
Why The World Needs More Final Fantasy Tactics

Forget RPGs, MMORPGs and even JRPGs – what the world needs are more SRPGs, specifically Final Fantasy Tactics games. So argues NowGamer's US correspondent Graeme Nicholson...

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Wildarmsjecht4976d ago

I'd prefer more Final Fantasy Tactics in the vein of the original, with a dark story filled with backstabbing, loyalty, and honor. Not so much the Advance Series which took a huge nose-dive in terms of compelling story-telling.

Marceles4976d ago

Yeah FFT is a straight classic, I'm kinda tired of how all of the good games have been turned into cheap portable ports. Mana, Tactics, Kingdom Hearts, Dragon Quest...we gotta get one of those in HD glory.

kratos1234976d ago

The thought alone of playing fft in hd with extra story and seeing delittia die in hd brings tears to my eyes Damn it people we need more games like this instead of freaking cod

Myze4976d ago (Edited 4976d ago )

FFT is one of my top 5 games of all time (#3 or 4...behind Xenogears, FF6 and hard to place before or after Zelda A Link to the Past).

I didn't even like the Advanced games, much less even close to the original. The PSP port was pretty well done though.

I would love a remake for the ps3, or maybe an entirely new, dark story version for the ps3. Sadly, being how far Squaresoft (Squenix) has fallen in quality since FFT release, they would almost assuredly screw it up though, so maybe stick with a remake.

@kratos123 I know the game has been out for a long time, and shame on anyone who hasn't beat it, but you did just give away a big part of the ending. ;)

Neckbear4976d ago (Edited 4976d ago )

FFT is still of the games with an incredibly great storyline.

Even so, I also liked the first FFTA. Mainly because it's great, despite having a different approach to it: You want your friends to accept reality instead of living in a fantasy world.

Basically, any game that happens on the Ivallice world has a great storyline.

TheoreticalParticle4976d ago

FFTA: The game where you convince your best friend to go back to a reality where he's a cripple, your female friend is ostracized, and your life is awesome. Yeah, that's a guy I want to idolize.

Also, the tactics part of FFTA was really done quite poorly. 2 of the races' limit breaks were basically useless. Limiting classes to the races was also a bad move in my book.

VileAndVicious4976d ago

To me the original Final Fantasy Tactics is the greatest game of all time. When I was much younger I would sit and play it for hours trying out different job class combinations. I must have beaten it 6 or 7 times.

I would love a sequel to the original or a sequel to Vagrant Story another great game from the same creator.

kratos1234976d ago

You my friend have great taste

VileAndVicious4976d ago

Lol they just dont make em like they used to.

kratos1234976d ago

i know that what said this gen if it wasnt fore demon souls , and vk i would be really angry at japan fore not making great jrpg

SaiyanFury4976d ago (Edited 4976d ago )

Agreed 100%. The original (not the PSP remake) is one of my all time favourite games. I'd love to see another made in the same vein. I know not a lot of people liked it, but I loved Final Fantasy XII. It almost felt like Tactics as if it was just a normal JRPG to me and to my best friend. It even used the same font for the text and stuff. But yes, an HD version of Tactics would be enough to make me soil myself.

VileAndVicious4976d ago (Edited 4976d ago )

FF12 and FF9 to me were the best of the franchise. Not that 7 was bad by any means just a tad overrated IMO.

FF12 was jus SO underrated, yet it offered hours upon hours of gameplay whether it was just wandering around aimlessly or hunting marks. True the story wasnt the best of the series (I liked 9's the best) but it more than made up for it in most everything else.

I never understood why so many gamers shunned FF12 when it was the last good one in the series and it did have that FF tactics feel to it. It was made by the same creator after all.

AceofStaves4976d ago

Completely agree. The original 'Tactics' is a fantastic title - one of my favourites on any console - and I also loved FF XII.

An HD 'Tactics' would make me giddy, provided SE didn't screw it up.

Myze4976d ago


Did you ever play FF6? In terms of story, I think it's the best the FF series has to offer. Even better than FFT.

For best story though, I have to go with Xenogears, which is another Squaresoft masterpiece around the same time frame of releases (Squaresoft used to be able to do no wrong...although I guess there's no such company anymore).

VileAndVicious4976d ago (Edited 4976d ago )

I could never get into Xenogears though I did love the battle system and the gears. I was much younger when i played it but I do remember that there was alot of talking (more so than action or exploring). So I dont know... i would love to try it again someday, maybe if Square ever re-releases it on PSN for download.

But your absolutely right man FF6 was another great title. I loved the characters and the overall story. But *sigh* i never got to finish it because I got preoccupied with Chrono trigger. One day when I have the time Id like to go back and play all those classics.

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Misterhbk4976d ago

was an AMAZING game. Can't even count how many times I've played that game. I'd love to get a Final Fantasy tactics game on a major console. Sadly it wont happen though.

Wildarmsjecht4976d ago

Well War of the Lions is the remake/port of the original Final Fantasy Tactics that was on the PS1. I believe it's on the PSN store as well. They added a few things to War of the Lions but they also took out the Duplicating Trick. You know how AWESOME it was to have more than one Excalibur in my inventory? Enemies had no chance!

CimmerianDrake4976d ago

FFTactics is my favorite FF spinoff . They also removed the JP glitch from the original. I miss that glitch, I hate having to get 1500 points for some of the skills.

VileAndVicious4976d ago

Dual wielding Excaliburs with T.G. Cid was epic.

pacosanchez884976d ago

lol, and nothing says "bitch slap" quite like throwing excaliburs at your enemy with ninjas. Not that effective, but still very fun

SaiyanFury4976d ago

Yeah I got the War of the Lions for PSP and was pissed that they removed the weapon duplication trick! They may have added some stuff like the animated sequences and such, but I still prefer the original.

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4976d ago
Stealth20k4976d ago

Final fantasy tactics is mediocre when compared to the japanese srpgs that havent made it here....

Neckbear4976d ago (Edited 4976d ago )

Tears to Tiara? Utawarerumono?

I've played those. FFT still holds its position as one of the best, if not THE best SRPG.

@Stealth20k down there:

Summon Night, I enjoyed it alright, but it ain't better than FFT.

FE? Old ones? If probably the best one is Path of Radiance, and we got that one here.

I've never played Dragon Shadow Spell, alright.

Even so- I very much doubt any of those is, in fact, BETTER than Final Fantasy Tactics.

Redempteur4976d ago (Edited 4976d ago )

You see i dunno how you déclare that summon night isn't better than FFT ..

i mean yeah that's your opinion BUT that's not the truth.

Fire emblem, tactical ogre , FFT , summon night, or everything from the netheruniverse of NIS ( disgaea for exemple) , valkyria chronicles

They are great games ..but whenever one is better than the other is only your opinion.

Wildarmsjecht4976d ago

Really? Well name some. The PSN import store will be having a few games, but if you think some SRPGs are even better than FFT, I'd love to keep a lookout for them.

Stealth20k4976d ago (Edited 4976d ago )

Dragon Shadow Spell from flight plan is one of the best

Summon nights

The matrix series

Most of the fire emblem series

and many more

Myze4976d ago

The only SRPGs that I have enjoyed to the level of FFT are Dragon Force (Sega Saturn), Shining Force 1 and 2 (3 was good, but nowhere close to the first two), and Valkyria Chronicles.

Those are the only SRPGs that I consider worthy of being close to FFT (still think FFT is the best though).

Disgaea is fun for what it is, but the storyline is just for fun, and is negligible to the point of the game. I like the series, but that is more about liking big numbers than good storytelling (in other words, it has the Strategy part, but not the RPG part of the SRPG).

I love the Fire Emblem games for what they are. However, the story is cliche, being generous, bad, being honest. The gameplay and difficulty is great though. Again, however, storyline comes before anything in an RPG for me.

FFT has the best storyline and music of any SRPG I've ever played. The gameplay is very good, but I would admit there are games with better (not by much), but other than Shining Force, I probably enjoyed the gameplay in FFT more than those.

I have to say though, I really wish they would make a new Dragon Force. I never got to play the second one, and sadly Sega obviously has no plans on ever reviving the series (2nd one was in 1998 and never released outside of JP).

CimmerianDrake4976d ago

The words "Final Fantasy Tactics" and "mediocre" do not belong in the same sentence together. Clearly you have horrible taste.

MMFGaming4976d ago

The FFT port for PSP is easily one of my favorite RPG's of all time.

Wasn't a big fan of the spin offs though. The lack of people betraying each other every five seconds wasn't too appealing.

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FF XVI Producer Is Interested In Working On A New Final Fantasy Tactics Game

Final Fantasy XVI producer Naoki Yoshida is interested in working on a brand new Final Fantasy Tactics game.

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GoodGuy0938d ago

It's insane its been this long since the last release.

CrimsonWing6937d ago

Not from you.

Knowing how you handled FF16 by trying to make it appeal to non-fans and changing the entire gameplay design I can see you changing Tactics to appeal to non-fans.

If they’re going to do this please give it to someone who wants to keep the game and genre in tact.

VersusDMC37d ago

He worked on tactics ogre reborn. Was there changes? He wouldn't make an FF tactics game an action game. It will be AA but faithful. Probably what the Diofield Chronicles team and some of the FFXVI team is probably working on already and he is just keeping a secret.

And FF hasn't had a set gameplay design since X. I disliked the MMO, 12, 13 FF's but didn't mald for years. I played other games. Stop crying as he probably won't make a single player FF again and will be busy with the next FF MMO.

EternalTitan37d ago

I can feel your hatred. Keep it up.

Ataraxias37d ago

Tactics Ogre Reborn was an overall solid product but almost eliminated the concept of builds in the game.
So we'd probably end up with a system where character jobs like Mercenary for Ramza is 80% of the character instead of being freeform.

SegaSaturn66937d ago

Tactics Ogre Reborn changed a lot of gameplay mechanics for the worse. The class system is weird and hard to lock in roles, and they shoehorned a new "random card appearing" mechanic on the maps which makes no sense. Previously you obtained those boosts from killing powerful opponents, not spawning randomly.

There's a way better way to play Tactics Ogre: the fanmade onevision mod of the psp version.

EternalTitan37d ago

16 was just a terrible mess.
Its not even a JRPG let alone a final fantasy game.
Yosi piss(who said he hates JRPGs) should not touch another Final Fantasy game ever again.

VersusDMC37d ago

87 metacritic can't be a terrible mess.
If Kingdom Hearts is a JRPG then FFXVI is a JRPG. And he said he hates the term JRPG as it carries a bad stereotype with western journalists.

So you're just incorrect on several fronts...

Asterphoenix36d ago

I wouldn't mind a new FF Tactics longs they keep the tactical elements of Tactics in it as well as a very in depth story. Which FF Tactics years ago has by far one of the best stories in the series.

Tapani36d ago

Yes, alongside with Vagrant Story. Playing FFT, then Vagrant story and finally FFXII is a bliss. Deepest lore and best stories ever made in video games.


Final Fantasy Games That Deserve the Remake Treatment

Final Fantasy has a long running history with numerous numbered titles and spin-offs, but which games stand to benefit from a remake?

gold_drake146d ago

i feel like all of them.
well except 2 haha.

shinoff2183146d ago

Agreed. Ff2 though can be made better, so it's not entirely a lost cause. Ff8 will gets its time. I do wish they'd do the old ones. From ff10 and up those ones still hold up pretty well.

kevco33145d ago

Honestly, I've always felt that VII and up 'hold up well' in that regard. The early 3D games just needed a cosmetic update. But the FFVII Remake is so different to the original in execution that a lot of games could be done in a similar fashion and feel far more modern.

I'm not saying that's a good or bad thing (that depends on your personal preference!), just that they could feel very different.

shinoff2183145d ago

Kevco I liked remake but I think your right. Idda been happy with a 1 to 1 remake that looked like ever crisis to. Or both

I'd just love I square would one day give us a turned based one with today's graphics. I can't really think of a jrpg that does that.

andy85145d ago

I'd rather the 13 trilogy just be ported tbh. No matter what you think if it, it shouldn't be the only numbered offline games not playable on new consoles. But naturally I'd play the **** out of 8-12 remakes.

shinoff2183145d ago

I do agree. I'd give it another shot even though I didn't like it at first. My taste change over time. Gta 4 for instance I was so disappointed it lacked so much of what san andreas had I didn't play it for like 5 years. One day went to a semi pro football game(American football) came home drunk and decided to try 4 again. I actually liked it after giving it a fair shot.

Rebel_Scum145d ago

Just make new games. Not every game needs to be remade.

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Final Fantasy Tactics Team "Incredibly Busy" With New Unannounced Project

The Final Fantasy Tactics team is "heavily involved" in a new unannounced project, according to Theatrhythm producer Ichiro Hazama.

FinalFantasyFanatic458d ago

It could be that or a remaster, that Nvidia leak list of games is getting more accurate.

shinoff2183459d ago

G I wonder what that is

Good news though for sure.