
Can We Put the New Back In Naruto?

"In his debut GameZone article, Robert discusses why we need something new out of the Naruto games."

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Christopher4993d ago (Edited 4993d ago )

The current elements fit the medium very well. Why try and fix what isn't broken?

***With mundane storylines that follow the strict rule of the anime (rather than branching out and giving fans new territory to cover), they’ve run into turf that’s all too familiar, rather than branching out with something new and unique that would impress folks outside of the rabid fan base.***

Gotta disagree completely. The storylines follow the same one from the anime, but the battles are different enough to keep me engaged. I do not want to play an alternate storyline for an anime that I enjoy watching for the current storyline.

***The best way to liven up the Naruto franchise is to hand it to someone who knows how to make a refreshing fighting game, rather than the same old 3-D fighting experience. We’re talking, of course, about Capcom.***

So, your solution is to hand it to someone who's been making the same fighting game for years so that someone else won't make their own version of the same fighting game?

No thanks. Capcom makes their games already.

Caspel4993d ago

I've always thought the Naruto and DBZ fighting games did well to stand out on their own and not feel too similar to what else is being offered (Tekken, SF, MK, VF, etc.). Sure, I'm always open for new ideas, but not emulating what others are doing for the sake copying them.

Incognegro4993d ago

but...fighters are athletes...

whatever...I do want to see a deeper fighting system...but I've never liked any filler stories branched out from the anime directors and I hardly doubt Kishimoto would come up with alternate stories for any of the games, so that's a no...

I was actually expecting something different like trying out a Naruto rpg or something...but giving it to another developer that specializes in fighters...? I don't see how giving it to Capcom sounds any grander than Namco...either way I expect a good fighter...

Garrus_Vakarian4993d ago

Should have listened. Now my head is gonna asplode from all the fail in that article...

GiantJedi4993d ago

No one cares about shitty animes with teenage ninjas in orange jump suits...

Blackpool4993d ago (Edited 4993d ago )

u know what i realized ppl think naruto is about a dude in a jumpsuit at least watch the episodes.. Ima get this on release and play online for 4 hours straight!

Bobbykotickrulesz4993d ago

Naruto sucks. Get over it.

A ninja in an orange jumpsuit? What a fucking travesty.

Jack-Pyro4993d ago

I'll admit, it's certainly different, but different isn't always bad.

While the core story of Naruto is cliche, and all around kinda dull, it's characters are at least interesting in their own ways, and all bring something different to the table.

Naruto started out really, REALLY Stupid! However, it slowly got better, and turned into a at least halfway decent Anime, and a slightly above average manga.

There are Better animes and mangas, but there are many, MANY, one's that are worse.

LordStig4993d ago (Edited 4993d ago )

that always something that i question and never get an answer. What kind of a ninja wears orange?

Oh and don't get me started on the rapping fvcking ninja.

Incognegro4993d ago

lol, I kind of thought the same when I started reading, but they're still able to conceal themselves in plain sight while wearing flamboyant colors too. But to be honest...what people recognize as "ninjas" in popular culture isn't entirely true... Ninja's actually dressed as regular civilians and farmers to gather intell and other cool ninja tasks. So...yea...one could still wear flamboyant colors and technically be un-seen if done right.

fight4love4993d ago

speak for yourself. Naruto is my favorite manga.

ElementX4993d ago

Ha, magna. You should read something serious, like Watchmen, The Dark Tower graphic novels, and The Sandman saga.

radphil4993d ago

Wait so people actually dying isn't serious?

Man....I hate to look at your definitions. D:

BldyShdw4993d ago

Death, betrayal, finding out the truth of Itachi's past. All hella' serious.

fight4love4993d ago

You saying manga can't be serious? Plus I do read comics and naruto is still my favorite book or whatever you call it. Comics or graphic novels always change artist and writers so I don't care much comics except for a few.

Simon_Brezhnev4993d ago

not surprised by what elementx says all he does is stereotype.

ElementX4992d ago

The Sandman series is one of the most celebrated of all time, and you disagree with me?!?!!?.

Optical_Matrix4992d ago

You obviously never read Naruto. You noobs need to stop commenting on manga and anime when you've only read and watched the mainstream stuff. Admittedly Naruto is very mainstream but I've been reading it since its inception in the 90's, long before it was ever popular in the west and it's matured so much. The series contains some VERY mature themes which is very evident in the manga. It's not for kiddies.

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athmaus4993d ago

i like some of the suggestions here :)

Trunkz4993d ago

Who says Naruto like Newruto? That's like calling Pokemon, Pokeman - Baka.

Jack-Pyro4993d ago

Hey Hey, you wanna see me POKEMANZ!!!

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