
Demon's Souls: Black Phantom Edition Review (TheGamingLiberty.com)

Irish Gaming Site TheGamingLiberty.com write:

"Demon’s Souls is more than a just struggle, it’s a measure of just how committed you are to defeating something that just won’t let you win. But, there is a way. And if you stick with it, you will overcome it. It’s not just a test of skill and customization; it’s a test of perseverance and doggedness. Moreover though, it’s a test worth taking."

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Umbrella Corp5093d ago

Im glad this has been localized for you guys its an amazing game,a sleeper hit this gen.

kratos1235093d ago

thnx man i have waited a year fore this game and i have all the time this summer to play it now
the strategy guide is a nice little extra

ShinMaster5093d ago

The game is punishing. But excellent.

lordgodalming5093d ago

Except, did they make it even harder? The reviewer says that when you die, "Any loot you’ve collected disappears." In the US version, you lost your souls, but anything you picked up was still in your inventory. I hope he just made a mistake, because...yikes.

callahan095093d ago

He must mean souls when he says loot. They couldn't change it that much, I'm sure.

WhatARump5093d ago (Edited 5093d ago )

Demon Souls isn't that difficult; you guys are really overdoing it!
The real difficulty in the game comes from not knowing where anything is or what they do; and therefore use the wiki page to learn the game mechanics as you play and you'll be fine =]

My favourite RPG by FAR this gen

Newtype5093d ago

Use Wiki? Noobs do that, this is a game about learning based on experiences. Using a strategy guide takes from the experience, that is NOT the way to play Demon Souls.

PopEmUp5093d ago (Edited 5093d ago )

you mean like the walkthrough, guiding you getting the trophy? lmao if that what you meant xd

WhatARump5092d ago (Edited 5092d ago )

nahh, I mean you would NEVER know what to do with the red hot demon's soul unless you use the wiki page.

I'm not talking trophies or garbage like that; there's just alot in the game you would "miss" if you didn't use that page.

Sure demon's souls is meant to be played via experience. That experience, once you beat the game, wears thin and in new game plus with a well built character you look towards PVP for a challenge.

PvM at that point becomes boring (well blue phantoming doesn't xD) especially if you've done it once or twice.

You guys took me out of context, I said "game mechanics" not strategy guide. This is because what stat governs what isn't very well explained at the start.

Morituri5093d ago

Welcome to the fold my new brothers. You are about to embark on a singular rpg experience. Take heart, though it may seem impossible at times, though it will kick you in the nads and have you tearing out your hair, it is an experience well worth the effort.

IrishAssa5093d ago

It's well beyond that time. I've had this game for sooo long already. It's there own fault if they don't get alot of sales off it.

With that said, if anyway from the EU doesn't have it already. GET IT!

NewsForSnowflakes5093d ago

I imported the Deluxe version from from fleabay for a silly ammount of money,
A few months later, it gets released here.
Just my luck =[

gamingisnotacrime5093d ago

i salute you fellow gamer, bubbles + for your pursuit of great games

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Christopher4090d ago

Technically not 'games' except two of them. The rest are 'special editions'.

guitarded774090d ago (Edited 4090d ago )

I have the MvC2... I should have left it sealed and just downloaded from the store. Kicks self in butt.

EDIT: Just remembered it wasn't sealed when I bought it (GameStop) had them check other stores, but that was the last one from San Antonio to Austin. Only some stores got them.

Treezy5044090d ago

When I used to buy games from GameStop all the time I would refuse to get a copy that was opened. I hated when they would do that, especially since they keep sealed copies in a drawer usually.

Derekvinyard134090d ago

Lmao nba elite 11 was terrible I would never pay for that broken game

KrisButtar4090d ago

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves Fortune Hunter Edition worth 10k, just wow

guitarded774090d ago

It ain't worth that to me... I'd sell it in a heartbeat if I had one. Love Uncharted, but damn... 10k is a lot of money.

HammadTheBeast4090d ago

A game you've beat, or a new car/full blown entertainment system.


Eyeco4090d ago

Yeah if I had 10k now that'll go straight to my Masters fee, that said Uncharted 2 is relatively new game just imagine how much it'll cost in 10-20 years time I would probably keep it for that matter.

brianunfried4090d ago (Edited 4090d ago )

Just Cause 2 is becoming rare for some reason. The price used at Gamestop has gone up from $17.99 to $29.99. You better get it soon, its an amazing game. I was lucky to grab the last new copy in my city last year for $19.99.

Treezy5044090d ago

Keep that one wrapped up! I wonder what could be causing it's price increase?

4090d ago
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PS4: 5 Required Great Launch Titles

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Gamer19824122d ago

Required no.. But if released? Would sell the consoles like hotcakes. If those 5 titles came out at launch I would say it was the best launch lineup of any console ever. Which is why it probably won't happen. We usually get 1 good game with a lot of rushed games.

Hell with that lineup the new Xbox would struggle to sell as it covers all bases outside the US at least where they sure love there gun games.

tweet754119d ago

im hoping for an amazing final fantasy XV , Red dead redemtion 2 and bully 2