
Top 5 Reason Why Disc Based Media Will NOT be Phased Out

Ironstar Editor Alex Page writes: With all the gossip around games going completely digital next generation, let me be the first to break it to you that it won’t happen. Video games are not just a gimmick to waste time anymore, but have evolved into a fully blown art form, which we all proudly like to display around our homes.

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krouse935062d ago (Edited 5062d ago )

Hard Drives are Physical Media that's the number one reason lol. And Optical Discs are very convenient.

EDIT: The article has flawed information in it. As in Hard Drive Pricing. But hopefully he realizes it and corrects it.

Perjoss5062d ago

I'm looking at my amazing collectors edition for StarCraft II right now and thinking to myself, digital what?

5062d ago
pustulio5062d ago

Aside from that Sony is already researching on creating a new format better than Blu-Ray and wich much more capacity than Blu-Ray itself, so the question is why waste so much money on reasearching if everything is going to be downloadable?

Makes no sense to me, another thing would be i like to have my physical copy so my friends can borrow it and i can borrow their games...

It's just better and like tiamat5 says it would be a pain in the ass to wait the whole 50GB game to download.

fatstarr5062d ago

IF physical media went got phased out tomoro best believe i am ordering 1000's of Blank High quality Dual layer DVD's and Pro dvd burners. I will be living with them until sense gets knocked into the world.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5062d ago
tiamat55062d ago

Because who will sit down and wait for 500GB or 1TB of data to download?

5062d ago
jerethdagryphon5062d ago

im fling a largish file 40 gig an animae i cant find on disc

so no i wouldnt wait a week or 2 to dl a single game not my idea of a good time long live phy med

5062d ago
GirlGamer215062d ago

I love my disc collection because as the author of this article says, "it displays my taste" in games. People who want to go digital will never own what they have. DRM is so stupid and it makes companies less competitive as well. It basically is a way for companies to assure themselves of future revenue without innovating. I want to be able to take my disc wherever I want and play it wherever I want

JRAMBO5062d ago

When I rage at my games I wouldn't be able to throw anything at them because they aren't physical. In all seriousness people, why don't we just become more antisocial. Never leave the house, never meet cool gamers or anything. I will never adopt a completely digital library of media. MP3 is terrible compared to an actual CD or Vinyl and you can just take one look at the shrinking music industry. This is a big problem and the this guy is the first to stand up against all these idiots who think the next gen consoles and so forth will be completely digital. Games that are big need massive amounts of space and should stick to disc, whereas small games can be downloadable. Thank God for people like this who realize games won't get cheaper because they go digital.

Skadoosh5062d ago

Why is MP3 terrible to CD? Is it the quality? You can have MP3 have the exact quality of CD. It's called lossless or FLAC.

JRAMBO5062d ago

Right, but if I encode all my music into Lossless or FLAC my music player won't even be able to hold all of it and there is a difference between MP3 and Lossy formats. One example would be plugging in your IPOD into your car and listen to an MP3 and then put a CD into your CD player. Plus imagine if your computer hard drive fails and you lose all your music you purchased and didn't have backed up. I do sometimes purchase a song on Itunes, but you hard drive can go out at any moment and I have over 5000 songs in my library of music. I have also heard horror stories of people losing all there music and Apple won't let them re-download it. That proves right there you don't even own your music. At least with a physical copy of a CD I can play it in my car or burn it back onto my computer.

fatstarr5062d ago

Perfect scenario above , Nothing is wrong with redundant data, the world runs on it. Apple = thieves i rather give money to the homeless and hope download music from them. Last place id go to for music with that i tunes -_-. My friend was in that situation and the dummy re bought 1/4 of his collection.

Vinyls still exist today because people love the stuff. the same thing will happen with all disc formats that are popular. Hell people still have HD DvD's.

jerethdagryphon5062d ago

maybe im tone deaf but i cant tell any diffference from mp3 or cd or vinyl

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Phantom Blade Zero - "The Blade is Drawn" Gameplay Trailer

New trailer of Phantom Blade Zero, giving a sneak peek to the latest development of the game, featuring never-shown-before footage depicting high-speed combat and multiple weapons, among other game play elements. Announcement of a World Tour Demo.

darthv724h ago

Looking better and better with each passing trailer.

Lightning774h ago

Very weird why Sony didn't end their State Of Play with this game. SGF was a big misfire but this game shined, day one, hyped can't wait. Still no release date but I'm ok with that it's real and I'll happily wait for this masterpiece.

Elda21m ago

A day one purchase for me.

KwietStorm_BLM19m ago

I didn't think there was any way the combat could look as cool in-game as it did in the reveal trailer. I'm just gonna shut up now. Take all my coins.


Sonic X Shadow Generations release date announced

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Chocoburger2h ago(Edited 2h ago)

PlayStation blog post that details pre-order bonuses.

"Exclusive to PlayStation, players who buy the game on PS4 or PS5 will also receive bonus extended prologue animations with never-before-seen deleted scenes."
