
Molyneux: 360's Best is yet to come

Fable creator Peter Molyneux has claimed that Microsoft's Xbox 360 still has plenty offer in terms of technical power - and that the system's most beautiful games are yet to be released.

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Omega45061d ago (Edited 5061d ago )

Well obviously, the 360 still got 5 years left and with games like Reach, Gears 3, Crysis and Rage it's quite obviously 360 games are getting better and better.

So what if they are, they still are examples of improvements in graphics.

-GoldenTimeLover-5061d ago

"Crysis 2"

Also available on PS3.

Vojkan5061d ago

since it comes form Peter that probably means they are going to abandon 360 and release new Xbox in next year or two. Remember Peter is lier.

Megaton5061d ago

Yeah, Molyneux promises are like Pachter predictions. One might come true, but only after a long trail of broken/incorrect ones.

5061d ago
jay25061d ago

How the Beep can you get disagrees?

nveenio5061d ago

Peter makes a lot of promises. I'm still waiting for him to deliver on one. Even Fable 3 isn't everything he promised that last gen's Fabel 1 would be.

Bloodraid5061d ago

That's not the point he was trying to make. He's trying to say that they're still improving on what has already been done on the 360. A game doesn't have to be exclusive to push the limits of the machine, sorry to tell you.

Inside_out5061d ago (Edited 5061d ago )

ALL multi-plats are developed on 360...Rage is taking so long to develop because of all the problems they are having with the PS3 and getting it to run 60fps for example. The 360 version will be far superior than the PS3 version. Like RDR 360 and PS3 versions...wait and see...Here's the 360 version...where's the PS3 demo???..I'm sure it looks the same...LOL. No matter how this game turns out, the 360 version will be better.


Same for Crysis on consoles. Why do these guys always show and demo the 360 versions and CLAIM the PS3 is the same??? Here's the 360 version again...


On topic...Peter is absolutely right. As developers move away from past game engine ports and discover the power of the new machines, great things happen...RE4 and FPS Black really shined at the end of the last gen...Gears is the ultimate bench mark this gen take a look...

Gears 1 ( 2006 ):


Had to include the last chapter...yep, that good. Those Reavers that fly and attack you on the train, actually land and chase you around in Gears 2...now that is INSANE.

Gears 2 ( 2008 ):


Gears 3 ( 2011 ):


Gears looks and plays amazing. The '06 E3 live trailer was a little grainy ( the video, not the game...lol ) but the awesomeness shines thru. That steam punk art direction was raw and epic and made me for one, want to play it. Gears 2 was great with incredible upgrades to the enemies and of course Gears 3 is about to blow everyone away in 2011 with amazing graphics, new enemies, new weapons, new locations ( jungle anyone ), 4 player co-op, rework multi-player and a new " beast " mode in Horde where you play as the enemy. Evolution at it's finest.

BTW...here's the beast mode in action...Watch for the new mech suits...lol


MORGiON5061d ago

Cez, you truly are a fanatic.

Do you realise how sad that is?

Milamber5061d ago

What's sad? That he has a passion for games and one of his favorites is Gears?

HolyOrangeCows5061d ago (Edited 5061d ago )

Technically all hardware can be pushed further.
Too bad none of the 360's developers will actually do it.
And stop embarrassing yourself....Gears of War 2 was nothing special on technical grounds. All of its "selective" anti-aliasing that almost never appeared on anything, the same chunky ugly character models...

The human character models look horrible, lighting effects are very selective, and there are plenty of jaggies to go around in that Crysis 2 video. It looks nice and runs smooth, but don't pretend like it's a revolutionary console game.

DigitalRaptor5061d ago

"ALL multi-plats are developed on 360"

Wrong. The majority are but some developers have lead-developed on PS3 and admitted that process being the benefactor of the game. Burnout Paradise, for example.

"Rage is taking so long to develop because of all the problems they are having with the PS3 and getting it to run 60fps for example."

Your evidence?

"No matter how this game turns out, the 360 version will be better."

Yeah, even though it will be identical. You're forgetting the fact that the copy PS3 owners will be buying is on a single Blu-ray disc.

"Same for Crysis on consoles. Why do these guys always show and demo the 360 versions and CLAIM the PS3 is the same??? Here's the 360 version again..."

It's a known fact that the PS3 is harder to develop for and at the stages in development where they are wanting to show a demo, the 360 probably has a more stable build.

And that video of the 360 version of Crysis 2. It looks garbage by comparison to what they have shown of the PC version and what was promised on consoles. We know the PS3 is so much more capable than what was shown from that footage.

"Gears is the ultimate bench mark this gen take a look..."

If you actually believe this... then... well.. you are absolutely in denial. Gears 3 looks good, but to call it any sort of benchmark is crazy. It's about as generic as games come. But then again, I've always thought you were crazy.

HolyOrangeCows5060d ago

And furthermore, the AI doesn't look too amazing in that Crysis 2 footage. That one alien doesn't do much when the player is right next to him.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 5060d ago
edhe5061d ago


So finally admitting the ps3's not some uber powerhouse eh? ;)

Yeah there's plenty of life left in this console cycle - esp. after seeing Rage.

-GoldenTimeLover-5061d ago

I dont know what people see in Rage, comparing it to games like KZ3, TLG, and GT5 make it look like a last gen game.

5061d ago
Bloodraid5061d ago

Actually, he said nothing of the sort. He was saying that they were multiplatform games. How you come to your conclusion from that post is beyond me.

mrcash5061d ago

In terms of eplosions particles, and physics, uncharted and gow3 fare very well against killzone2.....

R0me5061d ago

We all know the xbox wont reach such technically masterpieces like UC2. So lets not talk about it.

Xbox games improved over the years and will continue to improve. Just like nearly all other consoles did. Question is what means "improve". A little better graphic? A polygon more?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5061d ago
RadientFlux5061d ago

exactly, its been the same for every console ever developed

Christopher5061d ago

It's honestly not the console, either, it's the developers who make better engines and find new ways to squeeze more out of them. Developers can make games look better and better over time on any console, it's really not a testament of the 360 or the PS3.

J-Smith5061d ago

i rather watch paint dry than listen to Peter Molyneux, it would be more fun LoL

candystop5061d ago

It sounds like MS has been listening and decided to really start investing in pushing 360 tech. Sony was smart to build a dream team and now MS has no choice but to respond. If anything for now this new game from Crytek and Gears 3 will hopefully set a new standard. Also I Hope you guys (nonfanboys)can give credit were it's due and grow out of this just because it's on PS3 it looks better mentality. With proper Art (LIMBO,UC2,Kirby,LBP2,Rage) the right developer can figure out ways of making games really shine.

MORGiON5061d ago

I think its a bit late for Microsoft to build a dream team now, still have to develop the titles...

And will you 360 fanboys please stop pinning all your hopes on MULTIPLATFORM titles. Your are only setting yourselves up for bitter tears.

Crytek & Gears 3 will be awsome, but havnt we learnt that multiplatform cannot acheive the same standard as first party.

DigitalAnalog5061d ago

Unless devs push the 360 like they SSM did with the PS2, then I believe him.

***Yes, the PS2 it's not a typo.

-End statement

muDD5061d ago (Edited 5061d ago )

You guys know what this means, the Sony trolling cultmembers will come and disagree with every pro 360 comment, eventhough this article has nothing to do with the ps3. Freaking weirdos!
all systems have more juice, NO DEV has mastered the art of multi-threading tech, and that is a FACT! Games on the 360 and ps3 will continually improve up until either sony or MS decides to unleash their new console.

here they come....

Focker-4205061d ago

Alan Wake & Crackdown 2??

Immortal3215061d ago

it's only obvious the games should only get better.

Its not like their exclusives were ground breaking, they all fall on the line of a regular multiplat game, Nothing special.

MNicholas5061d ago

is that he's extremely consistent. Whatever he says is always the opposite of what's true.

Therefore, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure what's really going on.

What a guy.

MNicholas5061d ago

The art style? The pretty colors?

If there's something you find technically impressive, please list those items.

muDD5059d ago

which killzone lacks

MNicholas5059d ago

as well as some objects with low quality textures.

This is true of Crysis 2 and Rage as well. Just check the screenshots. Crysis 2 is more like Killzone 2 in that high and low res textures are often seen side by side which draws attention to the law res. What Rage does well is provide smoother transitions between it's low and high res textures.

Actual texture size in either game is unimpressive (impressive would be Uncharted 1/2 or God of War 3) but they are certainly more colorful.

In terms of shading and dynamic effects and post-processing, Crysis 2 isn't impressive but certainly competitive with most games. Rage, however, is horribly bad.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 5059d ago
DelbertGrady5061d ago (Edited 5061d ago )

It doesn't only have to do with the consoles hardware. New breakthroughs in programming plays as big a part as what the system itself is capable of. Something that's easily forgotten in the graphics debate.

TheObserver5061d ago

I agree with you.

However, MS do not have many talented 1st part studios.

Secondly, it is common knowledge that the 360 is easy to program.

What do you have to say about that regarding the current lackluster state of 360 gaming? Is the best are yet to come or the days of glory are passed?

candystop5061d ago

First of all there are plenty of good looking 360 games. Many developers have made games on 360 in a rush because of the tools but are now starting to slow down(like Gears3) and spend more time to pump out better details. Rage and gears3 are perfect examples of showing 360 is more than ready to keep it coming. There's absolutely no lackluster state of gaming with 360 especially when it's still pumping out games and sales during the slow season while the others have nothing to really show.

"The 360 is supposed to be easier to develop for. It game out first and the Ps3 is pwning the 360!

At this point I think it's clear which system is more powerful."

In a way your right but this gen is so different then any other. Last gen Xbox was more powerful and no multi-platform game on PS2 could compete. This gen 360 has proven time and time again it can do games better then PS3 while offering a much better online full gaming xmb experience. Rage is a perfect indicator that these consoles (still need to see PS3)can go twice as long as prior generations. If and when 360 starts to pump out games that truly surpass what PS3 currently has out I know that some of you will not give credit because you only want to see one thing. It's so obvious 360 is a beast and for you guys to ignore that is laughable. Who cares if 360 came out first and what does that have to do with anything? Sony developers simply wanted to prove a point to save PS3 but 360 is doing perfectly fine. You guys will never learn and miss out on some of the best gaming experiences this gen due to Sony brand loyalty.

Immortal3215061d ago

I've notice alot of fair 360fans agree with that statement you've made.

"MS do not have many talented 1st part studios."

jetlian5060d ago (Edited 5060d ago )

best looking games on ps2 last gen? try ninja gaiden or halo or riddick and doom 3

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5060d ago
edhe5061d ago

Hey Vojkan - have you ever tried to performance tune a hierarchically regressive multiple case statement database query?

No? Guess not.

I agree with Soda and I am, to all intents and purposes, much more of a software expert than you. Given that i'm an Honours grad software engineer working on performant systems and have been for a long time i can quite happily tell you that code evolution is as important, if not moreso, than hardware evolution.

commodore645061d ago


the fact that you got 6 disagrees, speaks volumes about the childish idiocy that populates his website, most frequently seen defending the ps3 religion at every turn.

They honestly lower the bar every single day.
Sad, really.

Bluemaster775061d ago

Dude if they even have an inkling of a thought that your post is in any way pro-360 no matter the degree of logic they will disagree. Logic does not apply on N4G its PS3 or nothing smh.

MORGiON5061d ago

Will you clowns come up with somthing other than n4g is full of ps3 fanboys please. It is getting rather pathetic.

ranmafandude5061d ago

why everytime a game developer says the xbox 360 can get better games, they usually talk about shooters lol.

Christopher5061d ago

No clue why anyone would disagree with Soda's statement unless A) they are a fanboy and/or B) they just don't like Soda.

As to those who complain about Microsoft's first-party games, I might ask you to look at the third-party games on the box and how they typically compare to their counterpart. The 360's exclusives may not be comparable to certain PS3 exclusives, but their third-party titles are easier to develop and the mass majority of the time look better and play better as well.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5060d ago
lonix5061d ago

of whatever this guy says is usually the truth

Spenok5061d ago

Maybe not quite the opposite, but definitly not exactly what he says. Some other form usually.

e-p-ayeaH5061d ago (Edited 5061d ago )

Mr.Molyneux 360´s best had already came in 2006/08 and graphics/visuals arent goign to get better with kinect or that useless stuff.

Ms needs to focus on a new console cause the x360 is getting pretty old.

RealityCheck5061d ago

I agree. I think Microsoft should keep the 360 around for the casuals and thrifty gamers while coming out with a new Xbox for core gamers. Win-win

nickjkl5061d ago

yep 06 and 08

back when the unreal engine was the epitome of graphics


Games4M - Rob5061d ago

"360's Best is yet to come"

Surely the same can be said of any console? Its not like the quality of games gets worse the further into a consoles life cycle you go.

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Fable II - A Fantasy Series at Peak Performance

Fable II launched back in 2008 and remains the best the series has offered. Ahead of the series comeback, it's time to look at the classic.

Crows90339d ago

They gotta bring back those gargoyles!

Dudeson339d ago

I'd love to play it again, this time on pc though. Forever waiting on that pc port.

GaboonViper339d ago

Loved this game, oh and i always saved my dog at the end, hope the new Fable has a animal companion.

got_dam339d ago

Fable 2 was the best inthe series. Peter waaaaaaay over promised with fable 1 and it was good but disappointing. He didn't go crazy eith hype for the second game and it was surprisingly awesome. Then he ran his mouth promoting 3 and it was the worst of the 3.

cthulhucultist339d ago

Funny story: Fable 3 had a funny way of keeping the promises you made in the first half of the game and having enough money to defeat the darkness.

You only had to collect enough money to buy 2 stores in a busy market district. You then raise the prices to maximum and you turn xbox 360 internal clock 99 or more years ahead.

The next time you load the game, all the rents from the 99 years are collected immediately.

But yes I agree that 3 was the weakest of the three.

Demetrius338d ago

I only got to play it once 😩 I'm so tempted to buy a Xbox 360 slim but planning on getting the series x soon since I got a PS5 in February Im ready to get saints row 1&2 back, GTA 4, fable 2, but I also want to play infamous 1&2 again Sony screwed us over with the stream only for saints row 2 and other gems smh


Fable: The Greatest Game Concept That Never Was

The Fable series is one of our favorite gaming franchises. Heres what we want from the rumoured sequel

ColdSin1416d ago (Edited 1416d ago )

Microsoft announced Fable Legends at Gamescom 2013, not E3 2013. I'd like for the new Fable to have the same artstyle as Fable Legends.

Zoned1416d ago

Thanks for that. I agree, definitely like the art style, but that's it. Nobody wanted Fable Legends!

moongrim1416d ago

How about Fable II Remastered for the pc please?!

RaveTears1416d ago

I would honestly buy the Xbox series S just for Fable 2 remastered or a remake.

moongrim1416d ago

I've never played it so I'm like dying over here.

Zoned1416d ago

Fable II was probably the best of the series. It had its flaws but overall was definitely a step in the right direction. Fable III was a huge misstep in comparison

RaidenBlack1416d ago

I was disgusted with Fable III

RaidenBlack1416d ago (Edited 1416d ago )

Yeah ... its an odd situation ain't it?
MS released Fable 1, Fable 3 and Fable 1 Remastred for PC.
Skipping the best one in the franchise.
Same goes for Gears: GoW, GoW Remastered, Gears 4 and Gears 5 are on PC.
And Halo: The entire Halo MCC and Halo Infinite will be on PC. But no Halo 5.

Zoned1415d ago

Definitely agree but you lost me with Halo 5. That was my least favourite Halo game (out of the Halo numbered titles)

RaidenBlack1415d ago

Yea, same here. Only liked the visuals of Halo 5 (that too on an One X, it doesn't look that good on the One S)

But what I meant was, MS is releasing every Halo game on PC from 1 to Infinite, except 5. Which is a bit odd.
Coz the free Halo 5-Forge was quite popular in PC community during its release.

porkChop1416d ago

I never got to play it because I sold my 360. It should have been remastered.

The only thing I can think of is if after the release of Fable Anniversary they decided to take the series in a different direction. They might not want the new game to be associated with the older ones.

sushimama1416d ago

Well lets hope Microsoft are going to announce a new Fable. The MS fans deserve a great Fable game. If it is announced and the gameplay looks cool, this might convince me to get, at least a Series S. It would be my very first Xbox console.

Zoned1416d ago

I would definitely buy an Xbox Series X if a 'proper' Fable sequel were to be revealed!

RgR1416d ago

You mean Fable fans.
Don't have to be an MS fan to want Fable but you definitely need to be a Fable fan to want a new Fable game.

RgR1416d ago

Kicking chickens! That was fun....hope modern society doesn't ruin it for a next installment.

chiefJohn1171416d ago (Edited 1416d ago )

Hell no Fable legends is NOT what we wanted.
Fable 2 is what we want outta Fable. Remake Fable 2 please.

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5 Sequels We Would Love To See On Project Scarlett

Sam Smith writes: "While we hope to see lots of fresh and exciting new IPs on Project Scarlett, here are 5 sequels to established Xbox franchises we’d very much like to see."

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gangsta_red1685d ago

This has to be one of the lamest lists I have seen for wishing for sequels.

Perfect Dark should be on the top of this list and it's amazing that MS hasn't even attempted to try and bring this amazing franchise back.

Charlie Murder, MS should pay and get Ska Studios to make a sequel to this excellent beat 'em up game. IMO, they should have been the ones to make Battletoads

Lost Odyssey, another no brainer and should be right up there with the whole Gears/Halo/Forza chant. And while we are talking about JRPGS...

Magna Carta, I loved the art style for this game. MS should definitely try and get a sequel to this for their new syste,

Bomberman Live, really one of the best in the series and I loved how it was simple and just focused on MP. Being able to customize your Bomberman was fun and I would love to see this make a return to Live.

Platformgamer1685d ago (Edited 1685d ago )

sunset overdrive 2... oh wait

EDIT: a trolling once in a while is ok, unlike most of the N4G users tho.

xX-oldboy-Xx1685d ago

Please continue to levitate above us.

1685d ago
Relientk771685d ago

Terrible and unappealing list