
Treyarch: No Beta for Black Ops

With most shooters your often given a taster in which comes in the shape of an online multilayer beta. Black Ops is one of the games most people were hoping for this free taster but this dosen't seem to be the case at all.

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nefertis5011d ago

must be using the same game engine from mw2, they are too over confidence.

nighmare235011d ago

from watching the videos it seem the game is still not balance, it seems like anyone can pick up/play and get 20 kill right off the back.

ravinash5011d ago

Heaven forbid that anyone should have to work for anything anymore.

mastiffchild5011d ago (Edited 5011d ago )

Play another shooter? Do you expect the highest selling multiplat shooter to appeal more to more serious gamers, the tiny minority, or be easier to play?

While I like , apparently, similar game styles to you(a learning curve and balance would be nice)I can accept why some series play the way they do-and I can't love everything anyway. However, no beta again? After the mess of MW2 online at launch and to this day? THAT is cutting corners and getting fans to do your testing-makes me think other corners AGAIN will again be cut. My issue isn't with the mass appeal of the series at all-just with the fact Acti are treating us like idiots while milking this dry cos the man in charge doesn't give two hoots if games even exist in five years time. He doesn't play them so why would he?


Modern Warfare 3 Ranked Play Coming During Season 1, Treyarch Handling Development

Modern Warfare 3 Ranked Play will be arriving sometime in the middle of Season 1. Treyarch is once again handling development of it.

Kaii241d ago (Edited 241d ago )

I'll bite.
I don't min/max or alter controller schemes anymore because the default options suit me fine aside from aiming sensitivity, which was freakishly low on default.
But the matchmaking system still does that dissemble-reassemble which I hate and knew that my following games after my first overall score would increase In difficulty, i.e. drop shotters (many more examples)

You've got this ranked play but you have this spm scale that throws you against the sweatwall of hell (2 good games>1 bad game)

Swiftly uninstalled and I save 110+gb


MW3 loses a veteran Call of Duty developer of 18 years

Just 24 hours following the Modern Warfare 3 reveal, former Treyarch Studio Design Director David Vonderhaar has announced he’s stepping away from both the Call of Duty studio and Activision.

MrDead289d ago

Call of Duty development, what's that? They just make the same basic game and keep adding more and more MT's

anast289d ago

He probably should have stepped down 10 years ago.

Harkins1721289d ago

Might as well just quit your job now.

anast289d ago

I am sure you know what you are saying...I think.

Rocketisleague288d ago (Edited 288d ago )

He's a developer in one of the most successful franchises and works from Activision, do you know the benefits you get working there? Or the pay?

Half of the peasants on this site don't understand developers are humans and are working mostly for necessity like the rest of us

Stanjara289d ago

He couldn't have done another one.
Best of luck. Good decision.


Call of Duty studio head steps down following sexual harassment revelations

Treyarch’s Dan Bunting had worked on the FPS series for 18 years.
Treyarch co-studio head has left the company following an investigation into reports that he sexually harassed a female employee.

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Jin_Sakai930d ago

Is this happening in literally every company? I feel like I hear a new story on it every week.

Magog930d ago

These guys need to stop trying to have sex with their fellow employees and hit a club for once in their lives.

LordoftheCritics929d ago

No please don't hit the clubs. Some of us actually go there to dance and party.

Just Tinder that.

dbcoops929d ago

Then the woman in the club would be the ones making the accusations instead.

Software_Lover928d ago

It’s only harassment if she doesn’t like you.

Other than that, I agree with you.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 928d ago
porkChop929d ago

It's all part of the Activision Blizzard investigation.

GoodGuy09929d ago (Edited 929d ago )

We are in the age of cancelling. Anyone thats had some kinda harassment or even an ounce worth of being offended is speaking up now even if it happened 20 years ago.

LoveSpuds928d ago (Edited 928d ago )

And what are these assertions based on exactly?

Perhaps the guy is a predator? How would you feel if your wife, sister, daughter or mother came home from work and told you she was facing sexual harassment? Would you be so quick to dismiss their claims?

People in these positions are not quiting or getting fired based of wooly, baseless accusations.

metalgod88928d ago

Dude, this guy was going to get fired for sexual misconduct and the CEO saved him because he brings in the big bucks.

This news broke out in a very big article on Wall Street journal.

LordoftheCritics928d ago (Edited 928d ago )

What a load of bull.

Yes there are women who can be malicious but I will never change the law to hurt the actual victims by providing escape routes for predators.

Those shitty men and shitty women should prey on each other.

dbcoops928d ago (Edited 928d ago )


How would you feel if your dad, brother or life long male best friend came home from work and told you they were accused of sexual harassment and they said they were innocent and you knew without question there was no way they could have done it and there was no proof they did anything wrong. Perhaps the woman is lying. Would you be so quick to throw your dad, brother or best buddy under the bus because some woman made a claim.

"not quiting or getting fired based of wooly, baseless accusations."

Wrong, there has been men fired for much less than that. The world we live in today is not about proof its about the accusation because everyone is too scared to question the "victim"

Palitera928d ago

dbcoops, yes, that's such a huge widespread problem in today's society. /s

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 928d ago
TheSaint929d ago

It's weird how it's so difficult not to be a sexual predator.

UltraNova929d ago (Edited 929d ago )

In this day and age if you are a white male in a high position somewhere you are almost certainly a sexual predator or some kind of patriarchal/ misogynistic as*****, wether you like it or not.

1nsomniac928d ago

So many numpties on here lately. Have you ever listened to yourselves?

1Victor928d ago

@ultranova try been black, Hispanic or any other dark color minority in America.
You always fit the description of a suspect or they got a call about people loitering even tho you just got off work and on the way to the train station a block away 😡

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929d ago Replies(4)
Traecy929d ago

Why some folks can not separate business from pleasure at the workplace. They deserve to be tossed from the workplace. When one is done with work & leave then they have their own time to look for pleasure.

dbcoops929d ago

I agree 100%, go to work keep your head down, keep your mouth shut, do not look at, compliment or otherwise engage in conversation with a woman unless its business related only. Just do your job and at the end of the day clock out go home and you get to keep that job and do it all again the next day.


I tried the "keep my head down/mouth shut" approach in my first job and I quickly realized that leads to women at work resenting you because you aren't being "social". This resentment turns into office gossip, and before you know it, everyone thinks you're a weirdo based off of hearsay alone.

The reality is that most women love attention and ignoring them, from their perspective, is a form of harassment in itself.

Playing the social game/office politics is just as important as the work itself if you want to keep your job. I'm not saying this is how things "should" be, but that's certainly how things are.

Traecy928d ago

There's nothing wrong with engaging in conversation with anyone at the workplace just keep anything sexual out of it including compliments unless the compliments are work related.

Stonilein929d ago

another victim of the woke mob :(

My_Name_is_Earl929d ago

Right? Where are the good old days when a fella good grab some butt and the broad takes it as the compliment it is??!

TheDoomedGuy929d ago

If that's what you're into...

giveyerheadawobble929d ago (Edited 929d ago )

Yeah, that's literal sexual assault and always has been.

Next time you're out in a bar, grab some random woman's ass and see if you survive the night, yeah? Idiots everywhere these days.

Name Last Name929d ago

I’m sure that was sarcasm.

dbcoops929d ago

Nowadays some take issue with a literal compliment.

My_Name_is_Earl929d ago

You dummies hella thick. I'll end my sentences with the appropriate /SARCASM!!! annotation next time!

LoveSpuds928d ago (Edited 928d ago )

That is literally bollocks, I have complimented plenty of people, both male or female over the years whether its a cool pair of trainers a male worker has worn or a new haircut being sported by a female colleague and there is never any trouble.

Do you know why? Because they were sincere compliments and no creepy undertones. If a female coworker came to the office with a new haircut, me saying that it looks nice is not landing me in front of HR, no matter how much you right wingers claim thats the case.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 928d ago
dbcoops928d ago (Edited 928d ago )


FYI I did say "some" which meas not everyone so maybe learn to read. "Right wingers"? Yeah because political affiliation has anything to do with this, smdh. Hey you just keep playing the odds and handing out those compliments and see where you end up bud. Be sure to keep an empty box handy for when you have to clear out your things when you're made to leave.

moriarty1889929d ago (Edited 929d ago )

Yeah, this is happening a lot lately unfortunately.

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