
El33tonline Exclusive Q & A with Producer of Create

Earlier today EA took the wraps off Create, a title that is powered by a player’s imagination and rewards players for being creative. To celebrate El33tonline has an exclusive interview with the Producer for the game, Justin Manning from EA Bright Light.

Read the interview below to find out more about what Manning thinks the inspiration behind Create was, what types of challenges you can expect to encounter in the game, the lowdown on Creative Sparks and more!

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Greywulf5063d ago (Edited 5063d ago )

El33tonline: Create will be compatible with the PS3’s Move but not with Xbox 360’s Kinect. Why are you not including this new technology and are there any plans to make the game compatible with Kinect in the future?

Justin Manning: There are no plans for Kinect. Create is actually a deep experience which can engage a player for hours, whether it’s creating a scene or solving a challenge. It is more cerebral than kinetic."


Video game swastikas create unease in Germany

It has stirred up a debate if it is an advance for artistic freedom or poses a new danger of radicalisation

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bigmalky2116d ago

The idea of burying a negative event of the past is wrong anyway. A country should never be held responsible for it's past, but history is history, and if creative talent draw from that era, it should be fair game to paint an accurate portrayal and not be swept under the rug for the present people to take shame for.

Germany will forever be known as the country that Hitler motivated to atrocities, but that's not the case now. It's just a bad era of history for them. Censorship is not the answer.

FlameWater2116d ago

People who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.


Doom's Sounds Were Created From Old Cassettes And A Russian Synthesizer

Watch this video to find out how Doom's synthetic and metal-inspired sound was put together by composer Mick Gordon.

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TWB2935d ago

Interesting videos, sounds like a man who knows what he is doing.

Master of Unlocking2934d ago

They should've rereleased the original Doom games along the new reboot that just recently came out, something akin to what they did on the PS3/XBOX 360 last gen with Doom 3 that had the original games on the same disc, BUT! (and there's a big but here) with the option to play the games with the original Playstation 1-exclusive soundtrack! Seriously, that dark, ambient music played a huge role in me liking the Doom games on PSOne, it was so much better than the PC soundtrack, consisting of very short loops of some famous metal riffs, it made the game's atmosphere so much more haunting!


Top 10: MORE fun Xbox 360 games with easy achievements

Back by (somewhat) popular demand, here is another collection of 10 fun Xbox 360 games with easy achievements. A quick re-cap if you missed the previous article; ’10 Xbox 360 games with easy achievements that you might actually want to play’. Skylanders, Tomb Raider Underworld, Band Hero, Transformers: Dark of the Moon, Lost, Rango, Sherlock Holmes vs Jack the Ripper, Iron Man 2, Clive Barker’s Jericho and even Hannah Montana all made the list.

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