
Bodycount creative director Stuart Black: Killzone 2 "a bit poo, really"

In an interview with Destructoid, Bodycount creative director Stuart Black slammed Killzone 2, developer Guerrilla Games, and the Sixaxis/DualShock 3 controller, calling the game "a bit poo, really," and asserting that the right analog stick is so "loose" that it requires developers to "work really hard to [get] a good feel."

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coolcut1355086d ago

i respected u guys till u made that childish comment.

-Alpha5086d ago (Edited 5086d ago )

What is Bodycount anyway? A Killzone 2 team deathmatch mode, that much I know.

Anyways, the man is entitled to not like Killzone 2, though "poo" is a silly word to use. It's clear that using the word poo and putting it in the title is done to make readers see the title as "Someone Says K2 is Sh*t"

But let's look at the context: he is essentially complains about the controls/right stick of the PS3. First of all, I notice no difference between the left and right PS3 stick. They are looser than the 360's, yes, but his real problem seems to be the control of K2.

Second, many people were in agreement that K2 had controller issues. GG acknowledged this, promised more accessible controls for K3, and even patched K2. So let's not get hung up on the word "poo" like I'm sure the site wants us to. I liked Killzone 2's controls, but hated the pre-patch deadzone issue. Post patch was better but a little more fine tuning will be done for K3 as GG has stated, and I'm all for it. K2 was still a great game, and I found the weighty controls very nice. I'm all for more responsiveness, and remember, just because it's more responsive doesn't mean it's going to turn into COD.

lociefer5086d ago (Edited 5086d ago )

how about u guyz focus making ur game just as mentioned and praised as killzone ? btw i dont see that happening, so

SullyDrake5086d ago

And they demanded skill. No cheap lock-on shooting like in COD. KZ2 is fluid and challenging.

Raf1k15086d ago (Edited 5086d ago )


Alpha's mentioned that they're making the controls more accessible but from what I can remember reading about it they seem to not just be fine tuning but actually making the controls much more user friendly like CoD. That gameplay footage in the back of an interview showed gameplay that was quite a lot like CoD.

edit: someone called Alsa left a comment in the article page and got it pretty much right IMO.
'He's just trying to sell his game, fine... talk about the FOV and how it works with his game, but I think he's wrong about Killzone. It has a narrower FOV for a valid reason and it works. The game feels better and plays better for it.'

RememberThe3575086d ago (Edited 5086d ago )

I understand big mouths, I have one, but we all know it is unprofessional to call out an other developer when you yourself have one game that really didn't blow anyone away.

If you've ever played Black you know that it played very well so it's not like he doesn't know what he's talking about, but he also has a history of being arrogant. He thinks that only shooters like his are good shooters. Black failed to have any enemy verity or story. It was a god game but far from great.

I still own it in fact.

Raf1k1: I disagree. It looked like Killzone gameplay to me. But they have to get some more responsive controls. Killzone is not supposed to be a niche franchise for Sony so it can't have niche controls. It sad for some who loved the weight you feel with Killzone 2 like but you have to understand that they have to reach a wider shooter audience. This is, at the end of the day, a business.

I have faith that they will find a nice middle ground were they keep the weighty feel but also make the game more responsive.

@StanLee: That's cause people disagreed with you...

StanLee5086d ago Show
-Alpha5086d ago (Edited 5086d ago )

Mitchell, my issue with the K2 controls was that it was hard to have no auto-aim (not lock on), with analog sticks. Analog sticks are not the most precise thing to use especially when you forgo the use of auto-aim. It made K2 clumsy at times in close quarters and "flicking" the sniper precision when aiming was evidence of the deadzone issue. They fixed all that with the patch, but I wouldn't mind more precision. My big thing was (and I haven't played K2 recently to test this) acceleration. I would move my stick a little and then found myself having to move it all the way only to find myself over-turning or something. It made things frustrating. And after 100 hours of multiplayer I still have a few issues and see other heavy players make silly mistakes too. I don't think it's fair to say these people lack skill. It just made some situations silly, especially melee-dancing.

Here is the big difference: Move.

Move support will make it more precise to the point where auto-aim is not needed (I assume). But, without some form of auto-aim things like melee became useless in K2. As for shooting, I found it rock solid but I still think it needed more responsiveness. This is why I am excited for the beta. We can at least test it ourselves and if it's really bad we can complain about it.

K3 can maintain the heavy feel and the kick-ass recoil in guns, but making the controls more responsive is great for everyone. You still need skill, but now without the hassle of missing wildly where you would expect a soldier to get proper shots.

I think Move will make K3 great but a higher responsiveness doesn't mean COD gameplay at all. Remember, the CQC trailer is promising that you can run and gun or you can be the more methodical, duck and shoot kind of player. The gameplay variety seems very promising.

Anyways, point is, let's not get hung up on the word "poo". It's clear it's such a childish word and it was expected to get hits and responses from Sony fans. The article already has 300 degrees over a guy calling something poo.


That was an unintended glitch with the shotgun.

peeps5086d ago

"No cheap lock-on shooting like in COD"

They eventually patched it but at first you could just keep tapping L1 and it automatically aimed at a person, so you could run into a room with a shotty, tap L1, lock onto the nearest guys head and hit R1 for a cheap kill.

Death24945086d ago


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voice_of_ reason5086d ago

"Mitchell, my issue with the K2 controls was that it was hard to have no auto-aim (not lock on), with analog sticks. Analog sticks are not the most precise thing to use especially when you forgo the use of auto-aim."

So basically, you're not good at console shooters if the game doesn't aim for you? Your first paragraph rant there makes you sound very uncoordinated... I mean, really, you had that much trouble turning in KZ2 (even after 100hrs)?

-Alpha5086d ago (Edited 5086d ago )

Voice of reason, I JUST played K2, and the turning isn't an issue-- in fact, the game, like I said, plays fine. My turning issue was pre-patch. Post-patch I turn fine. However, all I'm saying is that there is no problem with making it more accessible and responsive if they can retain the feel of Killzone.

GG WANTS this to be the flagship shooter for PS3, and unfortunately that title belongs to COD for PS3. They are making it more accessible, and though that worries me I don't think GG will turn the game on its head. Have faith in these guys.

Also, the lack of auto-aim made for some imprecise shooting-- there is nothing wrong with having the game that way, but analog sticks are not the most precise if you remove auto-aim, hence why KB&M have no auto-aim.

Also, counter to that I do think K2 has some auto-aim, I could be wrong, but the point is that making it more "responsive" doesn't mean it's Going to turn into COD.

UltraNova5086d ago (Edited 5086d ago )

What people dont realize is that KZ2 was GG's 1st game on the PS3... Its so hard to find a flaw in this game that people are complaining about the deadzone on the sticks...

What I would justify as a flaw (if its one, though it looks intentional) is Sev's height... This one needs explaining..

My point is that GG's 1st effort on the ps3 should be appreciated , an effort well realized. Other companies are on their 2nd and 3rd game on the ps3 and still getting it wrong. R*...

Btw dont give me shit like they had a long time to make it cause we all know how Too Human ended up after nearly a decade...

Biggest5086d ago

My biggest gripe with the Killzone 2 complainers is pretty simple. Why are you acting as if it was better or different for someone else? I know that when I get shot in MW2 or BC2 I try to have an excuse. Sometimes I will blame lag. Sometimes I just missed. But never do I say "The controls suck ass!" Why don't I say that? Because the playing field is level. Everyone has the same controls as I do. If I can't get the control scheme, I play a game that works better for me. It's nice that GG has decided to make a change for accessibility. More people can enjoy their game. But they're going to cry anyway. It's always someone's fault.

DaTruth5086d ago

I like the Killzone 2 controls. I am awesome at games and it just makes it easier for me to pwn noobs!

It's hard for me to hate a game I am no.1 at in rankings every time!

deafwing5086d ago (Edited 5086d ago )

... obviously he wants his game to be boycott ... doesn't he know that anything you say these days about games get over analyzed, criticized, ostracized, glamorized, flame-a-rized and what not?

Gamerbee5086d ago

If he felt that way he's had a full year to comment on it. Not wait until there's hype for the sequel. Im sick of there attention whores.

RedDevils5086d ago

tell me how old is this guy, "poo" what is he 3 or something

morganfell5085d ago (Edited 5085d ago )


They would have looked at the lifestyles of the developers if they had to, including the clothes they wore. Anything to locate a discernible flaw.

KZ2 was attacked for not having Co-op, despite the fact that many titles with no MP at all were and are given a pass in this regard.

I don't think a game should be required to have any certain mode if it does not fit and if the development of said extra mode takes away from the focus toward the core of the game.

But equality be damned, many reviewers broke out the shovels and picks and dug like they were in the Great Escape, determined to find any flaw, real or imagined.

@Red Devils,

When someone is 2 and their life consists of throwing the contents of their diaper against the wall, such a practice reveals itself in all aspects of their life.

I am sure this game will be great with his Stuart's self inflated ego and take on other games:


Look at what Alex Ward did when the negative comments about Black surfaced. he went on a tirade. That entire crew needs to get their ego under control. The last thing we need is a Denis Dyack clone telling everyone how things should be done.

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UnwanteDreamz5086d ago

"I'm all for more responsiveness, and remember, just because it's more responsive doesn't mean it's going to turn into COD."

I hope you are right.

BannedForNineYears5086d ago (Edited 5086d ago )

He's calling the colors in the game poo.........?

And Bodycount *is a team death match. xD

thereapersson5086d ago (Edited 5086d ago )

I'm not surprised Destructoid published such an interview. You really gotta love (read: hate) Destructoid's penchant for trolling the gaming community, and then throwing that fat f*ck Jim Sterling out into the fray with another one of his "Sony Fanboys are the Worst" articles when PS3 fans get upset over sh1t like this.

Honestly, and I'm not usually one to really give a damn about this sort of thing, I can't blame PS3 fans for getting up in arms over this. Personally, I've never even heard of this developer and his childish ways, nor have I played "Bodycount".

creeping judas5086d ago

Bodycount = Ice T's awesome punk/metal band!!

Double Toasted5086d ago (Edited 5086d ago )

Too funny xD

And they used a bullshot too? Overdose!!!

raztad5086d ago

Wow I'm not sure if that Black guy realize that trash talking other games wont help him to sell his. Speaking of which, I hope is more than just Black in HD. Black was good back on the PS2 but the bar has been raised.

BodyCount better be AWESOME.

There is something I agree though. DS3 right stick is very very loose. BioShock aiming is a pain in the ass. I disagree on his remarks about KZ2, because aiming feels nice, now when you increase X and Y sensitivity it gets harder but after a while you get used to it.

nycredude5086d ago

Wtf post a fair comparison man. You put a screen shot of Black on Ps2 up against Killzone 2 on Ps3! That is not fair!

Chaotic_Lament5086d ago

Screenshots mean nothing to me. I don't play slideshows. I play games that render in real time.

I'll wait to reserve judgement until I see Bodycount played on my TV screen.

deafwing5086d ago

you should be more honest .. but isn't black .. err I mean I bodycount essential Black 2 ( I do want a sequel to black :D ) but S.B should know not to start things like that ... gamers will devour him and his game alive.

kr90915086d ago

I agree with you! Why do developers always have to comment about other games in such a childish manner? It's stupid. I can understand talking about competition, but they don't have to act like their game is the best thing since sliced bread! or in this case, Killzone 2. lol.

BattleAxe5086d ago (Edited 5086d ago )

@ Alpha Male

First you and BeaArthur complain about not having enough of an advantage with using Grenade Lanchers in Uncharted 2, and now you are complaining that you don't know how to use analogue controllers and so you wish there was a "lock on" feature for Killzone 2.....pathetic.

TROLL EATER5086d ago ShowReplies(2)
Inside_out5086d ago ShowReplies(1)
36T5086d ago ShowReplies(2)
MNicholas5086d ago (Edited 5086d ago )

KZ2's FOV is actually really natural for playing games on a TV where the distance from the player to the TV is usually greater than the width of the TV.

If the FOV was any wider, the game would suffer from a fisheye effect similar to what happened to Bioshock when it received a "patch" to widen the FOV.

Having said that, PC games aimed at hardcore PC gamers should provide an option for a wider FOV because the most crazed PC gamers tend hang their faces about 12 inches away from the screen.

To sum up the logical user requirements:

Console gaming: Distance from screen is greater than screen width => Lower resolution, lower FOV

PC gaming: Distance from screen is less than screen width => Higher resolution, higher FOV

BlackKnight5086d ago (Edited 5086d ago )

FOV doesn't have anything to do with where you sit. FOV is how many degrees your point of view can see in the game. Smaller FOVs are actually are easier to render because you render less due to less being able to be seen on the sides. Also, resolution is completely independent of FOV, if it wasn't games like GT5 or MGS4 would be screwed because they used stretched, FOV modified non 16:9 resolutions to scale to a 16:9 image and maintain a proper FOV once stretched.

MNicholas5086d ago (Edited 5086d ago )

1) The optimum FOV selected for a graphics rendering has everything to do with where you sit relative to the size of the screen.

A simple analogy is looking out of a window in your room. If you sit with your face against a standard window you have, perhaps, 150 degrees of the view outside your room. If you sit a few feet back, it's only half that.

2) The point wasn't that higher FOV itself necessitates a higher resolution but rather that the situation that requires a higher FOV to be rendered, the tendency of PC gamers to sit very close to the screen which results in the screen occupying a significant portion of the viewers natural field of vision, also requires a higher render resolution.

solidjun55086d ago (Edited 5086d ago )

You're judge by how well your game is anyway? KZ2 is well received. I understand it may not be your cup of tea and that's fine. But make the game and talk about your game and not the competition. There's no point but now you're put under a microscope and it has to be the ish or you'll be ripped apart.

I don't know man, it seems that you want it to be another COD. Don't take that as a criticism I think i'm COD out. COD's auto is really easy on the player. I mean really easy. Granted, I know KZ2 pre-patch was a challenge and something of an adjustment. However, once you get good at it, it was really rewarding because of the hard you put in to become good at it.

I'm hoping KZ3 don't fall into the trap Resistance 2 fell in. Resistance felt like Halo. Nothing against Halo but the first Resistance had it's own feel when shooting. They changed it waaaaay too much in my view. Not I'm not saying, it'll be like that with KZ3 being another COD, but how "Accessible" (I use that word carefully) do you want it to be?

NecrumSlavery5086d ago

I personally think using the sixaxis to adjust the sites zoomed in when sniping is brilliant. The weight feels right. Very similar to GeoW but in full first person perspective.

menoyou5086d ago

In an interview with Destructoid

stopped reading right there. Destructoid is trash

vhero5086d ago

This article is on destructoid... Nuff Said

PoSTedUP5085d ago

this is like an underground hiphop rapper talking crap about JAYZ or lil wayne to get noticed more. its a good marketing scheme if you aske me. cheap, but effective.

+ Show (20) more repliesLast reply 5085d ago
ClownBelt5086d ago

Well at least it's not from Jim.

NYC_Gamer5086d ago (Edited 5086d ago )

Wow....this dude got a big mouth

BeaArthur5086d ago

Yeah really, this guy along with the guys over at Crytek just can't keep their mouths shut. Watch Bodycount be average when it comes out, then I'll be LMAO.

Hyrius5086d ago Show
alphakennybody5086d ago

Well, he did state in an interview at the beginning of the year that his game is shit at its current phase. He better be bringing the heavy artillery in bodycount.

AFatalPapercut5086d ago

thats a shitty thing to admit.

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PlayStation 3 Games That Desperately Need a PS5 Remaster

The PlayStation 3 may not have been the strongest generation for Sony, but there were still some diamonds in the rough that deserve a revisit as PS5 remasters.

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OtterX60d ago (Edited 60d ago )

Even if they could just remaster and put on PSVR2, some would still look great as VR titles and could do a whole lot to bolster the headset w these exclusives! I'd imagine the investment of reworking these titles into VR would be way less than building new games from the ground up, and they could be amazing experiences, and VR often makes flat games feel fresh again. The Resistance and Killzone games are particularly what I want to see!!

Rude-ro60d ago

I played killzone 3 in 3d and it really changed the game per being immersive.
In vr, that would be even more awesome.

darthv7260d ago

Funny you mention that... my son wanted to play some PS3 games in 3d on my PS tv and he was blown away by how good KZ3 was. It really was a great addition to the game. Im surprised there have not been more 3d games from that era being ported to the PSVR/VR2.

_SilverHawk_60d ago

resistance 1-3, killzone 1-3, uncharted 1-3, uncharted golden abyss, folklore, socom 4 , motorstorm, twisted metal, MAG, heavenly sword

Cacabunga60d ago

Killzone 2+3
Sly Thieves in Time
Crack in Time
God of War Ascension
Modnation racer
Infamous 1+2

Profchaos60d ago (Edited 60d ago )

Killzone trilogy in VR would be amazing bonus points if they offer shadow fall.

There was a psvr1 Killzone project that supermassive was working on at one stage which wasn't up to scratch and Sony brand it back in house I was hoping we would see that on psvr2 eventually.

Personally I'd love to see some more love or acknowledgement of psvr2 from Sony in general it was a expensive headset and Sony barely acknowledge it's existence

seanpitt2360d ago

The amount of work needed to remaster these games wouldn't be beneficial on a financial and business sense.. MGS4 would probably be the best bet as it would need the least amount of work!

Iceball200060d ago

YEAAASSSSS! I miss this franchise and wanna play it so bad again.

Father__Merrin60d ago

The time is perfect for a resistance fall of man game campaign coop multiplayer

InUrFoxHole60d ago

The resistance series is str8 trash to me. Socom 3 I would welcome. Or killzone MP.

Marcus Fenix60d ago

A Resistance reboot will be awesome

Michiel198960d ago

That's what Bungie should make, Ill keep saying it until it happens

1Victor60d ago (Edited 60d ago )

Resistance was ok but Warhawk and Starhawk was better and kept me coming back for almost a decade of fun and petty revenge on the loud mouth unskilled players 🤣
Edit I loved capture the flag dropping the pot on the flag carrier was extremely satisfying as well as transforming your plane in bot form and stumping them to death 😱

60d ago
Michiel198960d ago

Resistance was the best co-op fps I ever played after L4D2

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Report: F1 24 Cover Datamined From F1 23 Files as Website Surfaces

The F1 24 announcement seems imminent, as the Champions Edition cover and details have surfaced in F1 23's game files after the latest patch.

Yi-Long70d ago

To Sony, and so many other companies in this industry, the short-term satisfaction and happiness of their shareholders means so much more to them than their employees, their products, and their customers.

Yi-Long70d ago

Apologies, don't know how the above comment ended up here while it clearly should have gone to other article about the Sony lay-offs. Please delete.


Guerrilla Games' Multiplayer Horizon Game Could Be Named "Hunters Gathering," Teases Leak

Guerrilla Games' upcoming multiplayer Horizon title could be dubbed "Hunters Gathering," according to a new leak.

Jin_Sakai140d ago (Edited 140d ago )

I wish PlayStation Studios would just stick to what they do best, making great single player games.

Outside_ofthe_Box139d ago

The core gameplay of Horizon is really good, so this is one of the few I can see working out. Also GG does have one of the greatest multiplayer games ever made in Killzone 2 under their belt so MP isn't too far off with what GG does best.

SyntheticForm139d ago

Hell, I enjoyed Shadowfall's MP thoroughly even though it had issues. Guerrilla have delivered solid multiplayer experiences.

Cacabunga138d ago

Oh boy. No idea why they don't want to work on a killzone it's a much more fun multi mode. -

__SteakDeck__138d ago

@Jin_Sakai First. As a business, you don’t just stick to what you do great. If that was the case, Apple would of just done computers and not taken a risk with iTunes and the iPhone. Also have you seen the cost of their AAA games like Spiderman 2? Sony is going to need one of these GAAS games to hit, or expect budget cuts to their SP games. We’re already seeing in the document leak, that they’re asking Insomniac to cut budgets.

Jin_Sakai138d ago

Their studios aren’t masters at GaaS and it’s showing. Naughty Dog wasted all that time and Resources just to cancel Factions and Insomniac's multiplayer Spider-Verse got axed. If Sony really wants a big GaaS hit their best bet would be to acquire EA or Epic Games. You need huge support to keep these games going with content and updates.

purple101140d ago (Edited 140d ago )

OHH GOD YES,, or at least some new shooter. finals was okay but I want more, spesh from 1st party

DaleCooper139d ago

Meh. You know what could be good? A new Killzone.

Magatsuhi139d ago

Hope it's not battle royale.

anast139d ago

It would be better than Monster Hunter, but I'm good with the Gaas stuff.

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