movements4989d ago (Edited 4989d ago )

It's not gay, dude? Seems you have nothing to say......

Post comments that make sense

qface644989d ago

wait what? that doesn't make any sense whatsoever

EYEamNUMBER14989d ago

how can you be jealous of a trailer?

qface644989d ago (Edited 4989d ago )

aww how cute your talking about posting comments that make sense yet you just edited your comment to remove your comment that made no sense

Forbidden_Darkness4989d ago

Movements original comment:

"Jealous much?"

nix4989d ago

probably he meant "weak".

- Ghost of Sparta -4989d ago

LULZ I SMOKE I'M KEWL! Face fucking palm, R.I.P Capcom.

Danteh4989d ago (Edited 4989d ago )

Fuck yeah the franchise which make me buy a PS2 rebooted!!!!!!!!!!

I still remember when I went to some shop to try that cool new PS2 game which combined sword and guns to make insane combos and kill fucking scary puppets.

I had never tried something like that before.

Although I had been a Nintendo fanboy my whole life, I just begged to my parents till they bought me a PS2 and I went over to the dark side :P


nveenio4989d ago

As someone who has never had any interest in the DMC series (and hated the demo of 4), I have to say that trailer actually made me want to play the game. And, even if some of you say he looks 'gay', he could still kick your that makes him alright in my book.

rockleex4989d ago (Edited 4989d ago )

Sorry but Dante was already one of the coolest and most awesome characters ever in a video game, and he doesn't even smoke.

Just because they failed with Nero in DMC4 doesn't mean they need to change Dante.

What kind of retard decided that the lively and charming Dante needed to be changed? Why do you think people love Johnny Depp?

We want DANTE! Not someone else trying to live up to his name, nor his game!

I have to ask the question. Why are Japanese devs so intent on screwing over their fanbase to target some audience that DOES NOT GIVE A F*CK about them?

Reibooi4988d ago

That was terrible......

Sure the action looked pretty cool but aside from that it didn't feel like DMC AT ALL. Why even call it that? If they named it something else no one would ever think it was supposed to be a DMC game.

Honestly I know it's supposed to be a Reboot(which the franchise didn't need) But they didn't need to change the way Dante looks. He looks like crap. Dante is a iconic looking character design and changing him for no reason is utterly retarded.

bjornbear4988d ago (Edited 4988d ago )

so...Westernized and cheap...maybe the gameplay will be great, but to change the image of a great franchise after 3 great games = sad.

they should have just made it a new IP....

DMC Franchise = reCYCLED...and dead to me...and I LOVED the 1st and 3rd dearly...='(

fallingdove4988d ago

Devil May Cry used to be one of my favorite franchises. Unsurprisingly, Ninja Theory have ruined Dante. Almost as much as the horrible character design, I am concerned that this game is being handled by a company that has said a few times that Story is more important than gameplay. Thanks for nothing Ninja Theory you are a black mark on the video game medium.

ABizzel14988d ago

I don't see the problem besides the new character model. The series needed a reboot. It was going downhill after DMC 5.

Dante was way over powered and Nero was a crybaby. The new character looks a little awkward (his in game design doesn't look as good as the concept art), but other than that the game looks pretty good.

I can't believe people are really in love with a digital avatar. Do you really want to play with Dante's sword and Ebony and Ivory that bad.

Commander_TK4988d ago

*Yawn*. DMC died after that piece of shit known as Devil May Cry 4

goldensfree4988d ago

gameplay looks like it could b epic graphics arnt the greatest but still good nough if its fun.

as for the gay well if he turns you on... the gf says hes too kidish for her.

UnSelf4988d ago (Edited 4988d ago )

WTF IS THIS?!!??!?!



if this is real you better tell me right now!!

gaffyh4988d ago

This looks worse than DMC4. Also he needs to have white hair.

I'm being 100% serious.

magnifier4988d ago

It makes sense at this dude isn't fucking Dante, and he IS wickedly gay

evrfighter4988d ago

"I can't believe people are really in love with a digital avatar"

um you have heard of a small game called World of Warcraft right?

Millah4988d ago

WTF has gotten into Jap publishers this gen? Seriously. Get your shit together Japan. You guys used to create the best and most original, influential games in the industry. What happened?

HammockGames4988d ago

I'm not planning on pre-ordering any of their games in the near future.

They've stopped innovating, and they've stopped listening to their fan base. So what appeal is left?

The only novel thing they've really introduced this gen was Dead Rising. I had high hopes for DR2, but with Capcom's recent history I'm almost expecting to be disappointed...

I'm still pissed at them for the internet sign-on required for Final Fight. What a jackass move that was.

webeblazing4988d ago

capcom proved all the post i made against them this is some BS. i didnt want to be right but yea new SE here this is the beginning. look like weaker combat system, graphics dont look better then dmc4 ( dont bash cause was mp), char design is corny like all they new games ( how can you mess up SF char design, and marvel chars. marvel char is the easiest things to draw).


our voice need to be herd jus make a new game if you wanna try something new. times is hard lets reward devs that love they craft forget pub telling them to make dumb games. they make alot (pub) reward devs for making something new or refreshing.


I just opened the GamingVault link (orignal one wasn't working for me) and right next to the first image was an stupid ad with some Twilight quiz... I couldn't stop laughing at it for 4 minutes. LOL

Now seriously, what where they thinking? The Original DMC was the great one, the second one was mediocre, the third one was good again but not thanks to stupid young Dante and his smartass attitude. DMC4 was crap again thanks to annoying Nero kid... If there were one thing they should have learned was that we don't want a newer Dante, a cooler Dante... He was cool out of his badassary, as he would deal with it all with a grim smile on his face, not becuase he fashion synthony or what he listens in his iPod, we don't want to hear crap teenager vocabulary on the dialogues all the time...

So what they come with? An emo kid that is some kind of subject, not even a half-demon anymore, and a grafiti logo. Thank you Capcom, but I think I'll pass. Already bought DMC4 and RE5 this gen... Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice...

PS: NT is on a roll! They are just releasing Enslaved, which most of us agree don't even look that interesting, but they are already signed for Ni-oh from Koei and DmC from Capcom, what are those Japanese publishers thinking? Or was the Ni-oh being developed by NT only a rumour?

+ Show (21) more repliesLast reply 4988d ago
CrazyForGames4989d ago

this looks like crap already AND WE STILL HAVE NOT seen the western feel capcom was talking about.... this is no DMC

RosoTron364989d ago Show
Orange4988d ago

dude, the japanese are big time smokers.

theKiller4988d ago

are they doing it by purpose or they are that stupid?

smoking is bad for the health (kills 5+ million every year) and the people near by and contributes to global warming!!

if such a thing is ok, when can we promote terrorism (all type of terrorism included)? rape? incest?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4988d ago
Mizz_mai4989d ago

Typical western disrespect for an eastern property.......the redesign is AWFU....if that was a new character i'd be cool but NOTHING ABOUT THIS GUY SAYS if you dont excuse me i have to phone my boyfriend to tell him why his copy of heavenly sword is in pieces

TheGameFoxJTV4988d ago

It's Dante's great-great-grandson. XD, the cars look more modern than the ones in previous games. XD

bustamove4989d ago

Jealous of what? I want the real Dante back. This guy is a freaking disgrace.

RealDante4988d ago

So He doesnt even look like this in the upcoming Marvel Vs Capcom 3 game so why did they change his design????? Someone help me

MurderMyDoll4989d ago

guys relax. the new Dante will just take some warming up too I love the old Dante but I for one am insanely excited cause you know what ITS THE GAMEPLAY THAT MATTERS and we have a new Devil May Cry. The franchise is gonna be renewed and fresh and hell you don't know how the games gonna pan out could be a prequel ending with Dante slowly becoming the one we know and love or maybe this is his son or whatever so don't hate on a game for a two minute trailer it looks insanely awesome so like just be happy guys

EYEamNUMBER14989d ago (Edited 4989d ago )

we shouldn't have to warm up to a new dante when the old one was VERY liked and unfinished

you have to remember as its been said so many times in here this game is going to have a WESTERN FEEL to it capcom was making a big deal out of it meaning things wont be the same

also you have to remember this is a TOTAL REBOOT of the series so it means this DMC will have nothing to do with the rest technically speaking

i for one am not looking forward to this at all because if it was just only about the gameplay then id just go play bayonetta

4989d ago
THE TRUTH4989d ago

Epic fail! Last time capcom westernized a game was Lost Planet 2! I will not be spending my money on this.

qface644989d ago

silly how can you forget such amazing westernized capcom games such as Bionic Commando, and Dark Void Big successes and jewels of gaming (sarcasm)

Christopher4989d ago (Edited 4989d ago )

Could he be more emo?

I don't see where they're going with this reboot personally. Need to see the story behind it before I say whether it's a good or bad idea.

Trailer didn't impress with the whole "I, Robot" killing spree and that was about all it had that one could draw any conclusions off of.

Gue14988d ago (Edited 4988d ago )

edit: Forget my argument, I just hate this crap.

look at this:

Is that an emo kind of make-up or what?

ZombieNinjaPanda4988d ago

I was gonna state a comment about how people do not know what emo is blah blah blah...

But yeah, that is actually emo.

Solid_Snakeps34988d ago


Dannagar4988d ago (Edited 4988d ago )

This game trailer is Aweful!!! Why would Capcom give us this. I didn't ask for a girly, petite, Emo Dante. I didn't ask for the whinny Nero either. What was wrong with the Bad ASS Dante of days long since past?

Drebin 9284988d ago

Do all you complainers seriously want the developers to never change things up? I like it when series that have been doing things pretty much the same way over and over reboot and try new things. If you give it a chance, you may actually find the game more compelling and Dante 2.0 an all around more interesting character, than the cocky, wise cracking, 1 dimensional Dante we're used to. After playing through the forgettable experience that was DMC4, I think this reboot looks a lot more interesting. Here's hoping they improve the cheesy dialogue and the fight music too.

Bottom line: Don't be prejudice because it's different. Let the actual GAME speak for it self.

RememberThe3574988d ago

This is not about the game being good, it's about the game being DMC. Dante is/was the most badass yet cool ass character I've played with.

You seem to be more interested in troubled teens then myself but don't expect us to be to share your opinion.

I actually have no doubt that this game is going to be awesome gameplay wise. I don't like the direction they have taken on of my favorite characters. And frankly, I'm going to speak out against it.

Drebin 9284988d ago (Edited 4988d ago )

I suppose I'm just not nearly as concerned with the actual appearance of the main character, as I am with all the other aspects of the game, such as (hopefully) improved story/ writing, music, and gameplay (and better visuals are always a plus).

I just hate to see a game ripped to shreds over a 2min trailer with no gameplay. Especially, when I believe Ninja Theory is gonna deliver an exceptional game just as they have done in the past.

-Judge_Fudge4988d ago

if it aint broke dont fix it---dantes look wasnt the thing thats wrong with the game so why should capcom fix it?

cy-anide4988d ago (Edited 4988d ago )

anyone that is taking the d!ck that capcom is shoving up their ass obviously are not die hard DMC fans. this new dante is sh!t and the trailer is sh!t . despite the reviews DMC4 got which IMO wasnt even that bad of a game this looks like sh!t. this is what happens when japanese developers give in to the ultimately gay western gaming. cmon halo reach 10/10 and now this gay as stunt. capcom is going to regret this decision. i dont know why the hell they assumed people would not want to blow up their offices after seeing such a shitty reboot. id rather be sentenced to play DMC2 for eternity than see this new DMC see the light of day. no sword ? seriously cigs? gay americanized look? where is the DMC we all know and love. japan needs to say fuck the west and needs to continue to make their own games. this is the reason why genres are dyeing. i forgot westerners just like cig smoking fags that shoot shit.

Drebin 9284988d ago

I just found this rather disturbing post in a forum as to why Dante looks the way he does...

[Rayge said: I know the story as to why Dante looks like that. Once upon a time there was a lead designer by the name of Tameem Antoniades who worked for a company by the name of Ninja Theory. One day Ninja Theory got the contract to make the next DMC and stuck Tameem Antoniades on the development team. Due to him being vain, conceited, and arrogant he decided to make Dante into HIS likeness because he thinks that he's that awesome.]

Uncanny resemblance eh...If this is true then I kinda am pissed...

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4988d ago
WildArmed4988d ago (Edited 4988d ago )


(except the new dante look is FUKING BS)

The gameplay will be good atleast

noprin4988d ago

this game looks gay,the main character looks gay,the movements and action looks gay!
Why cant we have A real DMC like DMC1 and DMC3??
why the hell are they ruining the franchise???
whats with that cigarette?does that suppose to look cool?
I'm really disappointed *_*

RememberThe3574988d ago (Edited 4988d ago )

"Western" does not need to mean making Dante an English angst teen rebel.

This guy looks and acts like a little bitch you see on BBC, not the Dante we have known for years. I don't want to play as him or really even see him again. This is so disappointing for me as a Devil May Cray fan, I'm having a hard time putting it into words.

Since when was Dante a f*cking emo?

CimmerianDrake4988d ago

Bubbles for the lulz.

As soon as you said "This guy looks and acts like a little bitch you see on BBC" I was cracking up. Thanks, I needed the laugh today.

On a related note, why does that Dante look like Iggy Pop?

webeblazing4988d ago

not really dr who looks harding them this dude. if they what to capture the west all they had to capture the realistic way the char act which come in many forms ( drake= ave crook, gear= ave military dude, heavy rain= detective, halo= solder) hopefully your see what im getting at char that make since and understandable in personality. everybody hate watching a movie thats completely not understandable. itlooks like they dumbed down everything when they had a strong fanbase.

madara0sama4988d ago (Edited 4988d ago )

Well said. Even Nero is gaylesser if that's a word. F*ck this emo wolf wannabe vampire fagg*t that is teenagers these days.

tinybigman4988d ago

is by far the worst character redesign in the history of redesigns.

hot-sauce4988d ago


Devil May Cry

I'll miss you. You were one of my favorite franchises.

ThanatosDMC4988d ago (Edited 4988d ago )

What in the blue bloody f*ck was that sh!t?! Where the hell is my silver haired awesome character god?!

Sad days... they f*cked up DMC4 and now they completely f*cked up DMC series. What the F*CK!!!

Also, Dante doesnt smoke! He hates the smell of it according to the novels and the anime. Also, the whip chain thing... are they copying God of War too?!

I'm gonna be filled with hate today...... the f*ck?!

PhoenixLight4988d ago (Edited 4988d ago )

anime any good?

ThanatosDMC4988d ago

Yeah, it's good. Watch the japanese dub with english subtitles since the english version is horrible.

MmaFanQc4988d ago

but i think i wont bash the game and will wait for more info since its not THAT bad

Aaroncls74988d ago (Edited 4988d ago )

This would've been a perfect April's fools joke....

+ Show (21) more repliesLast reply 4988d ago
NYC_Gamer4989d ago

that trailer is just painful to watch for old school DMC fans

Simon_Brezhnev4989d ago

This will literally fail hard in Japan i dont even like the trailer.

vickers5004989d ago (Edited 4989d ago )

I only played Devil May Cry 4, so I have no personal investment into the Dante character, yet even for me, this trailer and the character was painful for me to watch.

I for one, am not getting this.

I'm 19 years old and live in the U.S., and haven't played a DMC before. I'm pretty much their target audience (excluding the pre-tween twilight emo bullsh*t), and I'm not getting it. That should say something about how much they've f*cked up. When I saw the headline of the article, I thought to myself "F*cking awesome, now I'll get to play a classic, very well respected franchise with a new astonishing coat of next gen graphical paint, and perhaps some gameplay improvements". I was excited... until I saw the screen shots, then later, the trailer. F*ck this game, Capcom needs to learn to not f*ck with their fans (even though I cant consider myself a fan of DMC having only played the 4th, I can understand the pain of the actual fans), and needs to be boycotted.

clank5434988d ago

@vickers; I'm the same age you are here in the U.S. and this is not appealing to me at all. I'm guessing that they watched the twilight movies and said to themselves thats what a western audience wanted. I haven't trusted Ninja Theory since they complained so much about developing Heavenly Sword and how hard it was on the ps3, and this just gives me another reason to hate Ninja Theory.

wazzim4989d ago

We didn't ask for a reboot...

chazjamie4988d ago

they should of concluded dantes story before they did this. i know dante doesnt have a story (such as mgs or gow), but a reboot after his story would makes sense. this was out of the blue. and i never heard anyone asking for one, i heard complaints about dmc 4 but never to the point that they should start all over again. and by doing so, starting with the protaganist.

i am excited that a dmc is coming out. now we just wait.

CimmerianDrake4988d ago

The only big complaints people had about DMC4 was Nero and the laziness of the level/boss design. Combat was great, music was meh, story was lame because of Nero. But seriously, to play 4 levels forward with Nero, then play THE SAME G.D. LEVELS IN REVERSE WITH DANTE, fighting the same stupid bosses with a color swap, it just reeked of laziness.

LordStig4989d ago

How could they get it wrong on so many levels?

his hair, his face, he smokes, he's in a psycho ward.
Anyone else want to add on to that?

Seijoru4989d ago

He probably isnt half-devil anymore and no more devil trigger.

Mizz_mai4989d ago

i can add he has h.i.v by the looks of that sword doesnt look like rebellion

midgard2294989d ago

the westernized part of the game is that instead of devil mode it goes into FPS mode, exploding barrels and all......Ohhhhhhh this game sux

disparage4989d ago

He's quite possibly homosexual now.

vickers5004988d ago

He has a new taunt ability where he flicks his emo hair out of his face, then pulls out a razor and cuts himself while writing his sad feelings in a diary, only later to have his hair cover his face up again.

webeblazing4988d ago

dont forget his moves and combos even seem soft. dmc is played for Superior combos and story. they even had an anime for god sakes.

going to last bubs this upset me even tho i knew it was coming. ill reply later when things get more interesting.


+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4988d ago
Crossifixxo4989d ago

Another of my favourite action/adventure games being degraded with every release (so long prince of persia) and this time it's DMC. I don't know what is up with these developers these days? They are mad, madder than Mad Jack McMad winner of last years Mad Man competition.

Redempteur4989d ago (Edited 4989d ago )

this trailer is painfull for anyone you'de played any dmc game before

DMC1 & 3 are my favorites and this ..this .....

the back lash from this will hopefully "wake up" capcom .

also nobody wanted a reboot least NT didn't piss on the "normal dmc continuity" ...

it's official , if you want dante , then play marvel vs capcom 3 next year

Eamon4988d ago

agreed, Nyc_Gamer, my heart was aching throughout this trailer.

RIP Devil May Cry.

RIP Dante.

Devil May Twilight is born

magnifier4988d ago

Devil May Twilight... I lol'd. Bubble vote for that one

RememberThe3574988d ago

i give you kudos for "Devil May Twilight". Dantes gonna be a vampire now...

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4988d ago
N4PS3G4989d ago (Edited 4989d ago )

fk the haters, trailer looks great! It will take some time to get used to but i dig it. Gamers are so afraid of change in games...yet if they don't evolve they start bitching again ...and in the end...they end up buying it the first day anyway.


Read the press release, they are changing DMC's gameplay, look, setting....basically EVERYTHING.. that you don't like it or agree with it..doesn't mean they ain't doing new stuff with DMC.

CrazyForGames4989d ago

where exactly is the evolution your talking about?

MaideninBlack4989d ago

He smokes and he's but ugly. Westerners will love it!

CrazyForGames4989d ago

remember when capcoms resident evil 5 press release said the same type of things MAN EVOLUTION OVERLOAD (sarcasm)

ill say it again where is the evolution your talking about because nothing in that trailer showed any of that

the only thing i see changing is the gameplay and it wont be evolution capcom already said this game will have a western feel to it
for a DMC game that doesn't sound like evolution

i don't even like bayonetta but that is more evolution that DMC will be getting

Muletroid4989d ago

yup because that western feel the game is gonna have is just gonna be so evolutionary

ninja theory is gonna mess this shit up this would be no big deal if ninja theory wasn't so far messing up DMC

XANDEO4989d ago

Maybe thats why its a reboot if they mess it up capcom can quitely sweep it under the carpet.

Muletroid4989d ago

you have a point there but they did say this is a reboot of the whole DMC series i believe

so goodbye DMC we know and love

Snakefist304989d ago (Edited 4989d ago )

I think he (N4PS3G) havnt played Devil may cry.

Baka-akaB4989d ago

where is the change ? Do you truly believe it will go beyond adding Heavenly sword and enslaved mechanics to a property that doesnt need it ?

It's a travesty of a franchise

disparage4989d ago the hell we won't.

Redempteur4989d ago (Edited 4989d ago )

if they are changin everything , why calling it DMC ?

just create your own Ip from scratch and so be it ... isn't that what cyberconnect is doing with ashura wrath ??

Otheros004988d ago (Edited 4988d ago )

It like how dmc started as resident evil 4. I's too different from resident evil so they made it into it's own ip. they should do it with this game as well and drop all the things related to dmc.

dredgewalker4988d ago


If they changed everything then what's the point in calling this game DMC? This ain't DMC and that thing ain't Dante. Capcom might as well give this game another name! Would MGS fans love a remake and have Emo Snake!?! Would Halo fans love an Emo Chief!?! You obviously are not a fan of DMC so it's okay for you to have Dante turn into something else. Looking at your avatar I am not surprised to see you okay with this.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4988d ago
Forbidden_Darkness4989d ago

"What is your name?"


"What is your name!?"


"Wait... WHAT!? Your not f%$#ing Dante. You look like some gay emo kid on meth."

"Sorry, Capcom made me change my ways, because they think they are doing themselves a favor by f%$#ing up my franchise."

"Man, that sucks. I guess the devil will be crying when you go to hell."

-Devil Will Cry, coming sometime to a drug dealer near you.

Chicken Chaser4989d ago

LOL Because the old Dante didn't also look gay and emo right? hahahahaha

Forbidden_Darkness4989d ago (Edited 4989d ago )

You must have missed the 'kid' and 'meth' part. Move along please, Dante 'WAS' f%$#ing awesome.

LeonSKennedy4Life4989d ago

Chicken Chaser...

You have a point. Lol.

Miraak82 4989d ago

he kinda looks like adam lambert lol

Simon_Brezhnev4989d ago

lmfao @ muletroid topped it

IRetrouk4989d ago

old dante was awsume, the new one, not so much, should just say hes the ofspring of lady and dante and leave it at that, sooo soooo disapointed.

Christopher4988d ago

I'm not saying the old Dante wasn't emo, but it's like they wanted to go 100% emo just to make sure we knew he was emo or something with the reboot.

Last time I checked, Westerners didn't really go for emo. Goth w/Vampires, yes, but not emo. So, if they did a reboot for Westerners, they went in the wrong direction.

Eamon4988d ago

old Dante was supposed to be the japanese rockstar type.

Long hair isn't gay and emo. And Dante was never emo. Almost the opposite.

But this new Dante has a lesbian haircut.

webeblazing4988d ago (Edited 4988d ago )

not really dante looked like a biker or gothic dude that had looks going for him and he was bada$$, and the main thing he fights way better then this dude look at the gameplay and cutseines everything is weak. japan aint gonna like this.

look at their pass games the messed up mostly all of them.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 4988d ago
BYE4988d ago

LOL. Old Dante looked like a gay gothic emo kid as well.

I don't care as long as the game is good!

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Capcom Had Record Sales in 2024 Fiscal Year

Capcom Co., Ltd. today announced that in its consolidated earnings for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024, net sales were 152,410 million yen (up 21.0% year-over-year), operating income was 57,081 million yen (up 12.3% year-over-year), ordinary income was 59,422 million yen (up 15.7 % year-over-year), and net income attributable to owners of the parent was 43,374 million yen (up 18.1 % year-over-year).

Read Full Story >>

Hey Capcom I want a remake of Viewtiful Joe 1 and 2 on Switch or, maybe Switch 2. I loved both of those games on GameCube.

MeteorPanda3d ago

Good. capcom and square enix were my two favourite developers and now it's just CapCom! Square enix keeps missing the mark, their sparks gone.


Ninja Theory trends on X as gamers fear for studio following Tango Gameworks closure

Following the closure of 4 studios, many are now worried for the future of Ninja Theory once Hellblade 2 is released.

Read Full Story >>
Sonic18813d ago (Edited 3d ago )

How is it going to sell well when it's also releasing on gamepass 🤔

Sephiroushin3d ago

Meant better to sell the studio and not closing it 🤦🏻 not to sell more games….
and games are sold anyways, you can buy it on xbox (not recommended if you got gamepass) but many pc gamers prefer to buy on steam than deal with the xbox app or pc gamepass!

On a side note to OP, the sales of studios wont happen though, especially when they want to retain the IPs, and well nobody is gonna buy a studios without its IPs; the other publishers that want a certain dev from the studio that are closing on their team can try to grab them as soon as they see they notice of the studio.

RaidenBlack3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

Well hypothetically speaking, Ninja Theory can be sold to Sony at a lower rate sans the Hellblade IP.
Sony can then welcome them to work on the Heavenly Sword IP, which they still own.
Will be a nice proposition for Sony who can continue to offer a God of War-like hack n slash in their portfolio via Heavenly Sword 2, whilst Cory Barlog & co. decides to take a break from the God of War IP & venture some other genres.
On top of that, Ninja Theory was also interested in a sequel to Enslaved: Odyssey to the West and such Sony can come to a deal with Namco Bandai regarding the Enslaved IP.

badz1493d ago

selling the studio wouldn't be an attractive offer unless they come with their IPs. MS wants to keep these IPs, so even if MS is selling just the studio, no one would wants them

Lightning774d ago

Because they're next come next year. HB2 won't hit some impossible metric within MS so they're getting axed in 2025. Leave gaming now MS.

XiNatsuDragnel4d ago

Ninja theory might as well be gone in 2025 at this rate

notachance3d ago

Every xbox studio is in danger now because there’s just no way they’re gonna rake in big money from game sales because of gamepass, even CoD was rumored to not come to gamepass because it would canibalize their sales number.

neutralgamer19923d ago

If they are smart they don’t put COD on GP day one. It’s one of the best selling games on yearly basis

Hofstaderman3d ago

Satya will make sure that doesnt happen. As you rightly put it; why kill the cash cow?

But then again, it is MS after all.....

thesoftware7303d ago

I agree and disagree. They should not put it on GP, but CoD makes real money from the overpriced MTX that people buy for over a year. They also have it all linked up to the Mobile CoD, which will incentivize Twitch spending from consumers.

neutralgamer19923d ago


That’s true but keep in mind COD is the best selling or top 3 selling game every year. So yes micro transactions money is there but so are billions more

They should have tiers of GP subscriptions and the higher end tier received AAA games while everyone else gets them in 60 days

MontyeKristo3d ago

Wouldn't putting it on Gamepass be smarter? Cod is typically played, I believe, for far longer than 6 months.. if you get everyone playing the game for a year, on Gamepass, you've essentially doubled your profit. $10 a month for a year $120 compared to selling the game once for $60.

Not to mention MT's, on top of it. Sell on PS5, PC and Switch, keep it on Gamepass for Xbox and PC. Much smarter in my opinion..

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3d ago
-Foxtrot3d ago

Also if you punish a studio for releasing a great critically acclaimed game which won some awards then what chance does anyone have

Elda3d ago

After this mess, I highly doubt the next installment of COD will be on Gamepass day one. It'll probably land on Gamepass 6 months after release date.

Noskypeno3d ago

Like I said earlier, I wouldn't even mind. There's a good selection of games on GP already, and it gives me time to play my backlog of games while allowing the games that need to sell millions of copies to make a profit a chance to succeed, a win win scenario.

badz1493d ago

not putting CoD on GP is sort of a violation of their own marketing though. they said ALL MS 1st party games will be on GP day 1, not some. CoD is 1st party, so to not put it on GP day 1 would be considered as false marketing.

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Rynxie3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

Ninja theory games were never big sellers. I could be wrong, but I doubt hellblade 2 will sell millions. I would rather they go independent and make heavenly sword 2.

solideagle3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

heavenly sword is Sony owned IP. this will never happen as original didn't sell enough...

Wikipedia: "In 2008, it was reported that a sequel to Heavenly Sword was in-development at SCE Studio Cambridge, but was canceled due to Sony no longer seeing it as a commercially viable product"

Flewid6383d ago (Edited 3d ago )

I remember. I feel like the amount of time & technology that has passed would make a sequel a big seller now. The game has enough legacy recognition to build hype.

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Former Hellblade Director & Ninja Theory Founder Explains Why He Left The Studio

Former Hellblade director and Ninja Theory co-founder has offered an explanation regarding his departure from the now Microsoft-owned studio.

Read Full Story >>
XiNatsuDragnel35d ago

I hope he forms a new studio soon

Cacabunga34d ago

It is a good studio.. i really enjoyed their dmc game that i platinumed it.
I did not try hellblade, because it doesnt tell me much.. Enslaved was very mehhh
Heavenly Sword was good not great. Amazing graphics back in the day but so repetitive and not so engaging in the long run.

stoney10134d ago

I really enjoyed Enslaved and Heavenly Sword back in the day. Wish they'd return to that sort of game. Hellblade isn't really for me to be honest. Not saying it's not a good game, I just couldn't get into it.

Popsicle34d ago (Edited 34d ago )

That is fair. I enjoyed Hellblade but can definitely see how it isn’t for everyone.

Would like to see how Heavenly Sword would have turned out if developed today. It’s easy to forget that games like Heavenly Sword were unprecedented and in their infancy.

shinoff218334d ago (Edited 34d ago )

Enslaved has been their favorite game for me. Loved the atmosphere.

1nsomniac34d ago

Heavenly sword was a staggeringly good game!! One of the most memorable of the PS3 generation in my opinion.

Babadook734d ago (Edited 34d ago )

Heavenly sword was good. It had ambitious graphics and as a result the frame rate suffered and as a result the gameplay suffered. But the story was phenomenal. Great acting, especially Andy Serkis as the king.

Jingsing34d ago (Edited 34d ago )

"Microsoft" we all read between the lines. We have seen the exact same thing happen with many of their other acquisitions

InUrFoxHole34d ago

Jesus man! Try reading the article at least.

cthulhucultist34d ago

One thing that pleasantly surprised me, was the Switch port, as back then it was my only console. The graphics were amazing and the artistic design helped a lot to enhance the visuals.I took some really impressive screen shots while playing which I still revisit them from time to time to remind me what a capable developer (QLOC) can achieve with weaker hardware.

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