ago

What...that shocking!

I cant believe they would listent to the complainers

theonlylolking4962d ago

Opposing force sounds like a bad name for a enemy.

Why couldnt they just rename them to this

Guys that look like taliban but aren't

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Remembering Medal Of Honor: The Forgotten Master Of WW2 Games

Ibrahim from eXputer: "The Medal of Honor franchise was once the crown jewel of FPS war games, later defeated by the tides of time and poor development."

banger8811d ago

They tried to turn it into Call of Duty and it killed it off. They should reboot it and go back to it's roots. But they'd ruin it with online-only/multiplayer style bullshit so why bother? I have very fond memories of these games, but this series can stay dead as far as I'm concerned.

FPS_D3TH10d ago

Was literally just thinking of this game the other week with the secret nut cracker mission and the shooting Bismarck dog lmao. Loved these games as a kid

PrecursorOrb10d ago (Edited 10d ago )

I wish they’d remake warfighter

Strictly for the campaign

The_Hooligan10d ago

I have fond memories of playing the Medal of Honor Breakthrough MP Demo. It had two maps and custom servers. Living on campus, I had it downloaded on one of the PC Lab servers so I could access it on any computer at the university. Joined a clan and made friends that I still keep in touch with today.

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The Medal of Honor Franchise Deserves a Comeback

Game Rant Writes "It's been over a decade since fans have seen the Medal of Honor franchise on consoles in any capacity, and it's about time EA brought it back."

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porkChop507d ago

Medal of Honor 2010 was a good start for a modern reboot. The campaign was fantastic. Multiplayer wasn't great but that's DICE's fault. I'd love if they went back to that game and gave it a proper sequel.

SlothLordPootus507d ago

I actually really liked the multiplayer in MoH 2010. Battlefield gunplay on small maps. I would love to see a Rising sun remake, the opening scene would be amazing to see.

SonyStyled506d ago

I enjoyed the multiplayer of MoH 2010. It felt like battlefield 3 in a way. The multiplayer in Warfighter was also pretty good but the campaigns single player story was not appealing with the whole family cutscene thing. Gameplay was fun though. MoH to me is the PS1/2 titles and I don’t expect to see a WW2 MoH after the last Call of Duty’s

Levii_92507d ago

PS1 MOH 1999 and 2000 (Underground) and Allied Assault PC is my childhood.. it's still soo good and it holds up. Not to mention Michael Giacchino's soundtrack is one of the best video game soundtracks ever made. Even if you weren't born in early to mid 90's go listen to the main theme of Allied Assault and you will be overloaded from nostalgia.

I miss this franchise a lot.

Iceball2000506d ago

I’ve always thought that MOH and Battlefield should be separate…

Have MOH as the full fledged single player with an amazing store and whatnot. And a basic multiplayer just to have multiplayer. Sorta like how the MOH reboot was.

And then have BF as the full fledged multiplayer with all effort put into that and ditch the single player. Maybe add Commander back in.

Only in a perfect world.

HeliosHex506d ago (Edited 506d ago )

Oh man medal of honor on pc was awesome back in the day. Multi-player was fun. Joined my first clan on medal of honor. Definitely deserves a comeback. But needs to be on the same level or surpass COD. Since it came out before that ip in 1999 to avoid embarrassment.


The guys who did Allied assault are the one who created call of duty. They're back at EA, Vince something

MadLad506d ago

I'll be the weird guy in the room and say I actually loved Warfighter. I thought the squad mechanics made it stand out a bit and thought the shooting felt good. Put a lot of time into the multiplayer.


15 PS1 Games Under $20 in 2022

PlayStation (PS1) game prices are beginning to get a little weird. The pandemic, renewed interest from collectors, and growing scarcity have all impacted PS1 game prices. CIB and New games can cost thousands for some titles. Use this list to snag some amazing old games to play or improve your collection without spending a fortune.

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Jiub827d ago

I really wish the Legacy of Kain series would come back

826d ago
Nintentional826d ago

Still have my original PS1 my family got at Sam’s Club back in 1999 :) it still works and I have it hooked up to a 32” Sony Wega Trinitron that supports S Video and Component 👌🏼 PS1 games in S Video POP on there 🤩

826d ago