
Call of Duty BlackOps Beta Upcoming?

Leakerz writes: Rumors claim that the Beta of Call of Duty BlackOps will start today. Community Manager Josh Olin already denied the Integrity of some Google Ads that advertised for a CoD BlackOps Beta event but on the other hand he twittered” 9/1 will be a reveal of ALL #CODBlackOps MP will have to offer!“. Anyway , the following ScreenShots showed up and got sent to us.

TrevorPhillips5005d ago

I spoke to Josh Olin not to long ago, he said that there isn't a beta atm but they have had discussions about it.

chak_5005d ago

better have one on PC, you have a public to re-conquer

MRHARDON5005d ago

Why we have photoshop, to create photos like this :))

BeaArthur5005d ago

This won't happen. Activision has more to loose than gain with a beta.

ThatIrishGamer5005d ago

Everyone knows how awful and unbalanced MW2 was and a lot of people won't buy thinking it's the same mess. A beta would allow people to alert problems and give a better final product restoring peoples confidence in the franchise.

BeaArthur5005d ago

You're assuming that a beta will give you access to everything in the final game, which typically doesn't happen. Therefore things will go unchecked and will be exploited anyways. I would love to see a beta but I doubt it will happen. Activision knows CoD is a monster and they know it will sell very well without the beta.

totallysane5005d ago

how all developers dont know this. whether a beta is shitty or not.. due some past experiences some have been awesome and others not so much.. anyway the one thing ive learned is generally speaking. developers who release a beta are more likely to find bugs, that they would initially get wind of a week after the game release then you get to hear everyone bitch about it til a patch is released. as with a beta everyone expects there to be hiccups so not many are as disappointed when,. hey i lit that guy up and he took no damage...might wanna fix that... am i talkin to myself here

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