
MMOHut: Hockey Dash Game Revew

MMOHut, "Hockey Dash is a 3D street hockey sports MMO with anime inspired graphics. Graphically speaking, the game’s art style is very similar to that of FreeStyle Street Basketball from GameKiss. Hockey Dash wasn’t the first Hockey themed MMO, as that honor belongs to Slapshot from Gamigo, which was shut down in early 2010. One thing worth..."


MMOHut: Hockey Dash Shutting Down

MMOHut, "OGPlanet has announced that Hockey Dash will be shutting down on September 29th, only a few months after being online. Players who spenty money on Astro Items will be fully refunded by September 15th so those Astros can be used on other OGPlanet titles..."

Hockey Dash Open Beta Begins June 3

MMOHut, "Hockey Dash, the upcoming sports MMO from OGPlanet, is entering open beta on June 3. This means on June 3 and onwards anyone who wants to play Hockey Dash will be able to without a beta key or anything special. Plus..."