
Kung Fu Rider, new screenshots

Sony released new screenshots of the PS3 exclusive and Move controlled Kung Fu Rider.

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cliffbo5033d ago

i'm sure this will sell pretty well, but i'm afraid it's not for me.

Kurisu5033d ago

I don't think it will sell well at all. Looks pretty boring...there are much better Move titles that really take full advantage of the controls :)


RadarPlays - Kung Fu Rider

GamesRadar - When you’re on the run from Triad gangsters, what’s the best getaway vehicle? WRONG! The answer is an office chair. In this week’s RadarPlays Freaky, Lucas, Ryan, and Greg take on the unique hilarity of Kung Fu Rider, which accurately simulates the intensity of rolling down a crowded hill on wheeled furniture at 50 mph while being accosted by mobsters.

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The 6 Worst PS3 Exclusives

MMGN: The PlayStation 3 has some fantastic games. In fact, it surpassed all else to become my most played platform in 2011. The back catalogue is quality and, of the current generation, it has the most promising future.

However, it isn’t without horrendous stuff ups. There have been some absolutely shocking excuses for games released as exclusives on PlayStation 3, and the launch of Move hasn’t improved the ratio.

Let’s take a look at the six worst exclusives released on PlayStation 3.

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Pintheshadows4499d ago

I did, but at the same time I felt it had potential to be so much more.

I was hoping for a modernised Panzer Dragoon really.

da_2pacalypse4499d ago

lol Haze received so much hype back in the day for being that "halo killer" *facepalm*... I hate when people used that term... now it's "cod-killer" that everyone is after lol

LX-General-Kaos4499d ago

Lair was an ok game. AFTER the analog patch. Still it was nothing when compared to former factor 5 games like Starwars Rogue Squadron 2.

nolifeking4499d ago

Loving something doesn't make it any better.

yesmynameissumo4499d ago

The Fight is a exercise game hidden in a fighter. A good one too.

Clogmaster4499d ago

Agreed, and the people that say it sucks should first post a video of them trying to play the game. Because if you know how to throw a punch, it's a damn good game. Most people rate it poorly because they're not in good enough shape to play. Best exercise game yet.

piroh4499d ago (Edited 4499d ago )

The Fight is really a great game, yes it was a little bit exhausting but this isn't a reason to downgrade the game... well, if the reviewer is lazy...

DigitalRaptor4499d ago (Edited 4499d ago )

Haven't played most of these games and probably for good reason, but yeah... Haze wasn't f*cking awful like most people said it was. It's a pretty decent shooter with some cool mechanics and a fairly good story.

ritsuka6664499d ago

SIGH...These haters of PS3 exclusives dont realize that without this games, video games in general would not be what it is today..

LX-General-Kaos4499d ago

The games mentioned in this list bring nothing to forward progression of videogames. Maybe you could have said that with some of the PS3s better exclusives.

h311rais3r4499d ago

Bad games never brig anything to the table. None of them inspired anything. Stop being a fangirl.

Relientk774499d ago

Whoever made Kung Fu Rider, they have quite the imagination lol. I wonder how they came up with the idea

FinaLXiii4499d ago (Edited 4499d ago )

in their office when smoking weed lol

Relientk774499d ago

Probably, or other drugs too

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Motion Sickness: Kung-Fu Rider | GoozerNation

[Brock from GoozerNation] Motion Sickness is a feature that sifts the proverbial motion control wheat from the waggle-heavy tares. This time on Motion Sickness, a look at Kung Fu Rider, the quirky downhill not-quite-racer for the Playstation Move.

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