
Tales Studio's Debt: What It Means For The Series

For those who have been following the Tales news as of late, you likely already know that Namco Tales Studio is in severe debt, barely covering their short-term debts and with long term debts almost four times their current reserves. With all this uncertainty, one question naturally comes to mind --- how will this affect the series from here on out?

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mephman5103d ago

Could this be the end of the Tales series?

ShawnCollier5103d ago

If Namdai continues to whore out the series, I wouldn't be surprised if that came true. v_v

Selyah5103d ago

Let's hope that doesn't happen then.

synce5103d ago (Edited 5103d ago )

Whoring out a series doesn't kill it. Look at Final Fantasy, the biggest whore out there. Namco's problem is that they don't take risks these days, or they do just plain stupid shit. I'm sick of mediocre Tales sequels... Their brightest idea was Idolmaster and they managed to screw that up by putting it on the 360

Da One5103d ago

SE knows what the hell they're doing. Namco has continued to mismanage the Talse Of series for years.

ShawnCollier5103d ago

@synce: The issue is that unless you are Final Fantasy and have the fanbase to sustain that, having so many games spreads you too thin.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5103d ago
GenghisKhan5103d ago

xboys pirate games all the time, except for failo.

that's also the reason why game companies are now providing exclusive features on ps3 games. this is an added motivation for multiplatform owners to BUY the ps3 version instead of pirating the inferior 3fixme version and miss out on exclusive content.

i, too, am a multiplatform owner but i buy all my games for the ps3. i use my 3fixme for heating.

Tony P5103d ago

Looking at the numbers, (assuming they're accurate) there's no reason why anyone should be blaming the 360. There is a noticeable dive in sales regardless of platform.

There were articles about how well the PS3 version sold-- *on the first day*. But it ended up only doing a bit better than 360 according to VGChartz (if they're accurate).

Would it have done better to go to PS3 first? Probably. Enough to stave this off? I think certainly not.

SOAD5103d ago

3fixme? Oh, how creative you are. I have never heard of that one before. /s

Maybe if the games were actually good, they would sell. But no, let's blame the console.

Face it, the days of Japanese games and JRPGs are ending. There's been a major shift.

Dragun6195103d ago (Edited 5103d ago )

NamcoBandai and Namco Tales Studio should release a Remastered Tales Collection for PS3.

I mean, they have Symphonia (PS2), Rebirth (PS2), Legendia (PS2), Abyss (PS2).
That or they could release Tales of Vesperia for PS3 in EU/US Territories.
Maybe they can also put Destiny (PSX)& Eternia (PSX) on PSN as a PS One Classic.

Better than making more Tale games on DS and Wii.

Tempest (NDS): 200,000
Innocence (NDS): 230,000
Symphonia: DotNW (Wii): 220,000
Hearts (DS): 250,000
Graces (Wii): 190,000

Seferoth755103d ago (Edited 5103d ago )

I like how you just make up sales numbers there kid.

Tales DOTNW Wii =420k
Tales on 360 did 500k
Tales on PS3 is the worst selling on in the series at 350k.

Most expensive platform to develop and the lowest sales to boot.

PS3 is most likely the reason they are going under as it is.

Disagree all you want kid. You cant prove me wrong. Which is why you just hit disagree and ran.

Sarick5103d ago (Edited 5103d ago )

PS2), Legendia (PS2), Abyss (PS2)

I bought Abyss last year and had more fun with it then the last 3 RPG's on PS3.

I'm still waiting for Tales of Vesperia for PS3.

As for the PS3 having lowest sales numbers that could be attributed to it getting sloppy seconds off the 360 limited exclusive rights. The majority of gamers who bought the 360 versions are comparable the same groups who watch movies at theaters instead of waiting for the DVD. They where the fan base that was most interested then. The only choices was buy it for 360 or wait it out.

I can only assume if TOV was launched simultaneously on PS3 and 360 in Japan those numbers wouldn't have been anywhere near the same. In fact they might have been reversed if PS3 had the game first. If you think 350k is really good for a game that was released a year earlier on another platform.

Chris3995103d ago (Edited 5103d ago )

As opposed to a game released in every region of the world, like 2 years ago. Several years of sales across THREE territories vs. 6 months in ONE territory. 500K vs. 350K.

Which version is selling better by your reasoning?

Edit: @ Sarick. Yeah, Abyss was a solid game. There was a terrific amount of game-play in that title.

beardpapa5103d ago (Edited 5103d ago )

sef : worse rationale ever.

Da One5103d ago

but you have it completely wrong

Tales of PS3 is an enhanced port of an already made game which means 350k of easy already made money

while the 360 version has to cover the entire cost of development, the PS3 version doesn't have this burden.

500K across 3 regions vs 350k in 1.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5103d ago
Hardedge5103d ago

Well that kinda sucks, Tales isn't as big as FF but it is still quite a fun experience.

ShawnCollier5103d ago

Yeah, part of the issue is that Namco thinks the series will attain FF-levels of sales, when that's just not the case.

JDouglasGU5103d ago

yeah, definitely a niche series, but hopefully they can press on.

Trroy5103d ago (Edited 5103d ago )

Stop making Wii/DS Tales, and make one for the PS3. Also, release ToV for PS3 in NA and EU. Voila.. money.

Also... The studio's assets sum to 6.5 million yen? That's only like $75K USD. It can't seriously be that low. Something is funny with this article. Did they mean 65 million yen?

ShawnCollier5103d ago

Any profits from ToV PS3 outside Japan wouldn't put much a dent in this debt issue.

They're gonna need to do a lot more radical changes to get out of this one.

Mahr5103d ago (Edited 5103d ago )

"Stop making Wii/DS Tales, and make one for the PS3"

No offense, but that advice is not very good. The Tales series is in the state that it is for a lot of reasons, not the least of which being that there are so many exclusive titles spread across so many systems that no one can follow the series without owning virtually every console under the sun.

Now, Bamco could have avoided the current mess by making nothing but exclusive Tales games for one system and cultivating a fanbase on that system. The problem is that that ship has effectively sailed by this point. All that throwing an entry on just-the-PS3 is going to accomplish is further fracturing what fanbase there is.

The most sensible option for them would probably be to take more time in between releases and limit the number of iterations they keep putting out, keep things multi-platform to try and cater to the spread-out user base until they have a chance to consolidate next generation, and either release or license someone else to release their games in the west.

"Any profits from ToV PS3 outside Japan wouldn't put much a dent in this debt issue."

Maybe not, but every little bit helps, and Vesperia PS3 edition is in no way the only bit that the West has been denied. Hearts, Graces, Innocence, etc.

We'll forget for a moment that the western release of Symphonia managed to be a major success -- and on a system with as poorly-cultivated a fan and install base as the Gamecube's. Even if the Bamco people do not want to take the risk with the localization themselves, they could sell the publishing rights to someone like XSeed, or even those awful people at Ignition, and still make a profit, which is by definition more money than they get out of leaving them in the Land of the Rising Sun.

"They're gonna need to do a lot more radical changes to get out of this one."

No question. Personally, I think locking Bamco's senior management in a closet for a couple years would be a good start.

TheColbertinator5103d ago

Make a new Tales game multiplatform.And for God's sake,advertise it.Folks are starving for RPGs.With FFXIII selling well on the west the time is now to cater to the JRPG market

tplarkin75103d ago

JRPGs are dead. Stop making games based on 20 year old ideas.

Trroy5103d ago (Edited 5103d ago )

I have to disagree with this. Tales games are not traditional JRPGs at all. IMO, more Tales style games are exactly the kinds of RPGs that could revive Japanese gaming development.

Choosing the correct platform is critical, however. If they try and sell it on the DS, or the Wii, they're gonna fail. Tales games scream for a good arcade controller -- like a DualShock 3 or a 360 controller. They're just not as fun on the Wii and the DS, IMO. It also doesn't fly with the Wii+ClassicController, because the "dongle controller" idea sucks. I only bear with it because MH3 is on the Wii and not the PS3.

Chris3995103d ago

The PS3 version ALONE of Final Fantasy XIII (a mediocre game in the series, at that), outsold Mass Effect 1 and 2 combined (as far as consoles go). Final Fantasy is a juggernaut. And in case you weren't aware, it's Japanese. And an RPG. That makes it... you guessed it! A JRPG. One of the highest selling games of the year (possibly "the" highest selling at this point in time) is a JRPG.

And newsflash, but if you're older than 20 you'd know that Bioware has been doing the same thing for two decades - rambling dialog trees. That's not a bad thing, but seriously, you need to educate yourself.

Tony P5103d ago

I don't agree with JRPG = dead thing either.

But that right there is unfair comparison. Does anyone really expect BioWare's new RPG they invented a few years ago to outpace a major franchise that's been around for more than 2 decades?

One which has not only spawned 2 decades worth of sequels, spin-offs, re-imaginings, and remakes, but mountains of anime, manga, comics, toys, and misc. merchandise as well?

Perhaps it's a credit to them that they are compared to the biggest dog in the yard despite having only a fraction of the resources. Does anyone bother comparing them to the likes of devs that aren't also major publishers?

SaiyanFury5102d ago (Edited 5102d ago )

Good call on the Bioware thing, Chris, I've been saying the same thing for years, "another Bioware game". That said, they do really make some cool and awesome games. On the sales of the Tales games, coming off the Super Nintendo you have US, the PlayStation generation. Moving onto the PlayStation I adored Tales of Destiny and it today remains one of my fave games in the series. Then the series moved onto the PS2 where games still sold a crapload (in JRPG terms). Then Tales Studio moved away from the PS crowd to focus on everyone else. This is where they made their big mistake. There are absolutely fans of the Tales series on other consoles, and that's cool that Tales Studio brings games to them, but ignoring your staple audience completely ON THE PLAYSTATION BRAND pretty much shows their ignorance of the gaming market. I'm glad they released the definitive version of Vesperia on PS3 in Japan. We know it's coming to the west already, just announce the game already Namco!

Chris3995102d ago

But it's one that is made ALL the time. From Bioware's own snide (and likely taken out of context) comments, to the hundreds of articles we see each year on how the "JRPG Is Dead". Killed by Bioware's creativity and the like. That comparison exists because others have made it, not just myself.

I'm not slagging on Bioware, they have made some really complex dialog trees over their careers :P I kid, I kid, but they are terrific developers with a great sense of scope.

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"Let Me Solo Her" Receives A Special Award From Namco Bandai For His 1000th Victory Against Malenia

Immersed Gamer writes: "Let Me Solo Her is a legendary Elden Ring player who mastered one of the most infamous bosses to help his fellow tarnished via co-op. And for his service, he received an award from Namco Bandai to commemorate his 1,000th victory. The reward in question is a real, and extremely dope, custom-made sword.

Malenia is regarded as the hardest boss in Elden Ring, and the relentless Tarnished has defended literally thousands of hosts against this malice. Let Me Solo Her apparently passed 2,000 Malenia kills a while back, but it’s hard to measure the exact count he is at now. Bandai Namco sent the gift his way when he was at around 1,000 kills. But due to the nature of the object, it got stuck in customs for a while!"

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shaenoide703d ago

Nice to see an healthy online behavior to be recognize by the dev teams.

But man.... How many hours did he spent playing Elden Ring? Not sure it's that healthy in real life 😂

But still kuddo to him :)


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Terry_B1194d ago

Are you Okay??? The thumb is from Tekken Tag Tournament 2.

SDuck1194d ago

At least it's the right franchise

fr0sty1194d ago

TTT is one of my all time favorite games, but I always found its soundtrack to be terrible. I'd mute the music and put my own on.


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