
Dragon's Lair Trilogy Preview [BrightHub.com]

Dragon's Lair Trilogy is set for launch on the Wii in October and will include Dragon's Lair, Dragon's Lair II: Time Warp, and Space Ace, which is not a part of the Dragon's Lair series. Though most gamers are likely to not be intrigued by this collection of laserdisc games, there's bound to be a small group of fans that are actually looking forward to this compilaiton. One of the strangest video game collections ever? Maybe.

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tplarkin74998d ago

There would be no Heavy Rain without Dragon's Lair.


Dragon's Lair Trilogy brings a trio of laserdisc classics to Xbox One

Neil writes: "If you can remember back to the early 1980s and the smoke-filled arcades of the era, then you will no doubt remember the draw of the laserdisc crowd pleasers from the Bluth Group - the iconic Dragon's Lair and Space Ace. Well, now you can play those games, along with Dragon's Lair II: Time Warp on Xbox One, thanks to the arrival of the Dragon's Lair Trilogy."

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kneon1843d ago

I remember when the original released, people lined up waiting for the arcade to open just to get in line to play. you pumped in your quarters, died in no time and then went to the back of the line to wait again.

In Stranger Things I new immediately why they were scrambling to find quarters, no other game would have caused that much excitement.


Dragon's Lair Trilogy Review | TheXboxHub

Ethan writes: "Don Bluth wanted to make a game where you felt like you were watching a Disney movie, but you were in control; a kid's dream at the time and one which Don made a reality. Through quick time events the player must choose what the hero does and which direction he must go to rescue the Princess and save the day. This series became a huge hit and had been ported to Playstation, NES, SNES, Sega CD, GameCube, GBC, the list goes on. And now, the series is finally on Xbox One in the form of the Dragon's Lair Trilogy."

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Dragon's Lair Trilogy Review (Xbox One) – GameSpew

Don Bluth's Dragon's Lair Trilogy finally makes its way to Xbox One. But is it worth your time? Well, that depends on your reflexes or your patience.

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CrimsonWing691846d ago

This game is one of the best in its genre, I think you need to review it based on the type of game it is. This was arcade game so it's a quarter muncher that relies on memorization and quick reflexes. It also became a laser disc game at some point.