
Game Interface Interviews Drew Johnson of Super Boise

We have been featuring the popular XBLIG developer Super Boise in our Indie Developer Spotlight for August. With September just around the corner, it is time to draw this Spotlight to close, but not without an interview with Drew Johnson of Super Boise first.

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Avault: Wednesday App Attack

A wise man once said, "There is a time and place for everything," or something to that effect. Obviously he wasn’t referring to mobile gaming, but while playing six to eight iOS games every week, Avault's Matthew Booth realized that this nugget of wisdom applies to his gaming habits. This week’s diversity of apps not only reflects what developers are experimenting with for smartphones, it also represents Booth's attempts to fight off boredom. He's still been playing Tiny Wings regularly, but when he's not, he's logging hours of gameplay with this week’s offerings.


SFX360 Review : Jet Pack War

Buzzkiller writes, "Ever since indie developers have been give the keys to make games that utilize our Xbox Live avatars, it's safe to assume that our cyber selves have been pretty busy as of late. Our avatars have battled zombies, raced in cars, and even each other in combat. However, our avatars have pretty much been relegated to the ground. Well it's time for a change. Let's let our avatars battle, but this time let's take the battle to the skies. Not in planes, but in jet packs. Better yet, let's give them rocket launchers too. Now that sounds like fun!"


XBLIG Thursday: Jet Around in Jet Pack Wars

Jet Pack Wars is an online multiplayer arena game where you use your Avatar to fly around killing other people. The game costs 80 MS points and offers a relatively sound jet packing experience.

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