
360 HW Outselling PS3 Worldwide

With the recent release of the new slim and the huge momentum from Kinect the 360 has had a massive boost of sales even with huge shortages, and with the boost from the US alone (due to the slim releasing later for the rest of the world) the 360 has broken significantly outpaced the PS3 a trend which will likely continue.

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Xwow20085088d ago

is that ps3 is outselling x360 hardware worldwide for almost all weeks in 2010(according to vgchartz)..but when a 1 week the 360 outsell ps3 a 360fanboy submit the news on n4g.

Note:most of the 360 slim owners are already have 360s...see the software sales:
Wii 2,006,111 (-15%) 492,037,923 (6.83)
PS3 1,405,326 (-12%) 250,351,723 (7.06)
X360 1,269,051 (-16%) 359,965,659 (8.91)
DS 1,189,524 (-1%) 559,100,991 (4.27)
PSP 434,301 (-16%) 162,624,990 (2.77)
PS2 173,899 (-5%)

Xwow20085088d ago

1 last thing...its interesting that vgchartz news got approved, so we can now submit vgchatrz news every week when the ps3 outsell 360?^^

FlatulentGhost5088d ago

"but when a 1 week the 360 outsell ps3"

Uh, no.

vgchartz is a site run by a 20 something year old Xbox fan who sits at home and types fake numbers into his computer and uploads them to his crappy little website.

vgchartz was started after the kid was repeatedly caught posting fake sales numbers on the neogaf forums. He eventually got perma-banned from the forums over his idiotic attempts at making Xbox 360 sales look better than they actually were. So he started his pathetic little fanboy site so he could spread his fake sales number lies.

Even with the little Xbox fan at vgchartz using SHIPPED numbers for Microsoft and SOLD for Sony and Nintendo he still can't inflate 360 sales enough to keep the Microsoft numbers above Sony. Even more embarrassing is the PS3 is still 100 dollars more expensive.

Reporting SHIPPED instead of SOLD numbers
100-200 dollars cheaper
Millions and millions of replacement Xbox 360s from the RRoD
And rushing a console out a year to year and a half early

And this is the best Microsoft can do. LOL

ChronoJoe5088d ago

VGC corrects any of its data with NPD stats, but mostly very, very accurate. Some of you have no idea what you're talking about and simply look for any excuse to shrug it off.

But yeah, a sales boost is expected at the launch of a new system. It's not anywhere near as large as the sales boost the slim offered (it boosted sales by 1000%) and we'll have to see how these sales are sustained.

I doubt it'll last very long, as is a lot of current owners are gradually replacing there old 360s with the new ones.

Wrathman5088d ago (Edited 5088d ago )

vgchartz= worst piece of industry guess work..i think patcher runs this site.

but i have add..to all the ps3 fanboys claiming its current 360 owners rebuying...did you forget the ps3 slim?or does fanboy logic state that only new customers bought that?

jezzz its only vgchartz..i wouldnt even claim that as a source and you say im an xbox fanboy!

rlm425088d ago (Edited 5088d ago )

@Xwow2008 The thing is that this is news because it's showing the shift in momentum.. So what is your problem with this being a news article?

Stop being a blatant fanboy and accept this as news as something DIFFERENT is now happening with hardware sales.

DelbertGrady5088d ago (Edited 5088d ago )

If "we" can constantly approve articles about 360 games being leaked onto torrents(never any news about Wii/PC/PSP/DS games) I don't see why this can't be posted.

Hell, this is the most factual piece of journalism I've ever read compared to some of what the hiphopgamer comes up with.

theKiller5088d ago (Edited 5088d ago )

for the first time in a long time world wide!!

and that is to be expected!! 360 just introduced a slim version!! and many people think that it is more reliable than the fat one!!

assuming the numbers are close to correctness but we all know how correct VGCHARTZ is.

and God knows the best.


stiggs5088d ago

"And this is the best Microsoft can do. LOL"

You sound just as pathetic as the person that you described in your post.

Conloles5088d ago

If the facts were the other way around no one would be saying Meh around here.

DaTruth5088d ago

Again VGChartz disappears when it's favourable for the PS3 only to return in one day when 360 gets good sales!

Now, when sales go back to normal, VGChartz is again being approved with good PS3 sales and PS3 owners have the audacity to comment on sales, we will hear the same, "Now teh VGChartz iz correct" from 360 fanboys!

beans5088d ago

Why is it when ever PS3 is selling better worldwide you guys are praising it but now(since the shoe is on the other foot) it doesn't matter blah blah blah? Sounds like you guys are having serious double standard issues.

OT-With 360 and Ps3 starting to generate momentum I wonder just how long it will last and if they could somehow give Nintendo a true run for the money this holiday.

lh_swe5088d ago

Since both consoles are selling strong and will continue to sell strong due to their very strong future line-ups (both hardware & software), especially when we are talking about a market share with such little difference (taking mostly yearly market share into account).

There have been no verifiable evidence that one of the two consoles are in any way doomed nor destined to outperform the other by significant margins as any strong move be it in marketing, exclusive games or hardware peripherals will always push the competition to match or surpass that initial move thus a conclusive end to the "race" cannot be established until the actual "race" is actually over.

Now undoubtedly one could argue from a pure mathematical stand point pitting exclusives and their respective scores against each other, hardware and their respective pro's and con's against each other and assign each feature a score of importance/value/usage and pit those against each other but then we completely ignore the individual and their own needs and preferences which would just be redundant as we are not a collective consciousness but an individual one. I think it's also important to learn to respect those individual preferences as they hold NO bearing on important real world issues.

Delive5088d ago

I agree that some of the PS3 slim purchases were original replacements, but we all know that many were refusing to buy a PS3 because of the price (and lack of quality games). I would say far more PS3 slim owners are new buyers than replacements because of the coupled price drop. With the 360 slim, there is no price drop with that model, only the discontinued models. Everyone I know that owns a new 360 slim took advantage of the gamestop trade in program of the older 360s. One guy even traded in 2 360s to get 1 360 slim. So, yes, they both received boost from the slim models, but different kinds of boosts.

SonyPS3605088d ago

They did the exact same thing when the Ps3 first started to gain ground too.

Quit whining and calling other people fanboys, you hypocrite.

Christopher5088d ago

The new 360 will outsell for a good month or two.

Gothdom5088d ago

Sales spike are to be expected, but I doubt the 360 will have long run with it's S model.

ASSASSYN 36o5088d ago

People have been hating on Vgchartz news for years on this site and as soon as it has high ps3 numbers it becomes a credible source of system sells. But, when 360 sells overtake ps3 all hell breaks loose aginsts the site and it's 20 something year old operator.

EvilBlackCat5088d ago (Edited 5088d ago )

so lets say that

PS3 outsell Xbox360


Xbox360 outsell PS3...

What do you win or earn because of that?


this goes for everybody

i really wanna know what you guys win with that



Xbotx, Droids and whatever the name they have for wii fanboys

killershadow1175088d ago

because then you have to say that about the PS3 slim too. So you could argue that the PS3 was outselling the Xbox because of the slim, but now that they are on an even playing field again, vgchartz will be more accurate now.

Hideo_Kojima5088d ago

Oh come on Xwow2008...

N4G can't be this corrupt.

Are you telling me when the PS3 was outsold for the majority of 2009 and in the first week the PS3 Slim was released it started selling more people didn't post that on the news?

Enough with the double standards it makes me feel sick.

Solidus187-SCMilk5088d ago (Edited 5088d ago )

I dont take VG charts numbers for fact, as I know they are estimates.

But it is funny to see everyone say vg charts are unreliable now. But when Vg chartz showed slow Alan wake sales it was taken as fact instantly(we still dont have may npd numbers to see how AW did in NA, LOL).

If you want to know exactly how the new 360 did, you will have to wait till the JUNE NPD comes out. The MAY NPD isnt out yet ether, it was delayed.

fuckitimout5088d ago

if it's not in anyway lucrative them? Console 'wars' are stupid

JD_Shadow5088d ago

Of course it could be more because of the newness of the whole thing. That and the whole "MS counts ALL consoles being given out as sales" business that could be true (over-saturation, as I am wondering with why the Wii sales were beginning to fall, is somehow not affecting the 360 when it should be starting at this point). This might happen for a short while, so that isn't such a big deal. The big deal will be if the streak continues. That and VGChartz HAS seemed to always inflated the 360's sales, and it's been accused of doing so for years. The argument doesn't go away, so there has to be SOME truth to it.

We do care about sales, though, because the devs who use the data as a sign of trends to determine what to give exclusive perks for do care (trends and what people are buying). Of course, that being said, there is also a sort of thing as overstating the sales as the only way to determine quality. I don't think any amount of sales will stop people from thinking that disc space and system limitations are going to be issues.

To me, I think that if this is true, it'll be very short term. Most of these don't last for long before things return to where they were. Usually it takes a mistake from the people who have the momentum to make a change like this continue.

bjornbear5088d ago

the point is:

PS3 sales : no one cares because we know it sells

360 sales: instantly posted on N4G once it over takes PS3

big deal, its N4G the 360 refugee camp is constantly festered with disease so they need a good news once in a while =)

either way, congrats to the new 360, glad it helped with momentum (lets face it, 360 was loosing it a bit)

Anon19745088d ago (Edited 5088d ago )

Not that I don't believe that 360's took a bump as they blow out the old stock for cheap, but this link doesn't actually take you to a news article. Is this some kind of joke?

Secondly, why does VGchartz show only 35.49 million PS3's? Sony reported 35.43 million PS3's sold at the end of Dec, 2009. Does Vgchartz expect us to believe the PS3 has only sold 60,000 consoles in the past six months?

Dee_915088d ago

WII and DS are also outselling ps3 too....
did you get that ? lol

somerandomdude5088d ago (Edited 5088d ago )

How did this article get approved without editing?
"the 360 has broken significantly outpaced the PS3 a trend which will likely continue"
Where is this comment even coming from, it's not on the web page given? I do not see any facts backing up that the trend might continue, it seems to come from nowhere?

The sales aren't even that far apart in worldwide sales, vgchartz might not even have full information, this could easily change the results.

Heisenberg5088d ago

This looks like it was written by a slower than average 5 year old with ADD. Learn how to construct a coherent sentence before submitting news. You must have read over it before you submitted it, right? The education system has failed you pal.... Were you just like: "This doesn't quite make sense, it's just a long run on sentence with no punctuation, some words in the wrong places, some words that simply don't even belong in it, but people may get the general gist of it, so fuck it I'll just leave this nonsense as is and submit it."

Anon19745088d ago

I forgot that Sony switched from reporting consoles shipped to consoles sold after the end of fiscal 2006. The number that had at the end of 2006's fiscal year was 5.5 million shipped, but it was 3.61 million units sold.

That took means their worldwide total at their year end last March was 35.95 million.

Still, VGchartz's numbers are way off from the official numbers, even if it's not as much as I had originally thought. They only claim there's 35.5 million PS3's sold now when Sony said there was 35.95 sold as of last March. Does VG still expect us to believe no PS3's were sold the last 3 months?

edgeofblade5088d ago

A wise man once said "There are lies, damned lies, and statistics."

Look, I'm surprised EITHER side of this argument has anything more than an pack upright drinking straws to stand on.

But especially liked this little quote: "most of the 360 slim owners are already have 360s"

Do you have any evidence that that's the case? Or that PS3 owners weren't buying up PS3 Slims any more than 360 owners were buying 360-Ses? Pot, meet Kettle.

Jazz41085088d ago

It will be the first of many charts reporting it.

soxfan20055088d ago

Funny how you've disappeared for the past 9 months while VGChartz showed PS3 outselling 360.

Suddenly, 360 is back on top, and out of the woodwork you crawl with your ridiculous conspiracy theories.

Just an amazing coincidence I guess.

beardpapa5088d ago

well vgchartz needs to make a living somehow...

Aquanox5088d ago

IT's probably too early to call a difference but it seems that the Xbox 360 has earned a lot of steam since E3 and I wouldn't be surprised if this trend continues and gets stronger in Holiday's season with Kinect.

homer5088d ago

You obviously do not know what you are talking about. Vgchartz is not run by xbots. Its community is way more focused on nintendo and sony.Majority of its users are against microsoft (meaning they do not own their console and do not care about it.)They do not track shipped data over sold for anything. There are multiple threads about shipped vs sold( so many that if you start one about this topic, it gets locked /you get banned) where people complain about the numbers not being correct because way more were shipped. Albeit, they may not be the most accurate, but they are the best at presenting the data.


Never take VGCHARTZ numbers seriously they're never accurate ...just a bunch of made up numbers.

MasterX5088d ago

Note:most of the ps3 slim owners already had the old ps3

Drac5088d ago

The only place where 360 outsold the PS3 was the US, not really a good start for a new slim version of the console.

No Way5088d ago

So, I find it funny Jamie Foxx says, vgchartz eh.
But, then read what xwow says, it's hilarious, ha.

So, Jamie Foxx, VGChartz is only 'good' when PS3 says more, huh?

BX815087d ago

Sweetie don't get worked up because you don't see sh%t of the profit!

+ Show (37) more repliesLast reply 5087d ago
Rainstorm815088d ago

Now half will embrace Vgchartz again and the other half will renounce it again.

Its fun to watch flip flopping on N4G.

FlatulentGhost5088d ago

Oh god shut up.

No one but diehard Xbox fans still cling to vgchartz fake sales numbers.

There is no 'flip flopping' retard.

nickjkl5088d ago

vgchartz sales numbers arent fake they might be out dated some times but their not fake

angel_from_above69865088d ago (Edited 5088d ago )

flip flopping 101

resolution only matters- except red dead redemption
disk space matters- only in final fuck up 13

wifi mattered when the 360 didnt have it
now the tables turned.........play behind last gen text chat hahah i did that shit on dreamcast.......

but but ps3 is soooooooooo much better!!! eh beterz!

web browser that sucks! but but but teh live dont have that sorry ass shit!!! but but but but teh!!!

last but not least achievements suck!!!!! its just your e-penis!!!!!!!

sony says trophies....now its all great

SonyPS3605088d ago

Vgchartz is only relevant if it shows data favoring the Ps3.

Now suddenly it's biased the moment another console is reported to be selling better, even if it's just for one week.

Gotta love the fanboys calling "fanboy" on this article.

Redlogic5088d ago

when I saw this article up on the site, I knew exactly how the comments would read before I even read them. Fanboys arguing over the same ol $hit...who cares? I wish people could just be happy the either system is selling well. The xbox should see a nice sales boost from all this media hype and momentum. I can see it selling strong for at least 2 or 3 more months and I say good for them.

PS. Gears 3 with dedicated servers?!? Count me in!!

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5088d ago
tinybigman5088d ago (Edited 5088d ago )

those that worship sales extremely happy for the 360 selling well last week. now they can sleep better at night knowing their world won't come to an end.

oh and please don't act like the US equals the world. this well only lead to people calling us arrogant and all sort of names again.

you know I've come to the conclusion that those who live for sales either a) have stock in said companies, or b) need these sales to validate their existence.

and before people come at me with the you're a fanboy just know that i own all 3 systems with great games. i have no problem admitting i support all 3.

Jdoki5088d ago

I suspect it's b)!

I gauge success on how much fun I have playing the games each console provides, not on sales.

tinybigman5088d ago

i completely agree with your post. if i judged the success on sales alone I'd only own a wii. but fortunately i judge them on the great games I've played for each system.

hence the owning of all 3 consoles in my case.

Rainstorm815088d ago

Thats the only problem with some of the n4g community sometimes, fanboys think you cant enjoy everything in gaming.

You must be caught up in some kind of fictional console war. Hey console wars are for executives and people who need justification in thier purchases.

I understand having a preference (as do i)....but damn

R0me5088d ago (Edited 5088d ago )

worldwide? Yes if US = world
headline is just wrong.

gcolley5088d ago

as long as i dont end up with another gamecube i couldn't give a sh1t about sales. most of the games i enjoy are multiplats.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5088d ago
OmarJA-N4G5088d ago

I thought VGChartz was irrelevant, what happened?

Nobody bothered submitting it when the PS3 was outselling the 360.

Well assuming it's true the 360 obviously is struggling outside the U.S. & can't keep up even with the new model.

The new 360 Slim is barely effective & will only give it a slight boost in the U.S. alone temporarily.

shocky165088d ago

VGChartz numbers are posted here EVERY week dude.

Ju5088d ago

He's right though. While the overall numbers push the 360 over the PS3 - but still below the Wii - it is the US only which contributed to these numbers. Neither Japan nor Europe saw the 360 overtaking either. That makes me think the 360S wasn't released there yet, or it simply had no impact.

thewhoopimen5088d ago (Edited 5088d ago )

I'd like to know where this article you "linked" contains the following passage:

"....the 360 has significantly outpaced the PS3 a trend which will likely continue "

The summary is highly misleading and suggests VGChartz came to this conclusion via a one month data analysis, which they did not. I believe Zir0 knowingly falsified information in his summary and should be banned from having submission privileges.

Chris3995088d ago (Edited 5088d ago )

note that the PS3 is outselling the 360 in software for the week. So, using common sense, what we have here is old owners repurchasing the system.

That said, Vgchartz is only accurate based on a 2-3% sample base, whereas NPD is upwards of 60%. Keep that in mind when referencing the site.


As of 2007, NPD DOES track Walmart, btw. So let's stop that chain of misinformation please:


If you like to play sales, you should probably wait for the NPD (I like to play GAMES, personally). And whoever posted this article did so duplicitously, as there isn't an actual article, just a link to Vgchartz and a fabricated paragraph. Pretty sure that's against N4G posting guidelines.

vhero5088d ago

How can something not released in the EU outsell the PS3? I don't get it?? It's not even out here yet.. Also that link only shows games..

lelo2play5088d ago

Humm... vchartz... they make up their numbers. Does not mean the X360 did not outsell the PS3, but i take vchartz numbers with a grain of salt.

5088d ago
ProjectVulcan5088d ago

ANYONE here who didnt think that launching new hardware means a short sharp uptake in sales? Course it will. Sustained sales is what matters to these companies, will this slim trigger a few months of continuous sales lead for 360? That is the question. I dont believe so.

bobdog6265088d ago (Edited 5088d ago )

The New 360 is taking control and Halo Reach is just around the corner not counting kinect.This looks Really Bad at this Point for Sony.GT5 is not Enough to Stop Halo this time.I hope Socom is Ready by then or this is going to Hurt sonys sells alot.

TheGrimReaper5088d ago

Maybe Halo Reach will sell more than GT5. Halo 3 didn't stop Sony, Halo ODST didn't stop Sony and neither will Halo Reach stop Sony.
I'd say the major problems are on Microsofts side. Think about this: last Halo from Bungie and Gears 3 is the last game of the series which has to be exclusive (if Epic and MS don't make a new deal).
I think GT5 shifts more PS3s than Halo Reach shifts 360s IMO.

AC130-Gunship5088d ago (Edited 5088d ago )

Don Mattrick made comments regarding the new Xbox 360's price point going into the holiday season. Clearly M$ has unleashed the hype train early to stave off the PS3 sales momentum. The Kinect add-on is aimed at the casual market (of which most already own a Wii), so that leaves the hardcore gaming market. So if the choice this holiday season is between the "sleek" version of the Xbox or PS3 exclusive like God of War 3, Uncharted 2, Grand Turismo 5, Little Big Planet 2, Killzone 3, MLB 10: The Show, Demon Souls, Journey, Flower, Fat Princess and many others.

I pick exclusives

PCnPS3Gamer5088d ago (Edited 5088d ago )

whatever unfortunately my fellow north americans are stupid sheep....who are attracted to shiny things with out dated tech.....*cough* dvd tray with no locking.....ps3 still is the better buy whether or not people realize it....

1.blu ray drive (slot loading)
2.internal power supply
3.proven reliability
4.over 21 first party exclusives
5.new ips every year
6hdd interchangeable not proprietary
7.hdmi 1.3
9.better 3d
10.free online
11.50gb games aka no multi disks ever or disc content limitations, free dlc on disc
12.sony move has real games not just games on rails and casual petting games
13.has Uncharted 1,2, gow3, gt5, infamous killzone 2, 3, motorstorm, little big planet, twisted metal, exclusive content for all Ea multiplat games not timed.

whether or not consumers realize the ps3 is the better hardware or not doesnt make it inferior face it majority of consumers are oblivious and buy into fads..aka the 360 and its rrod...

imo as long as japan still buys the ps3 over the 360 thats all that matters cause we can all agree the japanese only buy the best.well the wii is an exception lol but im sure move will change that a bit ...

SaberEdge5088d ago

Just because you like it better does not make it better. Other people have different opinions. Not everybody has the same needs or wants, so assuming everybody wants the same features as you is asinine.

I could just as easily say that you are the stupid sheep buying into the Playstation fad just because it was more popular last generation. But I won't do that because I have a PS3 that I love and I recognize that different people like different things.

Arrogant people like you who think their opinion is the only valid one are the people this country could do without.

PCnPS3Gamer5088d ago

whatever man. yeah your totally right who needs a blu ray player, dvd is fine. theyre the same fucking price. people are morons for choosing the 360, only reason most buy the 360 is cause all theyre friends have it aka sheep.. so stfu you know im right....ps3 is better piece of technology. the 360 is getting so outdated with its dvd drive...its showing so bad and its only gunna get worse...its simple developers want to make bigger games but dont want to make multi discs so they will choose the ps3 , unless ms bribes them...and then gamers lose when we have to pay for dlc aat launch and get gimped games. i dont know about you but i wish my multiplats had just as much content as my ps3 exclusives....be gamer buy the ps3 or be a sheep and buy the 360 and screw everyone over, including yourself...the 360 should just die like hddvd....its just holding this gaming generation back with its last gen hardware....cant argue with facts so dont even bother

commodore645088d ago (Edited 5088d ago )

Two factors say it's not:

1. Vgchartz isn't always judged to be reliable. (unless it's seen to be posting good ps3 news)
2. It's only one week.

For this to be considered a new trend, we need more data.
After two months of consistent outperformance we might be able to say that 360 is once again outselling the ps3.
Kinda like the proven declining Ps3 momentum in Japan. http://n4g.com/comments/red...

An established trend with accurate numbers, as in the link above, would be more convincing. Of course, if this IS a new trend then those numbers will evidently be forthcoming in the next few months.

n4gno5088d ago

"but i have add..to all the ps3 fanboys claiming its current 360 owners rebuying...did you forget the ps3 slim?or does fanboy logic state that only new customers bought that? "

It was really different, price was a problem for a lot a people, and they wanted a ps3 since the beginning, here, nobody now is dreaming about a xbox when you can have better (ps3), only fans wanting a new garanty, and some sheep are buying that (and the difference for a first week, with a ps3 hard to find in us, is really small...in 2 weeks, the ps3 will dominate again worlwide, like always since the beginning.

for the vgchartz subject, everybody knows that they are always under for the sony numbers, and the contrary for the others, but that give us a kind of idea of the worldwide chartz (funny too see that the only news from vgchartz this years, is for a short momentum for the xbox....each month, logic would be to here "xbox is doomed", like it was the case for sony 2006/2007, but no....propaganda continue)

MNicholas5088d ago (Edited 5088d ago )

everywhere but the USA.

900% more in Japan
70% more in EMEAA (Europe, Middle East, etc...)

Quite simply, last week, the 360 experienced a huge jump in the USA.

Since there's no accompanying jump in software sales or degradation in sales of competing hardware, it seems to be simply a result of the "fat" 360 liquidation sales.

There's no discernible increase in actual demand for the product. It's simply that greater affordability results in higher sales volume.

2010 cumulative hardware Sales as of last week.

Wii 6.6M (100% more than 360)
PS3 4.4M (33% more than 360)
X360 3.3M

The Lazy One5088d ago

The 360S isn't out anywhere else yet. Why would anyone even buy a 360 anywhere else right now when in a week or two they'll have either a new redesigned system for the same price, or vastly cheaper old systems?

And cumulative sales barely matter at all till the holiday. Sales from September to December make the whole rest of the year look like a giant circle jerk.

Ju5088d ago (Edited 5088d ago )

"And cumulative sales barely matter at all till the holiday"

That's why I think MS screwed up big time with the "S" release.

a) it got not general price reduction - that is, a visible price tag with all (!) prices reduced across SKUs
b) only the Elite got an "S" model. Arcade is likely to follow. But that means, the "S" won't have that big of an impact.
c) It's too early. To have a massive impact, this would need to be released later, closer to the holidays (MS might reserve that spot for Natal, err, Kinect).

We don't even know if those numbers are "S" sales, or fire sales of current stock. There are quite some low price offers around with current models.

The sales spike is expected. But not as high as it could be, IMO.

MNicholas5088d ago (Edited 5088d ago )

The fact is that those cumulative sales reflect how the 360 has been consistently outsold for a very long time, holiday season included.

2009 holiday season (September through December):

PS3: 7.7M
360: 5.6M

Last 12 Months:

PS3: 13.7M
360: 10.1M

The one week sales jump in the US is because of the massive discounts on the older units due to liquidation of old stock.

It's mostly existing 360 owners buying their 2nd or 3rd 360 (for extra room or as out-of-warranty replacement) and others buying it for later gifting. That's why there's been no accompanying increase in software sales.

Biggest5088d ago

This is completely not true. In my world the PS3 is outselling the Wii and 360 combined. By my count PS3 is up 3 - 1 against the other guys. They're up 5 - 1 if we're considering handhelds. In my world, which is the only one that matters to be honest, Sony is always winning! Unless of course the 3DS turns out to be that good. And if the new 360 is actually reliable and less than $299 for their top of the line (not paying $299 for a DVD player). My world has spoken!

The Lazy One5088d ago

Call us when you wake up.

MazzingerZ5088d ago

well...congratulations...I guess... :S

pixelsword5088d ago

"360 HW Outselling PS3 Worldwide..."

... For a week.

SaberEdge5088d ago

How do you know it will only be for a week? Oh that's right, you don't.

pixelsword5087d ago

Boy, don't you know who I iz?

Pika-pie5088d ago

Will be alot of people upgrading to the slim.. I know il be doing the same once it hits the UK. Doubt it has anything to do with Kinect

morkendo5088d ago


enough said

jerethdagryphon5088d ago

any how its another case of upgrade fever, new shiny xbox lets trade in our oldo nes and buy it .. i was in a shop today and no less then 10 people asked for trade in values towards the new xbox

Socrates5088d ago

I've noticed a very peculiar behavior of some fanboys. The times the PS3 started to close the gap they act like it is permanent momentum, but when the 360 widens the gap they act like it is just a very temporary thing.

This whole generation there have been times the 360 widened the gap and there have been times the PS3 narrowed the gap. It just goes back and forth depending on price cuts, new hardware revisions, big games and other things that happen with each console.

After the PS3 got a big price cut and a hardware revision we saw a big upswing in its sales and it began to close the gap on the 360. Now the 360 has lowered the price on the Arcade model, come out with a new version of the 360 with more features for the same price and has Halo Reach and Kinect soon to release, so now we will see an upswing in the 360s sales and a re-widening of the gap.

FanboyPunisher5088d ago (Edited 5088d ago )

They don't understand that just like the ps3 slim, the 360 slim will make older consoles cheaper and more people can buy off lowest price or newest unit. Hahahahahhah what do you guys have now???

I love how every Sony fanboy is circle jerking eachother in dis-support of a website they use to troll all the time. They are upset and desperate by the look of all the comments, I remember seeing tons of links to vg charts so you guys can troll and use you Sony corrupted moderators to keep the Sony love juices flowing

+ Show (19) more repliesLast reply 5087d ago
rroded5088d ago

DS 253,938 (+16%) 130,847,675
Wii 179,258 (-8%) 72,074,499
X360 163,907 (+91%) 40,391,841
PS3 119,466 (-3%) 35,483,791
PSP 79,014 (-23%) 58,658,850
PS2 31,381 (-3%) 136,400,534

FlatulentGhost5088d ago

After five years of making up his idiotic fake sales numbers, the little 20 year old Xbox fan who runs vgchartz still thinks that by typing out random numbers to a single digit of precision he is making his fanboy garbage look 'real'.

vhero5088d ago

We all knew for a short while the new 360 would outsell the ps3 anyways especially in the US does this mean it will do it after the shine of the new console wears off?? Only time will tell..

bobdog6265088d ago

Micro don't need to out sell the PS3 .All they need to do is Break Even to Win.Time has Told us again and again who the Winner is this Gen .Why won't you Wake Up and Get a Grip on life.Its over Dude

Statix5088d ago

First of all, the console wars are technically over and the Wii has already won if it's based on console unit sales alone. I think a bigger, much more important determinate in a console's degree of success is in its software sales (albeit, the 360 might still win in this regard in the long run), considering that the 360's hardware numbers will be so inflated by people replacing their RROD broken Xboxes multiple times -- and now w/ existing 360 owners trading in their systems for the new "Slim" to Gamestop -- when it's all said and done.

Secondly, who says the Xbox will continue to break even with the PS3 in the long term, after the temporary price cuts on fat 360's and the Gamestop "360 Slim" trade-in offers have expired? They might not, and hardware sales might return to the same levels as they were before in a couple months or more. Not to mention the PS3 will get boosts of its own when it either drops its price again, or it introduces a new Slim model redesign (yes, I mean a REAL Slim model).

Statix5088d ago

Nice little bump for the Xbox because of the introduction of the new "Slim" model, but it's not that impressive of a jump. Considering that a huge portion of the jump in America-region sales is likely due to either existing 360 owners trading their old models in (Gamestop having an offer for people to trade in their old 360 for the Slim), and/or stores getting rid of that old 360 stock w/ temporary $50 price cuts.

In all honesty, I don't see how a glossier version of an old console, priced at $299, is significantly going to boost sales that much in the long term just by itself. Nice little boost for this week for the 360, but sales will drop significantly in the long run.

Newtype5088d ago (Edited 5088d ago )

360 owners rebuying. Most likely this will be short lived though.

bobdog6265088d ago

Theres a lot of PS3 owners buying 360 also.Halo Reach is going to Kick Sony so Hard this Gen they will feel it all the way until Next Gen.Halo Reach will be Bigger then any Game Sony can Muster this Gen.With Kinect and a New Xbox its Game over for Sony

adamx5088d ago

man your so full of crap I can smell you from here. GT5 will own that halo game.

Sunny_D5088d ago

Isn't that what you said for Halo 3? HAHAHA. Fail. If a Master Chief game doesn't impact them, then what makes you think a prequel that Bungie doesn't even seem to praise at all (and would rather praise their MULTIPLATFORM game for the 360 and PS3) going to hurt?

Omega45088d ago

Will be interesting to see if this gets approved considering how much credibility vgchartz got when the PS3 slim was released.

As for the 360, being able to outsell the PS3 WW with just US sales kinda destroys the argument that US doesn't equal the world lol. The 360 obviously doesn't need to sell extremely well in the rest of the world to win WW. And with the aracade slim round the corner and WW slim releases MS will be having a massive summer when console sells are usually really low.

Rainstorm815088d ago (Edited 5088d ago )

actually US still doesnt equal the world.

US = MS gold mine

@ below

so US equals the world is better logic???.... -_-

Arnon5088d ago

Uh... ok.

That's some mighty fine logic, there. :/

fryday5088d ago (Edited 5088d ago )

The slim is sold out in germany (Amazon) for weeks now, every time they open new pre-oders they are away immediately

DigitalAnalog5088d ago

I laughed. If I remember correctly, no PS3 fan bought into VGchartz even with the positive sales outlook.

-End statement

Ju5088d ago (Edited 5088d ago )

"kinda destroys the argument that US doesn't equal the world"

Wow, that is a kinda interesting line right here.

Anyway, well, it was expected that the 360S will have an impact.

But still, comparing current PS3 numbers to last week show almost 0 change. Which makes me believe, those 360S sales are indeed re-buys; not (just) new customers.

What's more, those numbers are not high enough. Compare these to the PS3 slim, and the numbers are, aeh, really slim.

To be effective, MS would need to sell about 1M a month before it'll drop off again, means, they need to average about 250K per week for at least a month; with usually a peek in the first week (so it's not 4x250). So, if they "only" make 160K in the first week, I would be surprised if they can hold 250K for the remaining 3 weeks. US will drop again, EU will raise since it isn't released there yet. But I doubt they'll reach the 1M mark in 4 weeks, the time it will take to level out again on previous margins...

rekof5088d ago

360 owners rebuying in hope the shit actually works this time,..this will be short lived,..

Newtype5088d ago

Will be pissed when they find out there's no more 3 year warranty.

fatalred alarm5088d ago

Get your head out of your ass, the service microsoft gave me was always top notch, yes my console broke down twice while giving it great care, but i got it replaced for NO COSTS at all unlike sony who asks your little $$$ when they repair your ps3. Microsoft has done exactly what they wanted to this gen, make their brand more popular.

To proof i tried liking sony...
I sold my ps3 1 month ago because i hated the controller... Fatarlred_alarm that's my psn.. look it up if you don't believe me.

DaTruth5088d ago

My PS3 put in 3 and a half years and 1000's of hours before it broke down, I wouldn't expect them to fix it for free after having already subsidized $250 of my purchase!

artsaber5088d ago (Edited 5088d ago )

If you bought and sold a PS3 because you didn't like the controller, then you are a PURE Idiot. I guess you didn't like it when you had to use that very same layout to play the PS and PS2, right? Have you ever heard of a XCM Cross Battle Adapter? Google it so you can acknowledge what an idiotic mistake you made. Trust me, you'll want the DualShock3 around when you have to play StreetFighter or something, the 360's D-Pad is atrocious, it is criminal to gaming.

But Fatal you win moron of the decade award if the reasons you claim, is the REAL reason you SOLD your PS3. One of the best entertainment devices per dollar in history. You got rid of a gaming console that is a HD Bluray player and media center capable that is web enabled. You'd have us believe that you sold what games you had(yeah right) all for a LOSS because you were too dumb to buy this for $35? http://cgi.ebay.com/XCM-Cro...

The loss you took through buying and reselling had to be more than the cost of this item. This demonstrates an Unbelievable, unprecedented amount of stupidity, typical 360 fan. I hope you are lying and created an account from a friend's PS3... tell the truth and save face.

fatalred alarm5088d ago

I bought my ps3 with killzone 2 for 290? less? because my brother works in the local store and gets a 15% discount. sold it for 255.
boehoe, a computer loses much more value in a 6 month period than a ps3 and u don't see me crying about that do you?

And yes i sold it because of the controller, and yes there are more reasons ( i already spend enough money on my OTHER console for example ).
And yes, i know about those controllers, but why waste money on those when everyone could make them by thereselves.

As i said, microsoft already won this console war by eating away 20 million or so sony fans.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5088d ago
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jambola12h ago

I can't wait for it to look Even worse than the original and force exp share


All Call of Duty Black Ops Games Ranked

The Nerd Stash: "Developed by Treyarch Studios, Call of Duty: Black Ops games are some of the best in the series in terms of gameplay, story, and -- of course -- Zombies."

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Rynxie1d 13h ago (Edited 1d 13h ago )

Black ops 4, because it was the last cod of duty I was able to dominate with a +2 k/d ratio. Before all the freaking cheating started to happen. It was nice catching people off guard and shooting at them first and getting the kill. Unlike now, where I shoot people first, but they gun me down with less hits, less time, literally feels like they can kill me in a split second. At times, they are able to run away after me shooting them way more than necessary, yet, the second I'm spotted, I'm dead, there's no me running away to cover. They can do cartwheels, summersaults, backflips and gun you down perfectly. They can shoot you across the map with perfect accuracy. They can jump around like morons and gun you down without even having to correct their aim. They have superman split second perfect reactions. That's the best way to describe it, everything they do is spot on perfect. They can spam and spray (no praying) their gun from far away, because they have no recoil or bullet spread. It always feels like I have to aim and also correct my aim when moving around, while these pricks don't have to do the same.

And yes, I know how to play fps games. I dominated many fps games like: Resistance 1&2, kz 2&3, Socom, MAG, Crysis, Gotham City Impostors, blitz brigade etc. all with 2-4 k/d ratio. Kz2 (lag input controls) and resistance (no aim assist in resistance) being the hardest and were the games I reached either close to a 3 k/d ratio or above.

I truly got to enjoy blacks ops 4 and got my money's worth out of it. Afterwords, I would either stop playing cod games after a while, because of the cheating, or would skip buying cod games for a year or two before buying another.


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DarXyde2d ago

Numbers 6-9 were some of my absolute favorite early gen PS3 games. I'm still bitter about Incognito and Japan Studio.

Goodguy012d ago

The white knight chronicles and infamous games really need to come to modern platforms. MAG I really miss...poor zipper. The ps3 was definitely a unique console despite it being the worst home console of PlayStation.