
Is The Portrayal Of African-Americans By Sony Offensive

Earlier this month Sony started a new ad campaign for the seemingly forgotten PSP. The commercials star a fairly young African American boy going by the name Marcus Rivers. The question here is if Sony had purposely designed their advertisements to reach a more "colourful" audience

jc485735067d ago

do we really need to get picky?

NewNameNow5067d ago

I hate the commercials as much as I hate stereotyping. I'm all for mixing things up but the kid doesn't have to talk like a dumbass just cause he's black.

Agent Smith5067d ago

Except white kids talk like that too.

NewNameNow5067d ago

Well duh, so do some hispanic kids, and asians. I'm not saying that talking like that is exclusive to african americans I'm saying that it's simply ridiculous to cast one and then make him talk like that.

Would he not have appealed to the target audience had he been speaking more "educated"?

TotalPS3Fanboy5067d ago (Edited 5067d ago )

People want Sony to cast a black kid and make him talk with an Asian accent then?

He's black. He's suppose to talk like he's black, and not like he's some kind of British spy. It would not make sense if you see a kid like that talk like a rich 35 year old British guy or an Asian dude or whatever.


"Would he not have appealed to the target audience had he been speaking more 'educated'?"

What do you mean more 'educated?' Are you saying that black peoples who talk like black people and rappers are somehow less 'educated'? That's just racist and stereotyping. How you speak is just part of your personality and doesn't necessary have anything to do with your level of education.

dizzleK5067d ago


if you're educated, why would you want to come off like some rapper? people treat you like you want to be treated, if you come off like a dumb ass expect to be treated like one. speaking in slang and whatnot is "low", 'nomesayin?

speaking of racism, how, pray tell, does a black person "talk black"?

TotalPS3Fanboy5067d ago (Edited 5067d ago )

"if you're educated, why would you want to come off like some rapper?"

That's like asking why would white people want to come like some white people?

Or why would British people want to come off like British people?

It's just part of their personality.

"speaking in slang and whatnot is "low", 'nomesayin?"

Wow. That's just so ignorant. I guess all those millionaire rappers are very "low" and dumb too huh? Compare to your smartness. Which is why they're all millionaire owning their own studio while you're sitting here talking like a racist.

"speaking of racism, how, pray tell, does a black person 'talk black'?"

I don't know. You tell me. You made that up.

I never said a black person talk "black". I said a black person talks like a black person would, whatever that talking style is, and that has nothing to do with his level of education.

Go check a diverse High School. Everyone speak in a different style, but that doesn't mean they're uneducated.

His perfered speaking style is just that: a preference.

morganfell5067d ago (Edited 5067d ago )

Are there any black kids that speak like this? More than a few. Quite a number of white kids as well. How is the truth offensive?

Here: http://www.youtube.com/watc...

Feel better now? Ignorant article.

As regards the comment by alirazaqpur:

"Would he not have appealed to the target audience had he been speaking more "educated"?"

Does anyone else see the irony here?

SaiyanFury5067d ago (Edited 5067d ago )

Why exactly is it racist for Marcus to speak like so many black people? I know a lot of black people in my area of the US and a lot of them speak like Marcus does. That doesn't exactly make it racist to portray people of black descendancy speaking in such a manner. Most Black people that I've seen have been speaking in such a way since at least the 80s. Black people are awesome, and really add to the fabric that makes up this country that is the USA. Beyond skin colour, I've seen a crapload of Caucasian kids talking AND dressing up as rappers of late. I guess white kids dressing up as rappers is racist too. Honouring their rap heroes must be racist of course. It's not like imitation is the most sincerest form of flattery.

What's racist is the practice of political correctness. Focusing on people based on their skin colour or ethnicity and labeling them based as such. Categorizing them into racial sections and making everyone so sensitive to each other that hate eventually foments. Political correctness separates everyone into categories and promotes separation between our ethnicities. This is America, we are all people. I, as a conservative, do not judge people based solely on their skin colour, I see people. We are Americans, all united in this country. Skin colour is not a driving factor as the Founding Fathers foresaw. We need to unite against the people that seek to separate us, and get them out of office. Pardon this rant against the progressives (not real liberals), but against the international socialists that seek to divide us. We are a united nation, with people from all nationalities. United we conquer, divided we fall.

Silver3605067d ago (Edited 5067d ago )

This kid is perceived to be talking black. He is talking like someone that is uneducated, not someone who is black. And therein lies the danger, saying this kid is speaking black implies that African Americans as a people are uneducated. Say what you want of him, but do not associate his mannerisms with black people. He is speaking ghetto or hip hop but not black. Oh and don't blame Sony, blame the advertising company. Japanese don't understand Americans. The have a homogeneous society, whereas America is diverse. Where black culture is filtered through many different eyes to the media and the world. You can't understand it unless you live it.

Spydr075067d ago (Edited 5067d ago )


"I never said a black person talk "black". I said a black person talks like a black person would, whatever that talking style is, and that has nothing to do with his level of education."

By saying a black person talks like a black person, you're implying there is a difference between the language used between blacks and other races. Saying "whatever that talking style is", doesn't change that your statement implies _____ style is a black one.

A black person plays video games like a black person.
A black person eats like a black person.
A black person dresses like a black person.

I could go on and on by typecasting black people like that and in all cases, it's wrong. White people do not act like white people because there shouldn't be and isn't a certain personality or "type" that is indigenous to a race. We're all human on the inside, melanin content doesn't change anything.

Pink_Uni5067d ago

@Agent Smith
yeah but they certianly aren't showing white kids talking like that are they?

ok so hes talking with somewhat of a "black accent" but they're showing him being rude with a black accent and trash talking, none of my black friends talk anything like that but i see it all the time in the media


yeah, your right, black people do talk like this, but do they all talk in your face all the time put their feet up on desk and talk smack every time you see them?

some of them do, but its not at all the majority and its obnoxious to a lot of people, and american whites are know for portraying blacks as a lesser charater. sooo you're going to say its just a coincidence?

SaiyanFury5067d ago (Edited 5067d ago )

I'm seeing disagrees. OK I invite people as to why they disagree. Was I wrong? Do Black people not bring a presence to this country? Are they not of relevance? I actually find Marcus' ads to be entertaining. Maybe he's uneducated, I don't know him personally. But I find the ads entertaining. If Marcus can bring the PS brand to other people, how is that a bad thing?

@ Pink_Uni

No not everyone speaks smack all the time, most Black people I've met are very level headed. They speak on logical terms. OK, so the Marcus character is a bit more aggressive, so what? The white people I know here don't look down on Black people, they elevate Black people. American white people that I know here have great respect for Black people and speak positively about them. The white kids that like to imitate Black people have a legitimate respect for the Black people that they try to imitate. It's a positive reflection that Black people are not perceived as negative. Black people are awesome and they rock as members of our country. If people disagree with me, that I agree with Black people being very awesome, then I will call you racists.

Cloudberry5067d ago (Edited 5067d ago )

And first of all, I'm Asian & this is my opinion.

I've seen his "Frustrated Brother" (Mod Nation Racers) & "Exhausted Warrior" (Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker) commercials.

Both of them are funny.

Like someone in other threads said that Marcus characters are "quite" arrogant & cocky, but I think it's suits him really well.

He displayed as a kid who knows PSP & it's games inside-out.

Just like Kevin Butler's commercials, he's advertising, promoting, even "advising" future owners the PSP to step their game up.

His... Uh... "Ghetto" & "gangster" style is quite amusing, in my opinion.

Now, I haven't seen his other commercials just yet.

But I think he's OK.

But as being portrayal of African-American = offensive by his character...


I'll leave that to others to judge... : l

rezzah5067d ago (Edited 5067d ago )

So im guessing Alirazaqpur (wow what a name >.>) would rather this black boy to sound more white, or to sound more less of who he really is........? Hey if your into playing dress up and pretending to be somebody else you do that, but dont go talking about how others should be like this or that. Just shows how pathetic you are.

Accept diversity.

Same thing goes for those who judge others like HHG, im not talking about what he brings to the table but how he brings it in the way he speaks. Just like how he says vidicle people go on and on about it.

Fact - most people do not comepletely accept those who present themselves differently because they see those individuals or groups of people as a lesser race. You can fool yourself into beleiveing you accept diversity, but you cannot fool others.

ThanatosDMC5067d ago

Damn, i missed all this because of sleep?! I'm never sleeping again!

Boody-Bandit5067d ago (Edited 5067d ago )

Bobb'e J. Thompson, the actor that plays Marcus Rivers, isn't exactly reaching to play this part of the PSP spokesperson no more than KB is reaching to play his role of VP of the PS3.

I have seen Bobb'e in quite a few shows and movies and this is who he is! Just watch the movie Role Models. He was the best part of that movie. I can't believe this kid has to read BS like this about him. Do you think he wants this? He probably thinks articles like this are completely out of line and insulting. I know I do.

Nothing but a bunch of racist trying to pretend they are not racist. The person that wrote this GARBAGE is just trying to get hits by using race. Racism might never completely be eliminated but nonsense like this makes it worse and not better.

Delive5067d ago (Edited 5067d ago )

They are targeting an audience. On one side of the line, you have confident. The other side is cocky. Marcus has no issue dancing back and forth between the two and most times, you can't tell when he did. Kevin Butler can be arrogant in his commercials, but it is still funny. It's acting. I like them both.
I actually find the article more offensive than the commercials.

Guitardr855067d ago

This is just how young young people talk. This just reaffirms my belief that some of the only reasons that racism still exists is because of people like aliraqaqur who have blatant examples of their own insecurity with ethnicity by saying things like,

"talk like a dumbass just cause he's black."

I think these commercials are hilarious especially since they invoke the same CHARACTER this kid portrayed in ROLE MODELS!!!!

We all seriously just need to move on!

Delive5067d ago (Edited 5067d ago )

This is a silly topic.

TotalPS3Fanboy5067d ago (Edited 5067d ago )

You're misunderstanding what I am trying to say.

"By saying a black person talks like a black person, you're implying there is a difference between the language used between blacks and other races."

I didn't meant a black person talks like a black person (refering to the whole race). I meant a black person talks like a black person (a black person here refering to the subject of the sentence, he himself).

For example...

I would talk like me.
A black person would talk like a black person.
John would talk like John, whatever that talking style is.

That is what I meant. Hmm... Maybe I should have used the term myself and himself instead of refering back to the orginal subject. I knew there was something wrong with the grammer of that sentence.

"White people do not act like white people because there shouldn't be and isn't a certain personality or 'type' that is indigenous to a race. We're all human on the inside, melanin content doesn't change anything."

Agreed. Which is why this article is bullsh*t. Marcus a hip-hop type of person. So that's why when he talks, that hip-hop personality is going to show through. For example, hip-hop type of peoples prefer using the word 'wassup' over 'hello'. It's just all part of their style and personality. And has nothing to do with their level or education, or is in any way, racist.

I mean come on, being a hip-hop type of person is now racist? That doesn't even make any sense.

"ok so hes talking with somewhat of a 'black accent' but they're showing him being rude with a black accent and trash talking, none of my black friends talk anything like that but i see it all the time in the media"

Again. This is Marcus. He's not suppose to reprensent the whole race. He's just there representing himself. I don't know why people keep thinking he's suppose to represent the whole race. Does HipHopGamer represent the whole race? No.

Although it would be weird if Marcus likes hip-hop, wears hip-hop clothes, but talks like a lawyer.

Monkey5215067d ago

It seems none of you have seen him in any movies..... Go watch Role Models, it's almost the exact same character. It seems that there is always someone who wants to be offended by everything. LET IT GO!! Not everything has to be condescending. If it sounds that way to you, you are probably either self-conscious or don't know how to take a joke. There are definitely limits, but these commercials don't even get near them.

sikbeta5067d ago

Ah, you kidding right? this is stupid, next thing is "Sony teh Racist"...


nycredude5067d ago

Has anyone stop to think that maybe, just maybe this is how Marcus really is?

gaffyh5067d ago

@nycredude - You beat me to it. That IS how Marcus is in normal every day life. He acts EXACTLY the same in all of his movies, but I guess it must be Sony being racist...

What a stupid article.

Dee_915067d ago (Edited 5067d ago )

the kid talks like almost every white kid i know
total racism and stereotyping goin on here ..

anf he dress like justin beiber i never heard any one call him gangster for the way he dress

Stop making excuses for being racist assholes

im black and this shit dont offend me at all
and if your black and this offend you then you are racist against your own race

Christopher5067d ago

***Would he not have appealed to the target audience had he been speaking more "educated"? ***

Honestly? No...

Rumor5066d ago (Edited 5066d ago )

n4g is the perfect place for mature reasonable gamers, i love this place honestly. as a black guy, i can say i really dont give two shits about how this guy talks, its getting psp sales. i think im going to come in here and see comments like "lol, n!gger" and "black ppl are soo funny" but i see reasonable fucking people talking about topics as...well...reasonable fucking people!

Prototype5066d ago

I'm getting sick of every time someone of another nationality or race gets to advertise for something there's always countless people who throw the race card and swear its "offensive" or "inappropriate."

What Sony is doing is proving anyone can enjoy their games and services regardless of who/what you are, and if that's how he is then so be it. I'd rather have someone who's representing themselves (even if it crosses the stereotype line) than "fake" it and be something they aren't. Me being black I'm "suppost" to not be a gamer, have more kids than you can count, and rap about not paying bills; and if one of us is "educated" and actually do something out of norm - they label us as "white" or say something else that makes absolutely no sense.

By the way the one commercial with Mod Nation Racers gave one of my boys the idea to hit on girls who has gamer boyfriends and he got some that night.

Like a lot of people been saying the racist ones are the idiots who are calling it themselves.

wsoutlaw875066d ago

how does this kid talk like a dumb ass. what words does he say that are not real words. ya he has an accent who doesnt. You are the one stereotyping people with that accent hypocrite. if you hate stereotyping then stop doing it.

TengkuAmir105066d ago

The last thing the world would want is a black kid talking like an educated straight-A student. I mean come on! Blacks are known to talk like that. I know cos I once lived in Michigan for 2 years and yeah, from my experience they do as a matter of fact, speak like that, although not as ghetto-ish it is still the same. Haven't you guys ever watch a movie starring a black gangster? A-Team anyone? Miss Latifah?


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ThatCanadianGuy5067d ago



After reading your comments it sounds to me, like you're the one with the racism issues here..

zootang5067d ago

Yeah it always tends to be the racist crying racist.

Anorexorcist5067d ago (Edited 5067d ago )

Just like the whole ridiculous issue with the Geico Caveman show and since the cavemen could dance, had sexual prowess, and were lazy, idiots were asking if the show was based on african americans.

People perceive what they want to perceive, and if they choose to stick certain characteristics with certain ethnical groups, then that is their choice. All the while they label others as racists, while most of those others are just tolerant and open to the fact that all people of all ethnic groups act differently.

If my only experience with rap music was with Eminem, I would most likely say that that black kid talks and acts like Eminem. Am I a racist???

Darkstorn5067d ago

As a white person, I don't feel any personal offense at the portrayal of black people in the ad, but who am I to say that it isn't offensive to African Americans?

VileAndVicious5067d ago

Exactly! you hit the nail on the head bubbles for you.

Im an African american and I dont find marcus particularly offensive but I might see how other African americans might think that.

I suppose that the problem is that blacks are usually portrayed a particular way by the media to behave and talk like Marcus. Which many believe to be stereotypical of the African American race. And it is. that isnt to say there aren't blacks that speak like Marcus, because there are. (I live here in Atlanta and youll surely meet quite a few.)

But this is a difficult discussion and you have to willing and able to see both sides to understand why someone might think Marcus is offensive. It goes far beyond just Marcus and has alot to do with the media in general.

Diamondwolf5067d ago (Edited 5067d ago )

Another ATLlien, represent!

Oh snap.......was that racist?

PS: Gwinnett County baby!

pangitkqb5067d ago

I agree that almost all media forms portray black stereotypes, some good and, all too many, bad. However, if these stereotypical depictions are so common and terrible, the question is then "why do blacks agree to play along?" Through hard work, toil, dedication and ambition, African Americans are a larger part of American (and world) media and entertainment than ever before. Many of them DON'T fall into typical black stereotypes (look at Robin Roberts, Morgan Freeman and countless black journalists, reporters, directors, etcetera), yet many do. In fact, huge numbers of black media representatives appear to PURPOSELY stereotype their own blackness and enjoy so doing. Look at Eddie Murphy's career, Dave Chapelle, and thousands of black rappers.

In the end, blacks choose to participate in the way they are portrayed by their own free will every time they accept an available role. Same for people of any race. Nobody is forced to portray something they don't want to.

As an admirer of black culture, capability, and social influence, I think blacks should be acknowledged as the masters of their own fate. If the bulk of blacks were truly, horrendously offended by portrayals such as Marcus', these portrayals would disappear. Because these portrayals continue to this day, obviously they are supported - to some extent - by the black community.

Biggest5067d ago

A lot of you are missing the point of life in general it seems. The Marcus character isn't a portrayal of anything. He's a character being a character. Nothing more. He does not represent anything but the PSP. There is no problem with the way he talks or acts. He does it because he wants to. The actor embraces that character because he wants to. That is also the same reason that someone might be offended by his character. They want to be offended. Racism hurts some people. It hurts when you want a job and aren't allowed to have the job you want because of your race. It hurts when you aren't allowed to date who you want to date because of your race. It hurts when you aren't able to live your life in peace because of your race. But it does not hurt when you choose to be offended by what you feel is a portrayal of you and your race. That is your choice. The Marcus character is what it is the same way I am who I am. His acting has no bearing on my life. People do not percieve me as more or less than I am because of this. All of what I just said can be summed up with this statement:

Quit your stupid ass Sony hate. I've been to Japan. Trust me when I say they LOVE black people. Microsoft and the Kinect are the real racists. Who else makes a camera that can't see black people? Well, other than HP. They're racist too.

iceman065066d ago

While I agree somewhat with your assertion that there are many black actors that "play along". I have to point out that most of the times it is a foot in the door. There was a time where the only parts that blacks were expected to play were stereotypical. Morgan Freeman has payed his dues, and also played some stereotypical roles as well. Eddie Murphy, whom you mentioned, is one of the most prolific black actors in Hollywood. But, he had to pretty much produce most of his movies just to get them in theaters because the studio heads didn't think that the roles were believable. As for most rap today...well...that is a case of big money and corporate dollars stifling creativity and forcing formulaic music. It's just pop music with an edge.
All in all, I do believe that some black actors, musicians, comedians, and sports figures add to the portrayal of blacks in a negative light. However, the options before them...should they choose to pursue a career in acting, music, etc. are limited. I think the bigger issue is really getting people to understand and realize that these portrayals are usually characters (some rappers and sports figures are plucked straight from low income, poorly educated areas and thrust into the public eye before they are truly ready). I no more believe that Bobbe J Thompson acts like Marcus on a daily basis than I believe that Mark Hamell actually has jedi powers. I guess it's easier to believe a stereotype than to actually look before you swallow the proverbial kool-aide.

Biggest5066d ago

It's just Kool-Aid, bro. And the best flavor is red. Just sayin'.

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sid4gamerfreak5067d ago (Edited 5067d ago )

Come on people, stop being so serious in life. If you stereotype just because u saw an ad which did so and start treating blacks like shit, then ur a douche and we have a problem. But i doubt ppl r like that

JsonHenry5067d ago

Looks a lot more tame than what I see on BET...

marinelife95067d ago

The kid is an actor that has been quite a few movie's before. This article is stupid. His typical role in film is exactly what he's doing in the commercials. It's entertainment people need to grow up.

Tapewurm5067d ago

I'm an old white honky and I think the commercials are great....like someone on the stories original site posted... "the kid sounds like Turk from Scrubs." Funny kid.....you would think the world would be past all this BS by now...he is just a kid, being a kid.

avengers19785067d ago

I like the Marcus PSP commercials there funny as hell, and he doesn't talk like a dumbass, Marcus is actually pretty smart. He just uses slang and street language the way everyone does. I do not find anything wrong with these ads.

MikeGdaGod5067d ago

i love it when white people tell me how black people should talk and sound

specialguest5067d ago (Edited 5067d ago )

That's how Marcus speaks in his movie roles and probably in his personal life. They hired Marcus because they love his character and attitude. Marcus is the new up and coming kid actor today, and they're trying to capitalize on his talent.

Let's face the facts people. We are all different in our own way whether it be in speech, fashion, etc., and that's the beauty of diversity.

emitsomla5067d ago

The world is just filled with ignorant people!

Dark General5067d ago

The guy who wrote this is obviously not in touch with the current fashion trend. I live in new york and how they have the kid dressing is exactly what's in chic right now. And as a black man I don't think it's racist or stupid or whatever. However I do find the kid annoying more or less except for this commercial: http://www.youtube.com/watc...

Solidus187-SCMilk5067d ago (Edited 5067d ago )

But someone somewhere will always be offended. Kinda like people saying Cole from gears is a stereo type, or black zombies in Africa from RE5 is racist.

edit-- off topic but taht kid, and the others too, are hilarious in role models.

I like it when stiffler(what ever his name is) is wearing the bull costume at the school and some kid says "nice costume." Then he says something like "Thats what your mom said last night when I fucked her in it."

rosebowl235067d ago

If it's so offensive, why don't blacks change their own image instead of asking everyone to pretend it's not true?

MikeGdaGod5067d ago

bet u wouldn't say that in front of any blacks....how convenient for u to hide behind a computer to talk ur sh!t....lol

Eddie201015067d ago

He talks like a street wise kid not a dumb ass. How someone talks does not dictate weather he or she is intelligent or not.

From what I have seen in these commercials he really hasn't said anything stupid.

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yewles15067d ago

Okay, this nitpicking has gone too far. There is NO legit reason to pin silly advertising like this as offensive unless there's potential monetary value in attempt. I'M offended by the article title, how d'ya like THAT?!?

Hanif-8765067d ago

A f*cking racist asshole wrote this piece of sh*t, please just give the kid a break will ya!

dangert125067d ago

nah i dont think so, the sony marketin guy said they were told a guy play his psp were nobody cause its no 'cool' so thats what sony are doing going after the cool market lol but except the ad they showed at e3 his scheme is really iritational

Silly gameAr5067d ago

Has anyone seen this kids work before Sony hired him? Have you seen Role Models? He's just being himself.


poopsack5067d ago

Thank youuuu

Even years ago in Thats So Raven the kid's had the same smart mouthed, upbeat personality. Should we blame Sony?

Cloudberry5067d ago

Just like KnaveX above said, he had the same smart mouthed & upbeat personality before Marcus River character.

It's suits him & the PSP commercials in my opinion.

BUBBLES+ for Silly gameAr.

Dante1125067d ago

Lol @ the folks yelling racism and the people generalizing blacks, e.g, "He's black, he's suppose to talk like that". The kid is just being himself. Watch his interviews, watch his standup he did awhile back. That's just him doing him. I wonder if people would yell "white washing" if Will Smith's son Jaden did the commercial ("Why is he talking all proper and "white" like that. That's racist!") XD

wiggles5067d ago

Lol god forbid that the kid talks the way that he does...

It's funny watching people scream that he is un educated just because he may talk differently from them... Some people can be really ignorant..

NexGen5067d ago

I did not find Marcus to come off as uneducated. I feel (besides his word choice) he comes off as savvy and confident, occasionally arrogant (which is no different than anyone who is an expert in their field). Being able to portray confidence in the face of the boss basically says, "yes, I'm good - I know it - and I'll prove it." That is intelligent and clearly not uneducated.

He may come off as less than humble, but education and his application of what he knows to such a large venture does not come across as racist stereotyping, or uneducated to me. Of course, I know this is fake and just a commercial, but you get the idea.

That's how I see it - and feel free to correct me as I may see it from a differing perspective as I am white. To me, it's not offensive, but it isn't my feelings that would be offended anyhow.

Spenok5066d ago

You said it for me man. You just gotta love ignorant people.

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A Matter Of Trust: What The Game Industry Should Do To Win Gamers Back

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anast4d ago

Nothing. It's up to the gamers to stop consuming content from companies that they don't agree with.

Garethvk4d ago

How do you know if you agree with it or not unless you play it? Which without conventions forces gamers to rely on trailers. Perhaps Demos should be made more frequently. But companies need to do better as well.

anast4d ago

Wait until release. Watch Gameplay. Exercise patience.

Garethvk4d ago

But is that not what they have now? Tons of gameplay or are you talking about watching actual gamers play it versus the trailers and streams? The big issue is that some companies pay streamers and influencers and they create content but for me; that is hardly a fair, unbiased, and factual look at a game.

1nsomniac4d ago

Get rid of the suits in the industry and job done!!

Garethvk4d ago

They usually are attached to the money sadly. It would be nice to have gamers in charge but you have so much money invested that business people are needed. Hence the issue; you need people who know business but are also gamers who know have an eye to the community. It sounds simple in theory that if you give gamers quality games that they want to play; money will be made. But that is not always so.


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