Create a trailer for Test Drive Unlimited

There is a new Test Drive Unlimited competition. Create your own trailer for this game, from a number of audio and video files that are given to you. Mix it with some software and you're done!

Get in the top 25 trailers and you can win some nice prices!

super bill6502d ago

let the yanks buy this game only,because they are getting it for half price.stuff atari stuff the price,and stuff microsoltf.ps3 all the way.

Krimson6502d ago

And Sony treats the UK well? Lol. What is the MSRP of the PS3 in the UK, 425 pounds?

That converts to ~$800USD.

Yeah, looks like it's just MS screwing over the UK.


New Test Drive Unlimited game by Kylotonn all but confirmed

Team VVV writes: "We’ve known for almost two years now that BigBen Interactive has the rights to use and develop future Test Drive titles from Atari including the Test Drive Unlimited brand".

Dspdspes2053d ago

Whoa! Have'nt played one of those since my old IBM with CGA monochrome monitor....


New Test Drive Unlimited games in the works, rights now belong to Bigben Interactive

BigBen Interactive has today announced they have acquired the rights to use and develop future Test Drive titles from Atari.

BigBen Interactive has also confrimed they have a project to develop new titles from the Test Drive Unlimted series.

Liqu1d2711d ago

Nice. Loved TDU 1 and 2, hopefully they do a good job.

Bk2Xxclusive2711d ago

I loved part 1 that had simulate racing physics and handling. Part 2 just fucked it up for me with its arcade style handling. This is the only game that can compete against FH3 if they bring back the physic style handling.

Veneno2711d ago

Most of the additions to TDU2 were not great but it did not ruin the game for me. This new one needs to have more than just Euro cars if it really wants to compete.

quent2711d ago

Have never heard of this developer, still exciting news though, loved both previous games.

Veneno2711d ago

So happy to hear this news. My favorite racing series is back!!! Now Motorstorm needs to come back.


The 10 Biggest Open World Games of All Time

8CN: When it comes to game worlds, bigger isn't always better, but that doesn't make these 10 titles any less impressive.

Perjoss3476d ago

Test Drive Unlimited was awesome, the driving mechanics were pretty poor but the island was fantastic and felt huge. I regularly would race around the outside edge of the map in a loop, each lap would take about an hour in real time.