
Jaffe 'f*cking sick of artsy fartsy games'

Eat Sleep Play boss David Jaffe has claimed he is "f*cking sick of artsy fartsy" games - as he promises to push himself to make Twisted Metal "perfect".

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Darkfiber5103d ago

He's sick of all 3 of them, huh? Take THAT Ico and thatgamecompany.

Cloudberry5103d ago


By thatgamecompany.

Imtey5103d ago

I remember Jaffe saying GoW3 was his first game he had ever played in one sitting since ICO...

TheHater5103d ago


Why don't CVG report on that? Oh wait, they will not because they will get no hits from that

ShinMaster5103d ago (Edited 5103d ago )

Pretentious, dull, surface bullshit without really understanding the craft of game design or emotion/storytelling.

Not that he hated artistic games.

WildArmed5103d ago

if they said that, they'd wouldn't even get half the hits.
the sad fact of our amateur journalists catering to N4G.

RageAgainstTheMShine5103d ago (Edited 5103d ago )

He is easily on the level of Miyamoto and Suzuki.

The scale of Twisted Metal PS3 will be HUGE!

And I can tell many haters here are butt hurt they don't have games made by a genius like Jaffe on their console.

Jaffe's game play designs have stood the test of time and launched a thousand imitations. So stop being jealous bitches!

SprSynJn5102d ago

Is an American gaming "genius" yes, but with a 5 year-old attitude. He needs to keep his mouth shut. All he does is embarrass himself when he opens it.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5102d ago
Mr Marbles5103d ago

such a douchebag, he should really just keep his mouth shut.

AK465103d ago

Why it's his image not yours. Calling him names just shows your immaturity.

whothedog5103d ago (Edited 5103d ago )

I much rather listen to you, and your take on things in the industry.


Mr Marbles5103d ago

This coming from the same folks who call Aaron Greenberg every four letter word, ever imagined. Please, gtfo, if Aarons a douche, this guy is the king of douches.

TheBand1t5103d ago

I suppose it would take a douchebag to know a douchebag.

nickjkl5103d ago (Edited 5103d ago )

jaffe should take over for hip hop gamer

hes so gangtash

"Get fucking over yourselves bitches"

mrcash5103d ago

Seriously, the thing is your in a ps3 fan site, mention cliffy b and bam they all jump on him lol. Jaffe is by far the most annoying, but whatever.

Dacapn5103d ago

You're right that in recent history N4G has done a 180, and is now has more PS3 fans, but that shouldn't stop you from being objective.

Cliffy B isn't bad; he's just too commercial. Everything he says seems like it's out of an ad. No one says "Bigger, better, and more badass" in a sentence in real life. That's kind of shit you see in trailers and commercials.

Jaffe isn't bad either, but he's real. If you read his post, he doesn't sugarcoat. He said his game will not a be UC2 or KZ3 status visually. That takes some balls to say considering just about every dev has been saying their game stack up to the best when they clearly don't(Forza 3, BC2 consoles, etc)

Greenburg is just a puppet. That you can't deny. The things he says are extremely narrow-sighted. He's a living breathing pop-up but that's what he gets paid to be.

sid4gamerfreak5103d ago (Edited 5103d ago )

wow so if someone says jaffe is a douchebag, everyone attacks him

but if anyone attacks pachter, people support that view or any other ms guy

herd mentality = makes me sick

Double standards

Now im not saying i support pachter or any other ms guys views but it doesnt mean that I should support jaffes opinion as well. I disagree with him, but i love his games and his upcoming game will be a lot of fun!!!

Obama5103d ago

Mr Marbles is always angry. Reminds me of a friend who constantly complains how the world wronged him.

ShinMaster5103d ago (Edited 5103d ago )

Yet you're arguing about whether he's a douchebag or not.

He did not say he hated "artistic" games.
This is what he meant:
"pretentious, dull, surface bullshit without really understanding the craft of game design or emotion/storytelling"
He clarified himself.

Edit- @Dacapn you're right, well said.

Kleptic5103d ago

some of you are missing the point...

Jaffe delivers...thats why its acceptable for his usually abrasive opinions to have grounding...he has delivered multiple awesome games...and that applies to any fanboys standards of what a 'great game' is...sales, reviews, or simply it being a fun game...he has done a lot of those...

comparing some idiot like pachter or greenberg to Jaffe is apples and oranges...Greendberg has not lived up to a single thing he said...ever...just 2 weeks ago he was saying 'MS's E3 conference will change things forever'...????...it was arguably MS's single weakest E3 conference ever...Pachter is just an arm chair industry critic with a fist full of ideas on what each company should do...the companies don't do them, yet still grow...so whatever...

Jaffe is annoying...but he earned it...thats all i am getting at...

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 5103d ago
solidt125103d ago (Edited 5103d ago )

The first few where cool but it seems like every developer is trying to jump on the artsy bandwagon. I love flower though.

Snoogins5103d ago

There are too few artsy-fartsy games and an over-saturation of First Person Shooters. If any genre is in need of a boost it's Point-and-Click and RPGs (most specifically, JRPGs).

meepmoopmeep5103d ago

STFU, k thnx. no wonder i've never liked ur games much. blood, destruct & killing. GoW was ok, but u didn't write the story. We can't all have talent.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5102d ago
ikiru33855103d ago

So says the guy who said that Flower was his favorite game last year lol

I heart Jaffe

Orange5103d ago

hehe, but a guy as mercurial as him can go from loving something to hating something in no time, I'm sure.

nefertis5103d ago

Flower game was cool, ico rocks. Dave jaffe is funny.

user94220775103d ago

My god, everything Jaffe says on Twitter will end up on CVG now, just for hits.

Nihilism5103d ago

and somewhere on a pile of money Jaffe will be laughing at all the attention while still crying poor about used game sales.

Brewski0075103d ago

I think its cool he can be so outspoken with a fan and just come across as a normal person instead of some corporate figure who has to watch what he says.

Kleptic5103d ago

its pretty obvious that he is not the type of person that can stay 'owned' for long...you didn't hear him running his mouth (not saying it bothers me) when he worked for Sony owned Singletrac...or even Incognito later on...it all started when he was on his own, but was hired as director for Santa Monica studios to make God of War...and now with him co-owning independent eat, sleep, play...he can say whatever he wants...

whatever...people dislike him...thats fine...but TM PS3 will be great...no question imo...

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Twisted Metal Retro Review – Nothing Short Of Iconic

Everyone knows Twisted Metal... I mean literally everyone! Whether it is simply a childhood classic for you, or one of the worst, mind-corrupting disgraces to entertainment you can think of, you've at least heard of this iconic title.

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Seven Ways To Reboot The Twisted Metal Games

The WellPlayed crew gathers to pitch an appropriately deranged set of options for the future of Twisted Metal.

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crazyCoconuts326d ago

All I ask for is a new Twisted Metal that allows flat screen & PSVR2 cross play that also supports a wheel.
Would be heaven.

Babadook7325d ago

Wow. I like the idea of VR twisted metal with a wheel.

Rebel_Scum325d ago

They need to get the enemy AI balance right. Thats what made 2 the best in the series. Black was abysmal in that dept.

neomahi325d ago

You don't. Do sequels. If you've gotta reboot, might as well do a new IP. God of War is the only game I can say that did a successful reboot

TiredGamer325d ago (Edited 325d ago )

Isn’t the new GoW just a sequel technically?

I personally think they can leverage the roots of the series. The original TM in 1995 took place on Christmas Eve 2005, and it was the 10th contest in history. Why not “reboot” the franchise by making a prequel of sorts showing the origin story of the series and maybe linking all the future games in a brilliant way. Seems like such an obvious idea to leverage old with the new (kind of look how Doom 2016 did with its lore).

Knightofelemia324d ago

Just make it a good game Twisted Metal has it's fan base.


PlayStation confirm they are working on Twisted Metal series

The rumours were legit. The Twisted Metal franchise is coming back, Sony
officially announced at CES 2022.

NecrumOddBoy888d ago

I hope this is camp as all hell.

bouzebbal887d ago

They should have made Destruction All star with a Twisted Metal skin as launch title.. With some more content of course.

NecrumOddBoy886d ago (Edited 886d ago )

Rumor mill is that the team used All Stars as a test bed game to make a PS5 Twisted Metal in the future. No idea why they made this though. Total miss and it could hurt them in the end. Twisted Metal is really awesome. I honestly hope they take this series the Forza Horizon route. Maybe a big open world like a destroyed city in an apocalyptic setting. Still can have arenas and races, battles etc, but also add RPG elements and quests, challenges etc.

Dirtnapstor886d ago

Agreed. I am mildly surprised they did not do a Twisted Metal iteration vs DAS. Could have easily reskinned everything, no?

sourOG887d ago

Agreed. I’m playing serious Sam now and I think it’s awful in a great way. I’m enjoying it.

Majin-vegeta888d ago

Looks like the new game is pretty much confirmed now.

Bobertt887d ago

Idk David Jaffe had said he has seen stuff about the TV show but Sony has never told him anything about a new game. I find it hard to believe they would not tell the creator of the franchise they were going to make a new game.

Army_of_Darkness886d ago

Sony owns the franchise and Jaffe is no longer associated with them anymore, so Sony doesn't have to inform him on anything really...

NapalmSanctuary885d ago

...says f2p with Lucid developing. Might wanna keep them expectations low.

isarai888d ago

I hope it follows the gameplay style of hardware rivals, seriously that game was awesome to play

Godmars290887d ago

How about having to race through a destructible city with tons of people to mow down.

burnout with rocket launchers and ability to drive on skyscraper roofs or through office floors.

DarXyde887d ago

That sounds like Carmageddon meets Warhawk.

I'm iffy on reviving Twisted Metal personally. I replayed it on PS3 via PSOne classics because I loved the originals and I must say, these titles haven't aged well. We're now two generations removed from then, which was already 1-2 generations removed from the originals.

There needs to be some serious modernization efforts for these games to do well.

Godmars290886d ago

And what would be wrong with a "Carmageddon meets Warhawk" game? Pretty much what you'd want of a PS5 version of a PS1 title.

NapalmSanctuary885d ago

@Godmars Thats not Twisted Metal. Its one thing to do something like that with an alt game mode but Twisted Metal already has an identity. The gameplay needs to stay true to it.

--Onilink--887d ago

The only thing confirmed by Sony so far was a TV series, not a game

Neonridr887d ago

that's great, looking forward to some next gen destruction!

TheDoomedGuy887d ago

Imagine how it'll feel with the dual sense.

--Onilink--887d ago

I get the feeling that most people arent really reading the article. The only thing confirmed by Sony is the TV series.

Anything about a new game is just rumors and speculation at this point

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