
Vince Zampella Thinks Reviewers Need To “Finish Games”

Nathan Schmidt writes...

"At a Quakecon panel called “Building Blockbusters” yesterday, Vince Zampella used his time to express the need for reviewers to “finish games” that they are reviewing. Vince made some very good points and you can check them out below…"

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clank5435041d ago

You know. I've seen many reviewers lately stating that they in fact haven't finished their games. One example was IGN with Naughty Bear. Sure, it was a horrible game, but that doesn't mean that they shouldn't finish the game. Its part of their JOB. Its like if I worked in A Coca-Cola factory and didn't decide to put caps on the bottle that day.

Komega5041d ago

Yeah, how do reviewers expect people to trust their opinions, or have any credibility if they are not even finishing the games they review? Bubbles for truth:)

FarEastOrient5041d ago

It's like watching Inception but only watching it half-way, how can you make a decent review doing a job like that.

pustulio5041d ago (Edited 5041d ago )

"Yeah, how do reviewers expect people to trust their opinions, or have any credibility if they are not even finishing the games they review?"

People trust them anyway, look what happened with lost planet 2.

OT: I think Vince meant "You should have finished MW2 before making a review so you don't give 10's and 9's to a game that deserves a 5" :)

TEFL0N_D0N_815041d ago

Speaking of which, what happened to my previous comment? I had a couple of f-bombs in there, but it got deleted?

whitesoxfalife5041d ago (Edited 5041d ago )

i know that all too well thas it why we at realtalkgaming.com we dont bullshit around wit our reviews we must play the whole game thru but since are we just a tiny website we cant get those games like the folks at IGN we have to buy our games and then hopefully readers like you will come to our site to read our version of the game we review

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5041d ago
TOO PAWNED5041d ago

It should be obligatory for reviwers to finish games, no matter how bad it might be, ending might great or worth enough to affect the score and regardless of that, it would be like leaving some movie 15 minutes in and then reviewing it.

Komega5041d ago

I've been thinking about it, and I know in the past that reviewers sometimes fall back on the excuse "sometimes there just isn't enough time to finish a 30+ hour game" or some other nonsense. Well screw that noise, you're collecting a paycheck....finish the fu**ing game!

5041d ago Replies(4)
-Ikon-5041d ago

This goes under the DUH Category for me. Just like a Movie or Album why review it before you even finish it..

RedBullGT5041d ago

they should finish the games before they write a review, but they sometimes do not receive a game until a few days until the game is released and they have to play the game, write the review and do other duties by a certain deadline, and if they do not get the reviews done before the game comes out or soon after the game is released many gamers get pissed that there is no review yet. It is not like they are not trying to finish the game, they are just trying to please everyone and do their job.

TheHater5041d ago

IGN "reviewers" stated several times that they didn't finish, play co-op, or online parts of game before writing their reviews. Ryan Clements is notorious for not playing everything the game offer or even finishing a game before reviewing them.

KMxRetro5041d ago

"You know. I've seen many reviewers lately stating that they in fact haven't finished their games. One example was IGN with Naughty Bear. Sure, it was a horrible game, but that doesn't mean that they shouldn't finish the game. Its part of their JOB"

Oh, put a sock in it.

I'm sorry, but when YOU have reviewed over 1,000 games in 7 years, you will have enough experience to know when a game has shown you all that it intends to show you and, whether or not it even matters. If a garbage game makes you play through 7 hours of awfulness, then throws in a great 30 minute final level, should that change the score that much? Hell to the no.

Plus, how would anyone review World of Warcraft, or most MMOs? Just out of interest.

kanetheking5041d ago

ever game is different no game is the same.u just type all of that for noting

iceman065041d ago

experience should lends reviewers an edge on determining whether or not a game is great within a certain amount of time. However, the reviewer probably should not paint a picture in the review as if the game was completed. That means steering away from comments about certain game elements not being included...when they might show up in levels that were not completed. Just be honest about the level of completion and your opinions during that period of game play. This would also help to review those 40+ hr. games and mmo's alike. At the end of the day, a review is just an opinion based on experience. They shouldn't be used as absolute truths, only guides to keep us away from the stinkers that get thrown in with the great releases each year.

Dac2u5041d ago

I think game devs need to finish their games as well. Enough of this; we'll give you half a game and make you play the rest via DLC.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 5041d ago
xYLeinen5041d ago

Start with this. Don't review a Call of duty game unless you have prestiged 10 times.

Komega5041d ago

lol, but what if they can't find a prestige lobby?

Focker-4205041d ago

Well then we might actually get a legitimate review. Instead of an overhyped one.

HeroXIV5041d ago

Well said. Reviewers praise the MP component too early. Re-reading some of the MW2 reviews it's kinda embarrassing to hear it being praised.

hatchimatchi5041d ago (Edited 5041d ago )

It's perfectly fine though to accept high marks for multiplayer when servers weren't on and apparently it's ok to release games that are clearly not ready for release, ie MW2 MULTIPLAYER. Gotta love hypocrites.

9 times out of 10 if a game sucks, it sucks and it's not going to take a complete playthrough to notice this. Who cares if people aren't doing full playthroughs of games, do you honestly think people were doing full playthroughs during the nes/snes/genesis era, when games back then were brutally difficult? I guarantee that 99% of the people reviewing ninja gaiden 2 on the nes didn't beat the game.

TheHater5041d ago

Yeah because during the NES days, we were getting reviews left and right like we do today.

Makidian5041d ago

I'm sure 99% of the people reviewing NES games were doing so with a Game Genie so they could blow through them as quickly as possible to meet their deadline. Then again, 99% of all reviews came in magazines instead of multiple forms of media.

IMATRUCK5041d ago

Yeah, and I think game developers should finish games before releasing them but it's so much more profitable to release day-1 DLC.

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Layoffs Hit Respawn Entertainment as Game Industry Faces Changes

Respawn Entertainment faces major layoffs as part of an industry-wide trend, impacting key titles like Apex Legends and Star Wars Jedi.

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just_looken79d ago

"Game Industry Faces Changes"

So true we went from dozens and dozens of game makers in the ps1-3 era with so many playstation games to this crap gen.

Game companies went from millionaires to billionaires but still act like they are homeless if a game makes a few million its a disaster of apocalyptic proportions now.

I fired up the ps5 the other day say dragons dogma 2 for $93 cad regular version just a yep sure do not even get the full game $33 more than the last game new a version that was full but i paid like $13 for the first game.

I can see gta 6 getting a ubisoft chart of version's in which it will cost you hundreds to get the full experience.

Blad3runner0079d ago (Edited 79d ago )

Greed greed greed

They act like they are losing money.
One year they make 40 million
Next year they make 37 million

Instead of looking at that and saying “We made 37 million year 2”, they look at it and say “We lost 3 million year 2. Time to make layoffs”

Greedy Companies & Shareholders

just_looken79d ago

exactly except they are basing it off of covid days.

They are making billions yet cry when it close to the million mark

Embracer had a 4% growth yes mass layoffs and all that but 12 billion? so what they could not survive on 8ish billion if they kept all those jobs.

Fishy Fingers79d ago (Edited 79d ago )

I mean thats business isnt it, share holders get less on their return than last year. New investers see a downward trend. Projections are cut.

Its rainbows and sunshine to celebrate the positives (yay 37mil), but if you took 7.5% drop of youre income next year would you be thankful or look to find a positive?

Not saying its cool, just saying thats life, in every industry.

MetalGearsofWar78d ago

We are the cause of the current state of the industry.

Kiryu199279d ago

Gaming industry has grown so much and so fast that way too many suits got involved who don’t understand the business. Unless a company is private geeed will be next level. It’s not longer about hobby and developers being gamers themselves

Now it’s about AAA games costing $200-$300 million. We went from a lot of mid size developers and publishers to now having AAA or indies

RhinoGamer8879d ago

As always, not seeing any VP+ departures or sacrifices (aka no bonus this year). Great deal...

ChasterMies78d ago

It’s clear to me that these industry wide layoffs are because the game makers expect AI to do this work for less. Companies that are not struggling and not seeing lower sales are laying people off. It’s not market driven.

outsider162478d ago

This! I've said this before. All these mass layoffs and in droves too. All to do with AI. They won't admit it. But it's cutting them costs. I mean even for a simple thing such as art they're taking over.

Matpan78d ago

SImple greed. When Share holders interest come first than company goals is when everything starts going south. Companies forget what they started business for... to do games, to make movies, to build hardware. to bring something to the endo consumer. Sure, profit is to be had in exchange, after all it is a business. No one is denying that.

But when profit becomes the end all be all... this starts to happen. Companies cut costs, they look at less than stellar earnings as total failure, they fire people, they lower the quality of their product. And, in the long run, they hurt their reputation.

I guess it´s OK as long as shareholders made their projected earnings, what do they care for long term health of their investments... right?

The lack of long erm vision is nerve wrecking. This tendenc of maximizing revenue above all and shareholder worship is literally killing entire industries.

Games, movies... at the end of the day the worst that will happen is people say: this game sucks. And sadly, people get fired. But damn... plane and car manufacturers do the same with far more dire end results... cost cutting and cutthroat business practices where they have no place.

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A note from Laura Miele, President of EA Entertainment and Technology

Laura Miele writes:

"[Re: Respawn] ... we have decided to pivot away from early development on a Star Wars FPS Action game to focus our efforts on new projects based on our owned brands while providing support for existing games."

"[Re: Battlefield Studios] ... we immediately appointed leadership at Criterion to oversee our single-player work. As part of this change, we'll be winding down Ridgeline as a standalone studio in Seattle, with some team members joining Ripple Effect. They'll continue to work with teams across DICE, Ripple, and Criterion as they build the next Battlefield experience."

"[Re Mobile] ... we have brought together the mobile and HD franchise teams under singular leadership across EA SPORTS FC, Madden NFL, and The Sims. The next step is setting up our standalone mobile portfolio for growth. Over the past few weeks, we have announced we are sunsetting Kim Kardashian Hollywood, Lord of the Rings, Tap Sports Baseball, and F1 Mobile."

SimpleSlave95d ago

If true, then VERY smart move by EA. No one wanted this game. No one at all. I mean, a possibly First Person Titanfall like game starting the Mandalorian??? PFFT!!! As if...MID!!!

EA Sports - There is no Game!

LeShin94d ago

@SimpleSlave sorry mate but looking at you dislikes, seems some people are still not versed in the art of sarcasm...

But yeah I agree with you.

SimpleSlave94d ago

No worries. It's oddly entertaining to see people get mad for no reason. Especially when the sarcasm is pretty obvious.

But how does it go over people's head like that? Now that's a good question.

Jin_Sakai94d ago (Edited 94d ago )

EA has to be one of most idiotic publishers out there along with Ubisoft. These heads have no idea what they’re doing.

Tacoboto95d ago

And just a week ago we were excited for a Mandalorian FPS. And more job losses - 1500 industry workers in just Sony and EA alone this week so far. Terrible news after terrible news.

RaidenBlack95d ago

They cancelled the most anticipated EA game from Respawn devs?
Are you ******* kidding me ?!

RhinoGamer8894d ago

Addendum, with all these changes (not mistakes) that resulted in over 1k layoffs since last March, the Executive team will not be receiving a 40% salary bonus in 2024. That is now reduced to 38%.

LeShin94d ago

lol oh those poor executives...

LordoftheCritics94d ago

EA: We were making a game that ppl wanted and realized we could make a worse game and make more money.

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That day when Activision fired Jason and Vince

“Jason and Vince just got fired!” A lead artist shouted, as he rode in on one of the many small kick-push scooters that would typically lay around the studio. He quickly scooted away to some other part of the office space to spread that shocking message.

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DaniMacYo116d ago

Activision would say that to all their victims. Here’s money now get over it.

RhinoGamer88116d ago

A friend worked there in production and was miserable due to working with IW and with ATVI. When he complained to his VP about it, he was told...be glad you have a job and are making games.

mastershredder116d ago

Sounds about right, but is also sounds like something Infinity Ward would say. They made their own bed and cashed in hard to do it. F em.

franwex116d ago

That sucks, but that’s corporate America. I mean, they could’ve turned down the money and leave to Respawn too. At least they got something, my corporation would’ve probably expected everyone to go back to normal.

gold_drake116d ago (Edited 116d ago )


"oh we're running ur life? pff get over it, like honestly"


theindiearmy116d ago

I mean, if my company wants to give me a bonus and raise my salary by 50%, I'd get over whatever the hell they wanted me to. 🤷‍♂️

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