
Phantasy Star Portable 2 Preview | RPGFan

The original Phantasy Star Portable was a decidedly different game than its console older brother, Phantasy Star Universe. It offered an experience that utilized the fundamentals of the PSU experience while integrating more of its own grand-predecessor, Phantasy Star Online (in its numerous incarnations) into the gameplay.

It was a game whose components added up to a highly addictive hacking, slashing, and loot-gathering good time that drew many comparisons to Capcom's Monster Hunter series.

Now, Sega and Alfa System are back with a sequel that looks to expand on the popularity of the original game while maintaining the core gameplay that made it so addictive.


What do you need to know about Phantasy Star?

Man, Phantasy Star can be confusing. There are so many different kinds of games in this series, but they all get tossed under the same umbrella. The oldest games are turn-based RPGs. The newer ones vary between MMOs and action-RPGs. Wouldn’t it be nice if things were simplified...

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EddieNX 2387d ago

Phantasy Star online episode 1 and 2 is one my all time favorites. Just make that better...

ApocalypseShadow2387d ago

What I need to know is when is Sega going to make and release Phantasy Star 5. All I need to know.

SegaGamer2387d ago

Even if they did, then i doubt it would be released outside of Asia. We haven't had a Phantasy Star game since Phantasy Star Portable 2, and that was 7 years ago !

I don't know why, but Sega seem's to have abandoned the west when it comes to Phantasy Star.

ApocalypseShadow2387d ago (Edited 2387d ago )

Pretty much. You would think that sequels to some of their franchises or remasters of games like Skies of Arcadia, Shenmue, Headhunter, Virtual On online, Jet Set Radio, etc would make them some easy cash as digital titles. Even VR titles of Virtual Cop, HofTD or even something crazy like Crazy Taxi VR. Nope. The Sega I knew just isn't there.

Maybe Sammy has them on a tight leash and just uses their assets for Pachinko games like Konami does. It's a shame being a Sega game fan but no Sega games to look forward to.

fenome2386d ago

Seriously though! When I first saw this I thought I missed an announcement or something. I thought it was to prep people up for the next game. Damn

Azurite2386d ago

"Phantasy Star Online 2 (GameCube, 2012)"
May want to change that to (PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, Nintendo Switch, Android, PC and iOS, 2012)

Nybz2385d ago

I need to know when the fuck SEGA is gonna wake up and make a full on PSO 3 with the unreal 4 engine or some shit so I can get lost in the best god damn futuristic world with my pet mag as their god-tier PSO themed music blasts my ear drums forever and ever.

Wake the hell up SEGA, the time is NOW!


Review: Phantasy Star Portable 2 (Crush! Frag! Destroy!)

CFD!'s Rob Rich reviews the newest Phantasy Star for PSP:

"A few years ago, players saved the Gurhal system from total destruction when they fought back the SEED infestation. Now the small collection of planets is in danger once again, from an enemy that most of its denizens don’t even know exists.

"Who cares, right?

"Just like its predecessor, Phantasy Star Portable 2 has a story that almost no one cares about, told through static character portraits and very little spoken dialogue. And that dialogue is both bad and awkwardly acted. But also like the first game, what people really care about is the Diablo-style grinding for experience and phat lewts. So does this second game on Sony’s “little handheld that could” manage to improve the formula, or is it just spinning its wheels?"

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RobsteinOne4916d ago

Still a great game if you like or love The Grind.

Ndigity4916d ago

Well I do like experience and loot. Maybe I'll pick it up from PSN sometime.

Giantsquirrel4916d ago

Uh-hmm...it's "Fantasy." Spelling FAILLLL

RobsteinOne4913d ago

It's also "fail."

Oh yeah, I went there.


Holiday 2010 Buyer's Guide: PSP - Part 1 [BrightHub.com]

If you're looking to buy some PSP games for a loved one this holiday season, then BrightHub has you covered with a comprehensive list of some of the best PSP titles to launch this year. Stay tuned for more!

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