
First "Butterfly Garden" Screenshots

Shayne Guiliano who is the Studio Director for Autonomous Productions sent over 2 screenshots of the 2008 Xbox Live Arcade title "Butterfly Garden" to The Xbox Domain. Shayne wanted to point out that these screenshots are from an early XNA build and by the end of summer the game will look very different. These screenshots are just to give you a taste of how the game will play out.

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Xeoset6162d ago

Wow...There's some innovation...

And it's Wii60, alot of titles are moving to that notion lately huh?


WiiWare: Butterfly Garden Interview

VC Reviews recently caught up with Steve Guiliano the Studio Director of Autonomous Productions to find out his thoughts on Nintendo's new WiiWare service and catch up on the development of Butterfly Garden. It looks as if things are shaping up well for the 2009 WiiWare release and that this will be a game worth keeping an eye on.

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M_Prime5962d ago

I like how they are honest about this..

"SG: Sure, we've got a huge list. But we want to keep some surprises! (and not raise expectations beyond what we can ultimately deliver)"

the game looks interesting but i'm worried it will be almost FULL Price. and i wanna own the DVD if i am paying full price. But if the price is right i may check this out. I wonder how close to the 360 version teh wii will be.

And remember he said "WII IS CHEAPER TO DEVELOP FOR" so if its the same price as the 360 version then we get screwed. And we know nintendo doesn't set the prices, its all Devs

ChickeyCantor5962d ago

they will be around 5 to 15 dollars...

even FF:CC for Wiiware is 15 dollars.

The 2d game that was announced for the Wii is 5 dollars.
so dont expect this to be 40 or something


Confirmed: Butterfly Garden heading to WiiWare

Autonomous Productions' Butterfly Garden first gained headlines when it was submitted to Microsoft's Dream, Build, Play XNA Contest in 2007. It failed to make the final, but both Xbox Live Arcade and PC versions were given the go-ahead. And now Nintendic has learned that a WiiWare build is also on the cards. Better still, it will arrive before the scheduled Xbox 360 release, with studio director Shayne Guiliano hinting that the simulation is actually more suited to Nintendo's service and system in terms of control options and their online plans.

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wiizy5964d ago

the game looks nice and its different..and being on wiiware should be really cheap.


New Butterfly Garden Details

The Xbox Domain gets the scoop on Butterfly Garden. What is cooking up for this future Xbox Live Arcade / Wii Ware title? Read the Article to find out.

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