
Sony Already Falling Behind Microsoft When it Comes to Marketing Move

Since Sony and Microsoft both showed off their motion control tech at this years E3, we’ve seen little public demonstrations of Move. On the other hand Microsoft ’s Kinect has been on the move with it’s first public appearance to a live audience on NBC’s Late Night with Jimmy Fallon.

Nitrowolf25091d ago (Edited 5091d ago )

um didn't they also have a demostartion on a TV station show? (idk with what station but they were all speaking english)

I think Move and Kinect have both had there share with the media. Sony been doing it all over the world in different country (japan, USA, and i think even EU not sure) , MS had mostly in the USA

WhittO5091d ago (Edited 5091d ago )

I have already seen about 5 adverts for the new 360 on TV today.

They are going to be spending like $100 million on Kinect's advertising.
(Hope people don't fall for it like the youtube ads that have actors playing something that is edited in later to get around the 2 second lag..)

Bigpappy5091d ago

It is the casual appeal and the fact that it is easier than the wii to get into. The Move is easier to sell to the core than Kinect, because it is a controller and is better for fully playing core games.

Kinect will not work well for most core game without the use of a controller. But for casuals there is nothing move appealing.

Those are the eggs. Serve them as you wish.

-Alpha5091d ago (Edited 5091d ago )

Also, I think MS is just marketing it differently, to the wider audience, as evident by the nature of Kinect.

MS knows how to present and advertise their product. But so far it's just media exposure I haven't seen any proper advertising yet. I can see why the general audiences are more excited for Kinect. They hype it as "the first of its kind" and the mass audience eats it up because they don't know any better.

davekaos5091d ago

I think the guy who wrote this must have forgot about the massive deal between sony and coca-cola

evilmonkey5015091d ago

I was just gonna write that. Talk about HUGE. Coca cola is just about everywhere you look.

Nitrowolf25091d ago

i could imagine them doing a MOVE/Coke commercial

blackbeld5091d ago


Coca-Cola and Sony team up is big! This is the winning concept!

sikbeta5091d ago

Coca-Cola Supporting Move equal to a Major Success, Coke is Everywhere, if you Follow the FIFA World-cup, you only see Coca-Cola and Sony make.believe in the fields... :P

Spenok5091d ago

And not only that, but Sony has been having public showings of this since GDC in Febuary.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5091d ago
ThanatosDMC5091d ago

Kinect also keeps popping out on youtube.

MS spends their time marketing whatever it is they can market while Sony is spending on making more games.

skip2mylou5091d ago

firefox with ad block plus=no commercials :)

pippoppow5091d ago

Difference between MS and Sony

MS will advertise immensely their few exclusives and highly wanted shooters instead of investing in new studios and new IPs. Sadly it works but I'm glad Sony hasn't adopted a similar approach. Features, apps and timed exclusives are ok but to me it's kind of a diversionary tactic. It's kind of like going to a circus and the main attraction is a flea show but WOW the fireworks, cotton candy, jugglers and music were something else. The main focus should be about the main attraction the games not the fluff.

Game13a13y5091d ago

that goes to show you that bots are usually consist of unintelligent/uninformed people....

LoydX-mas5091d ago (Edited 5091d ago )

What an ironic thing for you to say, given the level of writing skill you just used.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5091d ago
AAACE55091d ago

MS has been marketing their ass off! I've seen so many commercials for the new 360 and ads for Kinect I am almost getting tired of seeing them! They even have one that pops up on here from time to time.

I haven't seen as much for the MOVE, but I suspect they will pick up the marketing when the release gets closer.

MorganX5091d ago

Will it be too late by then? A huge part of marketing is building demand. Not just announcing it's on the shelf now.

kingjoker345091d ago (Edited 5091d ago )

I was flipping channels yesterday and i even saw xbox 360 s with kinect on QVC!

the people who were selling it were listing all the features of it like the turn on the console from the controller, and play dvds, and has the best graphics of its rivals. I had to turn it off at that point.

morganfell5091d ago

Sony can afford to wait until the month prior to Move because their product launches first.

However Microsoft, is launches later in the year (if this year at all) and has to push hard for months prior to the Move launch. MS is actually making a huge mistake by spending marketing dollars now. Even they do not have an unlimited advertising budget and come later this year the coffers will be low on funds when Sony is launching and pushing hard.

Wrathman5091d ago

id like to see your marketing masters degree.i also like to assume that MS knows what its doing.since according to you and your chums on here,MS has been selling mediocre to shitware for years.and guess wot..it still sells.

sony may launch MOVE sooner..but right now the general public has kinect bombardment.and i cant wait to see how sony market MOVE.do you think casual joe and his wife will be able to distinguish between it and the wii?i know i cant.its just glorified.

as soon as MOVE is released some of them 3rd party add-on companys is gonna release a move cover for the wii.a snap on glow ball for the wii remote.$4.99.et voila DIY move dong

avengers19785091d ago

MS traditionally spends alot on advertising.

Christopher5091d ago

Well... duh. Everyone is behind Microsoft when it comes to marketing. Everyone.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 5091d ago
Prcko5091d ago

i don't like this stories

happyface5091d ago ShowReplies(3)
BakedGoods5091d ago

Microsoft is a marketing powerhouse, that's their biggest asset by far. Sony's gotten better over the years, but it seems like they're betting on word of mouth to carry Move.

Also keep in mind mainstream games will support Move, so eventually consumers will get used to seeing 'Playstation Move Support' on the game boxes and start asking questions. Meanwhile Microsoft needs to shove Kinect down people's throat since a majority of gamers won't even know that option exists since Kinect won't be supported in the more popular mainstream games--therefore less exposure.

deadreckoning6665091d ago (Edited 5091d ago )

"Also keep in mind mainstream games will support Move, so eventually consumers will get used to seeing 'Playstation Move Support' on the game boxes and start asking questions. Meanwhile Microsoft needs to shove Kinect down people's throat since a majority of gamers won't even know that option exists since Kinect won't be supported in the more popular mainstream games--therefore less exposure."

LMAO, there are so many things wrong with what you just said.

Can you explain the logic behind ur belief that Kinect won't be supported in more popular mainstream games? Kinect, for now, is being geared towards CASUALS. The majority of gamers(mainstream)in this world are CASUAL GAMERS. You know, the people that keep this industry afloat :)Casual games(Wii Fit, Wii Sports, Resort, etc.) sell MORE than hardcore games in general.

If anything you have it backwards. By your logic, the Move will do WORSE than Natal because it caters more towards hardcore gamers(NOT mainstream)


"There's barely any news about Kinect being used for hardcore games."

From a marketing point of view, Kinect doesn't need any hardcore games at the moment. It took the Wii YEARS to cater to the hardcore in the way they did at E3. What makes you think Kinect NEEDS to support hardcore games to be successful? Have you seen what the Wii has been doing for the past 3 years?

davekaos5091d ago

Mve is geared towards all gamers in general, natal is geared towards blind kids, unfortunately their are lots of them.
Fortunate for microsoft

adamx5091d ago (Edited 5091d ago )


ThanatosDMC5091d ago

Actually Move caters to both casual and hardcore. The glowy ball is like the right analogue stick.

Kinect on the other hand, as you say, "is being geared towards CASUALS". There's barely any news about Kinect being used for hardcore games.

Omega45091d ago ShowReplies(5)
Tony-A5091d ago

I don't know about you, but I wouldn't dump some cash over the summertime (when TV is watched the least) to get some people to know about a product that won't come out for months. They could forget by then.

I would much rather dump all my marketing cash on the month that my product releases to get people talking on it's release.

Other than a couple of TV appearances, neither have really marketed using commercials. Why do these articles make it seem like this whole thing should be a race to see who can jump the gun first?

Calm down, people, sheesh!

radphil5091d ago

Dunno why you have 2 bubbles, but I'm helping you out from that comment.

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Knightofelemia866d ago

I would label the Power Glove, Kinect, and that Tony Hawk skateboard more as hardware addons hardware failure would be like the Virtual Boy and one day Stadia.

Magog866d ago

Kinect was bundled with every Xbox One and inflated the price on an already underpowered and low RAM machine so for the One it wasn't an accessory as much as a white elephant.

CaptainHenry916866d ago (Edited 866d ago )

Definitely the RROD but that power glove had a lot of issues as well. The Kinect just didn't work

866d ago
CrimsonWing69865d ago

Hardware add-ons are more like RAM or a video card, basically components that enhance capabilities or performance of the computer.

If you really want to get technical the Kinect is more of a peripheral device, kind of like a keyboard or mouse to a computer.

ThatsGaming865d ago

The person in this article obviously is not up on their gaming history....

Sega Saturn, Sega Dreamcast, Coleco Gemini, Commodore 128, Commodore Amiga, Atari 5200, Atari 7800 were all massive failures and in most cases cost their companies participating in future gaming generations.

Gamer79865d ago

Sega saturn (successful in Japan) and dreamcast were not failures.
Seems like you're not up on you're gaming history

septemberindecember865d ago


How in the world are the Sega Saturn and Dreamcast not seen as failures? They both sold around 8M each, which is much lower than the ~30M that the Genesis had sold before it, and even the Master System before that. They were both the worst selling consoles in their respective generation (PS1, N64 outsold Saturn, PS2, GC, and Xbox outsold Dreamcast). Both of the consoles were incredibly short lived. The Saturn was discontinued in every territory but Japan after just three years. In Japan the console was discontinued after six years. Meanwhile the Dreamcast was discontinued worldwide in 2001 after launching in most territories in 1999 and in Japan in 1998. The failure of the Saturn and Dreamcast lead to Sega pulling out of the hardware market. Which, by the way, all of this occurred when Sega was massively dropping the price of their consoles quickly to compete. Sega was hemorrhaging money at this point.

None of this indicates a successful console. Saying the Saturn was a success because it did better in Japan is like saying the Vita is a success (they both sold around the same amount of units in Japan). Even the Wii U outsold these consoles worldwide.

Magog866d ago

The picture should be the 360 RROD. When I think of gaming hardware failures that's what springs to mind. Kinect and it's bundled price tag definitely hobbled the already underpowered Xbox One though for sure so I would give it a close second place.

porkChop866d ago (Edited 866d ago )

That's not what the author means by failures. It's about hardware that failed in terms of sales (Wii U) or just failed to deliver on its promise (Kinect).

Magog866d ago (Edited 866d ago )

Given that the 360 had a year head start, much easier hardware to develop for, was cheaper, and still ended up in third place I think it qualifies especially when you factor in the frustration and huge losses incurred by RROD.

porkChop865d ago

Selling over 80 million consoles isn't a sales flop. We get it, you don't like Xbox, but that doesn't mean the 360 is suddenly a failure.

Rhythmattic865d ago

You know how many people I know bought a 2nd or third 360 due to RROD? Even when MS had to confront the issue with replacement systems, my mates couldn't wait for even the turnaround of sending it in, and waiting for a replacement.,,..,..
If that's how you consider it a win... OK.. but so is having 5 , of which 3 don't function.... Its a win win....mwhahahahaha

porkChop865d ago

"my mates couldn't wait for even the turnaround of sending it in"

You're acting like it would take months. When I sent my 360 in I got a new one literally 5 days later. As soon as MS had tracking confirmation that you sent yours, they'd send a new one to you the same day. No one is going to spend hundreds to buy a new console instead of waiting a week. I swear you guys pull some of the dumbest shit out of nowhere and think people will actually believe it.

Regardless, none of this changes the fact that this isn't what the article is even about.

Rhythmattic864d ago (Edited 864d ago )

"You're acting like it would take months"
Sometimes it could.. FFS.. 'Strya here...
Best turnaround I reckon was 2-3 weeks.....
Either way, My mates experiences still exist.. So Sorry, no point trying to earn Xbox Achievements when it doesn't feature in what was a situation you never dealt with,,,,
3 of my friends would disagree (overall, 10 extra Xboxes purchased)
Regardless.. MS sold a lot of 360's that was due to this reason.. That is sales. Fact

"none of this changes the fact that this isn't what the article is even about."
Headline says HELLO !
Oh and "Sadly, not all hardware is created equal," that's enough to pass this on without taking your article bias into consideration.....
As for the rest.... Ok.. But you've actually gone out of your way to give MS a Pass... Fap on.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 864d ago
Aloymetal865d ago (Edited 865d ago )

Yup, and because of that big fiasco MS had to fork out 1 billion but knowing them I think they're very proud of the 360, it's the only time a MS console reached 80mil+ sales, RROD played a big part of that and a record they will never break again.

Rhythmattic865d ago (Edited 865d ago )

So true.. Even when MS accepted they where caught out in the biggest lie of any generation, The wait for a replacement was outweighed by just buying another, and having one be returned as a backup, which, btw, generally failed on first swap.
I own honestly can't believe MS tards are just supporting , or arguing why and what MS did by just dismissing it....

lonewolf10866d ago

Lol I had the Atari Jaguar, surprised its "competition" the 3DO isn't on the list too, both as "popular" as each other.

SullysCigar866d ago

Lol same. Played the crap out of Aliens Vs Predator and Tempest 2000 .... aaand that's about it really!!

lonewolf10866d ago

Sad but true that was pretty much it.

Kurt Russell865d ago

Agreed, I never actually saw a 3DO make it to retailers in the UK. At least the Atari Jaguar was sold for around 6 months.

lonewolf10865d ago

It made it to some my brother got one, fared just as well as the Jaguar so most probably hard to find in general.

darthv72865d ago

3do had way better games. Jaguar not so much. Neo Geo sold less than both and yet isnt considered a failure. Go figure.

LWOGaming866d ago

Stadia is a weird one. It hasn’t sold at all well but in terms of how it works it’s still miles ahead of Xcloud in terms of stability and performance. Xcloud is still a way behind and that needs sorting but it will be in time. Stadia for me is one of those things that will go down as a what could have been moments. With better marketing it could have been a roaring success. I still play it and it remains the best place in my opinion to play CyberPunk 2077. Only platform I have played it on without having any issues at all. The tech is great. The concept is fine. Marketing terrible. Shame really.

Magog865d ago

The sales model was awful. They should have teamed with an existing player to allow for local and cloud access to games or a gaming subscription service.

LWOGaming865d ago

It was a strange mess from such a huge company, as I said, as a system it works really well but without gamers it’s nothing. Such a waste,

LWOGaming866d ago

The Xbox One was Microsoft’s Nintendo Wii U. Undercooked, undersold and just an unholy mess. The thing is with any of these failures is to learn from them and thankfully both Nintendo and Xbox did just that to the benefit of gamers everywhere.

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