
PlayStation Network Is A Bit Ridiculous (RunDLC)

This past Tuesday, I finished work and hopped on PSN to download Shank, except Shank wasn’t available yet. The problem? It was 6:00PM ET, and I had to wait until at least 9:00PM until the game was released, except I didn’t get a chance to download it until after 11:00PM. At that point, with one foot already in bed, I was met with the worst message of the day: Shank would finish downloading in two hours. At midnight, I could no longer hold out, and fell asleep.

John Artest (RunDLC)

callahan095000d ago

So it's worse for Sony to post the game on Tuesday night than it is for Microsoft to post it on Wednesday morning? I don't understand the logic of this complaint.

Smiling5355000d ago

No, that's not what the article says at all. Sony missed out on longer exclusivity by posting the game so late. At that point, who really cares?

Chris3995000d ago

Who gives a #$%^&&& (insert explicative here)?

I don't see how timed-exclusivity would have been a boon in this case.

Buff10445000d ago

100% agree with Smiling, and I don't understand the hostility against this guy's opinion. Sony releases the games late, yes? It takes forever to download files on PS3, yes? Wouldn't be a boon? What are you even talking about?

TheHater5000d ago

I am not buy shank because it was only a 12 hour exclusive on the PS3. How dare SONY update their Store on Tuesday evening/night while MS update theirs on Wednesday Morning.

Steve_Urkel5000d ago (Edited 5000d ago )

I don't get where people are saying MS updates their store Wed. morning. MS always updates their store Tuesday at 7am EST, where PSN updates it store Tuesday around 7-9pm EST.

Did I dooo that?

Elimin85000d ago

Shank is Actually a 3hr experience. 3hr multy'local' and 3hr SP. Which is why I was hesitant to get it.. It's still a nice game though..

Double Toasted5000d ago (Edited 5000d ago )

2 hours? Man, you might want to plug that trusty ethernet cord in there. Thats ridonkulous...

TheHater5000d ago

I was talking about it being a 12 PSN time exclusive. I wasn't talking about the length of the game. But thanks for the info. I didn't know Shank was just 6 hours total. Kinda a bummer really.

BLuKhaos5000d ago

I like how this monkey, "Smiling535", says Sony needs to secure more exclusives yet his beloved MS is the one that desperately needs exclusives.

jut4205000d ago

The article is a big ridiculous...Who complains about a game not being "exclusive" enough when it was never exclusive to begin with...So because Shank came out yesterday Sony should change their plans on when the Store is updated? What kind of logic is that? Either way PSN users are getting the game before LIVE users and yet it's not good enough because you can't/don't want to stay up late? This may be the single worst article I've ever read on this site. Yea I read your downloads download slow as well...Nothing that hasn't been said before...The point I'm trying to make is that you get on Sony's case for not treating a multiplatform game as a timed exclusive. Maybe Sony sees through the failed logic that time exclusivity is actually something important. No one in the world was debating whether or not to get an Xbox or a PS3 so they could get Shank first. I guarantee it!

Either way if you start downloading Shank when it comes out, go to bed, then wake up, the game will still be ready to play on your PS3 before you could play it on your Xbox. Your article makes you seem like you just hate PS3 and don't actually want to see the good in having the store update tuesday night rather than wednesday morning. Pretty pathetic article if you ask me.

Newtype5000d ago

You must have slow internet, DSL from ATT I guess?

MysticStrummer5000d ago

Exclusivity??? You have gotta be kidding. This article and those who agree with it have got to be a joke... right...?

Arkham5000d ago

Calling it an "article"? Hilarious! It's little more than a 2-reply forum rant.

Elimin85000d ago (Edited 5000d ago )

My bad..Nice of you to respond kindly considering I should have read carefully.. I did read but saw ''it was only a 12 hour''

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 5000d ago
callahan095000d ago

No, that's EXACTLY what the article says.

"It’s time to pull even with Microsoft instead of always lagging behind."

It's pretty clear. Really? Sony gets the game a few hours earlier and yet in this guy's eyes they are lagging behind Microsoft? It's just a stupid argument.

Smiling5355000d ago

I forget who said it best, but "it's all in the timing." Are you basically saying that it doesn't matter what time of the day an exclusive runs? How do you defend that if your answer is yes?

callahan095000d ago

I'm saying it's not an exclusive, it's not intended to be an exclusive. Sony always updates on Tuesday evenings. They're not trying to claim that they've got exclusives for a day. They just happen to have a schedule that's about 12 hours earlier than Microsoft's.

Arkham5000d ago

Time of day it's released? Buddy, if you're upset having to wait a day to download something, you need more friends and sunlight.

TheHater5000d ago

Shank was a PSN time exclusive for 12 hours? Hmmmm...I wonder how much SONY paid to have a time exclusive for 12 hours. Oh I know how much, it was a big pile of bullshit.
SONY update their Store on Tuesday between 5PM-10PM while Microsoft update their store on Wednesday Morning. Is that such a hard concept to understand? Why don't I see articles raving about Death Spank 12 hour exclusive when that was release? Oh wait, because no one gives a shit.

FACTUAL evidence5000d ago

I know tomorrow isn't always promised, but this guy acts as if he couldn't wait till the next day.......It was already late at night. I'm also EST and a friend and I started DL the demo at 7:30pm EST, and finished around 8:45pm. IDK what this cry baby is talking about.

Highatus5000d ago

If you own just a PS3 you'll get it if it appeals to you.
If you own just a 360 you'll get it if it appeals to you.

If you own both you'll get it on the platform of preference, regardless of time of release.

Seems out of those options no one is really losing.

I also missed the ads where Sony marketed the game as a 12 hour timed exclusive.

Ridiculous article is ridiculous.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5000d ago
Smiling5355000d ago

Bottom line, and you can disagree all you want, but Sony had yet another opportunity to look good and it dropped the ball. Having Shank a full day early would have at least given PSN a slight edge over Xbox Live. Instead, the game comes out late, and by that time, who cares about the exclusive? You just go to bed, wake up and dl it on the 360. Why is this such a tough concept to wrap our heads around?

Buff10445000d ago

At the end of the day, it doesn't matter whether you're a PSN supporter or not. Smart business says that if you have an exclusive, get it out the door as soon as possible. Don't wait until late at night ET to release a game that also comes out on the competition's machine the following morning. This isn't a matter of PS hate or Microsoft support. It's just common sense.

Buff10445000d ago (Edited 5000d ago )

Well...judging by all the flags this story has received, the PSN fan boys have come out of the woodwork. haha

Smiling5355000d ago

It is kind of crazy. Well, the community at large will decide. Personally, I dug the post, wholeheartedly agree, and have a brain, so I can tell that this came from an actual website and not a blog. Cheers!

GuruStarr785000d ago


Yes the PS3 fanboys always troll N4G and they'll disagree and bubble you down all day long if you merely mention something barely negavtive about Playstation, even if it's fact and they even know it is.....

Scotland-The-Brave5000d ago

"Yes the PS3 fanboys always troll N4G and they'll disagree and bubble you down all day long if you merely mention something barely negavtive about Playstation, even if it's fact and they even know it is....."

Dont make this one sided, the xbox fanboys do it aswell. You just make things worse when you blame one side, when infact its both.

moparful995000d ago

Seriously stop with the bashing and hating.. You sit here and pull punches at psn and turn around and flash the fanboy card.. hypocrisy at its best.. Sony has ALWAYS updated their store on tuesday evenings nothing has changed... This guy is blowing up over a timing thing, sony cant help that he has a day job and sleeps at night nor are they going to completely changer their business model to fit his lifestyle because he posts an article on the internet bitching the whole time... Shank never ever had any form of exclusivity but everyone on here is making it sound like sony botched the release of shank.. I'm sick of all of you arm chair critics that think you know how sony should run their business.. Get a freaking life..

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5000d ago
callahan095000d ago

It's not about the game being an exclusive for 1 day. That's not even the intention. It's the simple matter that Sony updates on Tuesday nights and Microsoft updates on Wednesday mornings. That's just their respective schedules. Simple as that. It's not intended to impart some misconceived notions of timed-exclusivity. The fact of the matter is that it DOES come out earlier on PSN, even if by just a little, so I fail to see how Sony comes out looking worse than Microsoft when they do get the game available to buy earlier.

And there's the simple matter of your concept that if you wake up one day and it's available on both systems, you automatically get it for 360. What's up with that comment? Why would you just get it for 360 because you can? If you have both consoles, there is the matter of controller preference, which console your friend that you want to play it with is buying it on (in cases where that applies), and whether you're into trophies or achievements more. It's not an auto-360 purchase for everybody that owns a PS3 and 360, and I find it ridiculous that you even suggest that that's the way it just is.

skrug5000d ago

you forgot about gamesharing

TheHater5000d ago

This blog post and writes is fucking retarded. You seriously complaining about a $15 downloadable title, that will not increase one system sales over another, being release on one system 12 hours before the other?
Wow dude, do you know how stupid that sound? If this would something like a major DLC for a AAA multiplatform game such as Call of Duty, GTA, etc, then it would make sense. However, for a downloadable $15 title....yeah, just think about it for a second.

bustamove5000d ago

...I swear...I have never read something so ridiculous in my entire life. You seriously can't believe that.

Arkham5000d ago

Buff1044: "Well...judging by all the flags this story has received, the PSN fan boys have come out of the woodwork. haha "

No, just "fan boys" of worthwhile news and valid points.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5000d ago
hammersuit5000d ago

Only on video game sites are you NOT allowed to express them. Well done.

Buff10445000d ago

Glad to see someone else also agrees. When a movie is too long, the acting sucks or the special effects blow, everyone comes out to criticize the people involved. But when a game company makes obviously bad decisions, the fans just deal with it. It's nuts.

callahan095000d ago

Because it's ridiculous to argue that Sony is doing something wrong and Microsoft is not when Sony gets the game available to you earlier! That's why this article is worthy of criticism. I don't understand why that concept is difficult to understand. How is it a bad decision to have your weekly release scheduled a few hours earlier than the competition? Because you think it should be even earlier still? Well, it's not. You don't know or understand the fundamentals of their scheduling. Their schedule is their schedule, and like it or not it IS earlier than Microsoft's schedule, so I really fail to see how Sony deserves such criticism over that.

Smiling5355000d ago

How does releasing the game at night benefit Sony? Isn't the average age of a gamer 32? Don't these people have work in the morning? I sure do. Can't sit around waiting for Sony to finally release a game.

TheHater5000d ago (Edited 5000d ago )

"How does releasing the game at night benefit Sony? Isn't the average age of a gamer 32? Don't these people have work in the morning? I sure do. Can't sit around waiting for Sony to finally release a game."

You really can't be this stupid.....can you?
Ok according to your logic, release a game at 8PM at night doesn't benefit SONY because people have work in the morning and need to go to sleep.
Ok that is a good point. However, you stated "work in the morning."
Tell me again, what time does MS update their Xbox Live Store on Wednesday? In case you didn't know, its in the morning when people are going to work. So I will ask you the following; how does updating your store on Wednesday morning, a full 12 hours after SONY Tuesday evening update, when people are leaving/working benefit Microsoft?

moparful995000d ago

"obviously bad decisions" exactly what would those be? Who are you to sit here and tell sony what is a good business decision.. I only see obviously good decisions coming out of sony seeing as they are the most successful console manufacturer of all time and they make billions of dollars a year.. Do us all a favor and keep your ignorant opinions to yourself... @smilling Your work schedule has no bearing on when sony releases its content, why is it so hard to wait till you get off of work the following day to buy the content. You like the author are far to spoiled and need to learn some patience...

Unicron5000d ago

TheHater just put some solid smackdown.

BLuKhaos5000d ago

He can't, the floppy retard used up his bubbles. lol

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 5000d ago
Buff10445000d ago

I get that Sony has a different schedule. That's a good point. But it's Sony's schedule. You can't tell me that the company can't change its own schedule. At the same time, this doesn't mean it's a good schedule, either.

FFXI1015000d ago

Why are you here crying about Sony's schedule? all you talk about are how Sony makes bad decision and how their update date is not good enough. What about MS or Nintendo's update schedules? should they change their update too?( to different date to suit your need?)

So you don't like it we get it, no one said you can't have your own opinion. But to crying on the update schedule the way like you did, just simply stupid. (Btw I have friends on both systems and I have NEVER hear anyone complain about the update schedule on both systems)

TheDCD5000d ago

It's called traffic. Too much of it simply stacks up.

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