
Capcom explains why there is no Wii version of Mega Man Universe

Mega Man Universe was unveiled a few months ago, but unlike Mega Man 9/10, a Wii version was not announced. Since then, quite a number of gamers have been wondering why the title won’t be making its way to Nintendo’s console.

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Natsu X FairyTail5025d ago

I was expecting the game to be like this but in HD



SeanRL5025d ago

I was expecting it to do something new and fresh but all it succeeds in doing is looking worse than older megaman games through the gay new graphics and give us no new gameplay. Every good series needs to grow up at some point.

Lyr1c5025d ago

You don't even know what it is yet and you're already complaining.....

RockmanII75025d ago

There are rumors of a level editor being in this game. If that's true who wouldn't want this? Besides it's not like its a $60 game, it's only $10

CrzyFooL5025d ago (Edited 5025d ago )

wtf this is almost a slap in the face to Nintendo. They can make it fit!!

RockmanII75025d ago

I'd rather not have features taken away from the PS360 version of this game so Wii owners can play it.

skyblue142135025d ago

Capcom is too cheap to put it on a disc, if they put it on a disc for the wii, then gamers will want it on a disc release for the ps3 and xbox 360. And capcom is not willing to spend the extra money to go that route. I wish they would as I prefer my games on disc, but capcom is just too cheap to do that, plain and simple.

Samus HD5024d ago

so they can't do nothing about it

ozstar5024d ago

Capcom sucks, most third parties suck and Nintendo, and its customers are well used to this crappy treatment over the last few generations.

The next Wii will be out soon and ill probably forget how awful this gen. was, but it is inexcusable how some of these devs have destroyed Wii games, by making them too kiddy or co-op or on-rails, AND then daring to blame US, the fu---ing audience, for not buying them.

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Old News: Rebooting Forgotten Game Franchises (Part 1 — Mega Man)

Don't you wish Capcom still made new Mega Man games? This article focuses on how the Blue Bomber can be reimagined for the current console generation.

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Capcom's Confusion Has Killed Mega Man

Hardcore Gamer: Mega Man is dying with every passing month. Even compared to the scatterbrained Resident Evil, Mega Man is in a colossal danger zone.

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ValKilmer3624d ago

What a shame -- this is one of gaming's icons for christ's sake.

Summons753624d ago

So was Devil May Cry and Resident Evil but they had no problem letting those games get ruined.

Honestly I'd rather MM stay at a peaceful rest than than risk them making a new game and it being god-awful.

ValKilmer3624d ago

DmC was the best game in the series.

GrandpaSnake3624d ago

i always thought he was like a for sure fan favorite but yeah they killed mega man i still think hes cooler than mario. imagine if nintendo would release mega man legends 3!

Godmars2903624d ago

Well, look what they did with him. After things like X, ZX, the Battle net series or MML, the best that they could consider was returning to the very original origin.

3-4-53624d ago

Nintendo is keeping Mega man Relevant by putting him in Smash Brothers. They do more for Mega man than Capcom. kind of sad really.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3624d ago
randomass1713624d ago

Don't forget their greed. A lot of this has to do just as much with greed.

-Foxtrot3624d ago

Honestly their IP's would do better without Capcom. I'd rather see Nintendo get the Megaman IP from them like I would like to see Sony get the Resident Evil IP.

The IP's are either wasted or ruined.

Summons753624d ago

I agree Nintendo gets Megaman, Sony gets Resident Evil, and Platinum Games gets Devil May Cry. Sony and Nintendo can duke it out for Dragon's Dogma (because I just want another one, I don't care what system it comes out on).

gantarat3624d ago

Guarantee 100 % Sony make RE Game like RE Movies

Geekman3624d ago

The gaming industry sure does like the words "Kill, Killing, Killed, and dead."

Battlefieldlover3624d ago

When was the last Mega Man game released?

crusf3624d ago

Mega Man 10(March 1, 2010)
Not too long ago for it to be considered dead.

Battlefieldlover3624d ago

ya 8bit in 2010. You got me man, alive and kicking...

luis_spartano3624d ago

Out of all my favorites franchises, Capcom owns three, and one of them is MegaMan X.

Capcom killed Resident Evil, Breath of Fire, MegaMan X. Since 2008, I promised to myself that Capcom would NEVER see a dollar from my wallet again, and so I did.

To me, Capcom could be purchased by Microsoft, 'cause being purchased by Microsoft is worse than going bankrupt.

Capcom is dead. It just need a grave.

hkgamer3624d ago

its such a shame. totally forgot about breath of fire.

does capcom hate money?

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory3624d ago

they made a new one .... for mobile that is

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Mega Man And His Place In The Modern Era

Super PolyPixel - Capcom is a heartbreaker. They tease us with games right before snatching them away from out outstretched fingers. The Mega Man franchise has been hit especially hard, alienating many fans. Each Capcom announcement, we wait eagerly for Mega Man news only to be denied. Capcom has seemed to focus their attention to other games: Resident Evil, Remember Me, Lost Planet 3, their endless supply of HD remakes…and we are left wistful for what could have been.

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TheSuperior 4069d ago

It would be nice to hear some more info on mga man!

trenso14069d ago

the last megman games i recently played were the ones on the ds where you could transform into the bosses and stuff that was fun