
Game Vortex: Mafia II: Jimmy's Vendetta 360 Review

Game Vortex writes: "Well, you see the score at the top, so you're probably wondering what went wrong with Mafia II: Jimmy's Vendetta. If you've read my extensive coverage of Mafia II, you know that I found it one of the most enjoyable gaming experiences of 2010. The unfortunate truth about Jimmy's Vendetta is that most of what made Mafia II great simply isn't present here. This content is aimed squarely at gamers who enjoy hardcore challenges, shooting for high scores, and leaderboard competition. I don't expect Mafia II fans to take kindly to this shift in focus."

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PlayStation Store Global Update – July 19, 2011

Each week Sony brings PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Portable owners new content, add-ons, games and more. PlayStation LifeStyle catalogs the PlayStation Store updates for the major regions across the globe. Check back every Tuesday and Wednesday to keep up to date with each week's PlayStation Store Update.

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dbjj120884703d ago


CryofSilence4703d ago

Why whine? We just got Limbo! Stranger's Wrath will be here when it's done.

BigWoopMagazine4703d ago

Ha, cause some people have never owned xbox, and thus have waited years to play that, as well as munch's oddysee. :(

ftwrthtx4703d ago

Borderland full bundle for 14.99 is a helluva deal.

ftwrthtx4703d ago

Ditto. Quite a bit to download

TheDivine4703d ago

Me 2, too good of a deal to pass up. I have decent internet so the download took 45min maybe, the install is taking longer LOL. I almost bought this game many times but i wanted all dlc and a good price. Might grab limbo also. I spend WAY too much on arcade games. Just got scott pilgrim last night and 4 games last week. I wait for deals though and stock up, havent bought a disk game in 2-3 months. I love the retro games and 2d shmups and platformers. Hard corps fu**in rocks yall, check it out if you havent.

BigWoopMagazine4703d ago

Hell yeah. Kinda hurt when I realized I bought the game day one, each dlc as it came out, totaling $100 I spent for all that. DAMN!

Lord_Sloth4703d ago

I want War of the Lions on my PS3 with a good frame rate...

Son_Lee4703d ago

Limbo is $14.99. Hmm. Just played the trial and LOVED it, but is it worth that much money? I don't have PS+

Kee4703d ago

Apparently north america, japan and hong kong is the world. No mention of the european update at all.

It's sort of misleading, the way it says "global".

Ahh, I need only wait until tomorrow to find out, anyway.

ftwrthtx4703d ago (Edited 4703d ago )

Europe updates Weds. morning and will be added accordingly. Last week's Eu store update is in last weeks Global Update article.

Kee4703d ago

Ahh, so you wait until after it updates. I somehow thought you knew before. My bad.

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Borderlands, Mafia II and BioShock 2 DLC featured in Xbox LIVE Deal of the Week

XMNR: Games from 2K Games get the spotlight in the Xbox LIVE Deal of the Week as add-ons for BioShock 2, Borderlands and Mafia II have their prices cut in half.

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MasterD9194773d ago

I wish they would have more deals like this on the newer games that come out...All this proves is that waiting for DLC to go on sale is worth it.

I got all of the Reach DLC this way.

trainsinrdr4773d ago

just release a complete edition of mafia 2 at retail already

Active Reload4773d ago

My only complaint with Live is--it not having Games on Demand releases in sync with retail releases. If Brink or LA Noire were to be released on Games on Demand along side the retail versions, I'd buy them. I have a lot of MS points that can only be spent on earlier releases.


Mafia II: "Music of class" | Journal of Thegameover The Videogame

I really enjoyed the new Mafia II, and I do not think the reviews made by other sites, and the Metacritic score of 75/100, is much too low from the point of view. I believe that we must consider many aspects of the game, and not that solution to run too many publications such as the fact that the game lasts only 10 hours, there seems little? I think not because we're used to a bit of time to the famous speech "DLC" that could lead to more hours than many other news: see "The betrayal of Jimmy" is "The Revenge of Jimmy." Then I said to myself after all this light-hearted, why not list all the songs in the game audio and video formats! Well of course all the original versions, and if available, with video artist then goes back to when the game is played, you might have a flash on some parts that you'll definitely hear some advertising, or in the movies. Then I had fun with YouTube by selecting all (or most) the songs of the game hoping to see you in a different game without thinking of voting and other things that are all the rage on the most popular network, now I'll leave that I got tired really, since I have selected more than 100 songs to listen to you, so if you want "Stura" ears and start listening to the game.

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