
N4G User Survey

Now that the new site has been online for a while we are ready to start working on fixing some of the issues and problems that so far have been reported. There seems to be many different opinions about what N4G should be and what direction the site should take. To help us get a better understanding of what our readers think about the site, and what changes we should consider making we have put together this short user survey. Click the read more link to start the survey. Thank you for your help with making N4G a better place!

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D4RkNIKON5034d ago (Edited 5034d ago )

I like N4G but if I could change anything it would be..

-Bring back the open zone, things were more simple when certain fanboys were banished to the open zone.
-No more "Top 10 ______" articles..

Danteh5034d ago (Edited 5034d ago )

N4G is awesome

Edit: but people like Conloles need to be banned, he's worse than xbox fanboys :P

nikkisixx25034d ago

yeah if you like flame bait, fanboys, opinion articles, and constant article duplicates.

Rot_in_Fail5034d ago (Edited 5034d ago )

I want people with 1 bubble to have comment hidden by default, they get up 40, 50 disagrees, and they're happy about it .

Cold 20005034d ago (Edited 5034d ago )

There is no need for the open zone. On the old N4G there was almost no difference between the open zone and the so called "gamer zone" so might as well just make it one zone.

Oh and maybe get rid of the "agree/disagree" system too. It will make the PS3 fanboys feel a whole lot less "powerful" all of a sudden in the little lost and disconnected planet that N4G is.

edit: sikbeta below nailed it. The open zone was for comedy and the gamer zone was for trolling.

ThatCanadianGuy5034d ago

I think Conloles should be allowed to post.Mark my words, his constant console bashing B.S will eventually unite the PS3 & 360 fanboys together against PC fanboys.

As was foretold in the prophecy.

sikbeta5034d ago

N4G is Great the way it is now, Open Zone was hilarious, but trølls keep trolling on the "gamer" zone, so it was pointless

In the "new" site they also learned how to stealth-troll in all the articles and 70% of time all of us end up in a huge flame-war no matter what

Just Don't ERASE the comments, hide them and gives us the chance to POWN those douches :P

HolyOrangeCows5034d ago (Edited 5034d ago )

Get rid of the people who talk about fanboys in EVERY FREAKING ONE OF THEIR POSTS. They get really old and fast.
If you don't like the community here, just leave.

Bring back the old bubbles system. Mods take too much control in the matter of the new one. I've gotten so many "Well said"s and "helpful"s and only the highly occasional "trolling" (From the mods, not the users seeing as many of my comments with NO disagrees and SEVERAL agrees get labeled that way). And yet, I have a mere 2 bubbles. Why should that be when 90% of N4G's community agrees with the things I say?

"edit: holyorangecows, so are you saying that you would rather read what gets wrote by the fanboys??? incredible!"
Not at all what I said.

Edit: No surprise that THIS post gets a bunch of disagrees. This type of article is a hotbed for people who complain about N4G's community and still take part in it as if they have guns to their heads.

D4RkNIKON5034d ago

@Cold... Please leave.. Just leave and make us all happy.

ZombieAutopsy5034d ago (Edited 5034d ago )

Open zone just needs to be brought back, only so people can be banned to it. Also i think only 1 account per IP address can be made per month to keep multi account trolls away, either have more bubbles to start with or make it easier to get them.

I also agree with most people opinion that if you agree of disagree you should have to state why.

Information Minister5034d ago

That makes perfect sense, seeing as you used to get banned to the Open Zone all the time. I completely understand why you don't want it back.

And there's nothing wrong with the "agree/disagree" system. If your a 360 fanboy, then stay away from the PS3 channel and those bubbles and agrees will surely start piling up.

Applegate5034d ago (Edited 5034d ago )

If you're a 360 fanboy stay away from PS3 threads AND 360 threads because ironically that's where most of the PS3 community on this site is.

sikbeta5034d ago (Edited 5034d ago )

@Information M

I have nothing against the Agree/Disagree system, but IMO it'd be better if it's changed for Thumb-up/thumb-down or rate the comments by points +1/-1


Another thing I think it's bad is the comment system, the limitation of comments is wrong, I think people must have the option to reply and post all the times they want and not based on the amount of bubbles they have

the bubble system as a "way" to prevent trølls doesn't work either, with [1] bubble they keep being annoying-douches -> [conloles/8800gt/greenR]

Just restrict the replies of anyone based on the first comment, i.e first comment = Trølling -> you can't reply anymore... and don't block the comments flagged, let us POWN those douches :)

Conloles5034d ago Show
Christopher5034d ago (Edited 5034d ago )

***Get rid of the people who talk about fanboys in EVERY FREAKING ONE OF THEIR POSTS. They get really old and fast. ***

I 100% support this statement. They're just as bad as fanboys.

Things like "incoming fanboy war in 321" or "You're going to get torn up by PS3 fanboys" or "SDF is in full force today" add just as much to the debate as fanboys and trolls, which is none at all.

@conloles: The point is to generate a system that identifies those who are /ignored by many because of their posting style and weeding them out through another system so that new posters and old posters alike don't have to bother with having to keep you on /ignore, which then leads to those who may replay to the same topic being hidden because they replied to your statement. Based on your many "can't do 1080p" responses, you add nothing to the debate and I therefore agree that you should be delegated to an Open Zone.

nix5034d ago

there r some news which keeps coming (repeats with slight changes) every time n r not worth going thru discussion but it used to be fun reading comments in the open zone.

figure out the bubble system. i mean there r spammers who list site urls for shoes, blankets etc who's got 4-5 bubbles.

dont change anything code-wise, it now works well with my PS3 browser (thats how i am commenting now).

show the topic as 'multi' if the news covers more than 1 system in FP.

when we visit sites like tech spy etc... make it so that we dont have to log in again.

no more 'news' from blogspots n blog sites. even if it is an opinion. let them use the N4G blog section if they have to.

XactGamer5034d ago (Edited 5034d ago )

This ^^^ is your problem N4G. Biased or fanboy comments are fine to a point but many of the above and below spam or make comments that are off topic.

For example in anything Kinect related you have PS3 fanboys shouting MOVE MOVE MOVE. Same goes with anything Killzone related you see alot of Killzone will never be as big as Halo.

It's always the same people who camp out to bash and troll and when their bubbles are gone they just start another account. We all know who the new accounts are, writing styles are like fingerprints.

This site needs some balance, I hate to pick on one side but the PS3 fanboys here camp anything 360 related. These guys sit in the pending section making sure that their fanboy crap takes the first 20 comments.

My platform of choice is PC and have made many biased PC comments but I always stay on topic. I own all consoles and admit I do like some more than the others but I play them all, thats what I bought them for.

As a PC fan I can sit back and observe who is the worst of the bunch. PS3 fanboys you guys outnumber all other fanboys here 5 to 1 and you guys spend more time in the 360 section than the PS3.

IMO I think comments for news or articles in the pending section should be removed until it's approved.

Mmmkay5034d ago

Damn. I just played a 1080p game on my Ps3. Trolling again are you? And still not banned? Yeah, something needs to get done to the system.

Jinxstar5034d ago

I personally just feel like when I hit the strict button I shouldn't be seeing no name blogs, HHG and "Top 5 breasts in JRPS". Thats all I would change really. And maybe moderate better.

Natsu X FairyTail5034d ago (Edited 5034d ago )

Ban all the sony fanburrlssssss

lmao jk

oh and The Biased sh1t needs to go aswell. Yall cant be a mod and Not delete a PS3 fanboy making a joke about RroD,kinect, or some other xbox default but when we make a joke about PS3 our thing is Deleted and marked as trolling.
ole biased mofos

Bring back Open zone maybe?

Darkstorn5034d ago

I used to have 7 bubbles on the old N4G, now I'm down to 3. And a good number of people have given me comments detailing their intent to give me 'bubs.' I don't think I've been bubbled down so much as to actually offset all the positive feedback I've received.

The new bubble system is just archaic. Give us more options for discussion!

Anon19745033d ago (Edited 5033d ago )

There needs to be a ban on multiple accounts. Too often users have been blocked/banned/stripped of bubbles only to resurrect their account again to be blocked/banned/stripped - then they repeat. Bans need to be done with IP addresses.

Also, the vindicative nature of some on this site needs to be dealt with. I happily had 8 bubbles back a year ago. After a sudden attack the was precipitated by a rush of hate mail to my PM box, all my bubbles were stripped and every single article I posted to the community was falsely reported. There were a few times when moderators had intervene, but often by the time they did the news was old. When N4G reset, the exact same thing happened again. I was happily posting and suddenly I get 5 hate mail messages in one day (you suck sony ****, you need to die, etc). My bubbles were gone within a week, just like last time.

I know it's just a few bad apples, but users should be able to have some recourse when they're being targeted by other users. Even though you can block people from PM'ing, the harassment never stops there. That type of harassment should be dealt with by permanent IP ban.

I disagree that users with one bubbles should be automatically hidden. Not just because I'm perpetually held down by one bubble, but because I've read so many intelligent and legitimate comments from people with one bubble who's posting history obviously doesn't warrant their one bubble status. If you must, bring back the Open Zone so constant trolls can once again return to under their bridges instead of one bubble victims of fanboy censorship. Take secksi-killer, for example. When every third post sees you rallying against "sony fanturds" you serious have to ask, why is this guy allowed to continue to post? Do you see any intelligent debate? Do you see legitimate contribution to the topic at hand? How is that adding in any way to the N4G community? Just one example that springs immediately to mind.

Also, contributers need to be cleaned up. Those who repeatedly and falsely report articles need to be stripped of their ability to make decisions on this site. As do those who continually post stories of low quality. There needs to be a way to limit of these people to shape content on N4G.

Edit: Oh, and if you disagree, you should be forced to leave a comment. Any monkey can simply jam the disagree button - but it does zero to enhance debate on the site. Agrees, I don't mind - but if you disagree you should at least man up and explain why.

blackbeld5033d ago

N4G could be more better with the bubble system.

Like when you get agree's automatic you will get bubbles up. Or when you got disagree's you will get automatic bubbles down.

arakouftaian5033d ago

im tired of fake articles been aproved by fanboys just to fight

JD_Shadow5033d ago Show
Commander_TK5033d ago

U can barely have a decent discussion with people on here. They´re all hypocrites & fanboys. Although it´s to nice some cool guys on here (Alpha-Male22 & Saiyanfury, just to name a few).

moparful995033d ago Show
pustulio5033d ago

No more german site articles!
No more german site articles!

Ban videogamezone.de and the other one from being posted here, they usually create flamebait articles and retarded titles like Halo: Reach wipes the floor with Kz3...

rockleex5033d ago (Edited 5033d ago )

I still only have THREE bubbles!

That's more than enough for me.

But it seems like the bubble system is not recognizing me for some odd reason.

I haven't gained or lost any bubbles at all ever since the new N4G came into place. O_o

And I usually get plenty more agrees than disagrees on each comment I make. I know agrees and disagrees don't necessarily mean they bubble you up or down.

But after all my comments throughout these few months, and yet no results have shown?

Dee_915033d ago

i just get tired of seeing everybody gettin called fanboys
xbox and ps3

Megaton5033d ago

Customized personal source blocking, trollbans, approval/submission privileges stripped from people who push garbage through pending, no blogs allowed, show who disagreed/agreed with comments, ????, profit.

commodore645033d ago (Edited 5033d ago )

The bubble system is broken... it has been broken for too long and each time it gets revamped, it gets abused again.

It gets abused in several ways.

1. Multiple accounts - adding bubbles, or vindictively reducing bubbles inappropriately.
2. PS3 user bias - as there are many more ps3 fans that frequent here, most 360 fans have been vindictively reduced to 1 or two bubbles, while PS3 trolls seem to be bubbled up by their plentiful brethren, with no regard for the quality of their comments.

I am happy for all users to say whatever they like. This is an open community, after all and we each have a right to voice our opinion, no matter how hard other disagree with it. If a particular user becomes too annoying, we each have the option of blocking them. Perfect.

However, the bubble system is another matter, as it allows this open-ness to be abused.
It is based on the idea that users are rational and fair in their allocation of bubbles.
Of course we all know, trolls and fanboys are anything but rational and fair. Fanboys and trolls simply bubble up their buddies, or those that disagree mindlessly with their opinion, while debubbling anyone who has an opposing viewpoint, no matter how logical and true that viewpoint is.
Thus, the bubble system is great in theory, but broken in practice.
Needs fixing. Or get rid of it altogether.

JD_Shadow5033d ago

commodore, why is it that every single time we talk about this, we only talk about the PS3 fanboys as if they are the only ones who have ever committed anything bad on this site. That's part of the problem that we have to kill before we can get anywhere: stop thinking that one side of fanboys is somehow worse than the others. And, like I said before, the thing of projection (where you're faults are the faults of others, and you're completely innocent of behavior you claim the other side of always doing).

Can I also ask why MY previous comment was "off-topic"? That is exactly what I'm talking about: the act of making people afraid to even POST their opinions and playing politics on the site needs to be addressed first.

Christopher5033d ago

@commodore64: If they did away with the bubble system, they would need to implement some way of ignoring users without also ignoring anyone who replied to one of their posts.

***PS3 user bias - as there are many more ps3 fans that frequent here, most 360 fans have been vindictively reduced to 1 or two bubbles, while PS3 trolls seem to be bubbled up by their plentiful brethren, with no regard for the quality of their comments.***

Easy to say such things from a bias perspective. I've noticed that the most notable fanboys on both sides are down to 1 bubble. I've also noticed that there are fanboys on both sides who aren't as annoying that have more than 3 bubbles.

The point is that the people who get hurt the most here are those who want to express an opinion that isn't about putting down one console over another and yet that's the way it looks when you praise one game over another here no matter what. They get hurt by the people who really just shouldn't be here because all they want to do is post one-line fanboy remarks rather than participate in constructive conversations.

@darkpower: your comments are off topic because you're only talking about fanboys and the type and quantity that are here and not the commenting/bubble system and its relationship to fanboys/trolls/etc., which is the primary discussion. We know what fanboys there are here, that's why this conversation is being held. You don't need to somehow fight for the fact that certain fanboys are worse or just as bad as others in this topic.

+ Show (30) more repliesLast reply 5033d ago
nikkisixx25034d ago

*hacks the internet*
*photoshops the article picture*
*checks the "poor" box*

KingME5033d ago

I think that whenever some clicks disagree they should be required to type in a rebuttal to reduce the phantom disagrees.

CrawFail5034d ago

But then new users would have all of their comments hidden, which wouldn't be very fair.

Christopher5034d ago

I believe new users actually start with 3 bubbles.

EvilBlackCat5034d ago (Edited 5034d ago )

1) JUST keep everybody with 2 bubbles to comment and 7 to reply.

2) If anybody disagree must leave a comment of why he disagree and the avatar name needs to be know.

3)Force everybody to select between: Gamer / PC Gamer / PS3 Gamer / Xbox Gamer / Nintendo Gamer for their ID. That way i will know if that comment is coming from a bias gamer. For example I am a Gamer and if i leave a comment on a PS or Xbox side nobody can have the excuse of "oh you are a bias xbox or oh you are a bias PS etc."

Also this will be cool for those who are bias toward an especific console for EXAMPLE PS3 fans get an extra bubble to comment and an extra reply bubble to comment too on PS3 related news. (read #1)

FOR EXAMPLE right now i have 2 disagrees but the damn cowards dont show the damn reason why.


@Baka-akaB (BELOW)
"hum what of people that have all , and dont feel like filling any kind of tag anyway ?"

THEN you are a gamer.

BY THE WAY... NO OPEN ZONE just leave same zone for everybody and treat everybody same way.

FOR EXAMPLE if somebody call me stupid I CAN DO IT TOO.

Baka-akaB5034d ago

hum what of people that have all , and dont feel like filling any kind of tag anyway ?

Sez 5034d ago

I agree with that point you made about if someone disagree with the poster they have to leave a reason or it's not counted. Samething with adding and taking of bubbles. Too many people are taking bubbles from people because they either don't support your console or someone is butthurt about a comment and people getting there panties in a bunch.

sikbeta5034d ago

Disagree number [10]

User: sikbeta
PS3 Gamer


1· I don't care about bubbles, I'll like to reply/comment many times I want IF I'm not trølling or spamming

2·It's impractical and make you lose time, for example -> dude trolling -> you want to disagree but you need to leave a comment = you made a lame comment like "shut up trøll" or something similar, also you can't Force someone to reply if he doesn't want

3·doesn't make sense, you give "privileges" to the ones who selected "Gamer", so, everyone will chose "Gamer", especially Trølls...

Dee_915033d ago

i have yet to get an psn from you ..

Systematrix5033d ago

I'll give you vote for another bubble for the good suggestions.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5033d ago
hatchimatchi5034d ago

yea i wish the open zone was back as well, i used to love going in there and seeing the RAAAAAAAAGE from all the fanboys. It provided some great laughs.

My thing is, wtf happened to the bubble system, it seems like no one is above 3. I used to have 9, and they were legitimately earned.

TheBatman_Fanatic5034d ago

Exactly! I am so sick of these "Top 10" articles! There is too many and we could have news that is actually about what is going on in the gaming industry.

Redgehammer5034d ago (Edited 5034d ago )

bring back the open zone and the reimplement the profainity filter in the gamer zone. Maybe a Wall of Shame or something for people that specialize in personal attacks and blatant hostile fanboyishness. a Troll of the week/month moniker which automatically drops someone to 0 bubbles for the period of their reign. Concordantly, there could be a gamer of the week/ month which grants that gamer 10 bubbles for the duration of the title.

PLEASE fix the comments posting in the wrong thread. For Example this response was supposed to be to D4RkNIKON first post, and yet it gave me my own thread that could be replied to.

R2D25034d ago (Edited 5034d ago )

make the comment section completly open with no mods because Trolls are a every day part of N4G and we just have to accept it.

Dont give that BS that N4G can do perfeclty fine with out trolls - we all know that 90% of users dont even read the article but just comment or read trolling comments.

Just set the records str8 that this is troll city and when some one trolls no one will have a fit about the mods not doing there jobs.

kharma455034d ago

My big thing is that stricter moderation is a must, the amount of crap that gets approved is a joke.

Mods seem to take no notice of reports, flamebait articles with over 30 reports stay no problem when they should be removed.

N4G needs to move towards aggregating more quality news, and people who approve bile on multiple occasions should be stripped of their approval powers.

DaReapa5034d ago

It seems as if there's a committee of fanboys delegated to just finding any type of flamebait article against the competing console to approve. If they are indeed taking this survey seriously, then it's nice to see that N4G has finally taken necessary steps to bringing this site closer to a level of maturity.

N4g_null5033d ago

Seriously they should just make a part of the site called fanboy apocalypse and just let the fan boys go at each other lol. Then the rest of the site could get great comments from people who actually like gaming and are not afraid of change.

The Internet use to be a great place for fan feed back yet now it's endless pr.

morkendo5034d ago

they should take away agree an disagree, give more bubbles with no penalties

ImmortalLegend5033d ago

It's stupid. You can say something completely logical and get a ton of disagrees.

Capt-FuzzyPants5033d ago

I enjoy peoples opinions of top 10 lists.

OneSneakyMofo5033d ago

Bring back open zone. Either get rid of the bubble system & have faded comments that are disliked and nearly invisible comments that are hated OR if open zoners are permanently banned, take away their subtract / add bubble link (stops debubbling tenfold). Mods need to lay off. I lost a bubble because i said i didn't like halo, and when i tried to defend myself, ppl got mad. Flamebait articles, foreign sites, and personal propaganda (HHG show) should be discontinued. Fix embeded video link. It doesn't always work. Lastly fix the article report system. I hate when 50 ppl report but it only takes 10 approves to go through.

I know N4G won't do this as a lot of what I suggested brings in more hits. Oh well.

Ilikegames765033d ago

here are stuck with 3 or 4 bubbles, while a spammer with new account have 7 bubbles. What gives?

BeOneWithTheGun5033d ago

should have their names right at the top of the thread and a vote system in place so the rest of us can vote down idiots who approve useless crap.

xTruthx5033d ago (Edited 5033d ago )

Free cookies for to contributors!

BTW I had 9 bubbles on the old n4g, here I haven't even got to 4 lol

N4g_null5033d ago

How about an owner zone if you own the system then you can post in a special part. Then an open zone where users vote to move comments there. Open zone would have unlimited post or at least 2x your bubbles. Yet the normal posting area is great so far.

This gen just has more whiners than any other. The new adult gamers and preteens coming from new gen 1st time hardcore games is high also. These guys look at gaming as a sport online.

N4g is ok yet we also need a tip area so we can alert the guys who want the news points of great news after ndas run out.

Also it would do n4g justice to sperate fanatics from normal gamers. The casuals are coming and if you guys can be the first to make a part of your site for them you'll really start making money.

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Mmmkay5034d ago

seems to be one 360 fanboy and one ps3 fanboy moderating, and both of them neglect and refuse to moderate stuff that don't suit them.....

DaReapa5034d ago

LOL. Sadly, you may be right.

ezcex5034d ago

[ezcex]: hey (4thDimension), are you godoftime?
(4thDimension): Yes

godoftime5034d ago (Edited 5034d ago )

What proof do you got? Pics or GTFO!

Edit: Okay who ever disagreed with me is a dicklicker.

Mmmkay5034d ago Show
Poseidon5034d ago (Edited 5034d ago )

love n4g because of the news that comes in 24 7. refresh the page...more news.

and yea the report system really is a useless feature.

mrv3215034d ago

By news you mean 'news' WHICH in turn usually means opinions, top tens, cosplay and MAYBE twitter which announces a announcement.

HeroXIV5034d ago

Yeah, I love it for those reasons too. I haven't been here long enough to comment on what's wrong because the site is a huge improvement from the last gaming site I was on. :P

CynicalVision5034d ago

'Make the comment section completely open, with no moderation.'

- Oh come on , can you imagine that?

Count5034d ago (Edited 5034d ago )

It's almost like that right now. What with the mods noticing the posts and coming around some 4-5 hours after they've been posted?

@HeroXIV : Improvement from your last gaming site? N4G? Fat fucking chance.

iamgoatman5034d ago

*Visits a few articles*

Yeah, pretty easily actually.

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