
For Family of Four; PS Move is Most Expensive; Kinect Less Than Wii

Kombo says: "We took the typical family of four who doesn't own a console yet and figured out how much each console will cost them. Of course they are going to want to be able to play at the same time, and they are going to want the premiere sports game on each motion control system.

Here is what we figured out:"

Nitrowolf25085d ago (Edited 5085d ago )

yeah i will be honest
i bought my PS3 for me not for my family
and i am assuming that most 360/PS3 owners did also
i understand that sony and MS is trying to target family for these devices but when i get move i just don't see my self playing with 3 other people

jaredhart5085d ago

I'm engaged but not married yet and she knows better than to touch my PS3 or Xbox.

I've never played a game on either with more than 1 other person

Donny5085d ago (Edited 5085d ago )

according to greenburge we do not even know the price of kinect. and from this article...i do not see wii games that cost $60.00 thanks ;)

Hideo_Kojima5085d ago

Natal is the same as buying a PS3 and being forced to buy 4 DS3s with it...

Hardly anyone would use 4 DS3s

blitz06235085d ago

Well it's also hard to imagine 4 people playing Kinect at the same time. 2 is fine, but 4 people on screen moving on their own, with lag mind you, doesn't look pretty

N4G king5085d ago

we haven't seen a single NATAL game with four players on screen at the same time
even that nerdy family with that retarded woman there was four of them but the screen shows only 2
MS said that it supports 4 players but they didnt show it

so I don't see what's the big deal in here

kerrak5085d ago

Any naive in here thinking Sony won't make a Family Bundle with one eye, two moves and two nunchuks?

morganfell5085d ago

"Cheaper for the entire family" tech that doesn't work isn't a deal. It's like cheap clothing stores that offer two for one. Just what I need, two lime green leisure suits with lapels shaped like hang gliders.

When all the entire family can do is play hopping games with no precision then it isn't cost effective. Neither is it "Fun Effective" and that ranks over cost. Value, bang for the buck. That always matters. Move works with ALL types of games.

Don't try to go to the "It will support hardcore games" comments since Microsoft's flagship shooters do not support Kinect either. And navigating menus (in slow motion) does not equal support.

bioshock12215085d ago (Edited 5085d ago )

You don't have friends or what? I understand playing by yourself sometimes but don't you guys the people who are saying they don't play with other people have friends over to play or even brothers or sisters to play with as well.

Playing by yourself is fun but it's even more fun to play with people I know you can play with people online but still nothing beats having people over and playing games with them.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 5085d ago
ThatCanadianGuy5085d ago

Exactly.This whole "Bu..bu..four players!" is just a desperate grasp at trying to somehow, justify kinects price.

Ironically, i can use that same logic against it.Screw four players, Say i want to buy kinect just for myself.I'm supposed to spend $150 for a webcam?

I could spend 50 for a move controller, and 30 for a cam (already have one anyways) Using my dualshock as the SC comes to a whopping $80...
I could even buy ANOTHER Move controller and it would still cost less than kinect.

80 Vs 150..Jeez, i dunno..

ChozenWoan5085d ago (Edited 5085d ago )

I like to use up to four accounts when tallying up the price of XBox Live, since there are some homes who do have 4+ accounts. That little $35-$50/yr adds up real quick using this math.

$35 x 4 accounts = $140/year x 5-10 yrs = $700-$1400
$50 x 4 accounts = $200/year x 5-10 yrs = $$1,000-$2000

and this is just for this gen of gaming. Even at just two accounts, that's a lot of money just for the privilege to game online... and everyone wonders where EA got the idea to charge of online play for used games from.

Not to mention that even just one accounts mounts up to a lot of cash very quickly.

$35/ year x 5-10 yrs = $175-$350
$50/ year x 5-10 yrs = $250-$500

It only does
saving gamers $175-$2000 for online gaming.

I know this is not about the price of Live, but since this article is about up to 4 players being able to play against each other... I'm not too far out of the ballpark of this topic.

Also, I like how the (*) info at the bottom of the graph basically states that the info for Kinect is BS and thus subject to change. Thus this comparison is "grabbing at straws" at best.

IdleLeeSiuLung5085d ago (Edited 5085d ago )

To get the full experience of PS Move, you will need at a minimum

2x Wands ($50/each)
1x Webcam ($40/each)

That is about $140 if you are willing to put up with the DualShock 3 as the navigator. Include the navigator and you are looking at a $170 for one gamer!

Why do you need two Wands you ask? Well, there is this game called The Fight: Lights Out that requires two wands to detect motion!

In fact, this article only assumes you need two Nunchuck/navigator, but don't you need four of them for FOUR players? Another fact that the article never discussed is, PS Move can only connect up to 4 controllers at any time, which means simultaneously only 2 people can play with both the wand and the navigator. MS has stated that Kinect can track up to four players, but we haven't even seen a game that does that!

If you assume they are playing a turn based game, then I guess you technically only need one wand/wii mote and one navigator/nunchuck. However, it seems software devs force you to have a set for each player.

As it is, the only unknown price is Kinect and at a $150 it is on the high end, but still competitive in my opinion. In the end, it is up to you to decide if it is worth it or not. Doesn't matter what it includes, because I know plenty of idiots that easily burn more than twice my cost of gas every month because they drive their fancy SUV! Go to the theater at least once a week and eats out at the fanciest restaurants. To them it is worth it!!!

CobraKai5085d ago

Why did they not include the 360 console in part of their tally?

snp5085d ago (Edited 5085d ago )

Kinect is cheaper for a large group, but i'm same, have no interest in trying to get four people round and connected to a video game (have a Wii, and i think have only once used three players) so that's a hypothetical that just doesn't matter in real world (if there will even be four player games requiring four player simultaneous controllers support; neither to my knowledge has shown any).

There's also the factor that it's easier to buyer cheaper components as you need them piecemeal then it is to pay a much larger sum of money all at once (even if that large sum is all done). Something i think i've heard fans of Live mention when folks have used the 'but over 5 years it costs you...' - and they've been right to. I've probably spent enough over my life on scratchies or lotto on impulse to buy a decent spec flatscreen television. But you'd never see me spend one or two grand all at once on any kind of gambling.

BWS19825085d ago

Do you like how they also happened to use the MS tactic of the cheapest common denominator, the Arcade bundle? Break it up and nickel and dime to paint the picture of "cheaper" gaming costs. Uh, no. That didn't work when I did the math in 2008 and decided the PS3 was cheaper for me, and it may not work for others now. I understand some people only need just that, but it's a dubious strategy for those who don't understand the product lineups, and is just deceitful in these comparisons.

Just because MS offers the console that cheaply doesn't mean it ends up being that much. They specialize in "Oh, we still have to buy that accessory"...

IMO, this all comes down to what you want to get out of motion control, whether it's Kinect or Move or Wii, and the games and features are STILL a huge factor, let's not forget these are for gaming of all kinds, not just motion controls and party games.

arny5085d ago

You seem to not include in your comment psn+

dcbronco5085d ago (Edited 5085d ago )

When PS3 owners tell you you have to have Blu-ray. Or Wi-fi. There is no proof you need either and Blu-ray was definitely overpriced at launch.

But the really sad thing about some of the responses is things like bringing up the cost of Live. Looking at you Chozen. While Move does include a lot of things geared toward the hardcore gamer, Natal seems to be geared strictly toward the casual gamer. Hardcore gaming is done on the internet and you would need Live for that. Casual is usually done with the person standing next to you. Notice a lot of the games are party-type games. Chozen, you don't need Live for that.

For the HC player, one controller is all you need because you are most likely playing online. For the casual player, say maybe a guy in a dorm at school, he might need multiple controllers. For a four player game it will cost over $350 for Move. Whether you have to buy two more Dual-Shocks or four sub-controllers. Natal is complete. You don't have to buy anymore controllers.

And for those that say they haven't shown any four player games.....

Well absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. There are known knowns and known unknowns. And there are unknown knowns and unknown unknowns. If you don't understand that ask Donald Rumsfield.

BWS19825085d ago

it's not about "proof" that you need one or the other, it's about the simple fact that some people HAVE to have wifi or "need to have" bluray in their machine because that's what they're looking for. It's like when someone shops for a new laptop or car, they have a mental list of "must have" features. Just because your list has items 1-10 doesn't mean that someone else's list is relegated to those exact items. Don't make the mistake of assuming everyone's needs match your own, that's what this argument is based around.

dcbronco5084d ago (Edited 5084d ago )


For years now PS3 owners have always added the price of the $100 Wi-Fi module to the cost of having a 360. I never needed one and many didn't so it didn't apply. Now 360 owners are adding the cost of having 4 sets of controllers to play Move. Many will never need more than one because Move has functionality geared toward the hardcore gamer that more often than not is playing other online instead of in the same room. So like Blu-ray and Wi-Fi, many will never have the need for the extra items.

But Natal is geared toward the casual market. People most likely in the same room. It's the same reason Nintendo didn't push online, it didn't fit the casual buyers they were aiming at. You have to look at Natal like you look at the Wii. And you have to look at Move as having a stronger possibility of being used online.

I will say this about Natal though. The potential for HC is there. It just needs the right people to do it. There are a lot of things that can be down in hardcore games using Natal. And I would bet it is a lot more accurate than people are saying and will get even better as the firmware improves. In fact, in the next generation, Natal will be the dominate motion controller. The added computing power of a new system will open a lot of things to Natal that the others will need new equipment for.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 5084d ago
whydoyouask5085d ago

No, i think you just don't have any friends.

JK, lol

deadreckoning6665085d ago (Edited 5085d ago )

Its the same price for both in the end.

Lets say I want to buy The Fight: Lights Out(requires TWO motion controllers)

$100 Move bundle + 2nd Move controller= 150 bux

Kinect is $150 bux and u get everything u need for every game right out of the box.

ACTUALLY, Move ends up being a little more expensive because at some point, ur gunna wanna play a shooter like Socom 4 so thats 150 bux PLUS the navigation controller(which u WILL buy because using the Dualshock 3 as a nav controller is uncomfortable and awkward as hell). So thats another 30 bux.

When its all said and done:

The complete Playstation Move experience is $180 bux(assuming u buy the Move bundle in which u essentially get a game for 10 bux)

The complete Kinect experience will cost you $150 bux. HOWEVER, I believe Kinect games are 20 bux more than PS Move games. So in the end, there both EQUALLY expensive.

PCnPS3Gamer5085d ago (Edited 5085d ago )

think about the experiences and vareity your getting which one is worth your money.....take your fanboy googles off man.....either way more than just casual gamers are going to enjoy the move. hardcore gamers say high....gamers that want real games not party games say high.....theres a reason move cost more its better..

extra controllers were always expensive for christ sake 4 dual shock 3's cost 230 with tax back in the day...4 360 controllers what like 260. the wands are cheaper then dualshock 3 yet more technicallogilly advanced what more could you ask for newer tech thats cheaper than older discounted tech...

no body complained about the wii perpherials and there games are mostly crap atleast sonys making good games for move, and adding tons of support for already released games....not to mention in the comparison they use a 120gb ps3 with blu ray wifi,and a ds3 controller sports champions included, then for the 360 the put a spring arcade something for like 149.00 im guessing it has no hdd or wifi. like come on you get what you pay for so what its more money your getting more so damn right it better cost more fucking morons.

learn how to shop properly and know when your getting ripped off or when your getting a good deal. hell ill admit the move is hefty in price but if you want the latest tech you got to be willing to pay for it cant always get your cake and eat it too. its not like sony are price fixing or hiking it up...atleast the options there if you have the money. like 3d for example dont bitch at sony for giving you a free firmware that makes your ps3 3d compatible becuz u cant afford a 3d tv thats not sonys fault...grow up...

if you cant afford it dont blame sony blame urself for not making enough money or for wanting things you cant afford then bittching at sony...and just buy kinect and play the most boring casual games with no live support haha. kinect is a joke if it doesnt fail im moving to japan lol i like my western games please dont make me go there guys....

i bet most families want blu ray in their homes also avater 3d blu ray anyone....you can try to bash sony all you want but their in a perfect position to dominate.....and you know it, and you know why, dont make me write it all down.

flame bait bs as someone confirmed for me down below theyre not even adding the 360 lol waste of time whoever approves this can go fall in a well and die for all i care....make me sick....gaming journalism at its finest ehhh /s

birchoff5085d ago

You forgot one thing though, the games to the Move will probably be more fun because of the uberawesome-accuracy of the Move, while disKinect probably won't be even close - which in the end made you(360-fanboy) buy something for $150 that's totally useless.

So... should I buy something totally useless for $150, or should I buy something that's uberawesome for some more?



You couldn't have choose any worse perspective.

Deadreckoning there is the kind of fanboy that bought HD DVD add on, Vision camera, overpriced HDD and WiFi adapter, deffective hardware and on top of it, he also pay for Live to have online gaming and exclusives like Netflix, Facebook and other crap available everywhere else. I think he just don't care if the damn thing works or if it is worth the price... If it has a MS brand in it, deal.

So don't feed the troll, the same stupid point he's trying to made has been posted here like 10 times and two articles already... And everyone still don't give this point any credit.

gamer78045085d ago

This is one of the first comments to get the pricing exactly right. For a full single player setup to play the games out right now, it will cost you 180$. For 1 person!

Games4M - Rob5085d ago (Edited 5085d ago )

Firstly there arent any games "available right now" so your wrong from the start.

Second you dont NEED 2 Move controllers. There are shitloads of games that only need 1 x Move and 1 x Navigator and only a tiny few that require 2 x Move.

I couldnt give a crap about the fighting game but i am certainly interested in SOCOM 4 and KZ3 with Move - so for me and the millions of others like me, Move is a far cheaper option compared to Kinect.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5085d ago
SOAD5085d ago

The reasoning behind this family bullshit is that this site believes MS and Sony are marketing Kinect and MOVE for casuals and family play, so MS will definitely want the family type shoppers to think that Kinect is a better value for family gamers while MOVE would require more of those wands for 4 or so players.

colonel1795085d ago

They are taking into consideration the cost of the CONSOLES WII and PS3 but NOT the 360!. They are saying that kinect is the console, which is NOT!

So 349.97+ 299.99 = 649.96 for Xbox 360 PLUS Kinect

commodore645085d ago (Edited 5085d ago )

@ colonel

No, you are wrong.
Did you actually read the article?

They included the cost of the $150 arcade 360.
Thus, a family can buy a 360 with controller + kinect + game for $350.

I think it's good value, for the casuals.
This configuration will play all the games, including kinect games.

Harcore gamers no doubt want the 250gb hdd, but the key here is that families are given a low cost CHOICE to experience kinect.

colonel1795085d ago

Yeah... I'm blind, ignore my comment

zeeshan5085d ago

Yeah so now the Move iz dOOoOoMmMEeedd!!! /s

Viper75085d ago (Edited 5085d ago )

Include the price of the apartment/rent for Natal, I for one would need to do some serious re-organizing in my home to get enough space for it. As for HC gamers its all about:

"A gigantic television in a tiny apartment. That is gaming." - K.B

They also forgot the hospital fees, as to fit 4 people on a line with tv will take absurd amount of room to be "safe" from the players hitting each other to death. Also all objects near the area are at risk.

and before some fanboy tries to argue that I am too poor because I don't own a big apartment (which is true as I am still a student and I live in family of five) should note the living habits of people all over the world differ a lot and that the subject is about something being cheaper:

"For Family of Four; PS Move is >_Most Expensive_<; Kinect Less Than Wii"

-MD-5085d ago

Apparently not many people on this site have friends.

MORGiON5085d ago

keep acting like you do and you never will.....

Ult iMate5085d ago (Edited 5085d ago )

Agree. I'm not going to entertain a crowd of drunk friends with Move or my family ))) , because I only go for core games. And Sony concentrated more on core games for Move and not on family casual games.

Killzone 3
LittleBigPlanet 2
Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition
Dead Space Extraction
Time Crisis
Sly Collection
Heavy Rain
Tron Evolution
Heroes on the Move

vhero5085d ago (Edited 5085d ago )

Actually Kinect is in second as the arcade is no longer being produced so they should list the new model 360 there instead of the arcade so its $500. Thing with this bundle is. Still cheaper than PS move but the point remains its not the cheapest but I love how people do research on these things and "forget" simple things like that. They also included $30 for nunchuck. If you have 4 controls you don't need them like sony said you can use the nunchuck a DS3 or another Move controller. They are despretly trying to up PS3's price to as high as they can and the 360 as low as they can.

Ult iMate5085d ago

And you forget that you may have to buy a whole new house with a special room large enough for four people, playing Kinect.

RedDevils5085d ago

I think if M$ show 4 people playing Kinect, I bet the media will haunt them because of how laggy it is

kerrak5085d ago

Average household size in USA: 2,61

DaTruth5085d ago (Edited 5085d ago )

Because you have to rent out a banquet hall or gymnasium to play without injuries!/s

Personally, I'd be more afraid of the price of the one where they are 4 months from release and still afraid to tell us the price!

Syronicus5085d ago

Move might be the more expensive of them all but it is the only one that will give you true 1:1 motion control. You get what you pay for in this case.

rexus123455085d ago

agree @ Nitrowolf2
The article is very deceptive by making the assumptions that if a family of 4 buy a console, all family members will be playing at the same sime, and they will only play motion-control games.

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 5084d ago
Silentscope5085d ago

This is exactly what people need to see so that they can determine for themselves what they are going to purchase. Everyone also needs to keep in mind that the prices used for Kinect are all speculative and have not been confirmed by Microsoft.

Theoneneo815085d ago

Actaully if you wanna start saving money Nab up a use PS eye toy on ebay i just bought one for 20 bucks tonight so now i just have to get the 2 moves so i saved atleast 30 bucks for me if i wanna get to move sticks.

dktxx25085d ago

For a family of four, you wouldn't need a controller for each. Very few games have 4 way slit screen. and in most games you would simply hand the controller to someone else when your done.

JeffGrubb5085d ago

So you could need four for two people...

And there are plenty of games that have four players playing simultaneously. I would imagine the table tennis game will feature doubles.

baodeus5085d ago

i think you are wrong there. Almost all game on Wii you can play with 4 people at onces (split or no split screen depend on the game), but that is the point, they don't pass on the controllers. Wii is built for coop and family oriented so watching your family member playing while you wait just kinda take that whole family experience away. Now unless you only play by your self, then by all mean wii or move is quite cheaper.

kerrak5085d ago

Sorry but watching your family play is much more fun that play all 4 members at once. Not every member wants to play all the time.

absolutecarnage5085d ago (Edited 5085d ago )

the Kinect costs $199.98 for 4 players to play and a game they just added wrong lol

JackBNimble5085d ago (Edited 5085d ago )

but if you want a console with an HDD you need to add $300 not $150, it's funny you guys seem to forget about that or is the 360 arcaded standard?

R2D25085d ago

Get you head out of your arse man. The article is talking about casuals, not hardcores like you.

absolutecarnage5085d ago

I have a family, and will be buying for my kids to play with, I don`t care what you say I have read enough and saw enough to realize that kinect isn`t as bad as some some people make it out to be. I would have loved to see Microsoft show kinect in a more mature game , but you have to be a blind fan boy to think that theres no chance of that happening

LiquifiedArt5085d ago

your going to be severly dissapointed. It will be a "use for a week" and never again kind of thing, but thats your consumer freedom.

Absolut_Turkey5085d ago

You say you're going to be buying Kinect eh? As soon as you do, please post a video showing us just how much "fun" you and your family are having. In fact I dare ANYONE planing on purchasing a Kinect to post a video of them using it. Ha! This is going to be entertaining.

RedDevils5085d ago

I would definitely upload it to failblog :)

kerrak5085d ago

I agree that Kinect can deliver the type of fun experiences you already experienced when you bought your wii. Keep in mind it will feel less fresh.

And i also agree that with this lineup of games Kinect, will be a one-trick pony, quickly collecting dust the same as milions of Wiis in the world.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5085d ago
absolutecarnage5085d ago (Edited 5085d ago )

I see someone post a video of someone throwing there move controller through their brand new 3d TV Now That's going to be priceless. and I guarantee it's only going to be a manner of time before it happens

Ult iMate5085d ago

absolutecarnage, you say that as if noone would smash their plasma TVs with bare hands or feet or accidentally kicked child, while playing Ricochet.

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Joy Ride Turbo - The Beginning of the End for Xbox Kinect

Joy Ride Turbo launched 10 years ago today. The first title was Xbox Kinect exclusive, yet this sequel failed to support the device at all.


10 of the Biggest Video Game Hardware Failures Ever

Cultured Vultures: "Sadly, not all hardware is created equal, and no matter how much developers might try, some gaming hardware just fails to hit the mark. We’ve compiled a list of 10 gaming hardware fails, and boy did some fail hard."

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Knightofelemia849d ago

I would label the Power Glove, Kinect, and that Tony Hawk skateboard more as hardware addons hardware failure would be like the Virtual Boy and one day Stadia.

Magog849d ago

Kinect was bundled with every Xbox One and inflated the price on an already underpowered and low RAM machine so for the One it wasn't an accessory as much as a white elephant.

CaptainHenry916849d ago (Edited 849d ago )

Definitely the RROD but that power glove had a lot of issues as well. The Kinect just didn't work

849d ago
CrimsonWing69849d ago

Hardware add-ons are more like RAM or a video card, basically components that enhance capabilities or performance of the computer.

If you really want to get technical the Kinect is more of a peripheral device, kind of like a keyboard or mouse to a computer.

ThatsGaming849d ago

The person in this article obviously is not up on their gaming history....

Sega Saturn, Sega Dreamcast, Coleco Gemini, Commodore 128, Commodore Amiga, Atari 5200, Atari 7800 were all massive failures and in most cases cost their companies participating in future gaming generations.

Gamer79849d ago

Sega saturn (successful in Japan) and dreamcast were not failures.
Seems like you're not up on you're gaming history

septemberindecember848d ago


How in the world are the Sega Saturn and Dreamcast not seen as failures? They both sold around 8M each, which is much lower than the ~30M that the Genesis had sold before it, and even the Master System before that. They were both the worst selling consoles in their respective generation (PS1, N64 outsold Saturn, PS2, GC, and Xbox outsold Dreamcast). Both of the consoles were incredibly short lived. The Saturn was discontinued in every territory but Japan after just three years. In Japan the console was discontinued after six years. Meanwhile the Dreamcast was discontinued worldwide in 2001 after launching in most territories in 1999 and in Japan in 1998. The failure of the Saturn and Dreamcast lead to Sega pulling out of the hardware market. Which, by the way, all of this occurred when Sega was massively dropping the price of their consoles quickly to compete. Sega was hemorrhaging money at this point.

None of this indicates a successful console. Saying the Saturn was a success because it did better in Japan is like saying the Vita is a success (they both sold around the same amount of units in Japan). Even the Wii U outsold these consoles worldwide.

Magog849d ago

The picture should be the 360 RROD. When I think of gaming hardware failures that's what springs to mind. Kinect and it's bundled price tag definitely hobbled the already underpowered Xbox One though for sure so I would give it a close second place.

porkChop849d ago (Edited 849d ago )

That's not what the author means by failures. It's about hardware that failed in terms of sales (Wii U) or just failed to deliver on its promise (Kinect).

Magog849d ago (Edited 849d ago )

Given that the 360 had a year head start, much easier hardware to develop for, was cheaper, and still ended up in third place I think it qualifies especially when you factor in the frustration and huge losses incurred by RROD.

porkChop848d ago

Selling over 80 million consoles isn't a sales flop. We get it, you don't like Xbox, but that doesn't mean the 360 is suddenly a failure.

Rhythmattic848d ago

You know how many people I know bought a 2nd or third 360 due to RROD? Even when MS had to confront the issue with replacement systems, my mates couldn't wait for even the turnaround of sending it in, and waiting for a replacement.,,..,..
If that's how you consider it a win... OK.. but so is having 5 , of which 3 don't function.... Its a win win....mwhahahahaha

porkChop848d ago

"my mates couldn't wait for even the turnaround of sending it in"

You're acting like it would take months. When I sent my 360 in I got a new one literally 5 days later. As soon as MS had tracking confirmation that you sent yours, they'd send a new one to you the same day. No one is going to spend hundreds to buy a new console instead of waiting a week. I swear you guys pull some of the dumbest shit out of nowhere and think people will actually believe it.

Regardless, none of this changes the fact that this isn't what the article is even about.

Rhythmattic847d ago (Edited 847d ago )

"You're acting like it would take months"
Sometimes it could.. FFS.. 'Strya here...
Best turnaround I reckon was 2-3 weeks.....
Either way, My mates experiences still exist.. So Sorry, no point trying to earn Xbox Achievements when it doesn't feature in what was a situation you never dealt with,,,,
3 of my friends would disagree (overall, 10 extra Xboxes purchased)
Regardless.. MS sold a lot of 360's that was due to this reason.. That is sales. Fact

"none of this changes the fact that this isn't what the article is even about."
Headline says HELLO !
Oh and "Sadly, not all hardware is created equal," that's enough to pass this on without taking your article bias into consideration.....
As for the rest.... Ok.. But you've actually gone out of your way to give MS a Pass... Fap on.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 847d ago
Aloymetal849d ago (Edited 849d ago )

Yup, and because of that big fiasco MS had to fork out 1 billion but knowing them I think they're very proud of the 360, it's the only time a MS console reached 80mil+ sales, RROD played a big part of that and a record they will never break again.

Rhythmattic848d ago (Edited 848d ago )

So true.. Even when MS accepted they where caught out in the biggest lie of any generation, The wait for a replacement was outweighed by just buying another, and having one be returned as a backup, which, btw, generally failed on first swap.
I own honestly can't believe MS tards are just supporting , or arguing why and what MS did by just dismissing it....

lonewolf10849d ago

Lol I had the Atari Jaguar, surprised its "competition" the 3DO isn't on the list too, both as "popular" as each other.

SullysCigar849d ago

Lol same. Played the crap out of Aliens Vs Predator and Tempest 2000 .... aaand that's about it really!!

lonewolf10849d ago

Sad but true that was pretty much it.

Kurt Russell849d ago

Agreed, I never actually saw a 3DO make it to retailers in the UK. At least the Atari Jaguar was sold for around 6 months.

lonewolf10849d ago

It made it to some my brother got one, fared just as well as the Jaguar so most probably hard to find in general.

darthv72849d ago

3do had way better games. Jaguar not so much. Neo Geo sold less than both and yet isnt considered a failure. Go figure.

LWOGaming849d ago

Stadia is a weird one. It hasn’t sold at all well but in terms of how it works it’s still miles ahead of Xcloud in terms of stability and performance. Xcloud is still a way behind and that needs sorting but it will be in time. Stadia for me is one of those things that will go down as a what could have been moments. With better marketing it could have been a roaring success. I still play it and it remains the best place in my opinion to play CyberPunk 2077. Only platform I have played it on without having any issues at all. The tech is great. The concept is fine. Marketing terrible. Shame really.

Magog849d ago

The sales model was awful. They should have teamed with an existing player to allow for local and cloud access to games or a gaming subscription service.

LWOGaming849d ago

It was a strange mess from such a huge company, as I said, as a system it works really well but without gamers it’s nothing. Such a waste,

LWOGaming849d ago

The Xbox One was Microsoft’s Nintendo Wii U. Undercooked, undersold and just an unholy mess. The thing is with any of these failures is to learn from them and thankfully both Nintendo and Xbox did just that to the benefit of gamers everywhere.

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Pivotal Decisions in Gaming History - Xbox Goes All-In on Kinect

Xbox 360's Kinect had flopped yet Microsoft insisted on mandatory Kinect for Xbox One, driving the price up and alienating their potential customers.

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darthv721026d ago

the tech was pretty damn good but their focus on making it the centerpiece was not. Had they opted to keep it as a secondary or even tertiary device, it may have found new use for AR/VR.

PrimeVinister1026d ago

Maybe. But they were two early for VR and too late for motion control

1026d ago Replies(2)
Godmars2901026d ago

Their focus was marketing metrics. Information gathering for targeted advertising. Also "event curating" or head counting for special TV events. If MS had had their way with always online and mandatory Kinect pre COVID, as and during it they'd likely be turning into dominant presence in many Western homes. Be getting subsidized by Disney and other streamers as well as the NFL.

Thing was, Kinect as an actual game system, its games, just weren't ready. MS moved on it too soon. Thankfully.

Atticus_finch1025d ago

Sorry but it was incredibly bad for gaming. The thing barely worked as intended and the games were broken shovelware. And let's not forget all the lies from Xbox to try and sell it. What happened to Milo?
It's like Xbox it's a perpetual lying machine.

PrimeVinister1025d ago

I had almost forgotten about Milo. It looks so unbelievable in retrospect. How did anyone believe it?!

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1025d ago
TheEnigma3131026d ago

Kinect requirement, TV focused, DRM, and $100 buried Xbone before it even stared.

PrimeVinister1026d ago (Edited 1025d ago )

I think Kinect was the worst of the bunch. They reversed DRM overnight and try to play down the TV stuff when they realised it made them look disinterested in gaming.

Kinect stuck around for six months, preventing sales and making more and more people upset when they dropped the Kinect and the price.

Atticus_finch1025d ago

Don't forget the inferior hardware which affects their game development to this day.
And the constant boasting and lying that hasn't change very much to this day.

kayoss1025d ago

I was kind of excited for the kinect. It had potential. That was until i tried it at one of their Microsoft store. The thing was so laggy and worker who was there, had no clue what he was doing. It kind of made rethink about buying an Xbox One with Kinect.

PrimeVinister1025d ago

I had already been turned off of the idea by Kinect for 360. Even when it worked, the games were bad and showed no potential.

Wii made you understand what they were going to do with it within about 10 seconds of Wii Sports. It went on to become a bit of a joke but at least it worked and had a purpose.

Thundercat771025d ago

The damage to the Xbox brand was so hard that til this day they are just the last place brand in the market.

PrimeVinister1025d ago

Totally. They haven't been really all that relevant since.

Godmars2901025d ago

That has to do with repeatedly failing, having to reaffirm only to again fail at creating a competent flow of decent games.

Until Game Pass and BC are mentioned. Only for the point to be missed.

kayoss1025d ago

thats because they dont know what they want to be. A gaming console, Television, or a gaming service?

Godmars2901025d ago

They wanted, expected, to be Steam. To have everyone coming to them and paying for the privilege. That's the exact mentality on display when they tried to push always online.

brewin1025d ago

Its sad because the Xbox one version of Kinect was actually pretty solid. Not for motion games, I couldnt care less about those, but for the other features that are now commonplace in the gaming ecosystem. Things like voice control and optional motion features in games. Stuff that Sony did with the PS camera was pretty sweet and they could have done some of that stuff with Kinect.

The tech was pretty sweet when implemented right though. Who remembers the implementation in Dead Rising 3?! You could lure zombies away by saying stuff into the kinect, it was a bit hokey at first, but it actually enhanced the game significantly once you learned all the different voice commands. There was and still is nothing else like that!

The focus on TV seemed to be an issue for people, but the TV pass through had some real potential. They could have had cable companies giving the XBone out instead of cable boxes! I understood what they were trying to do, but they needed to show the games too, and thats where they lost the core gamers. Being able to jump right to a sports event or TV show with out leaving the console was actually a pretty cool thing. I spent many nights switching between NHL games or TV shows and jumping right back into my games seamlessly, just by telling Kinect to do so. It was better than people care to admit, but I loved it!

People say XBone had no games, but on launch I got Dead Rising 3, AC Black Flag, Watch Dogs, Killer Instinct, Battlefield 4, Forza 5, and Ryse. That was actually a pretty solid lineup in hindsight! Then later on it got gems like Quantum Break, Dead Rising 4, Sunset Overdrive, Gears 4 and 5, the Ori games, Rare Replay, Forza Horizon 3/4, State of Decay 2, ReCore (SUPER UNDERRATED GEM), Halo 5, Halo Wars 2, and all the great 3rd party stuff as well! I dare anyone who sat on the Xbox One to go back and give it a shot now.

It was actually a pretty great console all things considered. Yes the PS4 had better 1st party stuff, stuff that MS just couldnt top or even compete with, but there are some really great games that a lot of people missed out on that they would probably really enjoy if they actually played them. Thats why I recommend a Series S and Gamepass to a lot of people, as its a great way to get an awesome lineup pf games for super cheap!

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