Pangea goes big with Game Center multiplayer modes for Nanosaur 2, Cro-Mag Rally, and Enigmo

Pocket Gamer:
The launch of new technologies such as Game Center provides developers with an opportunity to release new games or soup up existing ones.

It's limited by time, however: if you're not quick, someone else will capture the sales from early adopters.

One developer making full use of the window of opportunity, particularly in terms of the multiplayer options now available in Game Center, is Texas studio Pangea Software, which has overhauled three of its existing games with real-time multiplayer modes.

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Indie Bundle released today on US PSN Stores

Beatshapers announced today that the Indie Bundle including award winning titles BreakQuest, Canabalt, Enigmo, Galcon Labs, and Wizorb has landed on the PSN stores in North America -- including the USA, Mexico, and Canada.

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memots4292d ago

nice , need to check them out and see if any are worth the time.


Enigmo Review | Gaming Capacity

Enigmo is one sturdy and straightforward puzzle game made for the PSP, PS3, and PS Vita offering many puzzles with liquid physics. For only $3.99 USD, this graphically 3D puzzler will offer many ways for you to complete each level and enjoy yourself while you do so.

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TheMrFraz4329d ago

As someone with my ear to the grindstone yet has never heard of this game, thank you for bringing the lesser-known titles to the forefront.

Emilio_Estevez4329d ago

It's a good small game with a lot of content. Some of them are pretty challenging too.

PS-Analog4329d ago

Our pleasure. Glad you enjoyed it! It's a hidden gem many haven't heard of.

ginsunuva4329d ago

I played this in 2008 on ios. Brilliant game.

8.0 Enigmo Review

Enigmo is a puzzle game by Beatshapers which consists of guiding droplets of water, fire and lava from one container to another using various objects and tools at your disposal. There are various obstacles that block your way so the tools that you use will come in handy as you try to guide the droplets to the target container.

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Emilio_Estevez4432d ago

Game is pretty fun, especially considering the cost.