
Edge | Metal Gear Solid - Peace Walker Review

Here we are again. Back to the Cold War. Back to the CIA and KGB, nuclear missiles, gruff spooks, bipedal mechs and a dead soldier called the Boss. Back into the tortured, twisting lives and initialisms of Metal Gear canon. And, in what must be one of Naked Snake’s trickiest missions, back to revitalise Sony’s PSP. Focused on the past it may be, but Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker is no relic. On the contrary, it’s the most considered and forward-looking entry this series has seen since its 3D debut: a bona-fide Metal Gear (and then some) and a game that’s brave enough to simply swipe and adapt what works best on handheld platforms. But perhaps Peace Walker’s greatest achievement is showcasing a new mastery of form from Kojima Productions in terms of what surrounds the main game – this is no solo sneaking mission, but a ballooning combination of mission and metagame yoked to omnipresent online functionality.

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solidjun55110d ago

O_O ------------> my shock face. LOL

On topic:
I can't wait to pick this up today. I'm going to by the PSP pack. My PSP (phat) is broken and that sucks. I have been playing my DS far more often so I'll be excited to play this game. Can't wait. MGS! MGS! MGS! :) :)

ryuzu5110d ago (Edited 5110d ago )

Looking forward to this - MGS 5 effectively! Better make sure my PSP is charged ;)

Sadly, given the level of PSP piracy, I fear Konami/Kojima won't see as much revenue from this as they should :/


Man In Black5110d ago

A 9/10 from Edge for a Sony exclusive? What is this, a late April Fools' Joke?

thor5110d ago

Edge are only biased against PS3, not PSP. That may change if/when MS makes a handheld.

nycredude5110d ago

And a Psp game no less. It seems they liked this better than MGS4!

raztad5110d ago (Edited 5110d ago )

One of my rules regarding reviews is to buy what EDGE down score and double check what they seem to like. It has worked very well so far.

This review puts me in a weird situation. It's clear PW was meant for greatness. Guess every rule has exceptions.

pangitkqb5110d ago

I'm not against PSP, by any means. I just never got one and as it got later and later in the handheld's life-cycle it just didn't happen.

Great to see the latest Metal Gear do so well. Classic series.

Will we hear of a PSP2 @ E3?!?!?!? I hope so!

silvacrest5110d ago

i really hope there is a PSP2 announced at E3, i just want a handheld that does it all, sony are the only ones that can do this well without outside help (gotta love being a manufacture of so many things)

ThanatosDMC5110d ago

When will it come to my PSPgo?!!!! ARGH!!!

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5110d ago
Def Warrant5110d ago

Hmm i might just have to invest in this masterpiece.

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The Best PSP Games of All Time, Ranked

The must play PSP Games every gamer will enjoy.

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jznrpg101d ago

My son and I played a ton of Monster Hunter on PSP


20 Best PSP Games of All Time

It feels like the PlayStation Portable doesn't get the love that it deserves, so here are the best PSP games if you're picking one up for the first time.

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darthv72643d ago

some really good games on that list. some of my favorites (not on the list) are Metal Slug XX, ultimate Ghosts & Goblins, Gradius Collection, Motorstorm Arctic Edge and Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters.

Knushwood Butt642d ago

Metal Slug XX is surprisingly good.

isarai642d ago

I get that The Warriors is technically a PS2 game ported over, but damn it's amazing on the PSP

roadkillers642d ago

Dark Mirror was the best. Multiplayer and single player was fantastic

roadkillers642d ago

I never tried that one. Once the PS3 was out, I was done with PSP… I would love to see a new one

badboyz09642d ago

Few of my favs Off the top. Midnight club 3,GTA Stories liberty/Vice,god of war and locoRoco


The Out of Place Artifact - A Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker Retrospective

VGChartz's Issa Maki: "Even to fans, the thought that a T-rated game could rank as the greatest is virtually unthinkable; how could the best Metal Gear possibly be a handheld title on a system less powerful than a PlayStation 2? Because it had to be – necessity is the mother of invention. Not only is this a full-fledged Metal Gear, the fresh spin on the gameplay draws from several sources outside of its wheelhouse. Peace Walker somehow manages to be less like its predecessor, Portable Ops, and more akin to Metal Gear Solid V. What boggles the mind is that it would be over five years before The Phantom Pain would release, an entire generation later."

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pietro1212867d ago

Such a good game, my second favorite MGS title next to MGS3