
MMOHut: Tiger Woods PGA Tour Online Game Review

MMOHut, "The name Tiger Woods is nearly synonymous with golf. That may be why Electronic Arts decided to keep the famous athlete on the title of their first free-to-play, web-based golfing MMO despite his recent marital troubles. The complete title of the game is Tiger Woods PGA Tour Online, but is usually shortened to Tiger Woods Online. Despite the web based interface, the game offers the same high quality graphics and realistic golf gameplay found in the console and PC versions of the franchise..."


Web Presence and Cross Platform Gaming

In the current financial climate, big companies across the globe have moved on from hosting their own websites to promote their product and company to an approach known as ‘Web Presence’. This is measured by an active involvement across the web as a whole including, and to a degree focusing on, the increased use of Social Media platforms.

This is designed to get as much information about your product to as many people as possible in the shortest amount of time and the video-game industry is potentially in a position to push this even further, due to the rather unique interaction factor.

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THE free-to-play games you should be playing right now | bitsofjoy

Article about the best free-to-play PC games from established publishers.

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Conloles5067d ago

Haha shame consoles don't get free to play games (that are worth playing not like the crappy Doritos game on XBLA)

Mmmkay5067d ago

i've got several free psn and psp games on psn... and not through qore and ps+, no.

Monk3y5067d ago

I just love how ur trolling on every single article.. enjoy buying new components every 3 months

CoderDunn5067d ago (Edited 5067d ago )

If you are buying new components every three months then you are doing it wrong.

It's different for each person, but for me buying a gaming PC is far cheaper than a game console. I don't watch much TV, so I still have a standard def 40' TV I bought around 10 years ago.

One time cost ($1000) for a gaming PC 4 years ago that can still play most new games on highest quality, plus a ton of $5 to $20 games (GTA IV was $5) I got off of steam. Total is around $1200

Or ~$600 to ~$800 Computer plus ~$4oo to $600 HDTV plus ~$400 game console plus ~$50 controllers plus ~$30 to $60 games. Adds up real quick, total is around $2000.

Persistantthug5067d ago


What about you?

spaceindaver5068d ago

I might suggest that Atlantica should be on the list?

PSboy5068d ago

Urban Terror, seriously under-rated game!

DJKGBYF5068d ago

I used to play Navy Field, that was kind of fun.

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Why Subscription-based Gaming Is Here To Stay

NowGamer: It’s rare indeed that golf is entrusted with one of mankind’s major breakthroughs (well, apart from ultra lightweight trousers), but the recent release of Tiger Woods PGA Tour Online is significant not just for the lack of numbers in its title but for its method of delivery...

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dizzleK5080d ago

and yet they wonder why game sales are continually declining. you have nobody to blame but yourselves for this, you know. every "derp derp no online play? i'll just rent it then" "gamer" is why we are where we are with sh*t like this.

Raz5080d ago

Because I'm never paying extra $$ on top of my $70 per game just to play it online! NEVERRRRRRRRR! I'd sooner be frozen in carbonite.

Crusade5080d ago

I don't care much for online anyway. You really only need one of those per year if you picked a good one. I wish my PC was good enough to play team fortress 2. LBP2 can be my online game I guess.

Titanz5080d ago

Gamers will say, "GTFO" to subscription base gaming.

Rhythmattic5080d ago (Edited 5080d ago )

Problem is, What about the Gamers that do accept it ?

Trust me, this is the Beginning of the end.... (Not EA.. But. eg: the end being an Arse, being Kotick)

5080d ago Replies(2)
CountDracula5080d ago

Hopefully Steam never becomes subscription based cuz then were screwed!

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