
Kane & Lynch movie doomed to fail because of Foxx?

Msxbox-world looks at why Jamie Foxx being cast as the character Lynch in the movie already spells doom.

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-MD-5010d ago

Why would you make a movie based on a game that wasn't even good in the first place? That's just asking for trouble.

Biggest5010d ago

I totally agree. The game is hardly movie worthy. Don't blame this bullcrap on Jamie Foxx. If anything, he will make the movie slightly worthwhile.

dredgewalker5010d ago

I have to agree but remember that movies based on great games also fail a lot......I still get the chills whenever I remember the Tekken movie. I want just want to know who makes the scripts so we can properly lynch them for making bad movies out of the great games we enjoyed. The only decent game movie for me was the first Mortal Kombat and to this day I still say its 100 million times better than the recent game based movies.


The game was crap, but the history behind it had a lot of potential... Death row, prisonbreak, kidnap, blackmail, bank robbering, vengeance, worldwide settings, shooutouts, cliffhanger moments... It could work.

Baka-akaB5010d ago (Edited 5010d ago )

my prob isnt even yet the casting (still i agree that it's a silly choice) , as usual they only pick either stuff that isnt good to adapt for movies (fighting games) , or games wich a plot that is basically a parody or copy of existing holywood stuff .

Those games would be providing an holywood experience that is missing and works for game .... but nothing new and interesting for movie industry

hazelamy5009d ago

but this film will likely be the one to buck the trend and actually be a bloody great movie.
as for foxx, i think he's a pretty good actor, and he did win an oscar for god sake.
reading the article the problem they seem to have is that he's black and the character was white in the game, that the director is black also seems to be a point against the film in their opinion too.

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SeanScythe5010d ago

Wasn't bruce willis in a movie a little simular? Him and Billy Bob Thornton they both robbed banks, I know it's not the same story or characters but that movie reminds me of this game. The movie was Bandits made in 2001

siyrobbo5010d ago

i love that film, not seen it in a long while

HeroXIV5010d ago (Edited 5010d ago )

Oh Bandits, that was awesome. I first thought you were on about 16 blocks (Bruce Willis) and in that he plays a guy with a persona A LOT like Lynch.

Baka-akaB5010d ago

i always thought that K&L were basically a game version of Bandits . Wich is partially , why again , i found it very useless to adapt a game that is already a straight rip of movies

Tompkins5010d ago

Totally weird decision to make.

ATLGAMER5010d ago

Only think it will fail because he is black...he is a talented actor...and Why is it okay to make ang white but not to make lynch black...This is just a racist argument...ITs jsut cause they changed his Race that is his only problem...I SAID IT FIRST

madpuppy5010d ago (Edited 5010d ago )

a different race so that they feel will draw a larger racial demographic. That seems to be Will Smith's purpose in Hollywood lately...ruining established characters because Hollywood thinks they will make more money if James West talks like a modern "urban" man getting "jiggy wit it".
It's just absurd politically correct pandering to black audiences

It's like casting Jim Carey as Malcolm X or Robin Williams as Martin Luther King JR.

Hollywood, putting the funk in movies that don't need it for years.

madpuppy5010d ago

angry dissagree(s) with no reply has no teeth and no defense. If you are being politically correct...don't bother, I prefer real discussions.

Biggest5010d ago

That was a completely stupid comment. You are a moron. I wish I could do more than disagree with you. Malcolm X and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. have nothing to do with your stupidity. This is about a stupid video game with stupid video game characters. Will Smith is the star of some of the most well recieved movies in the history of motion pictures. Hollywood doesn't care about race. And if you haven't been paying attention to Jamie Foxx in the past 5 years I'll let you in on a secret. . . He doesn't get jiggy wit it. He doesn't play the urban man (Which is your obvious racism labeling black people as urban. Urban has a definition and black person is not it.) looking to dance for the man. You're a bigot.

morganfell5010d ago (Edited 5010d ago )

Well biggest you seem to think that a movie with a racially correct actor automatically means accuracy and that isn't the case either.

Denzel Washington's portrayal of Malcom X, while stirring and intense was hardly truthful. Stop acting as if Malcom X and MLK are high and mighty above movies based upon video games. If you are that socially righteous you should be out organizing your community instead of interacting on a video game forum. What snobbery.

The game while having issues had a gritty story and characters whose appeal was far more than some blond androgynous 19 year old kid saving the world. The movie has potential and Foxx will utterly ruin the white trash side of Lynch's character. Keep preaching madpuppy, these politically correct people need to go away.

Telling the truth isn't bigotry in the manner he related. Such PC driven moves are idiocy. Nick Fury black? Can I make Blade white? Black Green Lantern? Socially driven stupidity.

And yes, Will Smith ruined I Robot - as did the director - and utterly trashed Wild Wild West. Some people are obviously too illiterate in one case and too young in the other to understand.

-Ikon-5010d ago (Edited 5010d ago )

I was going to reply to Madpuppy but Biggest took care of this idiots back to back post.

Active Reload5010d ago (Edited 5010d ago )

Why don't people base it on the fact Jamie Foxx can act and not his skin color? I think he is very talented. As a matter of fact his talents in the Soloist could probably stretch on over into Kayne and Lynch, just with that element from the Soloist character. And madpuppy, knew what he was doing with the "urban", "getting jiggy with it" comment, ignorance doesn't need defending no matter what the circumstance Morganfell.

But back to the point I was trying to make. I really don't see any white actors out there that really can act well. And I mean the new talent that is out there is...its not talent, nothing that could take on this role anyway. Thats the reason I don't care about most movies that come out, because they SUCK! All the great white actors are getting old and there isn't anyone out there to replace them. I haven't seen anything as impressive as what Heath Ledger did with the Joker. And its sad he died so young.

morganfell5010d ago (Edited 5010d ago )

Because Kane and Lynch are established characters and the nature of Lynch is established. It isn't as if they are simply changing the town in which he was born. It's wrong but it was done as the producers were too cowardly to actually try to stay true to the reason they supposedly wanted to make the film in the first place.

It has nothing to do with Foxx's ethnicity...and it has everything to do with it. It isn't anything against Foxx as a black man but it's the fact that Kane is white. Period. No racism, no bigotry, just an established character.

If the character didn't have 2 games under his belt we would all say, "Knock yourself out. Make him Chinese if you want and then give us all a series of games with a Chinese Lynch.

Some of the people in this discussion amaze me. They argue why video games make crappy movies then defend a move that detracts from the accuracy of the video game in the first place. Such people are part of the problem with game to screen transistions.

Screaming racisim concerning such remarks is the first line of defense for the political correctness crowd. I am sure were they able the ACLU would have already been brought into any such discussion. It's no different from saying Luke Cage is black, Tarzan was white, or the Green Lantern had difficulty combating yellow.

It isn't racism, it's canon and people want the canon preserved. Contrary to what some idiots believe, many people actually liked Kane and Lynch and are enthralled by the latest iteration and they want that canon preserved.

ReservoirDog3165010d ago

This is a really delicate subject cause people automatically shout racism. But I'll try adding something to it.

The Malcolm X thing didn't seem to go over well so I'll try this: imagine if, in the game, Lynch was black and, for the movie, they turned him white. That wouldn't have went over well at all. So why's it okay reversed?

The game (1) was very flawed but the characters' backstory's were very interesting. I don't like that they cast Foxx as Lynch but it's 60% cause he really isn't similar to the character of Lynch and 40% cause they didn't stay true to the two old men feel that drew me to the first game.

Will it be good? Remains to be seen. But I'm optimistic cause of Bruce Willis' comments on the script.

In a perfect world though, I would've picked Daniel Day-Lewis as Lynch. Best actor alive today.

pixelsword5009d ago (Edited 5009d ago )


Hollywood doesn't care if a bunch of flabby gaming nerds get upset about their decisions. All four of you will be missed at the movies... not.

And quit playing the race card on Jamie Foxx; I didn't see any articles talking about the Mummy being Ruined because an Egyptan was played by a white person.

@ Morgafell:

"Screaming racisim concerning such remarks is the first line of defense for the political correctness crowd."

Screaming they're just giving it to him because he's black/asian/hispanic/whatever is the first line of defense for the teabagging crowd.

Just face it: the game was butt and a bunch of people who make it a career of knowing how to draw money in the box office will do whatever to ensure that they'll get their investment back.

morganfell5009d ago (Edited 5009d ago )

"Screaming they're just giving it to him because he's black/asian/hispanic/whatever is the first line of defense for the teabagging crowd."

I know that wasn't aimed at me because that would mean you are an a dullard when it comes to perception. Say you are not.

Though it is his race that makes him unsuitable for the role the reason it was given to Fox has nothing to do with race. It has to do with his name - a Oscar winner designed to generate ticket sales. Though like many Oscar winners his choices since have failed to reveal the brilliance that won him the award in the first place.

I can't believe you are errant enough to miss the point I made when I remarked about producers being cowards. I may or may not be missed at the movies but if your aforementioned remark was leveled at me then you simply missed altogether.

And did the mummy have a canon established? Please do point me to it as I have never forgotten my first introduction to the material at the hands of Karloff.

And until Hollywood begins listening to the so called nerds - I believe you are one but then again so are people like Daniel Craig - then they will never succeed in the game to movie transition because it is only the nerd crowd that seems to understand what made the IP worth of a cinema version in the first place.

pixelsword5009d ago (Edited 5009d ago )

A couple of things, morganfell

1. my comment wasn't directed at you UNLESS you embrace the fact that every call of racism is the knee-jerk reaction of people who are "political correct", and totally ignore the facts that in a good number of cases racism is exactly what is going on where people are simply point out what is going on. That was I was doing there, a mere addendum.

2. Your comment "And did the mummy have a canon established? Please do point me to it as I have never forgotten my first introduction to the material at the hands of Karloff." If you want to establish who's a dullard using that statement, you may not like the results: history's "canon" points out that before Karloff, a fiction character, the Racial identity of anyone before Ptolemy's rule in terms of Pharonic rule was of African ancestry according to various and numerous resources of the past, including Roman, Greek, Hebraic, Persian, and other sources of antiquity (Ptolemy was born an Egyptian Where Egypt was under Roman Rule, yet Rome did not interfere with rule of the Pharaoh). Although servants (and citizens after a certain point after their history) were of a myriad of racial backgrounds, the knowledge of a magician was passed-down from father to son until the rule of Ptolemy and the subsequent destruction of the Egyptian civilization through his family's line and would eliminate a non-African sorcerer's origin for the mummy's story. Despite that fact, this recent incantation of that "mummy" was supposed to be living around the existence of Ramses, which makes the whole story non-feasible. Yet, if you were to say that it is a work of fiction and does not need to be 100% accurate, you would have just undermined your point: as if a story based upon historical facts need not be accurate because it is fiction, how much irrelevant does accuracy need to be for non-fiction characters?

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madpuppy5010d ago (Edited 5010d ago )

"Will Smith is the star of some of the most well recieved movies in the history of motion pictures." HAHAHA you are an IDIOT! The wild, wild west?Independence Da?y,Hancock?,Hitch?? He is terrible! Will Smith makes Robin Williams look good. why would they cast Jamie Foxx as lynch? two games and the character is established as a "very" white man. there is NO reason. Why are they considering casting a black actor as Peter Parker in the next Spiderman? He has been a white guy for 40+ years there is no reason to do that other than to pander to black audiences.

as for the MLK and Malcolm X comment, it got the right response I intended from the likes of YOU. you got angry, and rightly so. Only an idiot would cast a white guy as malcolm X or MLK. or how about a Gears of war movie with the wrestler Steve Austin cast as Cole train? Or a new Shaft movie with Jackie Chan as Shaft?

Also, just because kane and Lynch was a bad game DOES NOT mean that it won't be a good movie. the story is solid. there are many great movies that would never be good games, Gandi is a classic movie, not very good game material, same with Casablanca.

As for the word "racist" that is a weasel word used to belittle anther persons statement. It is used like a rock by a stupid person to prove that he/she is politically correct. Just because you don't see the absurdity of Will Smith playing a modern black man in the old west (and that is how Will Smith played the character) one of the most racially intolerant time in this countries history, and to play a Government officer directly commissioned by President Grant himself is absurd and spits in the face of history and ALL oppressed peoples of that time in America Black, Asian ect...

Bigot, racist, all words used by the ignorant to prove they have the higher moral ground.

@Morganfell, I used MLK and Malcolm X as examples albeit poor examples to
show how ridiculous recasting a race can be. I use the "Wild, wild west" as a perfect example of ALL THAT IS WRONG IN HOLLYWOOD. when demographic
models and political correctness are considered over the actual "art" of making a compelling and enjoyable movie.

As for Jamie Foxx, He is a fine actor, he went from being a comedy actor to serious roles almost seemlessly, Collateral was a very good movie and He was cast perfectly, as for Ray, He did a great job portraying Ray Charles. He fit, would you agree that actors fit roles and some do not fit roles?

What is so hard to understand? I would feel the same way if they cast Jet Lee as kain or Robin Williams, damn why isn't anybody sick of him yet!

@ikon, You are a follower and I dismiss you for your short and addled statements that lack any real information. At least Biggest was man enough to disagree and provide what he feels is wrong with my post. You, Sir are just a waste of space.

-Ikon-5010d ago

Sounds like you have a Will Smith complex you should get that checked out

-Ikon-5010d ago

I like how you are now backpedaling with edits and new post.


treeson475010d ago

in the end they should have cast jeremy irons as kane and if anyones seen the movie wonderland with val kilmer from 2003, tim blake nelson has a goatee and plays a hard character where he already resembles lynch. but ted levine would be able to pull off that psychotic look. please google these people if you don't know who they are before telling me jaime foxx is better suited. this kind of casting can only be attributed to them trying to reel in a wider audience for the film, which is how i understand hollywood works. but it's sad to see. and before you go calling me racist, i liked ray, and foxx in jarhead and collateral. he is talented. but he will never be lynch.

Satoris5010d ago (Edited 5010d ago )

to reply to you, I never backpedaled, that is what people who are afraid to be labeled "not politically correct" do. I think political correctness is what is wrong with this world, it stymies open conversation and turns people into those idiots that get uncomfortable asking for black coffee when they are in the vicinity of black people for fear they will be heard saying the word "black" for fear of them mishearing you.


I cannot believe that you blocked me, I guess plugging your ears up is better than being schooled on how wrong you are. just for the record, I will never block anybody, Being a man, I would rather have a conversation and be corrected if I am wrong than to take the cowards way out.

Active Reload5010d ago (Edited 5010d ago )

I still don't agree with what you're saying and I see through your comments. You actually tried and probably succeeded at using the race card to bait someone. But then you go on to explain in your comment that it(race card) shouldn't be used. WTF? What's the point in that?

Thats really not my whole reason for disagreeing with you though. I disagree because you're using history lessons on well known events and trying to compare them to a video game character that has only been in existence, to the gaming community, for 3 maybe 4 years. Of course people aren't going to go for having a white MLK or anything else like that. The history of those ACTUAL people is well versed in world literature.

So yeah, using ACTUAL people to defend your perception of what Hollywood should do with FICTIONAL characters is silly.

And btw, I'm not trying to get a rise out of you. Anyway, you should relax, lol.

Satoris5010d ago (Edited 5010d ago )

And I stand by my comments, It has nothing to do with race and ALL to do with miscasting for the sake of profits, I understand that "Hollywood" is based on product and profit but, it is also based on art. A demographic model tells them to cast a black man in every action film to increase revenue by appealing to the Black demographic. The casting rarely fits, especially when you are casting for established characters.

To be honest "gettin' jiggy wit it" is reserved for actors and directors that cannot make a film without injecting modern slang and over the top behavior to a movie set in the old west or when one character is able by his presence to change the way a whole organization is effectively run for the past 40+ years.

The biggest offenders happen to be Will Smith films The Wild Wild West and the end of Men in Black (Men in Black was a very good film, Will Smith even acted well in the film but, seeing that the character was new and made just for him it is understandable, only in the end do they really go over the top and screw up the whole premise of the film, the effectively secretive nature of the MiB organization.
Think about the end of Men in Black, for 40 years the Men in black operate under the radar driving standard looking government issue ford LTD's and wearing regular black suites, until Will Smith becomes a "man in Black" he's gonna' shake things up "gangsta' " style with a lapelless nation of islam suit and a bling, bling-ified Mercedes Benz. Now, how did this one man change the way a whole secret government organization has been effectively operating for the past 40+ years?

and what is secret about driving around in a flashy car and wearing flashy suits? hell, I even think that the licence plate was "MiB"?!?!

That is a perfect example of how you can ruin the whole tenor of a story by adding something so far-fetched at the end to discount the main premise (secrecy of the organization).

This has nothing to do with race and everything to do with ruining a movie for the percieved increase in profit.

I will leave with a movie that was terrible because they injected modern colloquialisms and speech patterns into a movie by Heath Ledger, His portrayal as the Joker may have been phenomenal But, get a load of that abortion "First Knight". the whole thing was made to appeal to Airhead teen girls. could it have been better if it was played out like a standard period piece? who knows?

"dude, the knight needs his sword!" blah...


iceman065010d ago

You pose some very interesting arguments about the use of Foxx as Lynch and I pretty much agree. I think that the established character should probably be left alone. But, you are missing something. There are probably a LOT more people that are unfamiliar with Kane and Lynch than are. Therefore, for them, it will be an entirely new experience and it won't really matter. This is Hollywood. I'll give the movie a chance just because I like action flicks. I doubt it was going to make a run for an Oscar anyway.
As for Will Smith, he is just acting. He didn't write this stuff. He didn't direct this stuff. He just accepted a script and did the movie. Don't hate him. Hate those that gave him a chance. For all of the fluff movies he does, he also does some incredibly powerful stuff. He transformed himself in Ali (though the movie was flawed his acting was excellent). He earned critical acclaim in Six Degrees of Separation (where he risked his career by playing a homosexual conman in his first major role). If you can deny that depth of his acting in The Pursuit of Happyness then I don't know what to say.
As for your arguments about being politically correct. I agree that it has stifled discussions amongst people of different backgrounds. However, it must also be pointed out that NOT being politically incorrect is not a license to just say what you want without impunity. I would agree that sometimes the "racist" or "bigot" tag is thrown about prematurely. But, to say that they are used by ignorant people to prove that they have a higher moral ground is a bit self serving. There are racists and bigots. This is not some fantasy dreamed up by minorities. There are people that are not active racist, but have ideologies and mentalities that are consistent with that of racism. They practice their racism in a more covert and passive way. I am NOT trying to say that this is YOU, I am just making the point that just because the race thing is thrown around so much doesn't mean that it is not a huge issue and those that face it don't have the right to call it out. You have the right to disagree of course.

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Deafman4205010d ago

Real people as an example for comparison and it's a terrible terrible comparison. Regardless, I applaud hollywood for casting Mr. Foxx for the movie. Though not yet perfectly, Hollywood does a better job in the diversity department than video games have done.

orange-skittle5010d ago (Edited 5010d ago )

you are a f*ckin' idiot! How is Will Smith playing Jim West(fictional character in a 1960's tv show) the same as Jim Carey or Robin Williams playing Martin Luther King Jr or Malcolm X(civil rights activists)? You sound like one of those racist jackasses that say "I'm not racist, some of my good friends are black." Your comparisons are so distorted, you actually believe the bullsh*t you speak. tell ya what, repeat what you just said to a black person and let me know how it went after they scrape your face from the concrete

@ morganfell

You're just as ignorant. I bet you didnt know Nick Fury was black and modeled after Samuel Jackson in Ultimate Nick Fury. Looks like we have a few Klan members in here. It was in the comic book and that's why they used it in the movie you jackoff.

Even though I don't agree with jamie Foxx in the movie, your racism shines through. Glad they found a way to expose you racists on here

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Worst Big Budget Games

GF365: "Among all the well-received and beloved video games, there are some that are horrendous. Here are our picks for the worst big budget games released since 2010."

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banger88477d ago

What a shitty f***** list! Most of the games on it were great fun. Bullshit list.

chantii_mmohaven477d ago

yep this is truly a b*tthurt list :/

MadLad476d ago

I think the only one I agreed on was Anthem, and even that isn't horrendous.

Knushwood Butt477d ago

Anthem; I'd forgotten that game existed. I remember thinking the trailer was BS though; turns out I was right.

Cueil476d ago

the game wasn't bad though

RavenWolfx476d ago

"Worst big budget games" and immediately lists Genshin Impact, a game that has $4 billion in revenue.

blackblades476d ago

$3 billion and counting along with alot of users. I disagree with that being on the list. This list is just a person opinion without merit

monkey602476d ago

I havent played Genshin Impact and Mafia 3 was alright. The rest though I kind of agree with.
I loved the 1st Kane and Lynch and I could not understand how the 2nd game was as bad as it was.

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Grab Kane & Lynch 2 for free right now on Xbox One and Xbox 360 thanks to Xbox Games With Gold

James writes - "It may be old, it may be rather brutal and gritty, but seeing as Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days no longer costs a penny, shouldn’t you at least grab it and make the most of the Games With Gold scheme?"

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neil3632496d ago

It's free so it's worth a shot but from what I remember it's not the best

TheColbertinator2496d ago

No,not even free. Avoid this one.

Kallisti2496d ago

I've heard nothing but bad things about this game

Wotbot2496d ago

It has the most gritty story you will ever play.

Not perfect but a brilliant co-op game.

NerveGearneeded2495d ago

love this game, needs a sequel. best title screen.


Are the free Xbox Games With Gold titles for July 2017 any good?

Neil writes "This time last month I was waxing lyrical about how good it was to see the likes of Watch Dogs, Assassin’s Creed III, Dragon Age: Origins and a new game, SpeedRunners, be gifted to all Xbox One and Xbox 360 owners as part of the Xbox Games With Gold scheme for June 2017.

Now though we’re on the verge of being treated to even more free titles, but unfortunately the calibre of game given away with July’s Games With Gold scheme doesn’t quite match up to the month before it ."

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oKidUKo2498d ago

Worst thing is the new game seems too similar to the last new game, need some variety!

BiggerBoss2498d ago

Embarrassing when put up against PlayStation Plus this month.

Skull5212497d ago

👎*insert fart noise here*

OldGuyStillGaming2498d ago

Absolutely worst month this year for GWG

EatCrow2498d ago

Worst ive seen in a while.

Software_Lover2498d ago

It's not going to be top tier every month. They have been pretty good lately. The sine curve was bound to hit the bottom at some point.

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