
Sony: Watch our rivals go next-gen first

Successors to the Wii and Xbox 360 are more likely to arrive before the release of the PlayStation 4, according to a top Sony exec.

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FangBlade5051d ago (Edited 5051d ago )

Take your time Sony.

Joule5051d ago

Their's only one drawback to this, the other consoles will have more sales and people will be like, wow PS4 sucks its in third place again.

I_find_it_funny5051d ago

I wonder if trophies and gained level will carry on :)

Conloles5051d ago Show
nix5051d ago

PS3 is already doing what Xbox 720/WII 2 will do. 3D gaming. 250+ online play. amazing graphics. blu-ray. motion-control gaming.

Palodios5051d ago (Edited 5051d ago )

I get the feeling Sony learned from its mistakes. They'll put all the bells and whistles in the ps4(like they did with the ps3) like 3d, higher resolution, and whatever the next technology is. But I seriously bet they'll keep it simpler to program for, and much more affordable.

Chubear5051d ago (Edited 5051d ago )

Are people really this blind? COME ON! How much more obvious does it have to be?

On a side note; the Wii2 is going to be essentially an xbox360. Nintendo can now have this current gen specs in their new system and sell it for $249 or $199 2-3yrs from now and make profit from day one. Essentially making next gen other gamers last gen.

Now watch people go crazy for the graphics of mario and Zelda using 360 specs and ignore the fact that's what they should have been experiencing this gen and not next. Crazy.

@ palodios
ur right. Sony won't make a big a jump in tech as the PS1-PS2 & PS2-PS3 but it'll still be a solid jump. They'll dominate next gen from the get go next gen cause of this but look for them to continue the trend of pushing technological boundries for gaming for the PS5.


Danja5051d ago (Edited 5051d ago )

not quite the Wii 2 will probably have graphics like what the PS3 is now outputting just my guess if so the PS3 will still be able to compete , not too sure about the 360 as we really dont know which direction MS will be taking its next home console depends on the outcome of Kinect im guessing

EDIT : @ Below

are you still believing the media crap about the PS3 not having games the first year on the Market ?

Heavenly Sword
Virtual Fighter 5
Ninja Gaiden Sigma
Ratchet and Clank
The Eye of Judgement

come on thats alot of content in the first year and there online system work yes thw PSN was lacking but it was a a new service it was impossible to expect it to out do Live in a year

Double Toasted5051d ago

The PS3 didn't suffer from not having "bells & whistle", it suffered from no games for at least the first year and not having their online shit together for like 3 years. Add that to the fact they came out a year after MS and still didn't have it competent enough.

BYE5051d ago (Edited 5051d ago )

What people need to realise that you can't compare the sales.

What you can compare is 3 vs 3 years of PS3 / Xbox 360, but not 3 vs 4 years.

Xbox 360: 2006 + 2007 + 2008 = 26m
PS3: 2007 + 2008 + 2009 = 29m

So PS3 IS the better selling console.

jjesso19935051d ago

even with a year a bit head start the 360 still is only 4-5 million ahead.

and with failers rates who is going to invest in micrsoft console again without waiting to see how reliable is the hardware. any one with commen sense the only reason people rebuy xbox 360's after RROD e74 ect is becuase they have spent 1000 on games.

Anon19745051d ago

I loved my original Xbox. It was by far my console of choice last gen and was easily the most powerful console on the market. The problem was when it came out it was up against a firmly entrenched PS2 market. The PS2 was still pumping out amazing games and the console itself was much, much cheaper than the Xbox. The Xbox never really had a chance in this market.

Flash forward 2-3 years and I think we'll see much the same thing. The PS3 will be cheaper and have it's position firmly entrenched, and we've already seen what it can do for games. Any new comers are going to have to face off against that - and the cheap price of the PS3 alone will be quite an obstacle for any new system to go up against. And really, what can a new console offer right now that the PS3 can't handle? Slightly better graphics? Blu-Ray? Some other format?

I think it'll be the Xbox/PS2/GC all over again.

Sitdown5051d ago

So does that also not mean that the ps3 is doing what the ps4 will do as well?...or does it not work that way?

WhittO5051d ago

I think the 360 will show it's age ALOT sooner than PS3 will.

If MS released the Xbox 720, I think the PS3 exclusives would be able to stand against it visually.

cjflora5051d ago (Edited 5051d ago )

Where is the "What the fuck did he just say?" option when removing a bubble from ELEMENTYee?

@whitto - The 360 is already showing its age.

Seferoth755051d ago

What people need to realise that you can't compare the sales.

What you can compare is 3 vs 3 years of PS3 / Xbox 360, but not 3 vs 4 years.

Xbox 360: 2006 + 2007 + 2008 = 26m
PS3: 2006+ 2007 + 2008 + 2009 = 29m
Wii: 2006+ 2007 + 2008 + 2009 = 60 million
So Wii IS the better selling console

Fixed that for you kid.

No Way5051d ago (Edited 5051d ago )

And, that should matter to you.. why?

@ELEMENTYee - Uhm, care to try that again?

And, @whitto - I don't believe that.

cmrbe5051d ago

Nin and MS will have no option but at least go for Blu-ray, HDMI 1.3, 3d gaming next gen.

Here is the kicker though. The PS3 will be dirt cheap and basically still competing with the next xbox and wii. However the PS3 will also have a huge installbase that devs and publisher will love and focus developing mainly for the PS3. By then the general mass consumer that flocked to the wii will opt for the PS3.

Last but not least. Sony is one step ahead of the competition in tech and its learning curve. When MS and Nin move to PS3 level specs. MS and Nin will have to learn what Sony have already learned since 2006. Manufacturing process, optimisation and cost reduction which Sony have already learned from the PS3.

As you can see. Sony will always be one step head of competition.

WhittO5051d ago

I was talking about if MS released the 720 soon, not in like 4 years time.

Usually when a new console comes out, the first gen games barely look better than the latest games on the previous gen consoles.

Maybe in 4 years time though, would show age, but PS3 games just keep getting more visually impressive, with no sign of "Maxing out".

LilSis5050d ago

sony dosent need a PS4 anytime soon... lol
MS just came out with that new Xbox that they should of came out with like 5yrs ago...

RedRingRedemption5050d ago

How is Conloles' comment trolling? Jesus N4G, lighten up. People are getting banned for expression their opinion like this.

On topic: Sony's always going for the 10-year lifespan. MS may have gotten a head start early this gen, but look were they are now. Sony is positioned much better--and Nintendo, well, anything they make sells.

Gamerbee5050d ago

MS is stuck between a rock & a hard place. They still cant use blu ray because Sony owns it. & they only hold the market share because they release first & Sony got delayed & had a pretty bad launch. But now Sony is on the ball & MS is plagued with unlreliable hardware, so If a new console is released. Gamers will be very cautiuous. Most wont even take that risk again coz they'll be fed up. Me & my friend are anyway. Thats why we went PS3 & will never go back to MS.

Thats is all.

BumpFrankie5050d ago

Microsoft has already confirmed the 360 can do 3D gaming. They just think, like every other person on this planet Earth, that 3D is just a gimmick and wont kick off. Which is absolutely correct.
360 graphics are still pretty damn good. It all depends on the developer and if they can utilize the hardware properly or not. Unreal Engine 3 runs fabulously on the 360 hardware and the games look good. Now you're thinking: "lawl Gaylo3 grafix suckd huuuuge dicks!@!!" I agree, Bungie's Halo engine is definetely showing its age.

Its not like the 360 cant do "250+ gaemin!!" Once again its the developers who make the game that way. Most developers focus on features, graphics and gameplay more than how many people can connect in one server. MAG is a very bad game and dont act like it isnt.

The only think PS3 has over 360 is Blu-ray.

Keep in mind that I own both consoles. I just want to justify the 360 since you have no knowledge of what it can do.

RumbleFish5050d ago

Don't forget that SONY are selling three software supported platforms at the moment. They have more than 200 000 000 consoles and handhelds out that receive new software, and they will release a new handheld before PS4. In fact they are in first place. And they will be in first place when PS 4 launches because they will continue selling PS 3 just like they are doing now with PS 2.

+ Show (22) more repliesLast reply 5050d ago
Inside_out5051d ago (Edited 5051d ago )

Take your time Sony, it worked out so great coming out last this gen. I doubt Sony will let M$ and Nintendo get the jump on them this time. If they do, it will be very tough for Sony to make up ground.

The next machines will be super powerful and I suspect M$ will have World of Warcraft type of MMO's ready to go. Of course Halo 4 and Gears 4 as launch titles would help. What happens at retail this holiday will change everything. Nintendo is already hurting, Sony is gambling AGAIN, this time with 3D. M$ is hoping to have a smash hit with Kinect. Wait and see I guess.

Jamegohanssj55051d ago

Kinect and 360 s is the 720. PS3 Move is the Wii 2. Sony wins lol.


himdeel5051d ago

...right now there's seems to be only so much farther consoles can go with respect to graphics given they are static devices. So whatever the next iteration of the Micrsoft or Nintendo console is I wont feel like I'm left behind by staying on the PS3. Likewise if new consoles after this generation don't bring anything significantly new to the table the purchase itself is difficult for me to justify.

Starlight5051d ago

Well said. I don't think I will buy a new console just because it has shiner graphics and 6 UB 3.0's. This applies to all 3 hardware giants.

Make a new console by all means, but don't just improve the GPU, CPU and encase it in a new box. Evolve your online services, make the console worthwhile.

The Lazy One5051d ago

Graphics aren't everything, there's still a lot that can be done with GPGPUs and other multi-core CPUs as well as significant upgrades to the memory that would make an enormous impact on the gameplay, not just the graphics. There's also certainly a large amount of optimizations that can be made to the buses that connect all of them.

There's also a lot of optimizations that can be made to the machines to make them better for digital distribution, which is a future all the companies have in mind. It lowers costs enormously for everyone.

SaberEdge5051d ago

You say that now, but when you see the kinds of graphics and physics that the next generation consoles will be able to produce I think you will change your mind.

Consoldtobots5051d ago (Edited 5051d ago )

I agree with you Chubear in that I think this is MS last hoorah in the console market. HOWEVER, just in case they decide they haven't had enough Sony will wait to make their move in an effort to counter microsoft's copycat strategy for their hardware offerings. Sony will not be 1-upped by copycats!


PS3 has already effectively dealt with any industry focus on the 360 as a main platform for their games. When MOVE comes out it will kill off interest in the Wii. I've spoken to several Wii owners about MOVE + HD graphics on the PS3 and they all say the same thing. "When that comes out my Wii is going in the closet". NUFF SAID.

The Lazy One5051d ago

why do people think this? That would be an absolutely idiotic business maneuver. You do not shut down a branch of your company when it starts doing well.

If the 360 were not making them money, then maybe they'd not make a new system, but it's doing very well. It has a larger part of the market and outsold the original xbox and is actually making a profit now. You may hate microsoft, but they aren't stupid enough to say no to free money.

xxLuckyStrike5051d ago (Edited 5051d ago )

all I can say is Wow...blind, dumb, and deaf aint got shit on U....lol. Sony lost over half its marketshare to the 360 and Wii and yet you seem to think Sony is on top of everyone...lol in the rear with the gear...3rd place.. from 140 million to 35 million...Could be Sony who's had enough..



PSN= Xbox Live
PSeye/EyeToy= Dream Eye (Sega)
Move= Wii mote

* the list goes on

Gun_Senshi5051d ago

- Dreameye if you had it was only a Webcam, not a motion sensing device.

- XBL was not original, its copy from Dreamcast Online, which was better and more reliable then current XBL

- Move was in production for Eyetoy, before Nintendo even thought about the Wii

xxLuckyStrike5051d ago

- Dreameye if you had it was only a Webcam, not a motion sensing device.


- XBL was not original, its copy from Dreamcast Online, which was better and more reliable then current XBL...


- Move was in production for Eyetoy, before Nintendo even thought about the Wii ....


moparful995050d ago

This console generation isn't even half way over and your calling victory? Microsofts 360 fanbase is mostly comprised of the people who bought the original xbox, the wii has a solid lock on the casual market. So in essence sony is surviving just fine in a crowded market and is even selling more consoles year on year than the 360. Keep buying into microsofts huge list of PR bull.. I'll keep playing top notch games on a reliable console with free online play..

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5050d ago
The Lazy One5051d ago

That would not be very smart of Sony. They'd have to hedge their bets on M$ and Nintendo both messing up so they could hop in, but if neither of them messes up then Sony would end up losing more market share.

Unfortunately consoles aren't always bought off of what's good, but rather what's popular. By the time a PS4 is released, it's hype could be overshadowed just by the word of mouth of all your friends who own a nintendo or M$ console. They should shoot to launch either at the same time as one of them or between them.

There's still probably a couple more years before anything comes out though.

N4g_null5051d ago

I don't know if that's a good idea. SONY does not have a monopoly on tech or artist nore programmers. Sure you guys love their stuff but many like 3rd party games and the competition better.

I think good old raztaz listed some of the PS3 future proof tech.

Blu ray(great for movies but has many flaws like data read write speeds, the industry wants a media that can replace harddrives size and speed wise)
3d graphics(great if you can stand it)
capable graphics( 30 frames a sec, some times HD 1080)
price really it took the PS2 5 years almost to reach that price and it sold crazy well. Expect the PS3 to stay at the same price for another 5 years. Sony just started to turn a profit.

SONY should aggressively focus on clearing these issues into the next system.

The cell is really not the problem when it comes to making games it's the bandwidth. To share data between the spus and even from the GPU will kill your speed.

I don't know. I just bought a new laptop with a HD5000 gpu in it and it was under $1200 with an i7 cpu and 8 gigs of ram. Do you guys seriously believe that this same tech i bought will not be in the next consoles?

Ram is crazy cheap now and nintendo and MS could buy in bulk which would bring down the price even more.

True ram is not the end all be all but with added bandwidth you can make stuff that just isn't possible on the PS3 at 60+ frame per second which would be crazy fast to most PS3 owner now in HD.

This is a very dangerous gamble SONY is pulling and we all know PS3 owners are all about their graphics and many are not loyal to sony, example the PS2 to PS3 adoption rate was shattered in a negative way.

Many PS3 owner have a second system also. Which means they are going to upgrade regardless and then wait for the new PS4 yet if you put nintendo franchise with 3rd party support you have an unstoppable combination.

Just think a hd console with xbox 360 support plus many sony only camps since they are japanese also, with out the rrod then add nintendo franchise which where all pretty much prefect this gen. On top of this nintendo adopts an easy to develop for ethos.

This is why the 3ds has the support it has from the beginning.

I believe SONY is just waiting to see what will happen then make there move. Which is not always a good thing.

Right now look up sdxc those cards start at 64 gigs which is the size of a blu ray and go up to 2 terabytes with out the need of an expensive laser. These things can fit in a ds like device also and is already supported by the wii i believe. Yet here is the kicker the 2 tera version has read speeds 300MB per second the PS3 read speed for blu ray is close to 10md per second. This little card will wipe the floor with blu ray yet blu ray will stay a movie format.

Then we have the GPU situation. the next nintendo is coming in 2015 and the Llano has a lot to do with that. Right now tech wise the wii is effectively a proof of concept in that is pretty much is a system on chip design with both the GPU and cpu on the same die. Expect this same setup for the next nintendo console because it yields the most bandwidth and power reduction and make it possible to scale the chip down and increase profits.

Sure nintendo doesn't make too much tech but SONY competitors do and they like money and nintendo has that.I bet SONY didn't see the 3ds coming at all. next gen is going to be fun. I just hope sony is a big player then.

Ju5050d ago

You sound like in panic mode. Nothing is over just because you don't jump on the first bandwagon which comes by.

3DS is DS market. PSP is Playstation market. We'll see if the 3DS can actually transform the DS into a more core game focused market. I doubt it, though. It will eat into it, but not become the hardcore portable console most here are asking for. It is still not strong enough. I just think, a high end portable core console has a smaller market than one which has the typical Nintendo franchises. I guess a PSP2 will simply blow it out of the water - performance wise and the game will just look better ; i don't expect it to support a 3D display. I even doubt it will work to great in the 3DS (outside in sunlight ??).

The PS3 is just fine. Obviously it will loose against the next cycle of Wii/XBox performance wise. But the question remains how much and how big will the PS3 price advantage be ? Price can play a very important role in that whole scenario.

Also, 2 years can be significant in improving technology. Releasing 2 years later, that is. This even allows to listen to critics of the competitors and try to fix their problems in your own product. I also can understand, that the PS3 will be very competitive during those 2 years.

It would be fatal, would Sony just lean back and do nothing. But I am pretty sure they monitor the technology market very well. They might even have ongoing research, but no clear cut in date, yet.

I personally think, if we can belief those rumors, Sony is working on a third tear gaming machine, in between the PS3 and the PSP. I belief we'll see a PSPad soon. A 6-10" WiFi gaming device, which can run an OS (I suspect Android).

This will open a complete new segment for Sony and grow their market in a not saturated area. They have all the assets necessary to do that. I think we'll see that sooner than later.

With such a third branch, it takes the cost pressure away from the PSP (which will see a PSP2 when the time's right) and the PS3.

There is really no need to run into a post PS3 generation right away which is a high risk high investment project right now. The PS3 works. Why touch it. It still has potential for what it is.

ChickeyCantor5050d ago

" We'll see if the 3DS can actually transform the DS into a more core game focused market."

It already did...
Besides DS is a hardcore system.
Hell most gamers prefer DS over PSP.

N4g_null5050d ago

LOL seriously panic mode, not really sony could leave like nec and I would not be sad same goes for nintendo. Yet it would be sad to see one bail.

Have the attitude that every thing is going to be fine will put your company into bankruptcy. SONy needs to drop this and seriously ask people why they are not developing for the PS3 and why games are being delayed and why people are not buying their latest perfect games.

Ju the 3rd parties have spoken man. That along will insure hardcore support. The PSP and wii are almost comparable tech wise you just drop the texture a little more and take some polys out.Yet the DS has support from every one so i'm not sure where you get the non hardcore idea of the ds from, hell we even got a ninga gaiden and contra sequel!

Then on top of that even more hardcore gamers liked the games coming to the system. Also the DS was the hardcore portable of choice, way more RPGs.

I think SONY is watching also but they better be improving the blu ray tech to compete against the sdxc cards because we all know that nintendo loves sd cards which is why they loved carts also speed.

Nintendo watches tech a little more than SONY i believe since people are always contacting them with new tech, did you know many companies will approach nintendo with tech before SONY? Simply because nintendo is not in competition with them. On top of this SONY is not the intel or nvidia or gaming tech IBM is.

I don't know but seriously keep an eye on other tech my friend. The next gen may not be off the shelf parts like this HD one. Right now nintendo is far more dangerous and tech will be dropping fairly fast and nintendo can also use this gen sales as a barging chip to lower cost even more.

You did look up sdxc right that read speed is crazy and 2 terabytes wow. You won't even need a harddrive each game could be a harddrive!

RatFuker5050d ago

What people need to realise that you can't compare the sales.

What you can compare is 3 vs 3 years of PS3 / Xbox 360, but not 3 vs 4 years.

Xbox 360: 2006 + 2007 + 2008 = 26m
PS3: 2007 + 2008 + 2009 = 29m

So PS3 IS the better selling console.

II Necroplasm II5050d ago (Edited 5050d ago )

PC has superior games? lol! People buy a PS3 for $300,plug it in, grab a controller, hop on the couch and relax.

Now..that is great gaming.

commodore645050d ago (Edited 5050d ago )

It's a sad day when this is being spun as a positive for Sony.

Fact is, the 360 launched first and has managed to keep the ps3 in third place as a result, probably for some time to come.
Honestly, after the success of the ps2, who was expecting this?

A similar thing happened with the ps2, which managed to gain additional marketshare as a result of launching over a year before the xbox1.
True to form, the box1 was forced to sell at a loss merely to be

Manufacturers of consoles know, that in any given technology cycle, the publisher who moves first has the advantage of establishing an install base lead.
The 360 success of stealing Sony's marketshare as proven this to be true.

This is why MS rushed the original 360 to market.
This is why the 360 is still ahead of the ps3, even after Sony was forced to sell its ps3 at such monumental losses to establish its install base.

Realistically speaking, Sony would LOVE to launch first - but they simply cannot!
First they need to recoup the losses on ps3.
It's business 101, folks.
Sony attempting to spin their competitor's ability to launch first into a negative, is simply poor form and fanboy fodder.

As expected, N4g ps3 fans eat this with a spoon.
Anything is better than facing the truth.

moparful995050d ago

What is sad is how you rationalized this poor excuse for a response. Yea the 360 launched first, they did so as an incomplete console. No wifi built in, no hdmi port, no optical out, no interchangeable hard drives, out-dated dvd 9 technology... Microsoft knew the ONLY way to compete with a company like sony was to beat them to market. So they did and at the expense of its fans and userbase. Despite knowledge of the red ring of death microsoft launched anyway and it was a at least a 1 billion dollar mistake. No one knows the true number because microsoft will not release numbers in regards to the red ring of death. Moreso sony continues to gain ground on microsoft and has outsold the 360 every year since 2007. To top it all off sony is actually making profit off of the ps3 now and with the added income flow of ps+ sony is in a position to market and push the ps3 like never before. With a library of exclusives that nobody in the industry can match its easy to see why you and your 360 bretheren are scared and feel compelled to post such utter rubbish online. You are afraid of sony doint to microsoft what they have to every other console since the launch of the ps1 all those years ago.. Keep flamebaiting all you want but it wont change the fact that the ps3 is proving how much more of a value it is then the 360..

ukilnme5050d ago

Well said as usual commodore64.

Heisenberg5050d ago

The way I see it, if MS brings out a new system while the PS3 is still running strong and nowhere near the end of its lifespan technologically, they've got an impossibly tough road ahead. To try to force a new generation, means people have to deal with the growing pains of a new system and the lack of games and developer support, all the while you've got a console in its prime at a great price and putting out top notch games AND it's well established, it's in a lot of homes already. It won't work.

Also MS has to ensure it will be equipped to compete with the eventual PS4 down the road, unless they wanna come out with two new consoles before the PS4. It was hard enough for the PS3 to gain momentum when the 360 had only a year head start, think about a new Xbox competing with a console that's in its 5th or 6th year and running strong... The odds would be heavily stacked against MS.

starchild5050d ago (Edited 5050d ago )

You're wrong. You are totally underestimating how much excitement new hardware brings. People eventually want to see the next step in game graphics and improved gameplay that more powerful hardware allows for.

The PS3 is about on par with the 360 and when the next Xbox comes out the PS3's graphics will look positively out dated.

I'm already itching for new hardware. I game on the PC and I love it, but unfortunately it doesn't seem like developers are really trying to push the PC anymore. I can't wait until the next consoles come out so we can get better anti-aliasing, better framerates, much higher resolution textures and shadow maps, better texture filtering and so on. Next gen games will blow current games away.

Heisenberg5050d ago (Edited 5050d ago )

To use your own words... You're wrong. If it were on par with the PS3 they wouldn't need a new system to compete.

Hitman07695050d ago

Yes please take your time and this time don't just focus on hardware, how about a system that doesn't take 3 years to become accepted by the gaming community. As a Launch PS3 owner I would like to see a much better launch for PS4 so that people don't feel as if the system is a toaster oven that plays Oblivion until games release... JUS SAYIN!

r1sh125050d ago

I like both my consoles but is obvious that MS and nintendo will have to do it.
The entire difference is blu ray.
Its simple. MS could have saved them selves had the put a blu ray disc drive in their xbox 360 Slim!!!!.
But they didnt.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 5050d ago
Hellsvacancy5051d ago

Ps3 is pretty much a PS4 anyway, its gonna b around 4 a while yet

The Meerkat5051d ago

If a Wii 2 or Xbox 720 come with 4gig of ram the PS3 will look very old very quickly.

theonlylolking5051d ago

I think M$ will have 1gb of ram or 2gb of ram and nintendo will have around 500mb.

Ju5051d ago

Wana see. When they launch and PS3 drops to sub $200 at the same time. Good luck with those 4GB.

jerethdagryphon5051d ago

having bucketloads of ram isnt needed in consoles

the ONLY reason pcs ship with huge ammounts is because of the top heavy oses they pack,

more ram enables you to have more things running not nessesarly more games data or graphics as its limited by the speed of the ram and the bandwith

4 gigs of ram in a console would be like doing flowerbeds with a back hoe

inefficiant but i do prefer the desk analogy

you have a desk, this represents the amount of ram say 2 square feet = 256 meg you can only open so many books in that space (no overlap)
however if the ram is faster your arms(the rams speed) and open and close books much faster then slower ram just opening them on a larger desk, so while a 4 foot desk may have more room 512 meg if its not fast enough the smaller ram still is more efficiant, now double that a few more times 8foot 1gig 16 foot 2 gig 32 foot of desk space for 4 gig of ram, if your opening files and such if its not an effeciant design you can waste time trudging across your huge desk to find the file you want.

ballence is needed in all pc and console specs,

ram isnt the end of it.
ps3s 256 of xdr ram is clocked at the same speed at the cpu 3.2ghz

360s 512 is clocked at 733mhz

The Lazy One5051d ago

Half agree half disagree.

You don't need bucket loads of ram, but there are a lot of new technologies where ram could be used to exponentially increase game quality.

Megatextures and their equivalent in game geometry for one. The more ram you have the higher quality the results for both of those will be.

Consoldtobots5050d ago

exactly spot on, I tried explaining the conceptual aspects to console development to the fanboys around here but most are too ignorant of the technology or software development to even understand what is being talked about. These are the same people that use terms like "3corezzz" "EDrammmm" "more rammmmm". I told them they are nothing but PC spec whores and they refuse to accept it. They're also the same genuises that can't even insult you correctly by saying "blind deaf and dumb" when it's ALWAYS been deaf, dumb and blind.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5050d ago
evilmonkey5015051d ago

I doubt four gigs will go into the next consoles...more like A GIG. THATS LIKE A HUNDRED BUCKS IN JUST MEMORY AT CURRENT PRICES.

kr90915051d ago

Not when you are a huge international company buying them by the thousands.

jerethdagryphon5050d ago

but in general the attitude of folks it put lots of ram in

mega textures and higher poly models do require more ram but not by a huge amount engines can be made to be more effeciant in what they display

but good point

moparful995050d ago

Jere made a good correlation. Gobs of ram isn't the end all technology, it all boils down to how efficient your ram is. Ram is only so important on pc's due to the fact that the newer operating systems have such large "footprints" Thats where the overclocking of gpus comes in. They are essentially multiplying the amount of data the processor is capable of churnning through. While this generates enormous amounts of heat it allows more processes to occur using the same amount of ram.. It's all a game of give and take by the system and striking a balance. Another thing people fail to take into consideration is that the cell in the ps3 is capable of undertaking some of the graphical processing which thustly increases the amount of data that can be generated. Cpu's arent designed nor are they generally powerful enough to handle these kinds of calculations but sony intentionally designed the cell to do that. We have just scratched the surface of the ps3's potential and just like the ps2 before it the last few years of the ps3 will see games that we never thought were possible this generation.

r1sh125050d ago

its gonna outlast the ps2 cycle no doubt.
BLu ray is the saviour

ActionBastard5051d ago

I think 6th and 7th gen PS3 games will hold up just fine against Wii 2 or Xbox 720 games.

iistuii5051d ago

I don't care what console comes out next, but if it does 1080p as standard and has at least 8xAA then i'll buy it. Can't wait to get rid of those jaggie's once and for all.If you cant see them on this gen consoles,( and yes your PS3 has plenty of them too), then your kidding yourselves

callahan095051d ago

If you want to play games that look like, I dunno, the PC version of Bad Company 2 with all shaders, texture detail, and graphics maximized in native 1080p at a solid 60fps, with 8x anti-aliasing, 16x anisotropic filtering, and vertical synchronization, you'll spend 1500-2000 dollars on your rig. It will be a while before they can cram the tech capable of doing that into a console box for less than 500 dollars. And believe me, it won't be good enough to call next gen if all it can do is take the same graphics we're looking at now but smooth them out. It's not like we look at the "PS2 HD" revisions that are coming out for PS3 now as being entirely up to standard for graphics showcases. The next playstation and xbox are going to have to do all that smooth, silky, fast rendering (crazy AA, filtering, resolution, and framerate) while also pushing more detailed textures, more complex lighting and shading, more polygons, more complicated physics and AI instructions.

WhittO5051d ago (Edited 5051d ago )

Not all PS3 games have jaggies actually, and there are new technologies to take care of AA using the SPU's of the PS3.

I don't know if you have played GOW3 or Uncharted 2, but I barely saw ANY jaggies at all.

Playing through Infamous for the first time, it is full of them, watching the new demo of Infamous 2 and it looks like they have 8 X AA along with higher-res textures and even better animations.

That just shows that as Devs continue to improve and enhance, the PS3 has alot of life left.

I think that Sony shouldn't release a console for another 3 years, any sooner and I don't think I would see enough improvement visually to upgrade.

LiquifiedArt5051d ago (Edited 5051d ago )

This generation like the others has proven one thing.

Sony has the games, technical prowess, variety and quality for long lasting gaming experiences. I won't jump the gun. Just like i waited for the ps3 this generation, i'll do the same next-generation.

Sony is all I need for gaming experiences.

Starlight5051d ago

I agreed, and thought your post was interesting.

I just think you may need to open your horizons next gen. I will forgive MS/Sony/Ninty for the mistakes they made this generation but I too won't make the mistake of jumping the generation. I'll look to see which system offers me everything I need, if takes 2-3 years extra after they're released then so be it.

I'm thinking of jumping on next-gen when I feel the dust has actually settled.

LiquifiedArt5051d ago (Edited 5051d ago )

I had an original xbox.

I can't support Microsoft because i don't agree with their company

The same is true with Nintendo, because I feel Nintendo has always been about the $$$, rather then anything else. They have constantly produced peripherals, because as a "toy-maker" they make the most money.

Sony is the only who take huge losses to bring their next gaming consoles out and has not charged us to play a game as it was intended to be played....(Offline/Online).

Its a ethics thing and Sony's games are better imo.

Heisenberg5050d ago (Edited 5050d ago )

Exactly my feelings on the matter. I waited longer and paid extra because it was worth it to me for the end result, and I've been more than satisfied with each Playstation. I'm always open to new and better consoles, I'll always go for what I believe to be the best product, which to me means: the most technologically advanced, and a well built machine from a company I believe to be reputable. But basically it comes down to horsepower. Whether I have to wait a while, or pay a couple hundred more, I'll always go for what has the potential for the biggest, best looking games, in other words the largest canvas for developers to work with.

Sony are veterans when it comes to building great consoles and as long as they keep putting the hardcore gamers first I'll keep picking up their consoles.

moparful995050d ago

This is exactly how I feel. Microsoft's buisness practices apall me. They rush their product to market despite knowing about the rrod issues, lie to their customers and even accuse them of misuse which led to the red ring, charge for a service that in essence is the same as psn, require that you buy a whole slew of acessories and add-ons to match the ps3 and call it "options". I just dont see how the 360 faithful can put up with so much abuse.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5050d ago
SaberEdge5051d ago

Please come back down to earth. The PS3 and 360 are basically equivalent and next generation consoles will make today's graphics look way outdated.

You will be surprised just how much better graphics are going to get. We aren't even close to creating photo-realistic graphics. Graphics will continue to improve in major ways.

THC CELL5051d ago (Edited 5051d ago )

Ps4 is not needed as yet

If it was to be announced i would pre order day one

The ps3 is the next xbox and wii - its games

BeaArthur5051d ago

To be honest, other than an HD Wii we don't really need any new consoles for awhile. I'm not interested in paying $800 for a console anytime soon.

evilmonkey5015051d ago

I too want that wii HD! I think if kinekt tanks, we'll see a new box sooner than later, or maybe never if the shareholders have their way..

NexGen5051d ago

Yes Bea, I'm too broke to afford anything new right now lol.

nickjkl5051d ago (Edited 5051d ago )

i wonder if the next xbox will out put h3D

evilmonkey5015051d ago

you want h3d? get a girlfriend...lol

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Sony Patents To Prevent You From In-Game Harassment By Reading Your Emotions

A new patent recently published by Sony wants to gather biometric data of gamers to track whether one is being harassed using AI tools.

Profchaos11d ago (Edited 11d ago )

I hope this is one of those patents that never comes to fruition.

I already dislike the fact you can pay a significant amount for a online service buy associated games and content on said service and get banned from that service over potentially a misunderstanding the bans are already handed out for flimsy reasons

I'd rather see money invested in a ban that simply removes the offensive players ability to communicate with unknown players allow them to continue party chats with friends but not with Joe blow on cod.

exputers11d ago

Agreed. Blizzard recently banned a college Overwatch 2 player who's dependent for saying "shit." Pretty harsh.

Profchaos10d ago (Edited 10d ago )

How rediculas really. You can't say a word that's allowed in most PG films and prime time TV but the game is based around killing the enemy team using guns, explosives etc.

It's just backwards.

just_looken10d ago

What your talking about is called block list

In 2006 a spaceship dropped of the playstation 3/xbox 360 i say that that generation was the last great gen with game functions/tech that has yet to comeback

Anyhow the playstation 3 if you block listed a id they could not talk to you in chatroom with either text or voice. But that was pre mind fucked 2018 when people were more human than sheep.

But hey gta 6 is coming out billion dollar budget without a single player custom character creator and without singeplayer coop off/online something saints row 1-3 had on the xbox 360.

z2g11d ago

Take my social security and bank account numbers too! Here’s a picture of my wife and our address.

phoenixwing11d ago

Cmon where's the pictures of your children. Don't hold out on them.

H911d ago

At this rate I feel Sony will eventually sell a room to play games in it where they can monitor your every breath

jambola10d ago

I genuinely get a bit worried sometimes when a friend says something that could be offensive In a party
Because I have no trouble believing some bans would happen when in a private party for saying something wrong

SegaSaturn66911d ago

I want them to censor erotic content by measuring my groin temperature so i dont get too distracted while playing black ops 2.

Popsicle11d ago

Terrible idea. Not only do I not consent to providing my biometric data, the potential for mishandling biometric data is almost a certainty. Positive stress and negative stress can produce similar changes in biometrics. Interpreting the precise emotion a person is feeling is not only invasive but could be easily misconstrued. I hope this never comes to fruition.

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Sony Could Increase Your Game's Difficulty If It Sees You Complain About It

Sony has recently published a new patent that wants to dynamically handle the games' difficulty and gameplay based on the player's emotions.

jznrpg11d ago

This is something I might use. Sometimes I play some good games but they don’t have difficulty option and are a little too easy.

Profchaos11d ago

Souls games will be like that players struggling make it harder

PassNextquestion11d ago (Edited 11d ago )

I think if used correctly it could work well

jambola11d ago

cool idea
cool idea for horror games especially
the way it's explained here sounds like it could never be forced hopefully, so that's ok with me

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Sony Taps Bungie's Head of Revenue to Lead Live-Service Games

Sony has recruited Bungie's head of revenue Jaremy Rich to head up its live-service gaming division, Rich has announced on social media.

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ChasterMies32d ago

Please do not put Destiny’s monetization into Sony’s first party games. The monetization is what’s driving players away from Destiny.

just_looken31d ago

The new temp boss is the sony cfo bean counter so i can see this being a thing get every penny.

Cacabunga31d ago

PlayStation officially losing it.. fans will never support gaas games

just_looken31d ago


The new boss did a interview in japan he wants to tap into the mobile market like nintendio so he give 0 fucks about gamers/fans


Redemption-6431d ago

You only speak for you and those who think like you, but most fans will support what they want. Playstation and PC fans are literally supporting Helldivers 2 and that is a gaas. Maybe you wouldn't, but many more would if they like it.

Huey_My_D_Long31d ago

Look, Im not making any judgement calls about this guy, but I will say that Helldivers 2 GaaS model is unique to Helldivers, and legit the only other game I can think of thats similiar was the Avengers game except HD2 pass is still better.
The fact that you can earn in game currency in a way that doesnt make you feel like you have to grind forever, as well you being able work on that pass that you bought...on your own time without a time limit...that right there is fucking huge to me, and I can't name any game other than avengers that avoided trapping players with FOMO logic...I think GaaS on HD2 shouldn't be compared to the rest of the industry...it should be copied.

Einhander197231d ago


Helldivers 2...


In Europe it's a 60 40 split favoring PC.
In the US its a 60 40 split favoring PS5.

So PlayStation owners supported the game just fine, it's not getting carried by PC or anything like that.

FinalFantasyFanatic31d ago

I'm perfectly fine with the way Nintendo entered the mobile market, I never touched their mobile games, meanwhile, the console/handheld stayed the way it is. As for being a bean counter, he's probably going to reel in these massive budgets that Sony's studios have had lately, I haven't played Spiderman 2, but I cannot see how they almost tripled the budget for that game.

That's an exception to the rule, I'm expecting a lot of these GAAS games from Sony to fail, to be fair, they only need a few to succeed, but I would have preferred that they put more of their resources into other types of games.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 31d ago
DivineHand12531d ago

True their monetization is driving players away and at the same time, their decision to chop out content and convoluted systems is keeping new players away from the game.

Joe91331d ago

I don't think that will happen based on how things worked out at Naughty Dog now that we know what we do, seems they had the option to fully commit to live service games or stay making single player experences so they gave up on their live service game. We are not sure how things came about with Bend making a live service game but I hope that was not a forced situation. Sony doesnt seem like they are forcing studios to switch up but we will see, Sony's bread and butter is single player games it is how they dominated the console market.

Obscure_Observer31d ago

Yeah, I though Sony learned something from all their failures in the LS segment under Bungie´s disastrous leadership and supervision which led to games been cancelled, studios closed and all the people laid off.

Looks like Bungie still plays a major role in Sony´s LS initiative and Sony is not backtracking on their GaaS plans.

S2Killinit31d ago (Edited 31d ago )

Are we forgetting that Destiny is also a highly successful franchise? I feel like that definitely deserves mention here.

Besides, there is no reason why a person cant learn from past experiences.

Joe91331d ago

I agree, people act as if Destiny flopped when it came out lol it took 9 to 10 years for the numbers to fall yet people are still playing it add the success of Helldivers 2 no wonder Sony is going forward down this path.

S2Killinit31d ago

Personally, I see no problem with Sony also having service games as long as they make good ones, and more importantly they deliver the AAA story driven games that they are known for. So yeah, I agree 100% with you.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 31d ago
Christopher31d ago

I mean, this person made some pretty bad decisions at Bungie. I hope they've learned from them because I definitely don't see those type of ideas as good for PlaySation in general.

CrimsonWing6931d ago (Edited 31d ago )

Honestly, what’s to learn from? How to make people happily continuously dump money into a single game over its life-time? Buy season passes continuously for several years with a smile on our faces?

GaaS is a design decision that is everything wrong with this industry. The fact that Helldivers 2 did so well and people defend the monetization because it was $40 and is a fun game, scares the sh*t out of me to see that the door is open and all shift will probably be to replicate that in future games. We already know the ROI for traditional game dev cost isn’t doing it for them.

I thought with Jimbo leaving we’d see a change for the better… I’m not so sure now.

S2Killinit31d ago

Service games are being offered by everyone. Sony cannot afford to only create single player AAA games. No one can. They already said they will be doing both.

Abnor_Mal31d ago (Edited 31d ago )

Ps5 gamers in 2023 seemed to play more live service types of games, so regardless to how people feel about them, numbers don’t lie and Sony is going where the money is. I mean look at the excitement around Helldivers2, people are showing that they want live service games.

Christopher31d ago

They play long-time existing live service games like CoD, Fortnite, Apex Legends, Destiny 2, and the like. Mass majority of new live service games are considered failures and aren't moving gamers away from older games.

just_looken31d ago

Yep the huge issue with live service is they need paid players along with a reason to play them.

You forgot mobile market that also taps into that player base as well as the eve online style games there is only a certain amount of krakens/whales blind supporters compared to the amount of live service games we have its not sustainable math wise.

700 restaurants making food for every seat for 1000-3000 eaters just does not work out

Einhander197231d ago (Edited 31d ago )


I am not a big live service fan and literally own zero of the games you listed, but that is not true, unless you call games that aren't the top games to be failures.

There are tons of live service games that are profitable.

Games don't have to be the biggest game ever they just need to make more than they cost.

I challenge you to show professionally prepared data that shows that more live service games fail than make enough to keep going.

Because all the data that I have seen shows that live service is less of a gamble than making a big AAA budget game which needs to survive off retail sales.

FinalFantasyFanatic31d ago

I sometimes wonder if we're at saturation point, where it's hard for a new game to join those ranks unless it's particularly exceptional, people only have so much time and money to devote to these types of games.

romulus2331d ago

Correction, they have no issue playing good live service games

shinoff218331d ago

Lol it's not even a quarter of the ps5s sold. Helldivers may have been a hit but let's not say most are enjoying it because truth is most(the real most ) don't care about it.

S2Killinit31d ago (Edited 31d ago )

I play what is fun. If a live service game is good I’ll play it as long as its not a money scheme which Helldivers is not.

And Im a single player gamer.

mastershredder31d ago

How do you kill a franchise that already been killed?
Destiny’s grind, cash-in-on-playbass-cha-Ching, and pop-culture-insertion mainstream-me-too bs totally killed any rep Bungie had. Sony/Bungie, if you are doing this to ward-off players, it’s already working.

crazyCoconuts31d ago

Headline truncated:
"... off a cliff"

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