
Is there a need for "Online Policing" on the PlayStation Network?

From "Sonic" to "The Sims", pretty much EVERY video game that even thinks it'll make a name for itself doesn't take any steps forward until online gameplay is confirmed. Whether it's just a simple Leaderboard update showcasing worldwide high scores, or if it's the ridiculously competitive lobbies of vast powerhouse action; NOTHING and we mean...nothing...gets a gamer's blood screeching through their arteries like demolishing another human player across the globe, or across the street! But, no matter how tough the going gets or how competitive your spirit becomes, it's always pleasing to hear good sportsmanship & mutual recognition, as well as, common respectfulness.

Yeah...that's what we WISH would exist nowadays!

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saint_john_paul_ii5015d ago (Edited 5015d ago )


anyway, this was MW2 PC...

mrv3215015d ago

Seriously what did that guy record with? It probably wasn't a dazzle, doesn't look like a record my desktop job either... DID he hold up a cell phone to his PC monitor?

Sirhc925015d ago

Hey guys, just wanted to let you know about the YouTube video I posted. I did not record it myself. It's a representation of the kind of unacceptable behavior that occurs on online gaming. This "Modern Warfare 2" video is just an example for my article; not a piece of personal "Hard Evidence". Thanks.

Nate-Dog5015d ago

Yeah, get the kiddies off the 18+ games, absolutely sick of having to listen to them.

Sirhc925014d ago

Yes, I completely agree. I don't understand how children that sound like they're still in ELEMENTARY SCHOOL are in the lobbies of games with an "M" rating and cursing like grown adults!? I even ran into one lobby when I was playing "Modern Warfare 2" and this kid was getting fussed out by many players in the lobby; and the kid responded with "Well, my mommy said I can't curse at you."

But your mom is letting you play video games that show blood & intense violence!? Fail.

doshey5014d ago

oh sounds like someones forgot there tampon


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