
Doom 4 Coming Sooner Than You Think

IGN "The traditionally long development cycles at Texas-based game studio id Software are coming to an end.

In an interview with IGN, Id Software Creative Director Tim Willits said fans can expect to see key releases much sooner going forward than in the past. He said the fact that Doom 4 is using id Tech 5, the same game engine being used for Rage, makes developing both titles at the same time an advantage."

PS360WII5008d ago

Since Bethesda came in they are running the same way just with twice the work force :) Good problem to have. Not sure about sooner than we think though as the mantra has always been it's ready when it's ready

Not saying they should slow down on Doom 4 as I am going to be getting that game as soon as it drops!

OneSneakyMofo5008d ago (Edited 5008d ago )

Meh, Doom 3 sucked. Not going to get any hopes up for any of iD's newest games.

Mista T5008d ago

it was scary, but I didn't like the gameplay compared to the first 2

Zinc5008d ago (Edited 5008d ago )

It's true that the game had its shortcomings, but it did some things very well for its time. Before Doom 3, we had never seen a game use light or the absence of it in that way. It was the first game to use lighting to showcase just how much proper lighting techniques can make a bigger difference than even the poly count of a model visually and how it can set a mood and tone for a game.

It literally gave you the impression of doom around every corner and under every stair.

lastdual5008d ago (Edited 5008d ago )

Games like Thief pioneered the heavy use of light and shadow years prior to Doom 3's release. Hiding in the shadows, putting out lights with water arrows, creating a thick atmosphere based around the lighting....

Doom 3 certainly advanced the tech, but it was not the first game to use light or the absense of it in a big way.

Zinc5008d ago

@lastdual - I knew someone was going to mention Thief. But, that's not what I'm talking about. Thief is not the same kind of game, it did not create the kind of believable level, visually speaking, of shadows and darkness that Doom 3 did. It created it's own kind of suspense, which was great. I would love to see another Thief game.

That being said Thief was a great game and I spent a lot of hours playing it.

ico925008d ago

Doom was my first FPS i absolutley love the series.


Doom 3 didnt suck, i thought it was excellant it played alot more like a survival horror, The only thing that sucked in the Doom franchise imo was the movie , god that was dreadful

ProjectVulcan5008d ago (Edited 5008d ago )

Doom 3 and Quake 4 (although by Raven collaborated with Id) both have 'dated' gameplay as old school raw shooters i suppose but they both still have their merits and worth a play through even after all this time. I played Quake 4 again this weekend and i found it strangely fun and pure compared to some more recent shooters full of gimmicks. However Id seem to have modernised their view of shooters now with RAGE and i expect them to have done the same with the doom and quake franchises too.

Id tech 5 looks extremely powerful regardless of the platform it is on, and by that i mean it seems flexible and ideal for shooters. I cant wait to see what Doom 4 could look like on PC, if RAGE is intended to run 60 frames and Doom 4 is intended to push the limit of visuals at 30 frames, it will be something very special indeed.

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Noobasaurus_REX5008d ago

Can I think next week and have it come out sooner?

John Kratos5008d ago

Great to see Id titles comeout more frequent now.

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bloop631d ago

I don't understand the hate Doom 3 got, but the original has to be tops for me too.