GameZebo: Astroslugs Preview

GameZebo: A "polyomino" is a geometric shape that's made up of one or more squares. The most famous is probably the domino, which is made up of two. It was Tetris that first convinced us that arranging such shapes into perfect rows could be immensely fun, and since then dozens of developers have offered their own unique spins on the concept.

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It Takes a Community: The Game Dev Bundle

If you know anything about Reddit, you know that they’re a pretty big authority on games. Well now, they’ve decided to throw their hat in the ring.


Reddit Rolls Out The Gamedev Bundle – 6 Games for Bitcoins… Or $

It’s not often you see an indie bundle accepting Bitcoins as a viable payment option, but this is the brainchild of Reddit, after all. Introducing the GameDev Bundle. So, what we have here is your usual, run-of-the-mill indie bundle. Not much different from all the others: Six different developers, six games, a bonus title if you pay over $6 and a percentage of the final takings squirrelled away in a magic box for the charity-fairies to cart away afterwards. While none of these titles are available on Steam, you do get DRM-free downloads and a handy Desura activation code for the whole set. If you’ve been keeping up with the Indie Royales to date, you should have quite a collection there already.

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Electronic Farmyard Review: Astroslugs (iPhone)

The Electronic Farmyard write:

'This game just misses out on top marks due to the one dimensional nature of the game. But those who enjoy the puzzle genre would generally agree that puzzle games are one dimensional in nature. Therefore, the game is great, well worth the price and certainly an entertaining and challenging addition to your iPhone.'

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