
Play as Al-Qaeda? I can’t support the new Medal of Honor

Hamza CTZ Aziz of Destructoid: Needless to say, I got pretty excited when I heard a new Medal of Honor was in the works. The fact that the game takes place in my home country of Afghanistan got me even more hyped. Blow terrorists up? Awesome! America! Football! Hamburgers! Dancing with the Stars!

Then I got my hands on it and it became a different story. I soon realized that this iteration of the franchise allows you to control and role play as the people responsible for terrorizing my friend’s and family’s homeland, both here and overseas. In the shuffle of an EA press event at a shoulder’s length away from my peers, I just froze there looking at the different playable Al-Qaeda characters. It’s funny how we keep feelings in the backs of our minds, and how they can just suddenly appear when the situation arises.

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Yi-Long5033d ago (Edited 5033d ago )

... one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.

Don't you think half the world has their doubts about playing as a western soldier bombing and shooting the shit out of poor foreigners protecting their land!?

OFCOURSE, Al Qaide, as well as the Taliban, are utter and complete SCUMMBAGS...

No question about that.

But obviously, there are a huge amount of people in the world who feel the same way about our troops. And TBH, in some cases where our motives for war are pretty debatable, they might be very right.

yewles15033d ago

"... one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter."

Remind me to retaliate whenever you use THAT excuse to kill MY family.

GWAVE5033d ago

Not that I support the Taliban or political terrorists in any way, shape, or form...

...but people are fine playing as gangbangers, drug-dealers, and murderers (who really do kill innocent people and destroy lives) in the GTA series. If you're going to take the moral highroad, take it in all respects.

Imperator5033d ago

Eh, most people are hypocrites.

NecrumSlavery5033d ago

As a soldier, who has fought in Afghanistan and in Helmand Provenance, I kind of thought real hard about it as I was playing the beta. It's a skin glued to some polygons. If I think of as anything else, I'd not want to play it. Any game where you play as a bad guy who kills Americans or anyone for that instant is offensive...if you let it.. The Nazis, the zombies, the helghast, the covenant, they all represent war and the reality is those against you want to kill you. You play as russians in MW2. americans might find it offensive that russians are killing them, or russians may be offended they are getting killed by americans. I think the issue derives from the sence of realism. But without a meaning to make a joke here, Taliban are dumb. They are wreckless and unorganized from the leaders to the footmen. The only ones in the taliban regime that have any clue of tactics are the officers in their ranks who send their warfighters out like chess peices. they can't shoot, they fight like cowards. they don't carry guns, instead they shoot from a cache, then drop the waopon and run from building to building, tunnel to tunnel to another cache and receive another weapon. This way when yo snag a PUC, they won't be found with a gun, and can claim they are just a farmer. i guess they have a little bit of brains, them lying bastards. so when i'm playing a match in kabul, and take one in the face from a taliban guy, I just say to myself it's only a game, and take 0% of it to heart. let's not turn this into a issue like konami's 7 days in fallujah. it's not that big of a deal.

Megaton5033d ago (Edited 5033d ago )

"one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter."

That's a controversial thing to say, and I'm not surprised the first response was offended by it, but it does hold some truth. Different people, different countries, different histories, different perspectives.

Natsu X FairyTail5033d ago

AMEN @ YI-Long.

you are wise my friend. Bubbles+

gamingisnotacrime5033d ago (Edited 5033d ago )

true but still, would you support freedom fighters that kill your family and neighbors JUST Cause u american. that is the only reason they need to cut ones head with a sword.
I will play a 1000 games blowing those suckers up than 1 game were i play as one of those scumbags and aim the rifle at my country men and women

really unnecessary and not likely to be popular among americans

Edit @ GWAVE

is not about who is right or wrong. unbiased analysis might show taht the US is actually responsible for most of the blodshed, but that does not mean one will sympathize with the people who are killing day in and day out our men and women on the armed forces.
i will favor my country's army any day no matter what and NEVER attack it

SeanRL5033d ago

Captain obvious has got it right. It's just a game, you think it's any nicer for the japanese to kill their own in BF1943? It's stupid to not buy a game for this.

Darkstorn5033d ago

The Al-Qaida have committed atrocities on a vast scale, but American troops are not without some level of fault as well. No army is perfect.

However, I can understand how some people find it offensive. While I personally see nothing wrong with it, I encourage those who feel that this is disrespectful to refrain from playing the game.

raztad5033d ago

I want to play as the "bad guys" as well. KZ3 is another game I'm itchy to play as the bad dudes. I'm going to wait for reviews to see if the "terrorist" section is substantial or just a couple of minutes. W/o going falling in a political debate, I'm gonna say only this: DONT turn my games into a propaganda/brainwashing machinery.

Dee_915033d ago

this is a video game right ?

PoSTedUP5033d ago

but yeah its just a game guys.

i will shoot the USnavySeal in the head just as fast as the terrorist as long as im getting my XP for it


inception1235033d ago (Edited 5033d ago )

lol it is funny that people are willing to defend a terrorist organization just to defend games. people get your priorities in order seriouly. these are the people who killed over 3,000 people on 9/11 and you're calling them freedom fighters? let me guess you don''t have a problem with nazis either? there is a reason osama is the most wanted man in the world and it is not because he is innocent. i swear gamers are fvcking retards no matter what you refuse to say some things are wrong with gaming.

rdgneoz35033d ago

@inception123 Read about the cold war and Afghanistan, its interesting.
Wiki (not the best reference but easier to reference instead of history books): http://en.wikipedia.org/wik...
"The United States began training insurgents in, and directing propaganda broadcasts into Afghanistan from Pakistan in 1978. Then, in early 1979, U.S. foreign service officers began meeting insurgent leaders to determine their needs. According to the then US National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski, CIA financial aid to the insurgents within Afghanistan was approved in July 1979, six months before the Soviet Invasion, though after the Soviets were already covertly engaged there. Arms were sent after the formal invasion."
"US 'Paramilitary Officers' from the CIA's Special Activities Division were instrumental in training, equipping and sometimes leading Mujihadeen forces against the Soviet Army."
"the United States donating '$600 million in aid per year, with a matching amount coming from the Persian Gulf states.'"
"Once the Soviets withdrew, US interest in Afghanistan ceased. The US decided not to help with reconstruction of the country and instead they handed over the interests of the country to US allies, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan"
"Estimates of the Afghan deaths vary from 100,000 to 1 million"

/\ We helped train Afgani mujahideen / "guerrilla fighter", gave them money and weapons to fight the Soviets, and when everything was done, we kicked them to the curb for others to deal with. I don't support their killing of innocent people (they deserve to die for it), but the US is not the most innocent country in the world.

Seeing as its a more modern game than other shooters, people have a problem with playing the bad guy. But no one has been up in arms about killing American soldiers in shooters while playing as the Soviets, Japanese, or Nazis.

PoSTedUP5033d ago (Edited 5033d ago )

dont be oblivious to the fact that USA is responsible for hundreds of ground zeros all over the world and has attempted to take over over 45 foreign goverments since 1945, USA (along with other superpowers) is the cause for third world countrys by exploiting their people and raping their land to use for slave labor and to our own benefit. we have killed OVER 100,000 innocent civilians over in the middle east since the start of the war. it is time to wake up and see that we start wars for our own benefit and invade small country's so we can use for resources and other cheap labor. WE HAD it coming bruh. i feel sori for the american citizens that lost their lives on 9/11 dont get me wrong, but something like this was bound to happen. if a large country was invading USA you bet your ass WE will be strapping bombs to our own ass and trying to take out as many of those m************ as we could and WE would be called heros for that, just like they are doing in the middle east. why do you think the women and kids are throwing stones at tanks? they dont want us there, we only do harm and 90% of the world knows this. there are many documentary's you can watch that tells storys of our troops killing innocent people who didnt have it comming to them. we are not defending terrorists. we are telling it like it is, dont listen to the news because the media blinds you, look up facts and analyze for your self. im not going to even get into osama (he was a cia tactician for our government, we funded that man to make him who he is today). im just spreading the word for someone like you who has been blind to the fact and never really thought about this situation (tho is seems). people need to wake up. the USA will never change, we got this counrty by exterminating 11,000,000 native americans, try and find THOSE WORDS in your history books. USA may be the land of the free, but we are home of the slaves, and our practices and the way we do business are dirty and evil. and that is why the world hates us. not because they are jealous, because we have destroyed millions apon millions of lives and we continue to do so.

JewyMcJew5033d ago

"one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter"

Moral relativism aside, if anyone thinks Al Qaeda is fighting for freedom than they and I have very different idea of what the word "freedom" means.

If you believe freedom means the right to convert and practice any wish you chose, marry who you wish, leave your house without asking for permission from your male child, build a church, mosque or Hindu temple, than welcome to the West!

rdgneoz35033d ago

@casualkiss All your "freedoms" were good except "marry who you wish". Gay marriage isn't legal in the US yet, unlike some other countries :P

Millah5033d ago

Hey guys, I better stop playing Counter Strike. Turns out one team plays as terrorists, and kills the counter terrorists. OMG

PotatoClock5033d ago

No consquences. Made by an American company, so your dollars are not supporting terroists in any way. A damn game.

Theres no issue here. The only role they will play in this game is that their the other team. I highly doubt they'll do any "controversial" MW2 type scene in it at all where you have to actually do what a terroist does. They'll just be the other side in a conflict, the same deal thats been done with any other FPS, thats it.

Inception, don't play games if you can't understand what fiction is.

jetlian5033d ago

who follows what america is doing just because your an american should be classed as a terrorist!!!

I don't see how anybody can think america should and does have army bases around the world and think thats normal. i don't see foreign troops walking on u.s. soil. Then US always wanna pretend they are the victim

HolyOrangeCows5033d ago (Edited 5033d ago )

I can't support any WW2 game with multiplayer because you can play as a Nazi.
I can't support Halo Reach; in some modes, you can play as Elites.
I can't support Killzone 3; in some modes, you can play as helghan soldiers.


At the end of the day, they're just skins on video game models.
Besides, I'd call some of what both sides have done as acts of terror.

jadenkorri5033d ago

some of you make it sound like USA cannot be wrong or would invade another country and kill its people...nah you didn't invade Iraq looking for "Bob", after not finding "Bob", might as well just take their oil while were at it....

Relax, its a game, pointing a gun at a bunch of pixels not gonna make me/you cry. Get over it, if you can't, theirs lots of Germans and Russians who can console you. They have more experience in that area, you know what they do most of the time, ban the game.

jjohan355033d ago

Who cares. The game sucks.

deadman1215033d ago

Need more people like you in this world nevermind N4G.

theKiller5033d ago (Edited 5033d ago )

haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. grasp some air. haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

9/11 was a plot by US government. 5 facts will be enough to prove that:

1: the 2 towers were falling in a controlled demolition way.

2: the third building were never hit yet before the attack it got on fire and then it was controlled demolition.(for the simple minded kinds in here, to do a controlled demolition for huge buildings it takes long long time, specially if the building had many people working in it)

3: the airplane that suppose went through the pentagon vanished and funnily there was no camara in the gardens to take the scene. so we have no means to prove it ever happened by an airplane. and even more funnier is that the data of 2 trillion USD from american taxes payers where vanished in this attack. who knows in whose hands now, and how he/she/they spend it(2 wars started after).

4: who benefited from these attacks? it was the president of war Bush and the weapon industry leaders which happens to be Zionists also. two innocent countries were invaded and change for the worst for many many years to come. they might never recover in our life time. and millions of lives from women to children to teachers to kind people were killed because of US.

5: one of the saudis who suppose to be dead inside the rubles of the 2 towers (which his passport happens to be found unharmed by the explosion that melted even the black box of the airplanes) still alive in saudi on the 9/11. so to make it easy on the kids, so it was stolen from him some years ago and was use in 9/11.

so who is terrorizing who? and who is the victim here? and who is the one on the right side of the truth? i am not with Al-qaida, they are (at least some of them) CIA agents working to destroy the resistance and the countries. as for Taliban, they did not do any terrorist attacks on innocent civilians, and they didnt invade or attack anybody outside their country.

now after reading what i said tell me if you people still think the same?

PopEmUp5033d ago (Edited 5033d ago )

Totally agree with you man, that why I hate both the media and the American as a whole, no wonder we European hate them or should I say 90% of the world hate the American. But Don't get me wrong I don't support terrorist

P.s. wtf am I talking politic in a gaming site lol

snipermk05033d ago

"I cant support MOH!!"

Boohoooo, cry me a river!

mobijoker5033d ago

Its like WWII.The assassins who tried to kill Hitler are now heroes but they certainly were terrorists in the view of nazis.Besides,israel kills lot more people than al-qaeda will
ever do.At long last,a game has come where you can play as both sides giving you the chance to realize the perspectives of both sides.Because there is no innocent side in a war.

Brewski0075033d ago

Just goes to show how much propaganda has affected the patriotic idiots.
Its a fucking game. You can essentially be an American terrorist in GTA games , but noone gives out about that!. For fuck sake grow up!.

Skizelli5033d ago

And Google is owned by the CIA, right?

I've heard this theory before, but that's all it is. None of it has been proven. And it wasn't just three buildings that were destroyed, there was a total of 7 structures aside from the Twin Towers that were either destroyed or damaged beyond repair, as well as an additional 2 structures that were condemned due to toxic conditions, and a few neighboring buildings that were also damaged but have since been restored. There was nothing controlled about this.

Skizelli5033d ago (Edited 5033d ago )

Bah, wrong reply button.

R0me5033d ago

Let me quote Irvine Final Fantasy 8:

"So like... if you knew that your enemies were pure evil, you'd get more fired up to fight them, right?" (Irvine)
(...An enemy that is pure evil? Right or wrong are not what separate us and our enemies. It's our different standpoints, our perspectives that separate us. Both sides blame one another. There's no good or bad side. Just two sides holding different views.)

Snoogins5033d ago

"One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter."
This quote reigns supreme. It's all about perspectives: perspectives easily twisted and skewed by propaganda. For instance, we can look at our (I'm from the US) soldiers going into Iraq looking for "terrorists" (the existence of which is debatable, though intelligence directed toward Afghanistan instead), where our troops (and PMCs like Blackwater) were fighting people who were cold-blooded terrorists or freedom fighters protecting their home and families against an invading army. We can use Colonial Americans as another example, where we were terrorists in the eyes of the British during the American Revolution, but we are educated to see ourselves as freedom fighters. The way our media makes Israel appear to be our friends, the good guy, and having us believe the Palestineans are the bad, yet the UN calling Israel out for terrible crimes against the Palestineans. So much war, so many terrible things, and all we're given is half-truths or slanted perspectives.

Our perception is our reality and our reality is easily molded by what we read and what we're told. I haven't been to war, seen the atrocities man does to man, so I only know what the media tells me, which is only part of the story as they see fit to show me.

Snoogins5033d ago (Edited 5033d ago )

Let's not forget...
Traces of thermite which was used to destroy the structural foundation of the WTC. Jet fuel DOES NOT BURN HOT ENOUGH to melt the beams used to support the buildings. The architect was interviewed post-9/11 where he said the buildings were built with the idea of an incident such as a plane crash in mind where the building could withstand the impact.

Tiny explosions going off (go watch the videos) before impact.

Eye-witness accounts of employees feeling strong vibrations and hearing explosions going off underneath the building.

Fire fighters on-scene pre-crash saying they heard the sounds of explosions before impact and how the buildings collapsed as if by controlled detonation.

As for the Pentagon: no rubble or traces of the "plane" on site; no impressions on the ground from the crash; experts saying impossible for all traces of a plane to descintegrate. All nearby cameras, including gas stations, confiscated post incident. On-scene, eye-witness reportings of the sound of a rocket, not a plane.

Much of this told to the 9/11 Commission and put on report, but later discarded. People will deny the facts because they would rather trust a government than fear the evils it is capable. This wouldn't be the first time our government has been the instigator of false-flag operations to push an agenda.

elpresador5033d ago

...you and the other dude are an idiot.

First, while jet fuel wont melt steel, the second you expose steel to an open flame it weakes it. All you gotta do is weaken it by a good enough percentage to cause it to not be able to hold a load. Take a spoon for example, then use a lighter and place the flame where the handle meets the head, hte flame is not hot enough to melt the metal but after a minute or two you can then bend the spon at that spot very easy.

As far as the explosions you see as the tower falls, its air escaping dumbass. You see, as each floor collapses on the other, the air has to go somewhere. Do this experiment, place a few shets of paper on a table, then near them drop a heavy book. What do you see? Well, the rush of air escaping from below the book before it hits the table causes the pieces of paper to be blown of the table. Same principle.

What the funniest thing is the ones who think it was an insdie job are mostly retarded idiots that have no knowledge or experitse on anything having to do with jets, buildings, or anything. There is a history channel special on this where they pull out a few things from this dumbass college kids who made a documentary on the subject and they have experts that refute all the claims brought up.

Once again, you dont have to melt steel to weaken it to the point that it can no longer hold a load. When you subject steel beams to a fire near a thousand degrees for like an hour or whatever it is, it will weaken. This is basic chemistry, when metal heats, it expands.

I swear people are idiots.

Gamerbee5033d ago

But you can slaughter innocent people as a russion terrorist in MW2. Hypocrites.

irepbtown5033d ago

Well there are many different reasons why America is in Afghanistan (this is what people think), some think they are there for good, others however think they are there for the oil.

But anyway, Why not play as Al-qaeda? America has had bad history, remember Vietnam. When American soldiers went to a village, raped women then killed them and their children and husbands. Why not play as a Vietnamese soldier who kills americans in lets say, Black Ops. But i'm just making a point that's all.

My opinion is, play a game, like it or not, not take it to the heart.

xxLuckyStrike5033d ago (Edited 5033d ago )

Watching you. Based off of this topic, some of you are now being watched.

Snoogins5033d ago (Edited 5033d ago )

Thank you for the eloquent and well-thought response. Of course I'm being sarcastic as your response showed your lack of reading comprehension and knowledge of 9/11's evidence.

"First, while jet fuel wont melt steel, the second you expose steel to an open flame it weakes it."
True. Maybe. I'm no expert on steel (doubt you are, either), and I'm sure it depends on the temperature of the heat as well as the type and quality of the steel. However, you failed to discuss the evidence of thermite on scene as well as MELTED METAL! Also, the metal, depending on the type, can withstand a specific temperature threshhold before it does become maleable. Your argument fails due to disregarding this.

"As far as the explosions you see as the tower falls, its air escaping dumbass."
Thank you for reading and comprehending my post with the utmost accuracy. Wait a second, I said the explosions happened before initial contact of the plane with the building. So said those who were inside the building as it happened, the witnesses outside the buildings. You know, people who were there.

You also fail to understand the location the planes hit could not cause the buildings to fall as they did, straight down and within seconds of impact. The architect of the towers said he built them to withstand the impact of an airplane crash.

You are free to believe what you want to believe, even though the evidence is glaringly obvious. I'm fine being an educated "idiot". ;)

morganfell5032d ago (Edited 5032d ago )

"...poor foreigners protecting their land!"

If you really think the Taliban are protecting THEIR homeland in Afghanistan then you need to go back to school.

And popemup, I guess you would prefer to be speaking German, Russian, or Chinese right now. The unthinking are quick to hate America and quickly forget everything this country has done for others. Has U.S. done some things wrong? You bet. But without not only her military might but the seemingly bottomless barrel of monetary funds and gifts many other countries would have been reduced to eating themselves.

You are welcome to take the dumb route and just live on your hate but you would be living in a small minded tunnel vision world.

The BS Police5032d ago

They don't even support the rights that we take for granted, just look how they treat women in the middle east for proof.

ReviewsArePolitics5032d ago (Edited 5032d ago )

Here are debunks of the thermitic material "hypothesis" by a scientist:




Also, where's the evidence of the conspiracy? All they talk about are ignorantly interpeted evidence which makes them sound like pseudo-intellectuals, and funny enough they consider themselves "in the know". They talk about "motives" from the government and other 3rd parties, but no evidence whatsoever. Here's a challenge to all those 9/11 conspiracy theorists:


ReviewsArePolitics5032d ago (Edited 5032d ago )

Damn it, triple post!

Oh well, as proven, there's nothing educated about conspiracy theorists.

Delive5032d ago

Simply because of the relevance. We are currently at war with them now and it is a sensitive topic. But then I read Yi-Long's comment and that all changed. Our soldiers are our heroes. they fight for our freedom. At the same time, they are not the worlds heroes. I felt this when I was enlisted. In Korea, not many looked at me as a hero. Bubbles to Yi.

filfil5032d ago (Edited 5032d ago )

CIA,FBI etc murdering american christians in USA by burning them alive. women and children included:

gang rapes on women in iraq, and the orders came from CIA and government officials:

Toxic legacy of US assault on Fallujah 'worse than Hiroshima:

weapon of mass destruction used on women and children in Falluja:

Afghanistan bright future:

Wake Up Stop Sleeping:

morganfell5032d ago


A lot of these whiners that are offended by the game have no problem protesting against drilling in certain US locations thus insuring our dependency on foreign oil...that in many cases is used to provide financial support to organizations such as Al Qaeda.

filfil5032d ago

and look at how your soldiers treat women:

and there is more, just search it on youtube. thats the american women case then imagine the iraqi women how they get raped in prisons and in their homes!! also u can find many videos on youtube!!

so al-qaida treat their women which much respect than most american soldiers do for their women!!

evrfighter5032d ago


this guy must have never heard of cs or bf2....

beans5032d ago

Agreed...All the hate is pathetic.

Snoogins5032d ago

I took the time to watch your videos about the "Thermite Conspiracy", which I found insightful and bringing to question a few members involved with the documentation claiming evidence of nano-thermatic substances. The dates and amount of samples of the material do not seem to be match according to the video's author, however, I have not had a chance to review the official document myself for verification. However, I have managed to find a variety of videos to introduce an interesting perspective in the discussion of 9/11 that I encourage you, and those interested, to view.

Niels Harrit Nano-Thermitic Lecture for WTC7 - Official NIST (people officially assigned to investigate) report and information showing contrary data:

Dutch Demolitions Expert for Steel Frame Highrises, Danny Jowenko, Interview:

Larry Bernstein, Owner of WTC7 on PBS Special, "America Rebuilds," Admitting Giving OK to "Pull" WTC7 After Alleged Conversation with Fire Chief:

Video Revealing Bernstein's Insurance Policy, Phone Call Informing of Incoming Attack on Way to Work, Revealed No Conversation with Fire Chief:

Eye-witness Accounts of NYFD at WTC before Collapse, Detonations, Already Bombed Lobby:

WTC7 Survivor Account by Barry Jennings, prior, during, and after the collapse of WTC1 and 2 (Later interviewed by BBC):

I hope you take the time to watch these as I spent awhile gathering these videos for you, which should bring an interesting perspective on these matters.

Theonetheonly5031d ago

the taliban are unorganized, and the us govt cant killem?

i think its a false war with real consequenses to distract the public from the truth.

+ Show (50) more repliesLast reply 5031d ago
TROLL EATER5033d ago (Edited 5033d ago )

would love to play as the "so called" terrorists side. feel like a freedom fighter. not everyone believes in the rubbish media. if EA go through wiv dese i applaud dem for showing both sides. not just amercans wiv dere hi tech killing men wiv out of date guns. And its just a game

Cueil5033d ago

they are called United States Marines

Weaksauce11385033d ago

You spell like a disgruntled LOL cat

theKiller5033d ago (Edited 5033d ago )

and usually there is not just 2 sides, in many cases there are many sides!! so it would be even better to wear all the sides glasses!!

but those who cant stand the idea of playing as the enemy(freedom fighters, referring to taliban and iraqi resistance and not Al-Qaida ), are the same as when the enemy cant stand the sight of the evil invaders!!!

so you people should understand very well how taliban feel when they see your white faces with all killing tools man could ever make in front of them in their land and ruling their country to ruins!!

HDgamer5033d ago

Lol both are terrorist and freedom fighters. But anyway you played as a terrorist in MW2, you played it online as a character skin. So why in the hell should you really care? Even destructoid has played a game called RapeLay.

itsralf5033d ago

You don't play as a terrorist in MW2...

ReservoirDog3165033d ago (Edited 5033d ago )

You actually do.


Twice actually. Once as a guy undercover which is pretty brutal. And second when you play as Soap. Sure they're corrupt or whatever but the last few levels you're on the side of the terrorist and you're killing americans.

Most people don't click to that though because the story already took a bad turn down unbelievable and you basically stopped caring by then.

Spenok5033d ago

Seriously. This article is ridiculous.

NYPunkster5033d ago ShowReplies(2)
menoyou5033d ago

"Play as the Nazis? I can't support the new wah"

"Play as the communists? I can't support the new wah wah"

Grow some balls.

Consoldtobots5033d ago

especially when "al quaeda" is an invention of US politicians. It literally means "the base" in arabic. In other words it stands for NOTHING. people need to stop being dumb sheep.

XactGamer5033d ago

I agree I'm not too comfortable with ths considering we are still at war.

Sarcasm5033d ago

They don't want to play as a Taliban, but surely don't mind playing as a Nazi in WW2 shooters.

Scary695033d ago

Yep agreed I also agree with Gwave, if you are going to bitch about one game then you shouldn't be playing any other types of shooters. All this guy did was make himself sound like a hypocrite which in fact is all he is end of story.

MisterNiwa5033d ago

America blew up the city I live in after Germany has officially declared that they've lost.
They destroyed a whole city with people without reason.

But I still play Americans in Video Games. Did I do something wrong?

XactGamer5033d ago

The only cites America destroyed where in Japan and no America didn't "blow up" a city in Germany with people in it. If anyone has a right to destroy anything in Germany would be the Jews. How do you think they feel playing Nazi's in a video game?

starvinbull5033d ago

Two sides to the story. The world has gotten used to macho american shooters where the USA is always right and always prevails. EA are mixing it up so long as they try to be sensitive about it what's the problem?

vhero5033d ago

Witht he world in the state as it is I would love to see this game get approved.. GTA only just slips through each game and always has to make cuts and sneak stuff in code to get past censors. Sticking terrorist organisations in the game and making them playable? Good luck on getting a release..

Skizelli5033d ago

There's a reason people hate us. To turn a blind eye to that is pure ignorance. In most cases, war is merely the blind leading the blind. It amazes me that war still exists in this day and age when we should be smarter than that by now. But like a lot of the morons on this site, stupid breeds stupid I guess. Some things never change.

spooky2055033d ago

I really dont see how the US can send troops to Iraq kill thousands of people (their innocence is questionable but existant) and say it was "teh terrorists" we were killing. I am not a terrorist but if some other country were to invade my hometown, shooting up neighborhoods where my children play, you better believe ima get my gun and shoot back. Does that make me a terrorist? How many innocents (on both sides) died because of this pointless war which hasnt benefitted anyone except the pockets of wealthy contractors?

starvinbull5033d ago

I doubt the parts playing as "al-quaeda" are justifying any form of terrorism. End of contraversy.

WLPowell5033d ago

There are reports of 80-90% of the people we've killed in Iraq/Afghanistan WEREN'T Taliban/Al-queda. So yay for mindless, unjustified, wanton bloodshed just as long as we're doing it.

Umb5032d ago

The war economy is one of the reason for present day war.

Remember one man's freedom is another man's slavery.

But war has always been the same throughout history.

And this is my saying...War is waged by the few and fought by the many.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5032d ago
Bolts5033d ago

ROFL. I knew one of these 911 conspiracy idiots would appear in a thread like this sooner or later and one popped up right on que and he even came prepared with a list of reasons LOL.

tinybigman5033d ago

it's just a damn game and i still plan on buying MoH.

Will-UK5033d ago

This is what happens when your country is brainwashed by fox news and crap you talk about "im not supporting them killing our innocent familys" have u ever thought about from their side their famalies have been killed by american bombs. Im not saying what thier during right but check your own country supplying weapons to the taliban to defeat the russians years ago.

Skizelli5033d ago (Edited 5033d ago )

In actuality, Fox News is a laughing stock over here. And we're well aware of our own country's evil doings. Shall we talk about yours? It should be common knowledge by now that a government's actions do not necessarily reflect that of its people.

Will-UK5033d ago

honestly you can talk about mine bacause i know the england been in some terrible things im not the one however taken the approach of this is sickening because this game will allow us to kill american troops but you were fine killing everyone else.

And "government's actions do not necessarily reflect that of its people." I agree im just showing other people in this thread that no countrys got clean hands including the uk

NinjaRyu5033d ago

*And "government's actions do not necessarily reflect that of its people." I agree im just showing other people in this thread that no countrys got clean hands including the uk* Thank you! Someone finally said it!

Man In Black5033d ago

Fuck off, you self-righteous twat. The American soldiers aren't exactly all saint-like themselves. Look up the Second Battle Of Fallujah.

MuleKick5033d ago

I may be wrong about what I've read but I think he was more bothered by all of the turmoil that those groups have caused in both his country of heritage and his home country.
Like I said, I may be wrong but that's what I got from the article.

starvinbull5032d ago

Al-Quaeda have very little to do with Afghanistan.
They aren't a cohesive group, more a scattering of like minded people. The Taliban on the other hand is another matter.

"I think he was more bothered by all of the turmoil that those groups have caused in both his country of heritage and his home country."

If the game allows you to play among the ranks of the Taliban then fair enough he may have an Afghans perspective but if as I believe to be the case it's somebody in Al-Quaeda then no he doesn't have a legitimate first hand perspective to offer to us all.

MuleKick5033d ago

I understand that it's just a game but the responses that I've read are just surprising. Most of these people act like they don't even care. To me, the point he's making is crystal clear. It hits way to close to home. Imagine attacks similar to the ones in New York and Virginia happening on a consistent basis for 10 years. The only difference is that the attackers are your own fellow countrymen. And now, in my leisure time, I supposed to enjoy what they've been doing because it's entertainment?
F@uk that!!!
That like telling me to play a game based in the Colonial America as a white man beating the $hit out of slaves.
Certain things just hit way to close to home.

WLPowell5033d ago

Did you play the airport level in MW2, that is way more offensive than simply playing as Al-Queda and shooting american soldiers. (you do it during MW2's multiplayer anyway)

starvinbull5032d ago

"That like telling me to play a game based in the Colonial America as a white man beating the $hit out of slaves.
Certain things just hit way to close to home."

Like the television drama Roots? Or the Hollywood film Schindler's List? Such a game would increase hostility to the idea of slavery or fascism or terrorism.

If your problem is that only the good guys ought to be playable then why are any type of soldier playable? Can any army claim to be entirely good?
Presumably you'd be against the next GTA or Duke Nukem for similar reasons?

avengers19785033d ago

This is a game, and in many games you kill people for one reason or another... Though some may find this offensive, i say it's just a game. Morals kind of go by the wayside when your crub stomping some one, or shooting them in the head, so really what's the difference between Medal of Honor and Modernwarfare 2.

JonnyBadfinger5033d ago

Whats does it matter?

So the second the bad guys start killing Americans, its sickening? and shouldnt be allowed?
Sorry but you Americans are starting to sound like 5 years crying because your team is losing. If the reality of war disgusts you so much, im sorry to say you probably shouldnt be playing games in the genre.

And Im willing to bet that every single American whinging about this are the same people who run about MW as the Arabs with Gold Desert Eagles RPGs and Golden AK47...

I have nothing but the utmost respect for American soliders. They are the only men and women brave (or stupid(which im mean in a brave sense, not offensive)) enough to fight other peoples wars. America is caught in a unfair position when it comes to war. When ever another country wants help, they look to America to help, which America is more than happy to assist with. but then they turn on the Americans and start spreading the BS that Americans are killing there country men... when thats exactly what they wanted help doing in the first place. Sure some innocents may have been killed, but im sure as a bull in a china shop that more innocents would have died if the Americans DIDN'T help.

But when it comes to a video game, sorry but if your playing a videogame with emotions on, your probably doing it wrong. Video games are about completely seperating you away from your everyday life and putting you in other worlds and situations.

And at the end of the day lets face it, all you will see when your playing as a Terrorist is 2 hands (maybe a watch if the sh*tkicker could afford it) and American Fatigues on the other end of the gun barrel... which buy the way i have seen in almost every single war game.

Just saying taking the moral high ground now just seems somewhat ridiculous...

jeseth5032d ago

I'm American and agree with everything you said.

Americans feel too entitled and don't realize what its really like in the rest of the world. We are very lucky to live where we live and have what we have.

Its tough defending yourself as an American. Like you said, if a country needs help they look to us and we are expected to help. But when we do something many think we are abusing our power. Its a Catch 22.

Americans for the most part live in a bubble. 9/11 was horrible but was bound to happen. If we were located in another part of the globe we would get attacked more often. Americans don't know what terror threat really is. There are Al-Qaeda related attacks in Europe WEEKLY and most Americans have already forgotton about how terrible 9/11 really was.

We have no problem wasting people of other nationalities in games, play the role of some morally backwards person in GTA, a murderer, assassin, etc. but when this pops up they are offended.

The hypocracy is astounding and the lack of intelligent understanding is embarrasing. They act like the US didn't NUKE THE $#!T out of Japan 40 years ago and kill thousands of innocent people that had nothing to do with Pearl Harbor.

Like I said, we live in a bubble.

DeadlyFire5033d ago

Its not that big of a deal. Its not like they came over here and killed a million people. Ignorance of one society bleeds into another is all.

Fact is this is a simulation and a video game. Its not real. I don't cry when I play as a Terrorist on CSS and I don't expect to do so when I play one on Medal of Honor.

Heisenberg5032d ago (Edited 5032d ago )

Why write an article about it, just cause you personally aren't comfortable playing as Al-Qaeda doesn't mean it's wrong, immoral, unnecessary any more than any other game that involves bad people, killers Nazi's etc. etc. You don't have a problem playing as a Nazi I imagine, since there are tons of games you play as equally bad or worse people than Al-Qaeda, why single this game out?

America has done and does more than their share of bad, it's not black and white, nothing is, unless you're only gonna play games where the character is completely good and politically correct, how can you claim it's any more wrong or immoral to play as Al-Qaeda, than any other bad people or murderers. Unless you're saying the lives Al-Qaeda has taken are any more valuable than the lives the Nazi's took or any other character you play took.

jeseth5032d ago

The US military kills plenty of innocent people in their missions.

Having Al Qaeda in video games should be no more offensive than having Marines/US Soldiers, Chinese, Russian, UN, etc. soldiers.

I love our military and thank them for the freedoms they give us. We do not honor them enough. But to think we are innocent and get all upset by this is silly.

Americans have no problems shooting people of all nationalities in military video games but get offended by this? Talk about hypocrites. 9/11 was going to happen in some way or form and will probably happen again. We are lucky to have the global positioning we have otherwise we would get attacked more often. That is just the reality of our world.

This is no more offensive to me as it is in any other games. If you were Japanese would you be okay with COD W@W? Middle Eastern and their depction in COD MW/MW2, Russian? They all aren't depicted very favorably.

+ Show (18) more repliesLast reply 5031d ago
Red55033d ago

I understand your point. But have you ever played as a Nazi?

table5033d ago (Edited 5033d ago )

even if we have in a game, imagine playing as the nazis whilst the allied troops were fighting bravely against them losing many men in the process. It wouldn't feel right. It doesn't have the same effect in retrospect but the war against these terrorists is going on right now and many brave men and women are giving their lives for our freedoms.

Raf1k15033d ago

The thing that never really gets portrayed properly in World War games is the fact that Nazi soldiers were just soldiers like the Allies who they were fighting. Though they were fighting for an evil ruler with evil intentions they were at the end of the day simply taking orders whether they liked it or not.

Some of the people who fight along side Al-Qaeda are actually just normal people who have been lead to believe that the western forces are their with bad intentions and have been fooled into thinking they're fighting the good fight while other's may simply want revenge for the lives of their friends and families taken by western bombing.

War is an awful thing. There are always good people who get caught up in the fighting.

table5033d ago (Edited 5033d ago )

They may be deluded but that is no excuse, the good people will be fighting with the Afghan Army whom we are currently training up. Do you even realise that it was the Al-Qaeda who flew the plains into the world trade centre? These people want to spread extreme islam throughout the world. Could you seriously imagine what it would be like to live in a state run by them?

"War is an awful thing. There are always good people who get caught up in the fighting." Enough red herrings, you can't possibly defend the actions of the Al-Qaeda and expect to be taken seriously.

@eddy raja
I'm out of bubbles, pass some over :) I'm not american I live in the UK. The intentions of Americans in Vietnam was actually to support the democratic government in the south. I don't see how you can spin them as bad because of the unfortunate deaths of innocent people. This is Afghanistan not Iraq but Saddam was a horrible dictator in Iraq and it was right to get him out.

Non_sequitur5033d ago

The German soldiers were forbidden from becoming part of the Nazi party. Hitler had distrust in the military because of the fear of an overthrow in leadership because they weren't hardcore Nazi members in the military.

Imperator5033d ago

A lot of Nazi soldiers didn't know what Hitler was really doing. The Holocaust was mostly the work of very high-ranked officers and most the German population had no idea. They were fighting for their country, not for Hitler's "master race." Most of them were forced to do so. They either fought, or retreated and got killed by their own forces. There was no way out for many of them. The atrocities they committed can never be forgiven but you have to look at it from both points of vies.

Darkstorn5033d ago (Edited 5033d ago )


You're wrong on your Vietnam position. We were not backing up a democratic government of any kind. We were supporting a dictator, and the North Vietnamese were the ones who actually were upholding populist, democratic values (even if they identified as Communists).

On WW2, the German people elected Hitler and for the most part supported him in whatever he did. Somehow that man got an entire people to follow his deluded vision. I have to agree with Imperator on this one as well. Germans did not have knowledge of the injustices being perpetrated against Jews, gays, Communists, blacks, and just about every other minority in Germany.

Imalwaysright5033d ago

"Germans did not have knowledge of the injustices being perpetrated against Jews, gays, Communists, blacks, and just about every other minority in Germany."

What? For fucks sake they were rounding up the jews in every freaking city and village in Germany.

Man In Black5033d ago (Edited 5033d ago )

"The intentions of Americans in Vietnam was actually to support the democratic government in the south."

Democratic? Yeah right. In fact, the US rigged the elections to ensure that the South won control. Democracy at its finest.

Also, most of the German people knew what was happening to the minorities, they just didn't do anything about it.

JacksonS5033d ago


The German public thought they were being either deported or sent to a camp to work (as a form of rehabilitation or paying for ones "crimes") not to an actual death camp to be slaughtered.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 5033d ago
TROLL EATER5033d ago

no but have played as russians in modern warfare 2. who are steroetypically terrorits in it.

sealion885033d ago

u play as a nazi in wolfenstein enemy territory

MexicanAppleThief5033d ago

Haha yeah, I'd love to play as their side. It makes a nice change, but I'm sure there some yanks here that will try to de-bubble us.

MexicanAppleThief5033d ago (Edited 5033d ago )

To be honest, I definatly want to play as the Al Qaeda and shoot some americans in the face. Playing as some generic american solider looking to save the world and wave his flag a bit gets boring fast. I want to play as the terrorists and bomb some people.

To hell with the dog, C4 is a man's best friend :P

mrv3215033d ago

After the slew of WW2 games I bet some people think world war 2 started in 1941 and D-DAY was completed solely by a group of American soldiers.

SeanRL5033d ago

You're probably right.

I'm pretty sure Fox news does.

Cueil5033d ago

then they slept through history class several times through their at least 12 years of school

DeFFeR5033d ago

WWII didn't start when Pearl Harbor was invaded by German submarines?

table5033d ago

I think this is very wrong especially when the united nations forces are currently fighting against these diabolical and disgusting people. I don't want to kill western troops who are fighting for human rights and the freedoms of people, I want to shoot down those evil bastards. This is very disrespectful and we owe it to the troops fighting for us.

Raf1k15033d ago

It's nowhere near as simple as you think it is.

Not everyone of them is an evil SoB. It's usually the high ranking people who are the truely evil ones. You'll never see a high ranking terrorist doing the suicide bombing. They always get their brain-washed lakeys to do that. Sometimes the lackeys do it because they feel they have nothing left to live for as some of them may have lost their entire families by bombs dropped by western forces.

alphakennybody5033d ago (Edited 5033d ago )

Funny how you say that, didn't you know the same government you're under right now, trained and supplied those same "diabolical and disgusting people" couple of years ago. Even now your government still supplies weapon to many terrorist out there. And speaking of human rights may I remind about Vietnam and the way the US military really was? do you know how many tons of bomb and mines they've dropped on innocent villager there? and many of those bombs didn't detonate and still kill innocent people to this day.Even Iraq situation doesn't seems so different than vietnam. I have no problem against americans nor I'm trying to defend terrorist actions ,but it's your shitty corrupted system that really pisses me off.

Non_sequitur5033d ago

You need to read more about history of that region to understand their motives. Many don't know of it because very little people know about the consequences of the First World War. After the fall of the Ottoman Empire in the Middle East and parts of Europe the Allied forces divided up the Ottoman region not by tribes or nations but among themselves as they pleased to evenly distribute the Middle Eastern peoples' resources between Great Britain and France. The map certainly hasn't changed much since. The only region they couldn't touch was the land controlled by the House of Saud. Iraq for example has three different national groups within it which has proven restless since it was formed. Turkey includes what should be Kurdistan. Palestine should have not been made to divide the Arabs from the Jews. Kuwait and southern Iraq are the same people. Iran and the parts of Iraq are the same people. The land between Pakistan and Afghanistan should be divided to smaller nation. I could go on, but the point is the West preaches about self-determination of nations but they themselves divide the world to please commercial interest and we live with the consequences.

Chris3995033d ago

Very well said, especially the closing bit.


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Remembering Medal Of Honor: The Forgotten Master Of WW2 Games

Ibrahim from eXputer: "The Medal of Honor franchise was once the crown jewel of FPS war games, later defeated by the tides of time and poor development."

banger8813d ago

They tried to turn it into Call of Duty and it killed it off. They should reboot it and go back to it's roots. But they'd ruin it with online-only/multiplayer style bullshit so why bother? I have very fond memories of these games, but this series can stay dead as far as I'm concerned.

FPS_D3TH11d ago

Was literally just thinking of this game the other week with the secret nut cracker mission and the shooting Bismarck dog lmao. Loved these games as a kid

PrecursorOrb11d ago (Edited 11d ago )

I wish they’d remake warfighter

Strictly for the campaign

The_Hooligan11d ago

I have fond memories of playing the Medal of Honor Breakthrough MP Demo. It had two maps and custom servers. Living on campus, I had it downloaded on one of the PC Lab servers so I could access it on any computer at the university. Joined a clan and made friends that I still keep in touch with today.

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The Medal of Honor Franchise Deserves a Comeback

Game Rant Writes "It's been over a decade since fans have seen the Medal of Honor franchise on consoles in any capacity, and it's about time EA brought it back."

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porkChop508d ago

Medal of Honor 2010 was a good start for a modern reboot. The campaign was fantastic. Multiplayer wasn't great but that's DICE's fault. I'd love if they went back to that game and gave it a proper sequel.

SlothLordPootus508d ago

I actually really liked the multiplayer in MoH 2010. Battlefield gunplay on small maps. I would love to see a Rising sun remake, the opening scene would be amazing to see.

SonyStyled508d ago

I enjoyed the multiplayer of MoH 2010. It felt like battlefield 3 in a way. The multiplayer in Warfighter was also pretty good but the campaigns single player story was not appealing with the whole family cutscene thing. Gameplay was fun though. MoH to me is the PS1/2 titles and I don’t expect to see a WW2 MoH after the last Call of Duty’s

Levii_92508d ago

PS1 MOH 1999 and 2000 (Underground) and Allied Assault PC is my childhood.. it's still soo good and it holds up. Not to mention Michael Giacchino's soundtrack is one of the best video game soundtracks ever made. Even if you weren't born in early to mid 90's go listen to the main theme of Allied Assault and you will be overloaded from nostalgia.

I miss this franchise a lot.

Iceball2000508d ago

I’ve always thought that MOH and Battlefield should be separate…

Have MOH as the full fledged single player with an amazing store and whatnot. And a basic multiplayer just to have multiplayer. Sorta like how the MOH reboot was.

And then have BF as the full fledged multiplayer with all effort put into that and ditch the single player. Maybe add Commander back in.

Only in a perfect world.

HeliosHex508d ago (Edited 508d ago )

Oh man medal of honor on pc was awesome back in the day. Multi-player was fun. Joined my first clan on medal of honor. Definitely deserves a comeback. But needs to be on the same level or surpass COD. Since it came out before that ip in 1999 to avoid embarrassment.


The guys who did Allied assault are the one who created call of duty. They're back at EA, Vince something

MadLad508d ago

I'll be the weird guy in the room and say I actually loved Warfighter. I thought the squad mechanics made it stand out a bit and thought the shooting felt good. Put a lot of time into the multiplayer.


15 PS1 Games Under $20 in 2022

PlayStation (PS1) game prices are beginning to get a little weird. The pandemic, renewed interest from collectors, and growing scarcity have all impacted PS1 game prices. CIB and New games can cost thousands for some titles. Use this list to snag some amazing old games to play or improve your collection without spending a fortune.

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Jiub828d ago

I really wish the Legacy of Kain series would come back

828d ago
Nintentional828d ago

Still have my original PS1 my family got at Sam’s Club back in 1999 :) it still works and I have it hooked up to a 32” Sony Wega Trinitron that supports S Video and Component 👌🏼 PS1 games in S Video POP on there 🤩

828d ago