
Top 5 forgotten football franchises

The top five footy (or 'soccer', if you're American) franchises on PlayStation that used to exist, but don't anymore.

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-Alpha5051d ago

I only played one, NFL 2K5. Great game, but so mad EA bought out the NFL. Such an injustice too considering instead of stepping their game out they chose to monopolize the sport.

Non_sequitur5051d ago

This article isn't about American football.

Cevapi885051d ago

lmao...i found that odd too...2K5 is far from forgotten...plus the majority of the games they had on that list i had no clue about besides the Adidas one

Commander_TK5051d ago

You´re a Canadian, don´t u guys only like hockey, eh? Just kidding.

On topic, ISS. What happened to that series?

Shadow Flare5051d ago (Edited 5051d ago )

ISS Pro became Pro Evolution Soccer didn't it? both were made by konami I think

SWORDF1SH5051d ago

Responded to wrong thing. Check out my reply a few replies down.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5051d ago
PopEmUp5051d ago

No One give a F about American football lol

mcsm5051d ago

nah more like the whole world doesn't give a f

SWORDF1SH5051d ago

Well ISS and Pro Evolution Soccer used to be 1 game called ISS Pro Evolution.

Then during the PS2 Era they decided to split the name up and make two games.
International Superstar Soccer which was more arcadey and I guess used to collect up the FIFA crowd. This sold poorly and eventually died out. The other game, and still exsists today, was Pro Evolution Soccer which stuck to the path it was treading with ISS Pro Evolution with a more simulation slant towards football.

So yeah ISS died out because of the lack of demand.

ProjectVulcan5051d ago

Anyone remember a quite obscure namco game called libero grande? Arcade first, ported to PS1. This was the game where you controlled a single player in the game and requested passes, tackles etc......when i started fifa up a few years ago and found a near carbon copy game mode i was amazed because libero grande was lambasted at the time by the press because you didnt have full control. Now they loved it....

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5051d ago
LeonSKennedy4Life5051d ago

I'm an American, but I was thinking soccer when I read the headline. NO idea why. Haha.

Red Card FTW!!!

ianos5048d ago

Haha - Red Card was funny. Rubbish, but funny and massively tongue in cheek.

Senden5051d ago

I used to love this is football.. back then graphically it was by far the best.. just didn't translate as well on the ps2 as pes took over. Another forgotten gem of a football game is Three Lions.. I had so much fun with that game.

acky15051d ago

I loved the blatant dives you could pull off in This Is Football...and the classic two-footed challenge on the keeper. So much fun! That game wore out my R2 button.

PirateThom5051d ago (Edited 5051d ago )

This is Football spawned two PSP games, World Tour Soccer, from the same developers.... and also just stopped.

Strider_X95051d ago

I loved Sensible World Of Soccer, it's a pity they didn't release it on PSN. I have it on Xbox Live, but alot of my mates who I used to play against back in the Amiga days have PS3's, it'd be great to play against them online.

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World of Soccer, GRID Autosport, Fable Heroes are coming to Xbox One via Backward Compatibility

"Sensible World of Soccer, GRID Autosport and Fable Heroes are coming to Xbox One Backward Compatibility today"

81BX2170d ago

Why am I prompted to sign into Twitter just to read the article? Is it just a tweet?

Crazyglues2170d ago

Because it really is just a tweet from majornelson.. -( Sensible World of Soccer, GRID Autosport and Fable Heroes are coming to Xbox One Backward Compatibility today )- and that's the entire tweet, saved you a login... LoL

81BX2169d ago

Lol thanks. I don't do social media.

Obscure_Observer2170d ago


"Why am I prompted to sign into Twitter just to read the article? Is it just a tweet?"

Maybe to show the BC Xbox Team your support, like i did. Your call. ;)

81BX2169d ago

I show that $$$ support. I refuse social media. N4g is my daily dose of net poison lol

sizeofyou2170d ago

Virtua Tennis 4, please - latest tennis efforts still seem shonky..!

sizeofyou2170d ago

And Grid Autosport... $25? Way too steep when there's so many racing games to choose from for current gen... 🤔

DaFeelz2170d ago

$25 BUCKS?!?! I love me some Grid, but that’s a big NO right there.

Father__Merrin2170d ago

Fingers crossed I get an Xbox one s for my birthday. I've already started getting a few BC games already like lost oddeaey

ps360s2170d ago

Lost Odyssey is a great choice!

Loved it and wishing for a sequel or prequel after completing the game I wanted more!!!

Father__Merrin2170d ago

i had an xbox one s last year that i got for my birthday collected a huge collection of BCC titles it was great but had to sell it to get iphone for daughter for xmas lol il get collecting again need to get hold of blue dragon thats imo the best bcc game as it feels like a remaster locked at 30 with higher sample rate

XbladeTeddy2170d ago

I remember playing Sensible Soccer on the Amiga back in the 90's. That game was legendary for its time. Couldn't play it now though, can't deal with the graphics.

Obscure_Observer2170d ago

Still waiting for Eternal Sonata. :(


Retroreflection: Foray Into Football’s Arsenal (FIFA)

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Will next-gen gaming kill couch co-op?

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Christopher3767d ago

This and last gen pretty much already started killing it off already.

Mr_cheese3767d ago

It really dissapoints me that couch co-op/ split screen is slowly dissapearing. I really liked going to a friends house and chilling with beers and doing nothing but rotting on split screen. I understand the whole online co-op and all, but i still like the option to see and play with friends in person. I would really love more support. When resistance first came out on ps3, split screen for that was epic!

Chrischi19883767d ago

This is why it is not next gen for me... I want choice between online multiplayer and local multiplayer, having just one of the two, is bad, even though, I would choose local over online anytime. I am not a big fan of sitting alone at home playing games online against people I dont know.

webeblazing3767d ago (Edited 3767d ago )

Its already dead. Its funny because this one of the main reason to game on consoles now its fading away. Fast I might add. I dont remember the last time I seen local coop. It one of the reasons why mostly playing on PC Dont bother me, that and the ton of games plus the gfx . Oh n free mp

Chrischi19883767d ago

True, consoles become more and more like PCs, but all act like its better on PCs, then if you ask why this console is better than the other console, they mainly say things, which were PC things.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3767d ago
dedicatedtogamers3767d ago

It won't kill it off, but it will cause the customers who want that experience (for instance, the Wii crowd) to leave the market. X1 is poised to be the best couch co-op system in the regard, what with Kinect being integrated and all. But the price and brand image won't give it the same oooomph as the Wii had.

ZodTheRipper3767d ago (Edited 3767d ago )

lol wut? Even though I _completely_ disagree with the Kinect part I have to add that I enjoyed PlayRoom more than any Kinect game on X360. I still have a few videos of us messing around with the PlayRoom and we even watched them a second time because it was so fun.

UnholyLight3767d ago

I refuse to let the Halo online splitscreen drinking games die out!!!!!!!!!

chrissx3767d ago

I just hope somewhere somehow it doesn't. Last gen started it and its so frustrating really. It should be standard requirment for a co-op game

king_george3767d ago (Edited 3767d ago )

Couch co op is the first thing i look at when a game says "multiplayer" on the box lol. I feel like couch co op is coming back strong actually. You just need to know where to look.

-Double dragon neon (beat this with my gf. Fantastic game i loved it)
-Dead nation (co op at its best in my opinion)
-Resident evil 5/6 (they kinda suck but still fun with friends)
-CoD (yeah i know its CoD but its still fun with friends too)
-Uncharted 3 (fun as hell to play with a friend)
-Diablo 3 (havent played it yet but i know i'll like it)
-Borderlands series
- Gears of War (not big on the series but people love it)
- Dragons Crown
- PS All stars battle royal
- Donkey Kong
- Mario
- LittleBigPlanet
- Guacamelee

webeblazing3767d ago

That list Dont look like a come back . Old game remakes, old games, and genres that expect to have local coop(sidescrollers) do not equal. Most maybe Dont want to spend time and resources on it especially how console gamers are starting to care more about gfx.

king_george3767d ago

I honestly cant understand what your saying for most of that paragraph but i gathered that you pretty much just brushed all those games off like nothing. Co op is still here and will only get stronger. Its not like the old days but its still here. Annd all those games do count by the way. You cant say "it doesnt count" because those ARE co op games. Theres a whole bunch of other games that i didnt even mention

Blues Cowboy3767d ago

Maybe, but it won't stay down. Just look at the way board games are resurging - people want to play together, and videogames need to remember that.

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