
Is Medal of Honor the Crackdown to Battlefield 3?

RespawnAction: "Okay, hear me out on this. Back in early 2007, a game by the name of Crackdown was set to release and there were a select few who took interest in the new open world game. Meanwhile, the majority of people looked elsewhere, or just hopped back into the shoes of CJ in San Andreas. But then, something happened--a beta code for the highly anticipated Halo 3 was announced to be inside every copy of Crackdown..."

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Ivan Drago IV5055d ago

I was in the beta on the PS3, it was terrible, generic and just a mess.

respawnaction5055d ago

Now see, many feel the same way. However, will BF3's beta positively impact sales from ppl who wouldn't buy it otherwise?

bumnut5055d ago

yes, id sell my soul for bf3


trailer and confirming that its just a MODERN WARFARE 2 CLONE... Im buying this game over BLACK OPS no matter if it has the BATTLEFIELD 3 beta or not. Also I believe that the single player campaing will be good enough if not better than Black Ops. Ohh and we PS3 owners could get an HD version of one of the best FPS ever... MEDAL OF HONOR: FRONTLINES. This alone adds a lot to the game. So we will see...


Garnett5055d ago

Thats stupid, why would you buy either game, if both are clones of other games..

Campaign? Yawn... this isnt 2001, we want coop campaigns, leave the past.

Just because a game on PS3 doesnt mean its good, and this goes for MoH frontlines, that game SUCKED. European assault was by far the best MoH and even that was average.

big_silky5055d ago

Everybody kinda treats it like a negative that Crackdown came with the Halo beta as if Crackdown was a terrible game on it's own. I don't see people referring to Infamous as " the game that came with the UC2 beta".

skip2mylou5055d ago

because the demo alone proved it to be a fun game, so nobody cared, plus from what i saw in stores all of the copies with the uncharted beta were already gone by the 2nd week. so either sucker punch and naughty dog didnt really make that many UC2 betas or stores had kept them for themselves

iNcRiMiNaTi5055d ago (Edited 5055d ago )

Reminds me of the time when i bought ZOE for the mgs2 demo and ZOE ended up being a pretty good game

BuIIetproofish_5055d ago

If you look at sales of Crackdown 2 its easy to say Crackdown wasn't just the Halo 3 Beta. Same with ODST, I think it sold 5 million, but the Reach Beta got 2.5 million users and codes were given out.

Microshock5055d ago

Yes. It's an extra incentive to buy the game. Just like the UC2 beta in inFAMOUS and Halo 3 beta in Crackdown.

SpitFireAce855055d ago (Edited 5055d ago )

games inFAMOUS and Crackdown are good games.But the
MoH MP beta sucked.I hope the Singleplayer is better.



Ps.Crackdown 2 not so good dont know why?


Also there is no way Iam paying $60 to play the
BF3 beta.

geth1gh5055d ago

well i admit to buying crackdown for the h3 beta. And then it ended up beeing one of my fav games of all time. Hope the same happens for moh.

I played the moh ps3 beta as well, and well, i got what I expected, a BETA! betas are way to mainstream these days, and ppl just expect it to play like the finished product.

I still plan on buying moh, but after hearing that the b3 beta will be included, I am even more stoked about picking up the game.

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Remembering Medal Of Honor: The Forgotten Master Of WW2 Games

Ibrahim from eXputer: "The Medal of Honor franchise was once the crown jewel of FPS war games, later defeated by the tides of time and poor development."

banger8852d ago

They tried to turn it into Call of Duty and it killed it off. They should reboot it and go back to it's roots. But they'd ruin it with online-only/multiplayer style bullshit so why bother? I have very fond memories of these games, but this series can stay dead as far as I'm concerned.

FPS_D3TH50d ago

Was literally just thinking of this game the other week with the secret nut cracker mission and the shooting Bismarck dog lmao. Loved these games as a kid

PrecursorOrb50d ago (Edited 50d ago )

I wish they’d remake warfighter

Strictly for the campaign

The_Hooligan50d ago

I have fond memories of playing the Medal of Honor Breakthrough MP Demo. It had two maps and custom servers. Living on campus, I had it downloaded on one of the PC Lab servers so I could access it on any computer at the university. Joined a clan and made friends that I still keep in touch with today.

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Ranking Every Halo Game From Worst To Best

Not every Halo game has been a banger, but the franchise still has a raft of the greatest games of all time.

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HellspawnPR1981154d ago

Infinite is a dumpster fire and as much as I like ODST, in no universe it ranks above Halo 2. This list is trash.

Kaii154d ago

Just exclude Infinite>5>4

ChasterMies154d ago

Best to worst: Halo 3, Halo 2, Halo Reach, Halo CE, Halo 4, Halo ODST, Halo Infinite, Halo 5.


The 7 Best Xbox 360 Games - Console Exclusives Win the Day

The Xbox 360 was a fantastic console in its day with some truly classic titles, but what are the seven best games for the console?

DrDoomer192d ago

I'm pretty used to these lists being bad, but this one is particularly s#ite.

raWfodog191d ago

I think Lost Odyssey and Blue Dragon should have been added to the list.

BrainSyphoned192d ago

I'll go with,
Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon, Culdcept Saga, Shadow Complex, Ace Combat 6 with the flight stick,A Kingdom for Keflings, A World of Keflings.
Bonus Kinect Games: Happy Action Theater and Sesame Street.
*Skyrim was so bad on PS3 that it almost deserves to be #1*

Husker42c191d ago

I really loved Shadow Complex.

P_Bomb191d ago

Ah yes, Shadow Complex! Good indies back in the day. Summer of Arcade. I enjoyed Trials Evolution as well.

ChasterMies191d ago (Edited 191d ago )

Was this made by a.i.? No human being would put Shadowrun, Fable III, and Splinter Cell: Conviction into a list of the 7 best Xbox 360 games.

Abnor_Mal191d ago (Edited 191d ago )

Would love to play Ace Combat6 on PlayStation, but Xbox decided to buy exclusivity and keep it off a competing platform.

The only mainline game I never played except for one level at a friends place. Game sold less than any other in the series if I remember correctly.

darthv72191d ago

360 had Namco hitters AC6 and RR6... both quality titles. You should at least bust out the 360 for AC6 if you can score the flight stick. Its great.

Hofstaderman191d ago

When the current gen XBOX offering is so lacking people need to refer to games released two generations back....

Profchaos191d ago (Edited 191d ago )

It's a nostalgia peice same reason we get thousands of YouTube videos on sega genisis. Something people have fond memories for but the era is long gone.

It's xboxs golden year imo it was their genisis years the time where they stuck it to the market leaders Sony.

BehindTheRows190d ago

They stuck nothing. Sony screwed themselves giving Xbox an opening. They would have gotten the usual smack down if the PS3 had launched at $399 and was easier to develop for.

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