
MMOHut: Exteel Shutting Down

MMOHut, "NCSoft has announced that its free-to-play sci-fi shooter, Exteel, will be going offline. Decided as “no longer financially viable,” Exteel servers will shut down on September 1st globally – so no version of Exteel will be run anywhere in the world from here on out..."


MMOHut: Great MMO Ideas That Just Failed

MMOHut, "Now as you all know there are tons and tons of MMO games out there, free and not. You have to admit, some of them have some pretty awesome ideas. Be it original character classes or a unique skill tree, some MMOs stick out a bit more than others. Perhaps not in overall quality, but with original ideas. So wait a tick, if they have a great feature then why are they still so…plain?..."


MMOHut: Exteel Game Review

MMOHut, "With the rising popularity of MMO shooters, it's sometimes hard to decide which games are worth downloading and which ones aren't. If I was stuck on an island with only one MMO shooting game, it would be without a doubt Exteel, as If I had to describe the game in just one word, that word would have be "awesome". How can giant robots wielding..."


Exteel Weapon Guide For Beginners

Bright Hub writes "One of the few games out there that has a vast selection of weapons that can almost become overwhelming is Exteel. This guide can help new players pinpoint the weapons that best suits their playing style."

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