
If Everyone Had a Sneak King

Advergaming, as it's apparently known, generally has its place in Flash games on the Internet, where you drive your car around and dangerous track (advertising insurance), or just clicking a button in an ad a bunch to try and win a race (advertising a scam). Burger King, however, released an Xbox game that you could only get if you were actually ordering their food, and then you had to pay more to get it on top of that.

GamerTVNetwork enjoyed it so much that they've come up with ideas for a few other companies as well.

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Sandal5027d ago

I'd rather not play some big advertisement. There is enough ads on the 360 to begin with.

Tuxmask555027d ago

What about "Yo Noid!" and all those classic NES commercial games?

CrzyFooL5027d ago

I actually own sneak king. Best $3 I ever spent. Total collectors item.


The Strange, Bloody Story of How Reservoir Dogs the Game Was Made

Blitz Games and Volatile Games poured their hearts into making Reservoir Dogs the game in 2006, and it's actually kind of a strange (and bloody) story.

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TheProfessional1728d ago

Lots of interesting info in this article.I played Reservoir Dogs when it first came out, it was flawed but had some really good levels and shootouts. Like a good B action movie video game.

AK911727d ago

It wasn't a great game by any means but the writing and voice acting was surprisingly very good at the time. I got it as a rental and honestly enjoyed it quite a bit.


Blitz Games talks partnership and tech behind Dreamworks' Shrek Alarm, more expansions to come

"Mark Hardisty of Blitz Games tells BeefJack that interactive, multi-functional application Dreamworks' Shrek Alarm is only the beginning. Future character expansions are to follow if Shrek Alarm and its buddy (now in development) are received positively."

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Kinect, Move backlash inevitable, but "short-sighted" publishers blocking progress - dev

The arrival of motion control to the Xbox 360 and PS3 was inevitably going to cause a backlash, but it’s the fault of risk-averse publishers that more progress hasn’t been made, according to Blitz CTO Andrew Oliver.

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rulakir4347d ago

That is a shame on the developers end. Motion control is quite fun whether is on Kinect or PS Move. Both of these devices are quite entertaining. If developers took the time to make really good games for these devices or incorporate them to already released games(i know some games already have this feature) that would make games more fun. Developer nowadays are really lazy and just want to rush games out.

ChunkyLover534347d ago

New technology always gets a lot of skepticism and almost always faces backlash. People don't like change, or they fear it. People think if Microsoft and Sony are starting to offer motion controlled games, that they wont offer anything else, which is just plain old silly.

I don't think people realize that Move and Kinect have been out for less than two years apiece. I wish developers would take the time to fully develop unique games for these devices. Sorcery was a step in the right direction for Move, and I really like The Gunstringer on Kinect. Hopefully Fable The Journey will be solid since its a first party title, those tend to turn out better since they take their time with the technology.

For me, motion controls will always be something I use from time to time, but its a fun change of pace.

Shadonic4347d ago

I've been saying this for a while how developers haven't really been doing much with kinect and move. I may be seen as a usual kinect fanatic but what I'm saying is true I mean when you have some random guy from Canada makeIng FPS games playable with kinect and it actually works takeing out the need of a controller but have big companies aren't even able to do it or just neglect it is just weird and makes them look lazy.

MilkMan4347d ago

No, its that the tech sucks balls.
If it was hot and more to the point accurate. They would invest in it.
With Kinect the BEST you can do is exaggerated movements which are ideal for dancing and the like, not pinpoint precision gaming. So you bought an expensive camera. Why bother when Xbox HAD a camera in market for $20 bucks, remember that?
and it comes with a free mic.
Sorry you had you buy the $120 or $199 gimmicky camera.
The Move is nothing more than a Wii remote, and that's fine, if you want to play some choice Wii games in HD which is what Sony has been doing. Raiding Nintendo's library for the best games and converting them to HD.
But the core gamers in Sony's stable are not going to buy the Move, their is no killer app for it and Nintendo fans, the die hards tend to be loyal.
This is a case of the getting on a bandwagon, trying to cash in on a casual market, and by the time Microsoft and Sony arrived they moved on to their IPads.

cstyle4347d ago (Edited 4347d ago )

Milkman you don't know what you're talking about. Both techs are actually pretty good. Its just one(move) doesn't involve mapping controls to the body but is basically the same as a normal controller. Kinect removes the buttons and devs have to figure out the way they want you to interact with the game. Its mostly on the devs because the technology is there and it works for both.

Devs seem to be shying away from move more than kinect though. I predicted this because the move really doesn't offer a different way to play. its basically just another controller. Sort of like a PC mouse. Kinect seems to be more versatile because you have so many options. You can use voice if it fits the game or you can use it for a certain amount of tracking if needed. Next gen, they both should be much improved. That is if sony still goes with the move. MS is sure to have a Kinect2 because the technology really opens up doors to new gameplay we've never experienced before.

Machioto4347d ago

@cstyle no they don't, move has support its just not talked about much on gaming websites ,the new counter strike had k/b and move support,okami,resisdent evil collection,unfinished swan,if you visited iwaggle3d he did an interview with dudes that made razor hydra and they ported their dev tools for move,they stated that it works well and plans to improve more aspects about it.

Shadonic4347d ago (Edited 4347d ago )

So when the kinect addict someone who unlike you takes his time with every motion control game he buys and learns the ins and outs of the controls instead of doing a 50 second run through of the game or judging it on the fact that kinect is in the title was not showing that it could do pin point shooting when he beat his ghost recon future soldier range controller shooting time with kinect by 2 seconds? Or when he was doing the tiger woods game online with kinect and how he literally beat multiple people online making them rage quit with a device that was perceived as broken by reviewers ? Or lets bring up lets say the kinect bullet storm video a kinect adaption to a game that was released last year being played with kinect doing everything your able to do with a controller and working at that. Dude its obvious that what your saying is wrong better tech dosent automatically mean better games and bad games that uses a device dosent mean that the device itself is bad. I mean look at the issue with street fighter x tekken on the 360 where they somehow couldn't do the multiplayer online battle thing with 360 but other games can.

4346d ago Replies(1)
gokuss1220024347d ago

(if utilized properly) PSmove could grant gamers the ability to (truly)dual wield. This ability to dual wield has already been demonstrated in various PSmove titles, most notably in titles such Medieval Moves. However, PSmove games so far have failed to provide (completely) free MOVEment; in regards to walking etc. Many games have successfully replaced the right half of the ds3, particularly shooters. However I would like to see games where the navigation (or left side of the)controller is replaced by a second move controller; thus granting free MOVEment while simultaneously allowing the player to utilize an arsenal of weaponry. Similar to substituting R3 (melee) for a thrusting motion, they could substitute L3 (sprint) with thrusting with the left PSmove controller.... Wanna walk forward/backward? aim the left PSmove upward/downward; speed can be determined by how far up/down you aim: similar to slightly moving the left analog stick upward to walk slowly. Want to turn? well you've already experienced that so many times: aim the right PSmove accordingly.... *faints*

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