
OnLive details subscription plan and game prices

"Online cloud-based gaming service OnLive went live late last week and is slowly activating accounts for people who previously signed up for the service. They've also revealed the prices and additional detail for the service and the games currently available."

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killyourfm5063d ago

I'm not at ALL enjoying their pricing structure.

Queasy5063d ago

The prices aren't the problem so much as the subscription requirement to keep playing the games you "purchase".

CrAppleton5063d ago

Sounds like a ripoff to me. you should get to keep what you pay for regardless of subscription

morganfell5063d ago

Smells like Son of the Phantom.

thor5063d ago

Yeah I agree.

Originally it was going to be "pay per month and play any game you want on-demand".

Now that they have seen that that system doesn't work. How do you share money between game developers? Surely they will try to make their games as long as possible rather than short and entertaining. Addictive games will take precident over short story-based games.

So now they are charging far too much. In fact for the money you'd spend in 3 years, you could have bought a half-decent gaming PC and play all these games anyway. It really doesn't cost much AT ALL to get a computer capable of playing most multiplatform games. Rendering OnLive useless unless devs want to exclusively develop for it to make the most of the service, which won't happen soon.

Gago5063d ago

im not paying full price for a game that:

1. I don't physically have

2. I can't sell

3. only works only that particular service (onlive)

nveenio5063d ago (Edited 5063d ago )

I agree that their pricing structure needs work, but I also think everyone is focusing on the negative. Here's the positive:

1) OnLive is not a single PC.
2) OnLive games require no DRM or activation keys.
3) OnLive allows you to play your games anywhere, on any platform. PC, Mac, TV, etc... Even Mobile, your games travel with you. You can now play your favorite games on your Mac while taking a break fro studying/working in the library or local coffee shop.
4) OnLive has no hardware to maintain. Freak motherboard failure? Not your problem. Bad stick of RAM? Not your problem. Sure, these things can still go wrong with your hardware, but you don't have to replace what breaks with top-of-the-line equipment.
5) Games are $10 cheaper to "subscribe to" than purchase. How many games do you buy? If you buy at least one a month, then OnLive will save you money. Buy two a month? You save even more. Can you lose those games down the road? Sure, but the money you'd make back selling the game is trivial when compared to what you save.
6) Rent...don't buy. You can rent these games whenever you want. Play it, beat it, be done. Even if it's something you need extra time with (for example, Just Cause 2), you can rent it three times for less than the purchase. If you can't "complete" the game in two weeks, then you probably never will.

I'm just saying...there's a lot of good things, too. I'm definitely going to look into the service.

The benefits of OnLive are just as powerful as the negatives. You just have to decide how you're going to utilize the service.

EDIT: @Gago - No matter what game you buy, it will always only work on one platform. The benefit of OnLive is that it works on ANY platform (via the OnLive service).

Tony P5063d ago

Sure. And all you have to do is give up control and ownership of the material you purchase.

That is a combobreaker right there. This is *far* worse imo than MS trying to do XBL on PC. Charging people to play online... Onlive is basically charging subscription fees for the single player. I hope everybody craps all over this so they can go back and tell the publishers to stuff it.

This idea sucks.

hennessey865063d ago

that was the only reason i was interested in this thing because i aint gona spend a grand plus on a pc to play it. No crysis no purchase from me im afraid. I do think this servise has potential though

Queasy5063d ago

This is the list of initial launch games. They have more coming.

hennessey865063d ago

i really do think this is the future of gaming you would never have to buy a new console again it makes perfect scense to me. If they can get the developers behind them. Ive got a 50mg connection so i should be able to play crysis in 1080p which would be amazing

crck5063d ago

You certainly don't need a 1k pc to run Crysis in 720p. A $500 or $600 machine will do that or much less if you buy used. BTW for anyone having trouble running crysis turn off motion blur in the config file. It can add 10+ frames per sec.

hennessey865063d ago

ive already spent £250 on an xbox and £230 on a ps3 so to spend another £800 £900 on a pc seems stupid to me when im mainly a console gamer. I think onlive is a great alternative to an expensive pc gaming rig

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Tony P5063d ago (Edited 5063d ago )

Incredibly stupid.

OnLive restricts the games themselves to subscribers. And you still pay full price for individual games. On what planet is that acceptable?

This effectively makes PC gaming itself into an MMO. Not on my PC.

WrAiTh Sp3cTr35063d ago

Free for a year? I really can't argue with that. Everything else though is obviously up for debate.

rexus123455063d ago

It's a trap! 1st year free and 2nd year for $5 per month may sounds like a great deal, but keep in mind you have to buy games and keep subscribing to play them, so on the 3rd year, they may raise the subscription fee to whatever they want and users will HAVE TO keep paying, or else their previous purchases will be wastes.

morkendo5063d ago (Edited 5063d ago )

Unreal Tournament III is priced at $4.99 for three days $6.99 respectively for five days.

7.00 for 5 days?? and 59.99 for ONLIVE game?? thats not yours?? after u payed 60 bucks if u close ur acct. its gone??
rather have a solid disc.
no thanks

nycredude5063d ago (Edited 5063d ago )

WTF! All that hype and talking and all for this crap! Sheesh this is an inferior version of Steam, only you have to pay to have access. So you pay to use the service and then you have pay again for the game or you can rent it. However way you choose to use it in the end you have nothing physical! Wow talk about a scam. I hope they revise this cause it's obvious if this is the way the prices will be it will die a quick death. Seriously there are way better deals than this readily available at your local Gamestop, and you get a disk! Steam has sales almost every day, just the other day I bought Mass Effect 2 for $23!

Wow there's more to it. It is not guarantee you will be able to play the game in the future!? You need a wired connect with at least 5mbps... The more I read the more I smell complete failure.

What do you guys think?

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frankymv5063d ago (Edited 5063d ago )

Why would I pay to play these games on my Mac/PC when I can play them in "real time" on my console?

Furthermore, with all major titles moving to consoles primarily, what is the point if you are a console gamer?

thor5063d ago

Well there is the OnLive "console" which is just a small box you plug into your TV. I think it works with 360 controllers but I could be wrong. Still, the price is the major stumbling block for most people - if they can afford OnLive, they can afford a decent PC or console.

NYC_Gamer5063d ago

might aswell build your own gaming pc...

BeaArthur5063d ago

Sounds like the pricing is better than we originally thought but I'm still concerned about the lag.

Queasy5063d ago

I signed up for the free year but got an error stating that I don't have the correct UDP ports open on my firewall and told me to check the FAQ.

Gues what wasn't in the FAQ...the UDP ports that need to be opened.

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thorstein252d ago

Dogmeat: *bark!*

Translation: you are dead to me.


You can probably add Karlach to this from BG3


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dumahim266d ago

Thanks for the warning. I sure would have hated to have been surprised by installing a ubisoft game on accident.

Profchaos266d ago

Because you can't play all the games on every subscription already

KillBill266d ago

Valhalla is not on GamePass.

anast266d ago (Edited 266d ago )

I like Valhalla. The others haven't aged well.


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