
Here's why Blur crashed and inevitably failed

Blur from Bizarre Creations (Activision) has crashed and burned. However, there is one good thing to come out of this, the realization that new IP takes more than a funny Mario kart spoof to sell or the previous reputation of an excellent development studio. Keep reading for MaxConsole’s reasons as to why Blur has failed to deliver in the market place. Confusion, a lack of engaging USP, a weak proposition amongst other reasons are cited.

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Quagmire5083d ago

Because Split/Second was better

Oh and coz it was published by Activagina

TotalPS3Fanboy5082d ago (Edited 5082d ago )

I honestly can not tell the difference between Dirt, Grid, Split/Second, Blur, Shift, and that other ATV racer from Disney.

I thought they were all just typical generic yearly released sequels.

TotalPS3Fanboy5082d ago (Edited 5082d ago )

When I saw Dirt, Grid, Split/Second, Blur, and Shift in the commercials, they all look too similar.

Average Joe doesn't read the review. And so, Average Joe can not tell the difference between them from just seeing the commercials.

Red-Dead-Roar5082d ago

dirt has dirt tracks, rally
grid had tarmac, touring cars
s/s has destructable environment
blur has weapons
shift has shaky cam effects
fuel is sandbox
pure is atv

different angles all over...

TotalPS3Fanboy5081d ago

they were all clearly different. But somehow, that was lost to the consumers. The image peoples saw was generic racers.

ranmafandude5083d ago

and it's not call of duty what else is there to explain lol.

kancerkid5082d ago

Yea. Only bullshit games backed by multimillion dollar marketing campaigns get sales.

Just another case of a great IP going down the drain because people follow the herd.

Elven65082d ago

Yes, boycott all their new IP's so when the higher ups start to look at the sales charts and see new IP's like Blur (which reviewed well) sold horribly and Call of Duty Black Ops sells 20 million units...well, you know.

Red-Dead-Roar5082d ago

a racing game should be about racing. otherwise we already have wipeout hd...

kancerkid5082d ago

Uh...why? Because they published the POS MW2? That game was a piece of crap.

r1sh125083d ago

I actually liked the beta so I bought the game.
I even sent the dev's of the game messages asking them to release it earlier because red ded would be out before.
Nothing happened, the game has serious lagg and glitching issues.
It was hacked 1 week before release date.
THey havent released a patch yet either.

BeaArthur5083d ago

It released at a bad time. If it had released in July it probably would have had better sales.

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How Valve has treated Team Fortress 2 is a disgrace, and its community deserves better

17 years on from release and 5 years into a botting epidemic, Team Fortress 2 is on its knees, and it's high time Valve stepped in to fix it.

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badz1494h ago

Valve can do no wrong, remember?

fsfsxii2h ago

Ah yes, pc gaming aka the bastion of fairness and equity and everlasting online playerbase, all i can say is lmao
Not to mention that these tf2 idiots were the progenitor of mrx in gaming


Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay - 20 Years of the Surprisingly Good Film Adaptation

Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay debuted 20 years ago, and to this day is a surprisingly good film franchise adaptation.

porkChop12h ago

I'd love a remaster of both games with 4K, raytracing, and the ability to have both AA and AO at the same time.

Petebloodyonion7h ago

Remasters were made for Xbox 360 and PS3 in 2009 Chronicles of Riddick Assault on Dark Athena

MrBaskerville11h ago

MS owns the developer, if only they wanted to bother with the license, could be a nice addition to Series X BC program. These titles and Arx Fatalis.

Petebloodyonion7h ago

Microsoft does not own Starbreeze Studios; it is owned by Digital Bros through its subsidiary, 505 Games.
Tigon Studios, founded by Vin Diesel, primarily develops games featuring him and holds licenses related to these games.

ZwVw3h ago

You're thinking about MachineGames (Wolfenstein) which was formed by several ex Starbreeze staff after Assault on Dark Athena was released (whose owned by Zenimax/Bethesda), now owned by MS.

rlow19h ago

Great games, wish they would make another.


10 Best Co-Op Games, Ranked

ScreenRant's Ben Brosofsky writes, "There have been a lot of great co-op games over the years, and the best of the best cover a wide variety of genres while maintaining the fun."

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