
Pearl Harbor Trilogy – 1941: Red Sun Rising Gameplay Trailer

Nintendo Okie shares the new trailer for Pearl Harbor Trilogy, that shows the different controls available in the game.

Nintendo-Okie says, "If you downloaded the game, what do you think of what you have played so far?"

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CoffeewithChess5075d ago

third mission right now in the U.S. campaign, and so far, I have had fun with the missions.

Has anybody else here tried it yet?

Copyright5075d ago

This game looks better in motion than I thought it would.

What control method are you using?

browngamer45075d ago

This is a wiiware game?-looks f-kin sic!!

CoffeewithChess5075d ago

Yea, it looks well, and so far has played well also.

Yea, if by "sic", you are meaning "awesome" "incredible" or anything along those lines, it is pretty nice for a WiiWare game.


Pearl Harbor Trilogy Soundtrack Now Available on iTunes

"Legendo Entertainment today announced the availability of Pearl Harbor Trilogy - 1941: Red Sun Rising’s official game soundtrack on iTunes. The dramatic and suitably thrilling score, which includes both orchestral and tracker format versions, was originally composed by Dynamedion’s Alexander Röder (Risen 2, Gothic 4, Anno 2070) and later converted to FastTracker XM format by Fabian Del Priore (Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams, Giana Sisters DS)." -- Wiiloveit.com (Official Press Release)

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D+PAD Magazine: Pearl Harbor Trilogy 1941: Red Sun Rising - Reviewed

D+PAD Magazine Writes:

Within minutes of booting up the World War 2 aerial shooter Pearl Harbor Trilogy – 1941: Red Sun Rising, it is clear that developer Arcade Moon’s efforts have resulted in one of the biggest rarities in gaming today – a war-centric title that refuses to bow to either jingoism and bombast.

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Wiiloveit.com: Pearl Harbor Trilogy - 1941: Red Sun Rising - WiiWare Review

"No matter how pretty the game looks visually, there would be no getting around crippling flaws. But I was so relieved to see that Legendo went all out. What resulted is a title that is so close to being labelled as a must-have title." -- Wiiloveit.com

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