
Enslaved PS3/360 demo showdown | Digital Foundry

Namco Bandai's Enslaved is drawing plenty of attention thanks to the involvement of some heavyweight creative talent: Heavenly Sword developer Ninja Theory is on coding duties, Lord of the Rings star Andy Serkis plays the male lead, while The Beach scribe Alex Garland provides the story. The fact that the game looks utterly gorgeous doesn't exactly harm its prospects either.

In moving from working exclusively with the PS3 onto a cross-format project, Ninja Theory has also migrated across to a more multi-platform friendly development environment: Unreal Engine 3.

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DelbertGrady4965d ago (Edited 4965d ago )

"This definitely isn't the case with Enslaved, which appears to be relatively stable on 360, but has real issues with screen-tear on PS3."

"PS3 on the other hand isn't v-synced at all, so there is an almost constant tearing."

"In the more detail-rich interiors, however, PS3 has real problems maintaining performance without some serious screen-tear issues."

"The borderline-useless MSAA in the 360 UE3 appears to be turned off here meaning both games are rendering at 720p with no anti-aliasing."

"The only appreciable visible difference is in the motion blur. In the past we've seen this effect completely absent from PS3 UE3 titles, but it is implemented in Enslaved on both platforms. However, the Xbox 360 effect is processed with more samples."

Kors4965d ago (Edited 4965d ago )

GOW3 and LBP2 use MLAA.

The PS3 version of Enslaved game doesn't use that tech because of the multi-platform engine. The game may also not be utilizing many of other hardware strengths specific to PS3.

This is another game where the PS3 version got held back because of the 360 hardware.

IMO, developers should use PS3-optimized engines for PS3 version of a game to harness full power of PS3, and not multi-platform engines which makes the PS3 version be held back because of the 360.


Edit @ ZombieAutopsy : I confused MSAA with MLAA. I actually meant MLAA. I have edited the original reply.

ZombieAutopsy4965d ago (Edited 4965d ago )

GoW3 and LBP2 use MLAA not MSAA just so you know and I don't think UE3 supports that.

I'm honestly not surprised that this game turned out like it did on the Ps3 since they used UE3 and it's NT. Oh well expect DMC to be subpar too people and if they use UE3 for that then there is no way in hell i'd get it unless I have a computer capable of running it on max settings by then because Unreal engines aren't that great for consoles unless highly highly HIGHLY optimized like Gears 3 will be.

IHateYouFanboys4965d ago

actually neither of them use MLAA. they use a custom AA that produces ALMOST the same effect as MLAA.

its not MLAA though.

The real killer4965d ago (Edited 4965d ago )

The 360 is indeed holding back the PS3 version , not only this time but all the time. That's why you and me get the disagree from 360 users.

They only can cliking on the buttons and no giving single arguments why!!!
This has also to do with the Multiplatform engine, becouse this game engine will not use the PS3 potential.

ZombieAutopsy4965d ago

Ohh I did not know that I figured it was MLAA since every dev that talks about it calls it MLAA, either way it's a good form of AA and more devs should take advantage of it on Ps3 especially since it doesn't seem like most multi-plat games even use all the SPU's the ps3 has.

Sarcasm4965d ago

I didn't even realize that the game was using UE3. Disappointing to say the least. I thought they would try to use the same engine as HS.

dragonelite4965d ago

it's not as simple to dump mlaa on a ps 3 game your game need the free cell cycle to do it.

Not like ooh ugly jaggies lets push the button to enable MLAA

Ju4965d ago (Edited 4965d ago )

I doubt that UE3 uses 100% spu resources. If it does, it simply is not optimized code. UE is a generic engine, optimized for scalar cpus. Everything what runs on their SPUs is modules they could strip out or plugins (like physix or havok). Basically UE3 runs a "scalar emulator" on the PS3.

DigitalAnalog4965d ago

Quote Eurogamer: http://www.eurogamer.net/ar...

"MLAA is now a part of the Edge tools available to all PS3 developers and it's effectively a drop-in component that can be added in an afternoon of coding - expect to see it in many more titles, not just those from Sony."

Keynotes: "Can be ADDED in an afternoon of coding", "not just those from SONY"

-End statement

DaTruth4965d ago (Edited 4965d ago )

The key in that quote is: "MLAA is now a part of the Edge tools available to all PS3 developers". You have to be using the Edge tools which is really only used for PS3 exclusive PSN games!

Somebody using UE3 would have to code it in themselves!

No doubt DF will forget the full retail version comparison like they always do, knowing PS3 games always suffer in demo format due to the high compression used to speed up downloading, that the PS3 just wasn't made for(due to ability to stream uncompressed assets from a Bluray disk). Compression shouldn't be used in the retail code(Bluray), although it sometimes is!

AlienFodder4965d ago (Edited 4965d ago )

"This is another game where the PS3 version got held back because of the 360 hardware."

I don't think it's the case here since this game is NOT a port. Both versions have been worked on separately.

Source: http://playstationlifestyle...

VictoriousB134965d ago

It's being held back by the engine not the hardware.

A Cupcake for Gabe4965d ago

I am interested in who buys this game. Ninja Theory shit all over Heavenly Sword(a brilliant game) and stressed how going multiplat is the bees knees. If this game doesn't sell well on 360, who will they blame now?

outrageous4965d ago (Edited 4965d ago )

The Unreal engine is NOT the problem...

Bioshock Infinite: ( latest Unreal 3 )


Bulletstorm: ( latest Unreal )


Gears Of war 3: ( latest Unreal )


Batman Arkham asylum:


Mirrors edge:


Mass Effect 2:


Splinter Cell Conviction ( Unreal 2.5 )


Bioshock 1: ( Unreal 2.5 )


Lost planet 1:




Shadow Complex: ( arcade )


Enslaved: ( PS3 version )


Latest Unreal tech video:


Too many examples to list them all...Great developers make great games...I do believe most devs from here on out will make sure if there game is a multi-plat, that the engine will be the same for all platforms involved. I think that Bulletstorm coming in 2011 will be a very interesting comparison.

mrcash4965d ago

I don't know how 360 is holding back the ps3, when mass effect2,hell both gears games, bioshock and most others games look better than this game.

Active Reload4965d ago

An engine is only as strong as the resources that are put back into it. Unreal engine pulls in a TON of resources, it being licensed out and all, so advancements in the tech are always going to be bleeding edge. The money that goes into the tech is unmatched. Who else can afford to spend millions and millions into updating an engine? Those that can afford it, usually don't upgrade hardly ever.

Moonboots4965d ago (Edited 4965d ago )

"This is another game where the PS3 version got held back because of the 360 hardware."

"The 360 is indeed holding back the PS3 version , not only this time but all the time. That's why you and me get the disagree from 360 users."

Wow, congrats on the most idiotic quotes I've read here all day and that is saying something.

Now I think we can officially call that excuse dead, buried and over used to the point it holds no water.

Phew! Should I be surprised that non-sense got more agrees than disagrees on N4G?? hahaha What a collection here.

IHateYouFanboys4965d ago

for those that disagreed with me about it NOT being MLAA:


"Firstly, the definition of MLAA isn't in keeping with the basic outline of the technique as it has been described by some Pandemic staff, and it is almost certainly an extension of the edge-filter plus blur technique seen in several cross-platform titles already."

"The screenshots may not be showing MLAA, and it's almost certainly not a technique as experimental as we thought it was, but it's certainly the case that this is the most impressive form of this type of anti-aliasing we've seen to date in a console game."

dont get me wrong - i am in NO WAY saying that its a BAD thing that the PS3 developers now have access to it. i think its FANTASTIC. it might not be MLAA, but it is 100000000% better than the god awful Quincunx AA that 90% of PS3 titles use, and it is even much better than 2xMSAA which most games cant even do.

if every game from now on on the PS3 uses it ill be a happy man. can the 360 do this AA using this technique? by the sounds of it, no. not because of a lack of power, but because of it being a method based around how the PS3 is designed. the 360 was designed to use the eDRAM to do 2-4xMSAA, and thats basically all it for the 360 in terms of AA. sony, for better or worse, decided against implementing any hardware AA. for the first 3-4 years, it was a bad decision that impacted games. but now that some very talented programmers have got this working, its all good for the future games, and probably for the PS4 as they now have the knowledge of how to do excellent software AA.

but despite all that, its NOT Morphological Anti-Aliasing (MLAA). that is 100% true. 100% fact. not debatable. the fact that 19 people disagreed with that fact speaks volumes for the intelligence of our little 'community' here.

its BRILLIANT anti-aliasing, but its not MLAA.

Ju4964d ago (Edited 4964d ago )

"Somebody using UE3 would have to code it in themselves! "

Well, of course. What more do you want? That Sony will update UE3 for Epic? They got all reference material incl. source code with the Edge tools. Of course they (I suggest Epic) integrates that at some point into UE3 ... and while they are add it, please add triple buffering as well.

+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 4964d ago
4965d ago Replies(2)
DigitalAnalog4965d ago

UE3 itself was never advantageous on the PS3. Seeing how NT produced a very good game by 'Heavenly Sword', they shouldn't have issues utilizing the PS3.

That, or they really went down the toilet with this one.

-End statement

Lord_Doggington4965d ago

Heavenly Sword had plenty of screen tearing too, you know.

Just google Heavenly Sword and screen tearing.

StanLee4965d ago

I don't get the "XBox 360 is holding the PS3 back" comments. It's like we all learnt to drive a car the same way for years and along comes a car and everyone says "well, you're not driving it right; you have to roll it down a hill, pump the clutch twice and step on the gas." That makes no sense! There is always excuses. Well the developer was lazy, or they didn't do this, this or that. If you have to do all that to compensate for the minute differences that aren't visible to the naked eye, what's the point? Just to make fanboys feel better? I played both demos and the differences are negligible.

DigitalAnalog4965d ago

They have to create an ENGINE from scratch not to mention release it in a very small time frame. I'd say the effort is paid off. The original Uncharted has lots of screen-tearing but that was one of the most beautiful games I've ever seen. InFamous 1 had horrible jaggies and the like, but as you can see, there can be MASS improvements when it comes to bespoke ENGINES.

Going back to topic, nothing on my comment indicates that the screen-tearing is the issue at hand (I don't know why you came to that conclusion) but if Rocksteady taught you anything, is that even games like Batman: AA running on UE3 can run fairly equal on both platforms.

-End statement

Lord_Doggington4964d ago

you dummy because you're using heavenly sword as an example of a game that serves as a spring board for future games that have no issues. unfortunately, heavenly sword had a lot of screen tearing. what makes you think any future game that comes out won't have screen tearing as well? just because they make a game that has screen tearing, doesn't mean their future games won't have screen tearing. your logic is stupid.

and then you say just because their second game has screen tearing, they "went down the toilet..." how about nearly every multiplat on the ps3 suffers from screen tearing. If Sony had made a dev friendly platform, then most multiplats wouldn't suffer from that flaw. don't blame a company for a game's screen tearing , when MOST companies have that same issue.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4964d ago
osamaq4965d ago

fanboys am not trolling here but direct you that the ps3 is more powerful than x360 in some areas BUT NOT THE GRAPHICS


stonecold34965d ago

ea stated they tapped the 360 hardware out same what cliffy b said about gears and what about no town no npc no shops graphics were scaled down 360 does not even come close to what ps3 has in power remeber hd mi and blu ray was not needed and wifi was need also saorry mate but 360 is holding the ps3 back this gen even david cage and naughty dog also metioned 360 could not do heavy rain same with uncharted 2 and vs 13 will be a ps3 exclusive because nomura dosent want his game down graded and to this day the 360 does not have a single game that tops uncharted 1 let alone number 2 ,and killzone until then they got nothing to say if i heard correct the ps3 is 3 times more powerful than the 360

mrcash4965d ago

Whats limiting the 360 is the cpu, graphically it could probably match the ps3 but they would need just one more core to really compete with it, the ps3 when it comes to games, operates like a triple core and the xbox like a dual. The problem with the 360 is that due to the limited cpu and ram theres only so much it can do with high quality graphics,

Active Reload4965d ago

Can you use commas and periods please?

talltony4965d ago (Edited 4965d ago )

"he believes the Xbox 360's architecture will enable Microsoft's next-gen system to match if not surpass the PS3's visual output."

"But RSX isn't unified, and this is why I think PS3 will almost certainly be slower and less powerful."

This stuff was said in 2008 and all can do is laugh now because the best looking console games are not on 360. FACT

lowcarb4965d ago

Yet Gears 3 looks remarkable and 360 continues to push out better looking multiplats regardless of it power constraints. You bring up other developers like they actually worked on 360 exclusives at some point or something. Last gen PS2 didn't hold back Xbox so I don't understand were this false conspiracy theory is coming from. It's all about the developer and honestly has nothing to do with this my console is stronger trash. UC2 is the king right now because of the people behind it who made it.

Bhai4965d ago

don't hide behind false claims, U2 is just one, GT5, gow3, KZ2, U1, Heavy Rain, R&C, infamous, lbp etc etc, all are far far above anything 360 has output yet :)

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4965d ago
+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4964d ago
DOMination4965d ago

360 wins out again. This is pretty big news coming from a team that made a ps3 exclusive before this. Can't use the "too hard to code for" excuse here - it's getting more obvious that 360 is just more powerful.

NoOoB1014965d ago

Uh..or more simply they UE3 which has never been coded for ps3 -_-
Or you like to use multiplats to justify your theory.

ZombieAutopsy4965d ago

He's trollin because he knows that don't pay him any attention, hell Heavenly Sword looked better than this game and it was released over 2 years ago.


Looks like someone is done with Halo Reach and just realised it had nothing else to justify buying a 360 'till Gears 3 drop in April.

edhe4964d ago

Uh.. wasn't UT3 all specially coded with exclusive stuff and out months earlier exclusively for ps3?

You know... The massive UE3 engine game?

Ages ago?

[please imagine my rising tone during the comment, ala stewy griffin]

Cratos87804965d ago

From the article, there is not much difference and the demo is not the final code:

"The only appreciable visible difference is in the motion blur. In the past we've seen this effect completely absent from PS3 UE3 titles, but it is implemented in Enslaved on both platforms. However, the Xbox 360 effect is processed with more samples.

So in terms of overall image quality, it certainly look as though Enslaved: Odyssey to the West won't disappoint on either platform. But equally, the performance differential on those engine-stressing scenes is a bit worrying, and it's something we'd hope is far less of an issue in the final release code."

4965d ago Replies(1)
Sarcasm4965d ago

Uh the only difference is that they didn't enable V-Sync on the PS3 version. That's it. Nothing else.

If you know what V-Sync is, which I highly doubt, then you'd realize that the framerate on the 360 will drop to 20 and stay at 20 if there is too much action.

But don't get me wrong, I hate screen tearing so the 360 does have the advantage here. But the differences in everything else is non existent.

And seriously, the 360 still has nothing that even remotely comes close to Wipeout HD, God of War 3, Uncharted 2, Gran Turismo 5 etc. etc. So stop with the "omg 360 is more powerful because it has vysnc enabled" bullcrap.


jalen2474965d ago (Edited 4965d ago )

It is obvious that Enslaved isn't pushing the PS3 because I own Heavenly Sword and played the Enslaved demo and Heavenly Sword looks better.

The gif you posted of GOW III speaks volumes.

And to think some people on here still think Uncharted 2 looks better than GOW III or that the 360 is more powerful than the PS3. LMFAO.

Many areas in GOW III look honest to God CG quality. I can not even imagine what Sony Santa Monica next PS3 game will look like.

People fail to realize that Uncharted 2 was Naughty Dog's 2nd PS3 game while GOW III was Sony Santa Monica's 1st PS3 game....given what they accomplished with their 1st PS3 game...imagine their 2nd PS3 game...

Sevir044965d ago (Edited 4965d ago )

Most of the time and DOWN right jaw dropping in some instances. The thing is that GOW3s fluctuated from amazing and jaw dropping too much. in areas it surpasses UC2 but only in key areas. UC2 simply looked jaw dropping all the time. Consistency is what well all like to see. and while i loved GOW 3 to death. it's visuals werent consistent. There are parts of the game which looked Uncharted 2 level and then others which looked slightly less uncharted 2 in visual flair. Their next game will be amazing. and far more consistent. so I have no doubt their next game will transcend the boundaries of GOW3 and UC2.

Pedobear Rocks4965d ago

yet another developer using an out of the box solution (UE3) that wasn't built with PS3 in mind. It really has zero to do with how 'powerful' either machine is.

BigPappaPump4965d ago

"360 is just more powerful" LMFAO! wake up dude. I yet experience a 360 tittle that can match the raw power of GOW III and the Uncharted series. Let's not forget that SE butchered FFXIII to accomodate the 360's limited hardware. Come speak to me when there's an exclusive that could match and surpass Resistance 2's leviathon.

Holeran4965d ago

The 360 is more powerful in certain circumstances, in the kitchen my PS3 just can't cut it, i've tried to cook a meal with it many times and it just never gets hot enough. My 360 on the other hand I just have to throw in my oven with whatever I want cooked and voila, bon appetit.

edhe4964d ago

And here you'd think that 4 years into the lifecycle of the console that people who made these things would give a shit about that. Maybe they should re-do the engine, and code it specifically for this new platform they want to make lots of money from by making huge sales with fancy new tech and cool games.

Oh wait - they do? Crap!

UE3 is an engine built around middleware which us customised to the platform it's on. UT3 was the big launch of the PS3ified UE3 and that was a long time ago.

Just face the facts that the 360 is the console with better tech support and is the best horse for the course this gen.

you speak of two petty single player games like their divine, and one failed hyped game that happened to have a large beastie in it. I don't need to 'come speak' to you as you've already been farted in the face with superiority.

FFXIII butchered eh? what about the ps3 version was butchered? They were hamfisted enough with using terrible compression, did they forget to put any fun at all into the game on the ps3?

BigPappaPump4964d ago (Edited 4964d ago )

edhe, if you have nothing to back up your argument, quit prattling your nonsence. obviously, you hate the games I bought up but failed to provide any of your favorite system's games to rival,(match) or surpass. SE did butchered FFXIII to fit whatever they can to your system's limited hardware, deal with it. It sucks that people who only own PS3 have to suffer bad quality due to SE's business decision. Assuming versus XIII won't go multiplat would back up my assumption.

Ju4965d ago (Edited 4965d ago )

In fact, NT let pretty much everybody from their engine team go. They simply couldn't afford their techheads after the HS disaster. With it they lost pretty much all know-how how to make a game engine. And that pretty much shows.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4964d ago
Antan4965d ago (Edited 4965d ago )

Cross Platform engines are not a good way to get the most out of a machine, especially UE3 on PS3. Ninja Theorys very own HS on PS3 for example sports a very good level of AA, and has a fabulous HDR lighting engine. Lip sync on HS is also and continues to be right up there with the very best. Custom engines will always play to a machines strength. UE3 while decent, doesn't really do the PS3 any favours.

T3MPL3TON 4965d ago (Edited 4965d ago )

Quite honestly, I assumed this would be tons better on the PS3 but that screen tearing on the PS3 version is just nasty. I'm sick of people saying games look bad in the PS3 because they got held back by the 360 version. Get over it. Some games just work better on different systems, it happens.

Thou none of this matters as it isn't final code.

xYLeinen4965d ago

How the heck can Ninja Theory fuck up a game for the PS3? Sorry for the bad language, but it's like they don't even try.

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bouzebbal2979d ago

i am dying for a next gen Parasite Eve! This serie has so much potential..
One of my favorite of all time (on PS1).

DarkOcelet2979d ago

Tetsuya Nomura (Director of Kingdom Hearts Franchise and FFVII Remake) said he wanted to do a Current gen Parasite Eve game.

Add to that, we saw an Easter Egg of Aya Brea in FFVII Remake, i think Parasite Eve for Curent gen is coming.


Kyosuke_Sanada2979d ago (Edited 2979d ago )

I hope he does but it has to be horror. We haven't had a good traditional horror RPG for a long time (at least on home consoles) and I am hoping that a new PE would one of many to fill that void.

bouzebbal2979d ago

i love you man! you just gave me hope there!
PE is an amazing hybrid RPG/horror. PE2 was a slap in my face that game was unbelievable.
I think Aya is such a badass that i actually liked 3rd birthday, but let's not forget it was a mobile game in the beginning. A point and click type of game like MGS touch i believe.

DarkOcelet2979d ago

Parasite Eve 1 and 2 were horror for the most part.

The 3rd Birthday... Lets just pretend that game never happened.

And i agree, we need more horror RPG games and we need Aya Brea back :3