
1UP: The Five Ways that Black Ops Changes Call of Duty Multiplayer

Earlier today, 1UP had a brisk and information-dense presentation followed by some quick play sessions of the multiplayer features for Call of Duty: Black Ops. The easy assumption to make with Black Ops would be that it simply features "more stuff." Take the current number of quantifiable items like killstreaks, perks, weapons, and levels, and crank out a bunch more. And that is indeed one aspect of Black Ops' multiplayer.

PhantomT14125003d ago (Edited 5003d ago )

It seems like Treyarch actually listen well to its community (by "well", I mean they take the good ideas and not the bad ones unlike IW). Most of the features the community asked is there: theatre mode, bots multiplayer, character customization.

swishman5003d ago

They kind of included commando with those ballistic knifes, and the snipers look really bad so far, i hope they reward and encourage qscoping more, the new game modes look beast, and NO STOPPING POWER FINALLY THE GAME IS BALANCED PROPERLY

Hotel_Moscow5003d ago (Edited 5003d ago )

i remember back in the day when people sniped for accuracy now its all about quick scoping and 360 scoping and calling hard scoping and taking more shots than hits damn hipsters

cod takes no skill the need of skill is masked by the sheer damage that weapons do to enemies

as well as killstreaks

i originally hoped black ops would mix the game up but at the moment its like a mixture of mw2 and world at war basically guns that look like waw and game play like mw2

Example:at the moment the rc car can go on for ever flame throwers on assault rifles etc cod is dead yet the kids will flock to it as if it deserves it

i came to my sense after modern warfare 2 but it seems like the majority of players will buy this on hopes and dreams that it will be beter than mw2

xAlmostPro5003d ago


i agree & disagree with what you said, back in the day seeing a guy in the distance and picking him off was and still is Skillful, but quickscoping does actually take some skill to.. i mean not only do you need to have fast reactions you also need to hit them them 'accurately' or you get a hitmarker and getting one face to face with an enemy can get you owned on the spot.. and also these tricks and 360s werent thought of back then.. ut people got bored of the whole lying down waiting for somebody type play style..

and now theyve said theres no stopping power, so those who like to quickscope will need to adjust to the less noob friendly approach that was created with mw2.. it had stopping power, and sleight of hand pro so your scope comes up faster and its strong..(although the lag made the hit detection pretty bad and caused alot of hitmarkers) but yeah..

and i think your wrong, theyve mixed it up ALOT everything seems pretty balanced theres tonnes of new features and where does it say you can have flamethrowers on assault rifles? and the RC car does have a timer apparently, its in one of many articles/videos on the blackops reveal..

maybe people are hoping its better than mw2, and thats because we're fans of the franchise and were super disapointed with mw2?.. its only right we should want the franchise we liked back..

maybe your just one of those who are so desperate for this game to fail just so you can say "i told you so" ?

Hotel_Moscow5003d ago

nope i was watching game play and thats how i got my opinion

the rc car might have been said to have a timer

but this video
shows him using the car at 1:06 and self detonating it at 1:44
lag could have a part in it but im not sure

vickers5005000d ago

"cod takes no skill the need of skill is masked by the sheer damage that weapons do to enemies"

So? If you don't like it, then play something that does require skill and stop b*tching. Call of Duty has never been and will never be about skill, and that's not a bad thing. I like different kinds of shooters, and sometimes I'm in the mood for a fast paced arcadey type game. Just because a game does not require skill, does not mean it's a bad game. If that were true, then Uncharted 2 would suck.

"i remember back in the day when people sniped for accuracy now its all about quick scoping and 360 scoping and calling hard scoping and taking more shots than hits damn hipsters"

Oh noez! People experimenting and trying different things with their own paid for games! WHAT A TRAVESTY! There should be rules to stop this kind of behavior! Although they paid for their own games with their own money, they should NOT be allowed to play them the way they want to, they should only play them based on how "I" say they should play!

"cod is dead yet the kids will flock to it as if it deserves it"

No, they flock to it because they have fun playing it, you egotistical retard.

"i came to my sense"

You mean your sense to hate what is popular? You mean your sense to deny yourself pleasure because it's the cool thing to hate on the most popular thing out at the moment? Or do you just know everything and are a valid authority to tell people what they should and shouldn't like?

If you stopped playing it because you thought it wasn't fun, then that's fine. But if you stopped playing it because some people on this site said it sucked, then you're pathetic to listen to other people and try to shape your opinion to match theirs.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5000d ago
Fishy Fingers5003d ago

Seems I favour pretty much all the changes their putting in place for Blacks Ops. Me and the PC are going to have some fun with it that's for sure.

Roozium5003d ago (Edited 5003d ago )

They should remove the killstreaks and perks overall. Killstreaks and Perks are the worst gimmicks ever.

Cerberus295003d ago (Edited 5003d ago )

I don't know if they should remove them entirely, but some balancing is definitely needed. In regards to killstreaks, it seems they're taking a step in the right direction by not allowing kills from one killstreaks to add to another.

I still need to see more before I decide if I'm gonna pick this one up. MW2 left a bad taste.

FF7numbaone5003d ago

I hated the perks in mw2. Cod4 > MW2

xAlmostPro5003d ago

i like killstreaks and perks, its when they are unfairly balanced they get annoying.. with WaW and cod4 my only hate was juggernaught.. and now theres no juggernaught and no painkiller.. no nukes and im not sure if carepackages give you killstreaks anymore but you do recieve guns from them now which is neat because your not recieving a killstreak that does all the work for you.. also to progress in killstreaks you must kill with your weapons/knife no killstreaks will add onto the next

tsunami9015003d ago

You don't receive guns from care packages. Only ammo or a random killstreak.

5003d ago
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Black Ops 1 Nuketown versus Cold War Nuketown '84

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