
Critical Gamer: Global Agenda: interview

Critical Gamer writes: Now subscription free, jetpacks, futuristic weaponry… the idea of Global Agenda gets us surprisingly excited for an MMO. After grinding to level 18 by repeatedly slapping passers by in the face, we hunted down Hi Rez Studios’ executive producer Todd Harris and forced him to answer our questions at minigunpoint.

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Jim Crikey5022d ago

I'm not a fan of MMOs, but this one sounds different. Whether it is or not is another matter entirely.

scruffy_bear5022d ago

Not sure about Global Agenda, there's way to many MMO at the moment

Cubes5022d ago

Glad to see they dropped the subscription fee. It really puts me off when I see a game that needs a subscription to play it. We pay enough for broadband without these fees adding to our monthly bills.


MMOs - Global Agenda Review

Global Agenda review with screenshots, videos, and music.


Hi-Rez Studios Hiring a New Level Designer

Are you looking for a job in the industry? Hi-Rez Studios might make you an offer you can't refuse.

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SMITE NA Championship: The Business of Hi-Rez Studios

Lore Hound writes: "The business of a gaming website, hobby, professional, whatever, is fairly straightforward. First you get the hits, then you get the ads, then you get the money. For most gaming studios we’re left with a rather vague rendition of have an idea -> ??? -> $$$! During this weekend’s SMITE NA Championship we hoodwinked Todd Harris, the COO of Hi-Rez Studios, to address some burning questions that has led to the rise of SMITE as one of the first MOBAs featuring a championship with a purse over $1 million and counting."

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